Table 1 Schmidt Hammer values for selected rock types Material Mean R value Source Limestones Cal crete hardpans 42 Day and Coudie (1977) Calcrete on chalk (Israel) 5M Yaalon and Singer (1974) Travertines (Turkey) 35.2-57,0 Kahraman et at. (2004) Chalk (Israel) 14 Yaalon and Singer (1974) Maresha Chalk (Israel) 23.9 Katz et ai. (2000) Middle Chaik (UK) 20.0 Coudie etat, (1989) Upper Chalk (UK) 9,0 Coudie et at. (1989) Limestone aeolianite (Bahrain) 14.5 Day and Coudie (1977) Calcarenite (Lord Howe Island) 19.8-28,0 Dickson et ai (2004) Wind abraded dolomite (Bahrain) 50 Day and Goudie (1977) Puerta Rico Aym anion limestone, unweathered 12.5 Day (1980) case hardened 53.4 Day (1980) Yucatan, Mexico, unweathered (Carillo Puerto) 35.9 Day (1980) Browns Town (Jamaica) 32.1 Day (1980) Montpelier Limestone (Jamaica) 20.50 Lyew-Ayee (2004) Troy Formation (Jamaica) 41.87-55.23 Lyew-Ayee (2004) Moneague Formation (Jamaica) 43.67-44,57 Lyew-Ayee (2004) Chapel ton Formation (Jamaica) 38.04-38.74 Lyew-Ayee (2004) Somerset Formation (Jamaica) 41.76 Lyew-Ayee (2004) Dolomitic Peten (Guatemala) 39.7 Day (1980) {continued) Table I Continued Material Mean R value Source Delimitic (Belize) 39,8 Day (1980) Melinau limestone (Mulu, Sarawak) 56.4 Day (1980) Gunong Api pinnacle limestone (Mulu) 61.9 Day (1980) Limestone with pinnacles (Mallorca) 52.7 Day and Goudie (1977) Pliocene (Barbados) 29.8 Day (1982) Miocene (Guadeloupe) 33.4 Day (1982) Antigua formation (Antigua) 33.3 Day (1982) Ceyhan (Turkey) 53.25 Yasar and Erdoagn (2004) Antique Cream 51.55 Yasar and Erdoagn (2004) Miocene oolitic (Budapest, Hungary) 18-23 Torok(2003) Cordoba Cream (Texas) 41.5 Kalzetaf. (2000) Indiana Limestone (USA) 50 6 Katzef af. (2000) Dolomite (Greece) 40-60 Sachpazis (1990) Devonian (Napier Range, Australia) 55.9-56.6 Goudie et at. (1989) Carboniferous (Buxton, UK) 51 0 Goudie et at. (1989) Magnesian (UK) 35.0 Goudie et a!. (1989) An caster Freestone (UK) 30.0 Goudie et a!. (1989) Jurassic Bath Stone (UK) 15 0 Goudie et a!. (1989) Upper Cretaceous (Portugal) 38.0 Andradeeto/. (2002) Lower Cretaceous (Portugal) 39.0 Andradeefa/. (2002) Miscellaneous sedimentary Marls (Turkey) 17.5^14.6 Gökceoglu and Aksoy (2000) Shale (Istanbul, Turkey) 30-64 Goktan and Cunes (2005) Neogene mud stones (Japan) 10.5-32 Hayakawa and Matsukura (2003) Mudstone (Ankara, Turkey) 27.1-33.6 Gökceoglu and Aksoy (2000) Mudstone (Kaikoura, New Zealand) 32-35 Stephenson and Kirk (2000) Pliocene and Miocene marls (Turkey) <20-5l Basarirand Karpuz (2004) Sandstone (Ankara, Turkey) 18.3-33.6 Gökceoglu and Aksoy (2000) Sandstone (Handere, Turkey) 44 50 Yasar and Erdogan (2004) Torridonian sandstone (Scotland) 43 Ballantyneeta/. (1997) Devea sandstone (Ohio, USA) 50.8 Katz et af. (2000) Clarens sandstone (South Africa) 55 Sumner and Nel (2002) Elliott sandstone (South Africa) 54 Sumner and Nel (2002) Cambrian/Ordovician sandstones (SE Jordan) 4l.