Experimental biology Description > Manipulation > Understanding Money > Applications > Publishing - Anatomy- Anatomy - Physiology (spray and pray) - Chemistry (identification of signals) - Biochemistry (protein isolation/structure) - Genetics (genes/mutants) - Cell biology (subcellular structures) - Molecular biology (gene manipulation) Choice of research topic? - Gene/Gene family - Biological process - Signaling pathway - Model system- Model system - Available methods - „Trendy topic“ - Serendipity Arabidopsis thaliana - Small, fully sequenced genome - Easy genetics (diploid/self-polinater) - Short vegetation time- Short vegetation time - No large space requirement - Simple organ and tissue structure - Many established tools and facilities (transformation, libraries, databases) How to get your favorite gene? - “Lottery” candidate gene approach - Functional complementation - From the protein back to the gene - Expression - Forward genetics “Lottery” o Homology to known factors (trimeric G-proteins) o Interesting domains (kinases, phosphatases)(kinases, phosphatases) o „Other“ reasons (serendipity) Functional complementation Protein > gene o Ligand binding (affinity chromatography, azidolabeling; ABP1, NPB, Zm-p60) o Enzyme activity (CKX, NOS) o Complex members Proteomics approacheso Proteomics approaches (phosphoproteomics, differential display) - Microsequencing - Blast search: amino acid > nucleotide - Search for a gene Protein > gene o Ligand binding (affinity chromatography, azidolabelling; ABP1, NPB, Zm-p60) o Enzyme activity (CKX, NOS) o Complex members ()o Complex members () o Proteomics approaches (phosphoproteomics, differential display) - Microsequencing - Blast search: amino acid > nucleotide - Search for a gene Expression pattern o Enhancer/Gene-trap libraries o Differential display substractive hybridisation microarray Gene and enhancer trap libraries Microarray Expression map of Arabidopsis root Forward genetics EMS mutagenesis Mutant screen at seedling level Patterning mutant types Fatty acids Sterols Signalling Vesicle traffic Activation tagging - YUCCA Second site mutagenesis - suppressors Suppressors of CLV3 overexpression Second site mutagenesis - enhancers Chemical genetics Zouhar et al., 2004 QTL Gene verification o Multiple alleles o Transposone reversion o Complementation Towards a gene role o Loss of function: Reverse genetics o Gain of function: Ectopic expression o Mosaics o Sequence manipulations o Phenotype analysis o Biochemical function Loss of function o Reverse genetics/TILLING o Antisense and RNAi approaches o Immunomodulation o Repression domain o Titration Reverse genetics – indexed mutant libraries TILLING TILLING Gain of function o Overexpression o Tissue specific expression o Conditional expression o Protein stabilisation CaMV 35S Promotor GENE of interest Two component system for gene expression The hidden function of WUSCHEL Mosaics – Cre/Lox Sequence manipulation o Site-directed mutagenesis o Domain deletions and swaps o Chimeric proteins rop GTPases mutants AUX/IAA and ARF proteins BDL Homo and hetero-Protein IVIIIIII Aux/IAA QVVGWPPVRSYRK MP S Homo and hetero- dimerisation Protein stability Homo and hetero- dimerisation AuxRE binding DBD MR III IV ARF bdl mutation Hardtke and Berleth 1998 Phenotype analysis o Visual evaluation o Ultrastructure (EMS)o Ultrastructure (EMS) o Use of markers o Treatments Biochemical function o Protein activity o Yeast complementation o Xenopus oocytes 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 relativeGDP/GTP exchangerate +GNOM ARFalone o Xenopus oocytes ARF +GNOM ARF +GNOM +BFA ARFalone Gene Expression and Protein Localization o Blots, RT-PCR o Reporter genes o In situ mRNA hybridization o In situ protein localization o In situ protein activity detection Blots and RT-PCR Northern blots RT-PCR - IAA + IAA Southern and Western blots Reporter genes o Transcriptional fusions o Translational fusions o GUS, Luciferase, GFP o Applications Transcriptional fusion GUS – ß-Glucuronidase GUS – ß-Glucuronidase - Ferrocyanid + Ferrocyanid Green Fluorescence Protein Cell identity markers Actin Tubulin Subcellular structure markers In situ mRNA/protein localisation o Probe preparation o Fixation o Embedding o Sectioningo Sectioning o Deparafinization o Treatment with probe o Removal of unbound probe o Signal visualization GUS ProteinmRNA Analysis of gene expression Analysis of protein localisation Friends and associates o Yeast-two-hybrid o Split ubiquitin, split YFPo Split ubiquitin, split YFP o Genetic interactions o Upstream and downstream Classical transcription factorClassical transcription factor 1. DNA Binding domain 2. Activation domain DNABinding Activation Yeast two hybrid + Bait Prey Prey lexA Protein VP16 Protein Activation Activation DNA- binding pSH18-34 genomic lacZlexA Operator lexA Operator Leu2 DNA- binding Bait Activation Summary for Y2HSummary for Y2H Prey pSH18-34 genomic lacZlexA Operator lexA Operator Leu2 Bait Prey ActivationDNA- binding pSH18-34 genomisch lacZlexA Operator lexA Operator Leu2 Bait Prey (HIS3) (TRP1) (URA3) lexA-BaitADH Promotor VP16-PrayGal1 Promotor Galaktose Activation DNA- binding genomisch lexA Operator pSH18-34 genomisch lacZlexA Operator lexA Operator Leu2 Leu2 EGY48: Mutant for HIS3, TRP1, URA3 und LEU2 ActivationDNA- binding Bait Prey Conditions for Y2HConditions for Y2H--SystemSystem 1. Proteins must be able to localize to the nucleus 2. Bait construct must not have its own activation domain (Autoactivation) In vitroIn vitro PulldownPulldown--AssayAssay GST-Cyp5 and GST-GNOM1-246 bind GNOM from Arabidopsis protein extract Beads GST GST-GNOMGNOM Beads GST GST-Cyp5Cyp5 1-246 anti-GNOM Interaction of GNOMInteraction of GNOM in vivoin vivo DCB 1xHA Genomic Fragment DCB 3xmycEndogenous Promotor ATG ATG TAA TAA Immunoprecipitation with anti-myc beads Genomic Fragment Endogenous Promotor anti-myc antianti--HAHA lysat depl. lysat mycmyc-- beadsbeads Cytosol S100 165 kD 165 kD Immunoprecipitation with anti-myc beads Split-Ubiquitin Split-YFP o Protoplast transfection Genetic interactions c-Myc P72S Promoter (bp) 2,400 Yes Activity Upstream - Promotor analysis (yeast one hybrid) 1,500 Yes 1,000 Yes 500 No 150 No promoter::GUS Downstream targets o expression profiling o proteomicso proteomics o second site mutagenesis o educated guess Special methods and tools o DR5 auxin response reporter o Transient transfection o Laser ablations and laser capture DR5 (Auxin) Response Reporter 5´ CCTTT TGTCTC 3´ 9x inv. DR5 35S min GUS 35S pA DR5: Ulmasov et al., 1997 - Auxin + Auxin DR5::GUS DR5::GFP Auxin Reporter DR5rev 35S min GFP 35S pA 5´ CCTTT TGTCTC 3´ 9x inv. EmbryosRoot Root + Auxin anti-IAA AB Laser ablations Transient transfection Protoplasts GUS GUS + Diphteria Toxin Onion epidermis cells GUS GUS + Diphteria Toxin GUS GUS + Diphteria Toxin GUS + IPT (cytokinin biosynthesis) Laser capture