Cell, Vol. 84, 735–744, March 8, 1996, Copyright ©1996 by Cell Press The Making of a Compound Leaf: Genetic Manipulation of Leaf Architecture in Tomato Dana Hareven,* Tamar Gutfinger,* Ania Parnis,* a simple versus compound leaf have not been investigated. Compound leaves have been considered to rep-Yuval Eshed,† and Eliezer Lifschitz* *Department of Biology resent the reiteration of the program that makes simple leaves. To study the molecular-genetic basis for thisTechnion–Israel Institute of Technology Haifa 32000 dichotomy between simple and compound leaves, we have exploited the maize homeobox-containing Knot-Israel †Department of Genetics and Field Crops ted-1 (Kn1)gene inconjunction witha rangeof mutations that alter the tomato compound leaf.Faculty of Agriculture Hebrew University The diverse forms of plant organs are shaped by developmental events in their respective meristems (Sus-Rehovot 70700 Israel sex, 1989), and the identification of Kn1 as a meristematic homeobox gene has permitted molecular-genetic analyses of leaf morphogenesis. Dominant mutations in the Kn1 locus of maize result in distinct alterations inSummary cells along the vasculature of the blade. Formations of pocketed outgrowths (knots) on lateral veins, overallThe most distinctive morphogenetic feature of leaves growth retardation, wider leaves, distorted patterns ofis their being either simple or compound. To study the lateral veins, disappearance of the ligule appendage,basis for this dichotomy, we have exploited the maize and ectopic formation of sheath tissues on blades char-homeobox-containing Knotted-1 (Kn1) gene in conacterize the KNOTTED syndrome (Freeling and Hake,junction with mutations that alter the tomato com- 1985; Sinha and Hake, 1994). The Kn1 gene was clonedpound leaf. We show that misexpression of Kn1 conby transposon tagging and shown to represent a con-fers different phenotypes on simple and compound served class of plant genes coding for homeodomain-leaves. Up to 2000 leaflets, organized in compound containing plant proteins (Hake et al., 1989; Volbrechtreiterated units, are formed in tomato leaves expresset al., 1991; Hake, 1992; Kerstetter et al., 1994; Becrafting Kn1. In contrast, Kn1 induces leaf malformations and Freeling, 1994). It was convincingly shown that thebut fails to elicitleaf ramification in plantswith inherent dominant nature of Kn1 mutations is a consequence ofsimple leaves such as Arabidopsis or in tomato mutant its ectopic expression in the lateral veins of the leafplants with simple leaves. Moreover, the tomato Kn1 blade (Smith et al., 1992; Jackson et al., 1994). The Kn1ortholog, unlike that of Arabidopsis, is expressed in gene is normally expressed in vegetative and inflores-the leaf primordia. Presumably, the two alternative leaf cence apical meristems, but not in leaf primordia, norforms are conditioned by different developmental proin developing leaves or in floral organs. When the Kn1grams in the primary appendage that is common to gene was misexpressed in dicot plant species with sim-all types of leaves. ple leaves, like tobacco and Arabidopsis, severe morphogenetic alterations were induced(Sinha et al.,1993b;Introduction Lincoln et al., 1994). The leaves of these species turn lobed and rumpled, as well as shorter and wider and,All types of leaves, regardless of their eventual architecin extreme cases, ectopic shoots appear on the mainture, arise as dorsiventral appendages from the flanks veins. Growth retardation and loss of apical dominanceof the shoot apical meristem. The dorsiventral nature of have also been observed. Significantly, and despite theleaf primordia contrasts with axillary branches or stems excessive meristematic activities causing all the growththat arise as radial primordia (Cutter, 1971; Kaplan, malformations, leaves of Arabidopsis and tobacco plant1973). In angiosperms, vegetative leaves come mainly overexpressing Kn1, like those of maize Kn1 overpro-in two basic arrangements: simple and compound. The ducers, remain simple.single blade of the simple leaf, as well as the indepenWe hypothesize that simple and compound leavesdent blades (leaflets) of the compound leaf, can be sesare the result of different patterns of meristematic activi-sile or can be carried on a petiole, and their margins can ties. We also propose that simple leaves are morphoge-be entire, lobed, parted, dentate, or palmate. Leaflets of netically rigid, while compound leaves are developmen-a compound leaf are distinguished from the leaves, as tally more flexible, thus permitting the phenotypiconly the latter form axillary buds (see Smith and Hake, manifestation of a wide scope of gene mutations. To-1992). mato is well suited for the analysis of simple versusVariations in leaf shape have beenanalyzed by genetic compound in isolation from other parameters of leafor anatomical means in maize, pea, cotton, and a wide shape, since a range of dominant and recessive muta-variety of other species (Marks, 1987; Dolan and Poetions, which change leaves from supercompound tothig, 1991; Sinha et al., 1993a; Steeves and Sussex, simple, are available (Stevens and Rick, 1986; Figure1989), and growth parameters of blade units in simple 3) and since all appendages of its compound leaf areleaves have been studied by clonal analysis (Poethig, identical.1987; Poethig and Sussex, 1985; also Freeling, 1992; We suspected that the morphogenetic versatility ofSmith and Hake 1992). However, at present, no coherent