Table 2 Approximate strength classification of rock De script ion Uniaxial Point load Schmidt Characteristic rocks compressive strength ls(50), Hammer strength, MPa MPa N-type, 'R' Very weak rack - 1-25 0.04-1.0 10-35 Weathered and weakly crumbles under sharp compacted sedimentary blows with geological rocks - chalk, rock salt pick point, can be cut with pocket knife Weak rock - shallow 25-50 1.0-1.5 35-40 Weakly cemented cuts or scraping with sedimentary rocks - coal, pocket knife with siltstone, also schist difficulty, pick point indents deeply with firm blow Moderately strong 50-100 1.5-4.0 40-50 Competent sedimentary rock - knife cannot be racks - sandstone, shale, used to scrape or peel slate surface, shallow indentation under firm blow from pick point Strong rock - hand-held 100-200 4.0-10.0 50-60 Competent igneous and sample breaks with one metamorphic racks - firm blow from hammer marble, granite, gneiss end of geological pick Very strong rock- >200 >10 >60 Dense fine-grained igneous requires many blows and Metamorphic rocks - from geological pick to quartzite, dolerite, break intact sample gabbra, basalt Modified from Sel by. 1993: Table 5.3.