HEART DISEASES Based on: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/science/secretsotmc_20020326.shtml 1. Listening comprehension I (timing 2:20-3:20) a) Listen to the recording and note down the key expressions. b) Try to reconstruct the information (individually). c) Listen again and discuss it with your neighbour. 2. Revise the vocabulary concerning the circulatory system. The left ........................... is one of four chambers (two atria and two ventricles) in the human heart. It receives ........................... blood from the ...........................atrium via the mitral valve, and pumps it into the ...........................via the aortic valve. The right ........................... is one of four chambers (two atria and two ventricles) in the human heart. It receives ........................... blood from the........................... ........................... via the tricuspid valve, and pumps it into the pulmonary artery via the pulmonary ............................ 3. Discuss in pairs. a) What are the factors which increase the risk for coronary heart disease? b) Which symptoms are associated with coronary heart disease? c) Do you know what causes coronary heart disease? 4. Listening comprehension II (timing 0:55-2:20) Listen and answer the questions. a. What is the death rate from coronary heart disease in the U.K.? b. How old is Graham? c. What is he waiting for? d. What has Graham been diagnosed with? e. Did he recognize the symptoms immediately? f. What is the cause of the disease according to Graham? g. Which of the following symptoms did he recognize? strange feeling in his chest and arm sweating nausea acute tightness breathlessness quick breath distress 5. Study the pictures and try to guess what kind of heart disease it shows. plaque [pla:k] - (a patch of ) fibrous tissue or fatty matter (atheroma) on the wall of an artery clot – a semisolid lump of coagulated liquid, esp. one formed from blood exposed to air 6. Listening comprehension III (timing 3:42-5:42) a) What are the two types of angina mentioned in the recording? …………………. ………………….. b) What do we call it if a) there is a type of chest pain that occurs when there is not enough blood flow to the heart muscle, often the result of narrowing of the coronary arteries b) it occurs predictably with a specific amount of exertion or activity c) What do we call it when a) one of the plaques, or one of the narrowings in the artery wall ruptures b) it is characterized by an accelerating pattern of chest pain that lasts longer than in stable angina c) it occurs at rest or with less exertion than in stable angina, or is less responsive to medication. d) What do we call it if a) the vessel is fully blocked, it means the muscle beyond that is deprived of oxygen and nutrients and unless the blood supplies returned, the muscle will die.