developmental-geneticframework for leaf morphogene- the tomato compound leaf, in conjunction with the demonstrated meristematic function of the Kn1 gene familysis has been derived, and the pathways that determine Cell 736 Figure 1. Ultracompound Leaves in Kn1-Expressing Tomato Plants (A) Wild-type compound leaf: the prototype unit. The terminal leaflet (TL) emerges first and the pairs of lateral leaflets (LT) appear in basipetal order. Note that all leaflets are anatomically similar, each is petiolated (P), and with serrate margins. Folioles (F) appear occasionally between leaflets along the rachis (R) or on either side of the petioles. (B) A supercompound leaf of transgenic tomato plants expressing the Kn1 gene. Terminal and lateral leaflets of the prototype unit now acquire the compoundness of the wild-type leaf. (C) Transgenic tomato plant expressing Kn1 under the control of the 35S promoter. Note the bushy appearance of the plant, the consequence of lost apical dominance. in both mono- and dicotyledonous plants, would provide theloss of apical dominance,resulting in dwarfed,bushy plants (Figure 1C).new opportunities to study leaf arrangement. In this reRamified primary, secondary, and tertiary lateral leaf-port, we show that the ubiquitous misexpression of the lets excised from the leaf shown in Figure 1B are illus-maize Kn1 gene in the tomato leaf confers dramatic trated in Figure 2A. In such leaves,each lateral extensionadditional orders of subdivisions on the already comacquires the complexity of the primary compound de-pound leaf. Such a ramification is completely prevented sign, as shown in Figure 1A. Independent transformantsin the simple leaves of the tomato mutant Lanceolate yielddifferent types of ultracompound leaves,producing(La). Our observations suggest that a compound leaf is leaflets with altered vein-to-lamina ratio. The type ofnot a trivial reiteration of a simple leaf and that the leaflets shown in Figures 1B and 2B are the most promi-making of either leaf type depends onmutually exclusive nent. Reiteration of such units (the term phyllomere isgrowth patterns. suggested to describe a given prototypic leaf architecture) results in an increase in the number of leaflets fromResults 9 to 700–2000. However, note that although the overall number of leaflets per compound leaf is greatly in-Misexpression of Kn1 Makes the Tomato Leaf creased, the dimensions of the leaf remain mostly unStrikingly More Compound changed. The excessive proliferation of lateral leaf ap-In plants of the wild-type progenitor line, the prototype pendages that is associated with alterations of the compound leaf is composed of a midvein (rachis), a lamina-to-vein ratio in a given leaflet is also associated terminal (distal) leaflet, and three to four pairs of lateral, with altered relative size of the terminal leaflets in each petiolated, and dentate leaflets. Occasionally, several compound unit, or with the modified spacing of such additional folioles emerge on the midvein between leafunits along the midveins. Leaves representing extreme lets or on the petioles of the lateral leaflets (Figure 1A). alterations of these parameters, which were formed by The effect of the Kn1 gene on morphogenesis of com- independent transformants, are shown in Figure 2C. pound leaves was observed by generating transgenic Several additional major anatomical features charactomato plants. Generated in the determinate TRK9/8 terize Kn1-expressing primordia and leaf blades in and VF36 lines were 42 kanamycin-resistant primary 35S::Kn1 plants.Nearly equal adaxial (toward thecenter) transformants (T1 plants) expressingKn1 under thecon- and abaxial cell growth confers, from the outset, an trol of the potent and ubiquitous cauliflower mosaic virus erect shape on the wild-type leaf primordium. First and 35S promoter (Benfey and Chua, 1990). All butfive trans- secondprimordia of the lateral leaflets appearin a basipformants exhibited extreme alterations in the degree of etal order when the primary, peg-like, primordium of the structural ramification of the leaf. In the 37 independent wild-type leaf reaches about 300–400 ␮m and 800 ␮m M series T1 primary transformants displaying altered in length, respectively (Dengler, 1984; stars inFigure 2D). morphogenesis, mature leaves are subdivided to the In 35S::Kn1 plants, multiple lateral leaflet buds develop fourth, fifth, or sixth order, forming a supercompound prematurely, in a much more distal position on the leaf leaf (Figure 1B). The appearance of supercompound primordium (stars in Figures 2E and 2F). New meristematic centers in a secondary leaflet primordium showleaves is always associated with growth retardation and The Making of a Compound Leaf 737 Figure 2. Growth Parameters in Kn1-Expressing Tomato Plants (A) Degree of subdivision of a single supercompound leaf. Primary (P), secondary (S), and tertiary (T) lateral leaflets excised from the leaf shown in Figure 1B illustrate the ramification of the supercompound leaf. (B) A supercompound leaf with altered lamina-to-vein ratio. This type of leaf and the one shown in Figure 1B are the most prominent among tomato plants expressing the 35S::Kn1 transgene. (C) Extreme variation in blade and leaflet morphology in tertiary branches of supercompound leaves of four independent primary transformants. (D–E) Scanning electron micrographs (SEMs) of wild-type and 35S::Kn1 transgenic apices. (D) Wild-type apex with leaf primordia. Two older leaf