Common files for all groups: S18-R.dat – silicon 18 S19-R.dat – silicon 19 Tabelated absolute reflectances of silicon reflectance normals used in UV/VIS relfectance measurements. Data columns: wavelength λ [nm] reflectance R Si18-nk.dat – silicon 18 Si19-nk.dat – silicon 19 Tabelated optical constants of silicon that you will need for fitting of measured reflectance using Cauchy formula. Data columns: wavelength λ [nm] index of refraction n extinction coefficient k In year 2010, you will need only the Si19 tables. The data of each group A, B, C is in the corresponding archive,, Each archive has the following subdirectories with data from individual instruments: FTIR – IR transmittance from Bruker Vertex 80v Data columns: wavenumber ν [cm⁻¹] light intensity I [a.u.] R – UV/VIS reflectance from PerkinElmer Lambda45 Data columns: wavelength λ [nm] reflectance R ell – Is, Ic from JobinYvon UVISEL ellipsometer Data columns: photon energy E [eV] amplifier voltage H [V] base signal S0 [mV] azimuth Ψ [deg] phase change Δ [deg] associated ellipsometric parameter Is associated ellipsometric parameter Ic