(M4.7 Goudie et a!. (2002) Eocene Matjilla sandstone (California) 42.1 Duvalleta/. (2004) Eocene Sacate sandstone shale (California) 55 Duvalleta/. (2004) Gaviota (sandstone/shale) (California) 34.2 Duvall et al. (2004) Vaqueros Oligocene sandstone (California) 22.7 Duvalleta/. (2004) As hover Grit (Derbyshire, UK) 42.4 Williams and Robinson (1983) Jurassic fine to medium grained sandstone (Alas M 59 Whipple et d. (2000) Jurassic silt stone/sandstone (Alaska) 46 Whipple et a!. (2000) Greywacke (Wellington, New Zealand) 24.0 Kennedy and Beban (2005) Dolomite (Turkey) 55-59 Kahramanetcr/ (2004) Silcrete (Botswana) 62 07 Day and Goudie (1977) Sarsen Stones (England) 54.9 Day and Goudie (1977) Upper Cretaceous marl (Portugal) 25 Andradeefa/. (2002) Carboniferous shale (Portugal) 27 Andradeeta/. (2002) {continued) Table 1 Continued Material Mean R value Source Metamor phic Marble (Barbaras. Turkey) 54.80 Yasar and Erdogan (2004) Marble (Osmaniye, Tukey) 47.42 Yasar and Erdogan (2004) Marble (Carrara, Italy) 58.6 Katzetat (2000) Marble (Turkey) 48.3-53,0 Kahraman et aL (2002) Marbles (Greece) 35-47 Sachpazis (1990) Magalies berg quartz ite (South Africa) 62 Sumner and Nel (2002) Precambrian quartzite (Botswana) 67.1 DayandCoudie (1977) Migmatite (Kora, Kenya) 47.3-50.6 Pye et ai. (1986) Gneiss (Kora. Kenya) 49.4-53.5 Pye et ai. (.1986) Quartz-Schist (NW Scotland) 48.2 Brook et aL (2004) Gneiss/arenite/qLiartzite (NW Scotland) 45.7 Brook etat (2004) Gneiss (Yukon. Canada) 24^2 Brideaueto/. (2004) Biotite schist (S Alps. New Zealand) 51.5 Augustinus (1992b) Greywacke/argillite (S Alps, New Zealand) 64.5 Augustinus (1992b) Grey/Green schist (S Alps, New Zealand) 49.5 Augustinus (1992b) Schist (Turkey) 40.0-43.7 Gokceoglu and Aksoy (2000) Igneous Granite (Sierra Nevada. USA) 48-53 Ericson (2004) Mt Scott granite (Oklahoma) 73.4 Katzetai (2000) Granite (Sweden) 55-56 Ericson (2004) Cairngonns granite (Scotland) 66.5 Brook etaL (2004) Granite (Snap. UK) 59.4-61.1 DayandCoudie (1977) Salem granite (Namibia. Spitzkoppje) 59.4 This paper Granite (Turkey) 55.7-62.5 Kahraman et aL (2002) Roach Island tuft (Lord Howe Island) 23.4-31.8 Dickson etaL (2004) Basalt (Turkey) 6L8-66.G Kahraman et ai. (2002) North Ridge basalt (Lord Howe Island) 44.2^3.3 Dickson etaL (2004) Vestfiräir Peninsula basalt (Iceland) 67 3 Brook etaL (2004) Basalt (N. Greece) 42.4 Aggistalisef ai (1996) Marion Island basalt (Antarctic) 64 Sumner and Nel (2002) Drakensberg basalt (South Africa) 62 Sumner and Nel (2002) Toprakkale basalt (Turkey) 52.40 Yasar and Erdogan (2004) Mount Lidgbird basalt (Lord Howe Island) 53.2-62.3 Dickson etaL (2004) Ankara andesite (Turkey) 54-61 Karpuzand Pasamehmetoglu (1997) Gevanim syenite (Israel) 65.0 Katzetai (2000) Karoo dolerite (South Africa) 64 Sumner and Nel (2002) Gabbro (N. Greece) 32.2 Aggistalisef al. (1996) Gabbra/dolerite (Kora. Kenya) 47.7 Pye etaL (1986) Cuillins gabbro/peridotite/granophyme (Scotland) 67.9 Brook etaL (2004) Diorite/Gabbro (SAlps, New Zealand) 61 1 Augustinus (1992b) Granodiorite (Turkey) 57.0-63.3 Kahraman et ai. (2002) Dacite (Turkey) 43 75 Karakusefa/. (2005) Epidote-amphibolite (Turkey) 50.79 Karakusetn/. (2005) Diabase (Turkey) 62 Kahraman (2001) Serpentine (Turkey) 59-62 Kahraman (2001)