primordia (L) and a newly emerging one (marked with an arrow) are seen. Leaflet primordia are marked with stars. Note the erect stage of primordia and the relative sites of emerging lateral leaflets. (E–F) Apices of 35S::Kn1 plants with premature appearance of distal lateral appendages (stars) and inward curving of the primordia. (G) Fiddle-head shape of supercompound leaves (L) before expansion. a similar pattern of leaflet proliferation. Leaf primordia later as part of Figure 4) revealed high levels of expression in leaves and flowersof all affected plants, irrespec-in the shoot apex, as well as young leaflets of the emerging leaf of Kn1-expressing plants, presumably as a con- tive of the severeness of the leaflet phenotype or the degree of subdivision (Figure 4A, lanes 1–4 and 9–12).sequence of unequal abaxial and adaxial growth, tend to curl inward toward the center and display a “fiddlehead” shape, reminiscent of fern leaves. This shape is retained until just prior to final leaf expansion (Fig- Kn1 Induces Leaf Ramification in the Compound Leaves of Petroselinum, but Not in the Simpleure 2G). In both tomato and tobacco leaves expressing the Leaves of La Plants Phenotypic consequences of misexpression of Kn1 in35S::Kn1 transgene, the prominence of the midvein is reduced to a condensed palmate-like design. The ter- the simple leaves of maize (Sinha and Hake, 1994) or in transgenic rice, tobacco, and Arabidopsis plants aretiary vein system is more diffused, and areoles (the smallest lamina fields confined by veins) are 2- to 3- restricted to local distortions of the blade (Matsuoka et al., 1993; Sinha et al., 1993; Lincoln et al., 1994). Infold larger. Every vein thus serves more cells (data not shown). contrast with the dramatic effect on tomato leaves, the misexpression of Kn1 in these other species does notUnlike leaves,morphology of the inflorescences, flowers, and floral organs of tomato are not visibly affected change the basic simple design of the leaves. The difference could be attributed to unknown species-specificby the misexpression of the Kn1 gene. Two thirds of the primary transformants are fertile, and the 35S::Kn1 factors, or to inherent variations in the programs that condition simple and compound leaves. To address thisphenotype is transmitted to T2 plants in the expected Mendelian proportions for a single locus–dominant mu- question directly in a single plant species, misexpression of Kn1 was examined in several mutants of tomato.tation. The early degeneration of flowers in the nonfertile one third of the transgenicplants is attributed to second- Petroselinum (Pts) and La represent the two extreme variations of the compound leaf. Pts leaves have elabo-ary effects such as overall growth retardation. Analysis of Kn1 mRNA in transgenic plants (shown rate leaflets with three to four pairs of secondary leaflets Cell 738 lobed, and frequently rumpled (Figure 3F); growth of La/ϩ; 35S::Kn1 plants is severely retarded and apical dominance is lost. La/ϩ; 35S::Kn1 plants are fertile and, among progeny of a La/ϩ; 35S::Kn1 (M1) plant, La/ ϩ::ϩ/ϩ; La/ϩ; 35S::Kn1; and ϩ/ϩ; 35S::Kn1 phenotypes segregate in the expected proportions. Thus, the failure of La; 35S::Kn1 leaves to subdivide is not attributed to failure in the transcriptional expression of the 35S:Kn1 transgene. Presumably, the meristematic deficiency associated with the Lanceolate allele cannot be rescued by Kn1 ectopic activity and leaf ramification remains arrested in these plants. In contrast with La/ϩ plants, Pts/Pts primary transformants expressing the 35S::Kn1 are not readily disFigure 4. Blot Analysis of Kn1 and TKn1 Transcripts in Total RNA tinguishable from wild-type plants possessing the Samples 35S::Kn1 construct. Furthermore, one half of the F1 (A) Expression of Kn1 in floral buds of independent primary (T1) progeny of Pts/Pts plants pollinated by transgenic plant transformants driven by the 35S and dUTPase promoters: lanes 1–4 M1 also form supercompound leaves, with multiple diand 9–12; 35S::Kn1 transgenic plants; lanes 5–8; PdUTPase::Kn1 minutive leaflets typical of the parent plant. Leaves oftransgenic plants. approximately one quarter (6 out of 26) of F2 plantsThe letters a, b and c, which appear above lanes 1–12, denote strong, medium, and weak phenotypic expression, respectively. exhibit extreme growth retardation and leaflets with very (B) Expression pattern of the tomato TKn1 gene in different plant narrow blades, in addition to being supercompound. organs: 3 cm long leaves of the 93-137 wild-type line (lane 1); 5 cm Thus, the dominant Pts allele neither antagonizes nor long leaves of 93-137 plants (lane 2); 3–5 mm long leaves of 93-137 enhances the ramification effect of Kn1. plants (lane 3); 5 mm long intact apices of 93-137 plants (lane 4); The Lanceolate leaf is simple and also differs from10 mm long stem sections of 93-137 plants (lane 5); 5 mm long stem wild type in that its margins are entire (compare Figuresections of 93-137 plants (lane 6). Apices include the actual apex, up to five-leaf primordia, the longer of which is 5 mm, and two to 3E with 1A). To determine which of these two features four floral primordia of the stage shown in Figure 6. Stem sections prevents the ramification effect of Kn1, the 35S::Kn1 are barren stems 5 mm long just below the shoot apex. transgene was introduced into potato-leaf (c) mutant Mature flowers two to three days before anthesis (lane 7). Floral plants. Leaves of c/c