Table 3 Correlation between Schmidt Hammer hardness with uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and Young's modulus (E) Equation Researcher Lit ho logy UCS UCS = 6,9 x- LQflunmyY+ojfc] 0.94 Deere and Miller (1966) varied UCS = 6,9 X lQ[L.:n*i°eWYi-J.325] - Aijfmijth(L973) varied UCS = Q,447exp[G,G45(Af + 3.5) + y] - Kidybinski (1980) coal, shale, mud stone UCS = 2N 0.72 Singh et al. (1933) sandstone, silts tone UCS = 0,4NLM-3.6 0.94 Sheoreyettrf. (1984) coal UCS = 0.994N-0.383 0.70 Haramyand De Marco (1985) coal UCS = Q.88W-L2.H 0.87 Chose and Chakraborti (1986) coal UCS = 702AM104 0 77 0'Rourke(1989) sandstone UCS = 4,3 x IO-2(/Vyd) + 1.2 - Cargill and Shakoor (1990) carbonates, sandstones UCS = 1.8 ^ iO-HNyd) + 2.9 - Cargill and Shakoor (1990) carbonates UCS = 2.208e°>«™ 0.96 Katzera/. (2000) limestone, sandstone UCS = exp(0.818 + 0.059/V) 0.93 Yilrnaz and Sendir (2002) gypsum UCS = 2.75N-36.83 - Dincer et at. (2004) ande sites. basalts, tuffs UCS = 2.22W-47.67 r - Aggistaliseta/. (1996) gabbros. basalts c E = 6.95^-1.14 x 10' 0.83 Deere and Miller (1966) varied E =6.9 x- lON.MiosWfl+i.ffi] - Aufmuth(L973) varied £ = 0.000 0.99 Katzera/. (2000) syenite, granite e = exp