Informační zdroje v zoologii Stano Pekár • produced by Institute of Scientific Information • contains millions of resources from all fields of science • from 1950 in electronic form • includes only selected journals • annually 12 000 000 referencies are added • from 16 000 resources (journals, books a proceedings) of which 8 700 are journals • most references include abstract, address and list of citations in other papers • founded in 1962 • Eugene Garfield with colleagues starts two pojects: - database of patents in chemistry - database of published papers in genetics • Science Citation Index (SCI) - the most complete citation index of scientific literature (150 areas) • 150 journals includes 50% of all citations and 2 000 journals includes 85% of citations • included are journals with peridicity, in English, reviewed, with local or international impact • published since 1975 • provides detailed information on journals including indices • since 1960 Impact Factor (IF) is calculated - shows frequency of an average citation of a paper in other journals - number of current citations to papers from last 2 years / total number of papers published during last 2 years • half-life (HL) - number of years for a journal, for which there are more than 50% of all citations in the current year • IF of many journals fluctuates • journals of small subjects (entomology, mathematics) have low IF but high HL than large subjects (biotechnology, genetics) • the highest IF has review journals • IF indicates which subjects are becoming popular • comparison of journals’ IF within a subject is recommended • Highly-Cited: Top 10 of the most cited scientists/teams for each subject • Index to Organism Names: currently only animals are included • Biology Browser: database of resources • Science Watch: interviews on current research 1. Find which of 10 references you found previously are included in the Web of Science. 2. Find Impact factor (IF) and the half-life (HL) of these journals.