plants are compound, but their organs of mature flowers: sepals (lane 8); petals (lane 9); stamens margins are entire rather than dentate, and they bear(lane 10); carpels (lane 11); The amount of carpel RNA loaded is onlytwo pairs(rather than three tofour) of leaflets (Figureonly one half of that loaded for the other organs; Anantha floral meristems (lane 12). Flowers are good representatives of the level 3C). As shown in Figure 3G, such leaves clearly respond of Kn1 transcripts because they exhibit no phenotypic variation to misexpression of Kn1 by increased subdivision, as between and within transgenic plants. do regular compound leaves, but ramification is restricted to the terminal portion of the midveins, leaving relatively long naked petioles with no or only a slender (Figure 3A), each of which resembles the wild-type phyl- lamina. lomere (compare with Figure 1A). Such leaves are said The pattern of the ramified leaves in wild-type, Pts, to be divided to the third order. A simple and entire leaf, and potato-leaf plants suggested that Kn1 will elicit the composed of one petiolated blade similar to that of multiplication of preexisting compound patterns, but is wild-type tobacco or Arabidopsis, is formed in plants unable to increase the complexity of a given phyllomere heterozygote to the dominant La gene (La/ϩ) (Figure or to rescue the basic compound prototype in mutant 3E). Homozygote La/La seedlings are practically lethal, plants. To determine the relation between alterations of as no apical shoot meristems are produced (Mathan the basic prototype and additional ramifications further, and Jenkins, 1962; Stettler, 1964; Caruso, 1968). Three and to examine the possibility to manipulate leaf archimutants in which compoundness is intermediate be- tecture in a predictable manner, the 35S::Kn1 transgene tween wild type and La illustrate the genetic control of was introduced via regular crosses into trifoliate mutant the development of the basic prototype. In entire (e/e) plants. A trifoliate (tf/tf) leaf of plants expressing one homozygote plants, a pair of reduced and sessile lateral dose of the 35S::Kn1 transgene is shown in Figure 3H. leaflets is fused to the terminal one to generate a pseu- In such leaves, every appendage is converted into a dosimple leaf (Figure 3B). The recessive potato-leaf ternate design itself so that three triplets rather than one, gene (c/c, sometimes referred to as solanifolia) permits and nine leaflets rather than three, are formed (compare the formation of only two, rather than three to four pairs with Figure 3D). The wild-type prototype, though, was of lateral leaflets (Figure 3C). Leavesof trifoliate homozy- not restored. gote plants have long petioles and bear only one pair of lateral leaflets (Figure 3D). The 35S::Kn1 transgene was introduced into La/ϩ The Tomato Kn1 Gene: Sequence, Analysis, Genetic Mapping,mutant plants by transformation and by crossing with the transgenic plant M1 shown in Figure 1C. Results and Developmental Expression To explore the possibilities that either Pts or La mayfrom both experiments were identical. With the exception of leaf ramification, La/ϩ plants expressing represent mutations in the Kn1 ortholog of tomato and that the developmental expression of Kn1 genes in spe-35S::Kn1 display all facets of Kn1 misexpression: leaves are much smaller, sometimes relatively wider, slightly cies with simple and compound leaves are different, we The Making of a Compound Leaf 739 Figure 3. Phenotypic Expression of Kn1 in Leaf Arrangement Mutants of Tomato (A–E) Genes affecting leaf compoundness in tomato. (A) Petroselinum. Chromosome VI. Note the additional order of subdivision in comparison with the wild-type prototype shown in Figure 1A. The terminal and lateral leaflets acquire the architecture of the wild-type leaf phyllomere. (B) A pseudosimple leaf of plants homozygote for the entire (e) recessive gene. One or more pair(s) of leaflets is merged (or fused) with the terminal leaflet, as suggested also by the altered orientation of veins at the distal half of the structure. The borderline between the terminal leaflet and the fused laterals is indicated by an arrow. Depending on genetic background, less and more extreme leaf arrangements are formed. Chromosome IV. (C) Potato-leaf. Chromosome VI. Only two pairs of lateral leaflets with entire margins are formed. Number of folioles is also reduced. (D) trifoliate. Chromosome V. Only terminal leaflets and the most adjacent pairs of laterals are formed. (E) Simple and entire leaf of Lanceolate heterozygote (La/ϩ) plants. Chromosome VII. (3F–G) Phenotypic expression of Kn1 in La, potato-leaf, and trifoliate mutant plants. (F) Kn1 does not rescue the compoundness of the simple La/ϩ leaf. Three modified leaves of La/ϩ; Kn1 are shown. Note the reduced size and altered lamina shape and compare with Tobacco::Kn1 leaves in Figure 7B and Sinha et al. (1993). (G) Kn1-induced ramification of potato-leaf leaves. Left: young potato-leaf with entire margins and only one pair of major leaflets. Right: a ramified c/c::Kn1 leaf (top) and excised subdivided lateral leaflet (bottom). (H) trifoliate::Kn1 leaf. Each of the three appendages of the ramified leaf acquires the ternate arrangement and elongated petiole of the progenitor leaf. Compare with Figure 3D. undertook the isolation of the tomato Kn1 (TKn1) gene. by various procedures, and subsequent isolation and sequencing revealed that at least five genes belong