EXAM TEST/A 2006 1) Put the verbs in the correct form Interest in undiscovered human-like creatures continues to be widespread. Everyone (1) ............................. (hear) of the Yetti, but since the last century there (2) .............................. (be) reports of the existence in Australia of another, less famous creature – the Yahoo. In 1912, a Sydney newspaper (3) ............................. (print) an account by Charles Harper of a strange, large animal he observed by the light of his campfire. „Its body, legs and arms (4) .............................. (cover) with long, red-brownish hair, but what struck me most (5)............. ................... (be) its shape, which was human in some ways. Yet, the body was enormous, the arms (6) .............................. (be) extremely long and muscular. Harper continued: „All this observation (7) .............................. (last) a few minutes while the creature (8) .............................. (stand) there as if frightened by the firelight. After a few growls and beating his breast, he (9) .............................. (set off). What could Harper (10) .............................. (see) ? Such a creature (11) .............................. (mention) in south-eastern Australia in the 1800, but no specimen (12) ................................ (obtain) for scientific purposes so far. 12 b 2) Put the direct speech into reported speech a) „Will you stay in a hotel ?“ I asked him. I asked him ................................................................................................... ............. b) „I knew it a long time ago,“ he said. He ................................................................................................... ........................... c) „Where did you go last night ?“ she asked me. She wanted to know .................................................................................................. d) „I´ve forgotten,“ she said. She ................................................................................................... .......................... e) „Do you often visit your aunt ?“ she asked him. She ................................................................................................... .......................... f) „I think she is married,“ he said. He ................................................................................................... ........................... g) „I can´t believe it,“ he said. He ................................................................................................... .......................... h) „I must leave,“ she told me. She ................................................................................................... .......................... 16 b 3) There is an extra word in each line. Write the word on the line on the right. Do you ever to write letters ? In this age of advanced ........................... telephone technologies and electronic mail, it is seems ........................... so that fewer and fewer people sit down and write letters ........................... to their friends and relatives. For those hundreds of years, ........................... letters were the only a way to keep in touch with people ........................... who were any distance away. Letter-writing it was seen ........................... as an important skill for every all educated people to master. ........................... 7 b 4) Correct the mistakes a) How long do you live in London ? ............................................................................... b) Yesterday I have seen a really good film. ............................................................................... c) Could you tell me how do I get to the centre ? ............................................................................... d) He has come to live here 4 years ago. ............................................................................... e) I´ll tell him when I´ll see him. ................................................................................ 5 b 5) Translate a) Šel na univerzitu, aby studoval chemii a fyziku. ................................................................................................... ..................................... 2 b b) Máme přednášky, semináře a praktická cvičení. ................................................................................................... ..................................... 2 b c) Studuji na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity. ................................................................................................... ..................................... 2 b d) Je to bakalářské nebo magisterské studium ? ................................................................................................... ..................................... 2 b e) Jaký titul získáš ? ................................................................................................... ..................................... 2 b 10 b