OECD 218/219 Chachchaya Cervinkova 3 'Lucie Langova Sediment-water Chironomid toxicity test - using spiked sediment/ spiked water (oecd 218/219) http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/content/book/9789264070288-en • investigate the effects of chemical exposure to the sediment-dwelling larvae of freshwater species (Chironomus sp.; C.riparius -preferovaný, C. tentans - možné také použít, ale delší doba líhnutí, C. yoshimatsui) • Exposure scenario; sediment/ water spiking (process of adding test substance into test sediment/ water) Sediment • Artificial sediment (uncontaminated, clean, standard matrix, no seasonal variability, no other organisms, no pre-treat) - 4 - 5 % vysušená rašelina (velikost částic < 1 mm) - 20 % kaolinový jíl s obsahem kaolinitu min. 30 % JL 75 - 76 % křemenný písek (min. 50 % zrn 0,05 - 0,2 mm) - CaCO3 se přidá, aby výsledné pH bylo 7,0 ± 0,5 ^ \ Přírodní - Stanovení pH, obsah organického uhlíku, poměr C/N - Bez kontaminace a jiných organismů (konkurence, konzumace larev) - Nutnost stabilizace (alespoň 7 dní) Voda Studniční Povrchová Provozní ^\ Uměle připravená ^^jÉjfelk Zjištění tvrdosti a obsahu amoniaku v kontrolních a jedné testovací nádobě s nejvyšší koncentrací na začátku a na konci testu First instar chironomid larvae are exposed to a concentration range of chemical in sediment-water system Testovaná látka je spikovaná do sedimentu/vody a larvy jsou následně zavedeny do zkušebních kádinek Endpoint ; total number of adults emerged and time of emergence, larvae survival and growth (10 days) • C. riparius, C. yoshimatsui - 12 and 23 days • C. tentans - 20 - 65 days • At least 5 concentrations and 4 replicates (ECXI larvae survival and growth estimation test) Aeration; 7 days Water overlying 6 cm s; : Sea. si;5 ;Cm ( < 3 : cm£! 2nd - 3rd day - take egg masses place in new culture medium First instar begin to hatch couple days later Add 20 of first instar larvae (stop aeration) Then, continues aeration Water overlying 6 cm s; : Sed. si;5 ;Cm; ( < i : cm^ 24 hours later, spike the test substance into the overlying water Then, continues aeration Food; daily or 3 times/week Finely ground fish food Temp - 20 Light - 16 hours (500 - 1000 lux) • Exposure duration -- C. riparius, C. yoshimatsui - 20 - 28 days - C. tentans - 28 - 65 days > Observation number of female and male, development time, abnormal behaviour number of pupae compare with control (> 70%) Plumose antennae Source: www.williamfisherphotography.com Blind mosquitoe Important food source of fish and predatory Source: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu http://www.mzephotos.com http://www.morgellonsuk.org.uk http://flyfishingreporter.com http://www.nature.com/ Adult r^Ti^k A: the nvlaa screen B: Üie inverted plastic cup^. C: the liples^ exposure beafeer D: the water exchange screen porte I: water F: sediment Poměr líhnutí ER = n n a ne: pakomáři vylíhnutí v nádobě na: larvy vložené do nádoby Validace: ER kontrola > 0,7 Average development rate = time span of introduction of larvae and emergence of the experimental of midges i =1 Jk X = Avg. development rate per vessel i = index of inspection interval m = maximum number of inspection intervals § = number of midges emerged in the inspection interval i lip = total number of midges emerged at the end of experiment (= i■ £ ) ■■.■■■.".■■■X- IV/ X, = develoment rate of the midges emerged in interval i Vyhodnocení Statistická analýza - Chí-kvadrát test -ANOVA - t-test - Regresní analýza L atd. • Děkujeme za pozornost!