toUsing the maize gene as a probe, a cDNA clone, (designated TKn1), with extensive homology in the homeodo- the Kn1 family of tomato. They do not cross-hybridize under stringent conditions, and only TKn1 exhibits ex-main and flanking sequences was isolatedfrom a tomato shoot cDNA library(Figure 5). All features that character- tensive homology outside the homeodomain with the maize and Arabidopsis Kn1genes. RestrictionFragmentize the Kn1-type homeodomain (for reviews, see Kerstetter et al., 1994; Lincoln et al., 1994; Ma et al., 1994, Length Polymorphism. (RFLP) mapping using the N-terminal half of the TKn1 gene unambiguously placed itare conserved in the TKn1 gene (see Figure 5). Southern blot analysis (data not shown), screening on chromosome IV rather than chromosomes VI or VII, Cell 740 Figure 5. The Tomato Kn1 (Tkn1) Gene Bold and wavy underline, respectively, mark the conserved homeodomain and ELK that characterize all Kn1 class 1 genes. Note the extensive homology in the 100 residues long presumptive acidic region immediately upstream of the ELK domain. Within this acidic domain most hydrophobic positions are also conserved. The N-terminal one third of the genes is the most variable, but reveals common features as well. It is extremely histidine-rich in maize and soybean, and less so in tomato. It is also dominated by hydrophilic residues: asparagine repeats in Arabidopsis, excess serine and asparagine in soybean, and a very high proportion of glycine in tomato. Identical residues are shaded, and a more detailed analysis of homeodomains of Kn1 genes is provided in Kerstetter et al. (1994) and Figure 6. TKn1 Expression in Leaf and Floral Primordia of Tomato:Ma et al. (1994). In Situ Hybridization of DIG-Labeled Antisense Probes (A) Anantha floral meristems. (Longitudinal sections). Apical cells where Pts and La, respectively, reside. Mapping withthe (AC) and provascular bundles (PV) are labeled. homeodomain alonegave identical results. No dominant (B) Shoot apex. A longitudinal section of a floral bud (FL) is shown to the left, and the next sympodial apex (AP) to the right. Stars onleaf mutants are known to be linked to chromosome the right mark tangential section through lateral leaflets (LL) of theIV, but at least six recessive mutations that alter leaf emerging compound leaf. In the floral bud, the floral meristem (FM) development are located on this chromosome (Stevens and the vascular bundles (VB) are heavily labeled. TKn1 RNA is and Rick, 1986). The nearest gene to TKn1 is entire foundalso in the parenchyma cells of the cortex (CT).In the emerging (Figure 3B), butTKn1 cDNA clones originated from entire sympodial apex (AP), the apical cells and provascular derivatives plants were found to be identical at DNA sequence level are marked and the growing pointsand provascular strands of newly emerged lateral leaflets are also labeled.to the wild-type gene. (C) Cross-sections of leaf primordia. TKn1 transcripts are found inAs shown in Figure 4B, TKn1 transcripts were not the lateral tips that will form the lamina (arrowheads) and in the observed in samples isolated from 3 cm and 5 cm long provascular tissue (PV). leaves (lanes 1 and 2), but were found in 0.5 cm Complete cDNA and a 477 bp BamHI–HindIII fragment from the 5Ј long leaves (lane 3). TKn1 mRNA is abundant in 0.5 cm end of the gene give identical distribution of signals. long shoot apices that carry leaf and floral primordia (D) Expression of the dUTPase gene in leaf primordia and shoot apex. AC, apical cells; CT, cortex; FM, floral meristem; FP, floral(lane 4), and more so in the upper part of the stems primordia; GE, growing ends of leaves; IM, inflorescence meristem;when stripped of these appendages (lanes 5 and 6). Low LT, lateral leaflets; PV, provascular strands; S, sepals; SA, shoot levels of mRNA are found in mature flowers (lane 7), due apex; VB, vascular bundles. probably to the floral pedicles and carpels (lane 11), and in arrested floral meristems of the anantha mutant inflorescences (lane 12). TKn1 is also expressed at the of the apical meristem AC and in the provascular (PV) strands. The sympodial shoot of tomato is composedwild-type level in shoot apices of La/ϩ plants (data not shown). of reiterated units of three leaves and a terminal inflorescence. In Figure 6B, a longitudinal section of a floralSince Kn1-related genes are not expressed in leaf and floral primordia of maize or Arabidopsis (Lincoln et al., bud is shown to the left, and a tangential section cutting through a series of lateral leaflet primordia of a leaf1994; Kerstetter et al., 1994), in situ hybridization was used to localize more precisely the TKn1 transcripts in on the right. Evidently, leaflet primordia (stars) and the meristematic zone of the next sympodial apex arethese organs in tomato plants (Figure 6). In the floral meristems of anantha mutant plants (Figure 6A), which stained. Staining is strong in the meristematic (FM) region of the future inner three whorls of the floral bud,are arrested in the preorganogenesis stage (Helm, 1951; Pri-Hadash et al., 1992), TKn1 is expressed in all layers but it is very weak in the emerging sepals (S). TKn1 The Making of a Compound Leaf 741 transcripts were detected in the newly emerged lateral primordia (LT) inthe floral bud and their vascularbundles (VB), and in the cortex parenchyma (CT) of the floral pedicle. A more accurate picture of the localization of TKn1 transcripts in leaf primordia is obtained