SKELETAL SYSTEM A. bone, bone tissue, joints 1. types of bones a)long b) short c)flat d) irregular 2. bone calcium storage 3. bone structure a)bone matrix b) bone marrow 4. joint structure and cartilage a)types of joints b) types of cartilage c)ligaments and tendons (vazivo a šlachy) B. axial skeleton 1. skull, face, inner ear 2. chest 3. vertebral column/spine (páteř, obratle páteře) C. appendicular skeleton 1. bones of the shoulder 2. bones of the upper extremity (končetiny) 3. bones of the pelvis 4. bones of the lower extremity 1. Listen to the recording and put the items in correct order. protection of various organs ligaments arthroscopic surgery cartilage responsible for movement joints bone marrow reservoirs for important minerals support of the soft tissues 2. Listen again and complete the gaps a. The skeletal system ______________ a number of important roles in the body. b. The most obvious are the support of the soft tissues of the body, the protection of various organs like the brain by the ______________, and the heart, lungs and other organs by the ______________ cage. c. The skeletal system in ______________ with the muscle system is responsible for movement. d. Tough bands of tissue called ligaments, as well as other connective tissues, ______________ bones ______________ at moveable joints. e. At the ends of the bones there is a ______________ smooth surface called cartilage. f. The cartilage is lubricated by a special body ______________. g. Arthroscopic surgery ______________ doctors ______________ go in and repair joint tissues. h. The bones of the skeletal system also ______________ two other critical functions, they ______________ ________reservoirs for important minerals. i. Blood cells are ______________ in the bone marrow. 3. Read the information on the skeletal system below. Then work in pairs and describe the skeleton and its role in the body. The expressions in the grey boxes are at your disposal. Bones § provide storage for calcium § are the formation site for red and white blood cells, § provide structural support and protection for the body´s internal organs Calcium § is stored primarily in bones and is released into the blood in response to hormones. § is needed for one development, blood clotting, normal muscle and nerve activity, Bone marrow § is the site of red blood cells, white blood cell and platelet production (pleitlit) Joints facilate movement between bones Cartilage is a type of dense connective tissue Ligaments and tendons connect muscle to bone or bones together The axial skeleton § provides structural support for the body § provides attachment points for ligaments and muscles § protects the brain, spinal cord and major organs of the chest. § includes bones of the skull, inner ear, chest and spinal column The appendicular skeleton § is connected to the axial skeleton § protects the organs of digestion, excretion and reproduction Bones of the shoulder: The shoulder joint provides a connection between the chest and the arm. Bones of the pelvis: The pelvis is located at the base of the spine and contains two sockets for articulation with the lower extremities. VERBS be composed of consist of be made up of make up contain include be linked to have divide into arrange extend from ... to ... extend between lie enclose protect be connected by connect ... to ... allow to cushion be bound together bind together be located span be separated by be attached to control movement support join ... to ... form st provide attachments to NOUNS type kind sort category component feature structure system group criterion, pl.criteria COLLOCATIONS at the lower end of ... there are ... above ... on either side are down the sides of along the sides of its function is to be the centre of at the back of similar to different from the same as the front surface of HOMEWORK The following "odpovědníky" are available in IS (including the information on scoring). These tasks are compulsory. Sources: Accessed Feb 6, 2010 Accessed Feb 10, 2010 Accessed Feb 17, 2010