from the cross sections shown in Figure 6C, where provascular strands and lateral growing tips (arrowheads) are labeled. The internal growing tips give rise to the lamina, upon primordium expansion. This pattern is practically identical to that of the dUTPase gene in the very same organs (Figure 6D; Pri-Hadash et al., 1992). The Weak Meristem- and Vascular-Specific dUTPase Promoter Is Sufficient to Elicit the Kn1 Syndrome in Tomato The ramification of leaves of transgenic 35S::Kn1 tomato plants is apparent very early in the development of the leaf primordium (see Figure 2). We have used the recently isolated promoter of the tomato dUTPase gene to examine the role of the meristematic and provascular cells of the leaf primordium in determining the subdivi- Figure 7. The Vascular-Specific dUTPase Promoter Is Sufficient to sion of the compound leaves. Similar to the TKn1 gene, Elicit Leaf Ramification. the dUTPase gene functions predominantly in apical (A) A compound leaf of tomato transgenic plant expressing the PdUTPase::Kn1 transgene. Leaves of such transgenic plants aremeristems of vegetative and floral organs, as well as in distinguished from 35S::Kn1 plants by the longer petioles of theirprovascular cells with meristematic potential (Figure 6; lateral leaflets and by the prominence of the terminal leaflet in each Pri-Hadash et al., 1992). It is down-regulated in the pacompound unit. renchyma derivatives and other differentiated tissues, (B) Wild-type (left) and highly lobed leaves of transgenic tobacco and its expression inmature leaves (5 cm long) or mature plant expressing the PdUTPase::Kn1 transgene. This phenotype is flowers is negligible. A 380 bp proximal sequence of the similar to that reported for 35S::Kn tobacco plants (Sinha et al., 1993).putative 5Ј regulatory region of the dUTPase gene was shown to drive the expression of the ␤-glucuronidase reporter gene in the above tissue domains (O. Cohen, unpublished data) and was used in the experiments re- To find out whether the effect of the PdUTPase::Kn1 transgene is species specificor, likethat of the35S::Kn1,ported here. We generated 31 kanamycin-resistant primary trans- depends on the developmental status of the leaf, we have introduced it into tobacco plants as well. Indeed,formants expressing Kn1 under the control of the dUTPase promoter (designated B series), and leaf ramifica- as shown in Figure 7B, we obtained transformed kanamycin-resistant plants, with modified leaves (7 out oftion, as illustrated in Figure 7A, was observed in 21 plants. An important feature of this series of transgenic 12), similar to those reported in 35S-driven expression in transgenic tobacco (Sinha et al., 1993).plants is that the extent of leaf ramification varied from one transformant to another;this was not evident among The overall 50-fold difference in the expression of the 35S::Kn1 and dUTPase::Kn1 transgenes is not reflectedthe M series plants. Leaves of transgenic plant B1, for example, are subdivided only once more and, in this in the severity of the phenotypes in tobacco or in the degree of subdivision in tomato. It is the expression inrespect, precisely mimic the arrangement of leaves in plants bearing the dominant Pts gene shown in Figure particular cells at particular times that matters most. 3A. One additional order of subdivision is exhibited by plant B100 and more extreme ramifications by other B Discussion series plants. These results, along with those obtained with the trifoliate::Kn1 plants, illustrate our ability to ma- A General Scheme for Leaf Morphogenesis Fortuitously, leaves of all species in which misexpres-nipulate at will the architecture of the compound leaf. The expression of the PdUTPase:Kn1 transgene in sion of Kn1 was previously examined (i.e., maize, tobacco, rice, and Arabidopsis) were simple. We havetransformed tomato plants is compared with that of the 35S::Kn1 transgene in Figure 4A (lanes 5–8). Kn1 tran- shown here that misexpression of Kn1 affects compound leaves of tomato in a very different way than itscripts are hardly detected in the B1 plant with the very weak phenotypic response, and they are also rare, in affects simple leaves and that this basic observation reflects inherent fundamental differences in the devel-comparison with the 35S::Kn1 transformants, in other B series plants that manifest full leaf ramification. Misex- opment of simple and compound leaves. This hypothesis implies that simple and compound leaves are deter-pression of Kn1 in the dUTPase territories is sufficient, therefore, to induce the full potential of leaf ramification. mined by two different developmental programs and that the gene systems that condition them are con-It does not imply, by any means, that expression of Kn1 in mesophyll or epidermal cells will not result in altered served among species with simple and compound leaves, respectively.morphogenesis. Cell 742 An attempt to develop an experimental framework for extreme, allowing only one pair of lateral leaflet meristems. In the less extreme potato leaf, however, wherethe genetic dissection of leaf arrangement requires the formulation of a likely developmental scenario, a judi- two pairs of leaflets are formed, the blades are entire rather than dentate, suggesting that the two genes affectcious classification of the many genes involved, and their isolation and characterization. Formally, the forma- meristematic functions in different ways. The lesions in both cases, we surmise, favor early lamina expansiontion of the prototype compound unit of tomato entails the establishment, in a regular basipetal pattern, of pairs and, consequently, also limit to a certain extent the ability to subdivide in response to Kn1.of lateral meristems along the peg-like structure of the primary dorsiventral primordium, and the concomitant The Pts dominant mutation, most likely an overproducer allele, shifts the balance in the opposite direction;inhibition of lamina expansion. Additional orders of subdivision require the reiterated formation of lateral meri- lamina growth is delayed for one additional cycle with no associated alteration in the complexity of the phyl-stems on the secondary primordia before lamina expansion ensues. We speculate that the interplay between lomer. By the same token, the dominant effect of Kn1 results in extra ramification with no increase in the num-apical growth, formation of lateral meristems, and activation of the diffused leaf meristems that condition the ber of lateral meristems in each unit, and Kn1 fails to rescuethe compound prototype of potato-leaf, trifoliate,expansion of the lamina determine whether a leaf will be compound or simple. As long as the primordium apex and probably entire as well. Thus, Kn1 can only ramify a preexisting plan as it allows the proliferation of activecontinues to “grow,” emanating signals that induce the formation of lateral meristems, and a coupled system cell type during a given developmental window. In so doing, Kn1 dismisses the fine-tuning conferred by thedelays the activation of the diffused meristem, the leaf will be compound. Maintaining this balance among the wild-type Pts system, and it is not unrealistic to suggest that the endogenous TKn1 gene regulates the activitydevelopmental programs allows for more subdivisions to ensue. Presumably, an additional, species-specific of Pts in leaf primordia. La is epistatic to all known leaf shape mutations (E.developmental plan dictates the developmental window in which “active” cell types, i.e., apical, provascular, and Lifschitz, unpublished data), and in addition, arrest meristematic activity in all aerial meristems. La/La embryoslateral lamina, are allowed to proliferate. The inherent inability of simple leaves to respond produce root meristems, but fail to develop shoot apical meristems (Mathan and Jenkins, 1962; Caruso, 1968;properly to Kn1 overexpression is reflected by ectopic formation of sheath tissues and “knots” in blade territor- Dengler, 1984); the shoot apical meristems are “normal” in La/ϩ plants. La/ϩ fruits are the size of small cherryies in maize (Sinha and Hake, 1994) and in irregular expansion of the lamina and the ectopic formation of tomatoes, and meristematic activity in leaves is differentially reduced, preventing the formation of lateral meri-shoots on tobacco and Arabidopsis leaves (Sinha et al., 1993; Lincoln et al., 1994). The developmental require- stems and dentate margins, but not of the appearance of the primary leaf primordium itself. From the dosements for compoundness cannot be satisfied under the restrictions imposed by the “simple” program, and the effect studies of Stettler (1965) in tetraploid plants, we infer that La is an antimorph or a neomorph, rather thanKn1 gene product that enhances meristematic activity in leaves affects only secondary growth parameters, a haploinsufficient or an overproducer. La/ϩ leaves are morphogenetically simple and thus similar to Arabi-resulting in a variety of malformations. The reiterated ramification of the compound prototype unit of the to- dopsis and tobacco leaves. They remain simple following misexpression of Kn1, albeit displaying the othermato leaf is, according to this view, due to developmental programs that distinguish compound from sim- aspects of the 35S::Kn1 phenotype, just like leaves of Arabidopsis and tobacco. Pts and Kn1 fail to rescue theple leaves. compound prototype or to induce ramification of La/ϩ leaves. The response of simple leaves of tomato (i.e., Genetic Evidence for the Developmental La), Arabidopsis, and tobacco to Kn1 is thus species Program Controlling Compoundness independent, which suggests that theyare developmenAll aerial meristems have a common onthogeneticorigin. tally, and not merely morphogenetically, in the same Consequently, mutations in basic functions of meri- state. stems, as amply illustrated by Kn1, are expected to have We suggest expanding the analogy between La leaves multiple pleiotropic effects. The actual most prominent and simple leaves to sepals as well. Sepals of tomato, manifestation of such mutations will depend on local tobacco, and Arabidopsis are also simple and entire, developmental programs. In accord with the proposed and similar to simple leaves, sepals do not respond to developmental scenario, we suggest that the recessive Kn1 misexpression by any elaboration of their form, but potato-leaf and trifoliate mutations, as well as the domi- their venation pattern is distorted and the areole size nant Pts and Kn1 alleles, modify preferentially the bal- is increased. In contrast with sepals, the potential for ance between lamina expansion and lateral leaflet ramification is silent but otherwise intact in tomato juvemeristems. The La dominant mutation subdues, prefer- nile leaves. Juvenile leaves of tomato normallyhave only entially, meristematic activities without which thepoten- one to three leaflets, but they ramify to the same extent tial for compoundness, and thus ramification, cannot be proportionally, as adult leaves do upon ectopic expresmaterialized. sion of Kn1. potato-leaf and trifoliate reduce the complexity of the The phenotypic manifestation of Kn1 misexpression compound phyllomer but are not involved directly in can thus be used to verify the inherent nature of leaf architecture. It is possible, for example, that in somethe plan that permits compoundness. trifoliate is more The Making of a Compound Leaf 743 plant species, compound leaves are actually modified (Hareven et al., 1994). While this by itself does not constitute evidence that expression of TKn1 in the leaf primor-simple leaves (i.e., Kaplan, 1983). In this context, it will be interesting to see the fate of tendrils and leaflets in dium is required for the formation of the compound structure or for its ramification, the induction of addi-pea, orto find out whether the basicternate arrangement in clover leaves will be converted to multiples of three tional subdivisions by the PdUTPase-drivenKn1 expression in the same domains where TKn1 is expressedfollowing misexpression of the Kn1 gene. supports such a premise. While the overall scenario suggested here for the forThe Possible Role of Apical and Provascular Cells mation of compound leaves is open to question, there of the Primary Dorsiventral Primordium is no doubt that leaf morphogenesis is presently open in the Formation and Reiteration to molecular and genetic dissection. Since no other orof the Compound Prototype gan of living creatures exploits analogous sets of genes The difference between tomato and the species with to acquire such a developmental flexibility and to genersimple leaves is that the Kn1-induced meristematic ac- ate such a range of diverse forms both between and tivity in tomato is exploited very early during primordia within species, understanding the underlying mechadevelopment for the ramification of the compound phyl- nisms will be of fundamental importance. lomer. The knots in maize, and the malformations in the leaves of transgenic 35S::Kn1 tobacco and Arabidopsis Experimental Procedures plants, are not visibly detected until relatively late in leaf Tomato Linesdevelopment (Sinha et al., 1993; Lincoln et al., 1994). The following mutant lines were providedby Prof. C. M. Rick (Univer-To understand the formation of compound leaves in sity of California, Davis): anantha (an) LA536; entire (e) LA2922; tomato, we will have to identify the target cells for the Lanceolate (La) LA335; potato-leaf (c) LA3211; self-pruning (sp) Kn1-induced ramification. LA154; Petroselinum (Pts) LA2532; trifoliate2 (tf2) LA579. VF36 The ectopic expression of the dominant mutation Kn1 seeds were the gift of S. McCormick, PGEC, Albany. Indeterminate in maize is restricted to vein tissues (Smith et al., 1992), line 93–137 (Sp/Sp) was provided by D. Zamir (Rehovot). but the 35S-driven expression in tobacco, Arabidopsis, Cytological Proceduresand tomato is ubiquitous. We do not, therefore, know In situ hybridization using digoxygenin-labeled RNA probes werewhat the phenotypic consequence of Kn1 misexpresaccording to J. H. Doonan and E. Coen (personal communication) sion outside the vasculature will be, or, expression in and Jackson (1991), with the following minor modifications: buffer which tissue is responsible for the variety of pleiotropic 1 was 100 mM maleic acid 150 mM NaCl (pH 7.5), as recommended effects seen in the different species. by Boehringer. Dilution of antidigoxygenin-AP of Boehringer was 1:1000 and incubation time with the antibody was 1.5 h.Expression of Kn1 driven by the meristem and provasObservations of venation patterns were conducted on clearedcular-specific PdUTPasepromoter was shown to induce leaves following 5 min boiling in 85% ethanol and 3 h in lactic acidthe full potential of leaf ramification in tomato (Figure 7) at 70ЊC. Preparation of tissues for SEM were performed according to and the loss of apical dominance as well. While it is a protocolprovidedby R. Meeks-Wagner (personal communication). possible to relate the formation of laterals to differential localization of hypothetical KNOTTED signals along the Nucleic Acids Procedures The maize Kn1 cDNA clone (Volbrecht et al., 1991) in the pBIN19provascular strands of the dorsiventral leaf primordia, vector (Bevan, 1984) was provided by S. Hake. The Kn1 gene drivenit is impossible to exclude a role for the primordium by the 380 bp PdUTPase promoter (O. Coen, unpublished data) wasapical cells. Apical cells were not expected to respond also cloned into the same binary vector, and transformations of both to misexpression of Kn1, since the Kn1 gene was shown were performed via Agrobacterium tumefasciens strain LBA4404 in to express normally in apices of shoots and inflores- the RK9/8 line (Pnueli et al., 1994b) according to Horsch et al. (1985) cences, and its overexpression there had no obvious or in VF36 according to McCormick (1991). The screen for the TKn1 gene was conducted with the maize Kn1-morphogenetic consequences in tobacco or Arabilabeled cDNA under relaxed hybridization conditions: 15% for-dopsis (Smith et al., 1992; Jackson et al., 1994; Sinha mamide, 5ϫ SSC, 5ϫ Denhardt’s solution and 1% SDS in 42ЊC.et al., 1993; Lincoln et al., 1994). Filters were washed with 3ϫ SSC, 1% SDS in 37ЊC and exposed That apical cells of the dorsiventral leaf primordium for 48 hr. The shoot cDNA library representing1.2 ϫ 106 independent are required for the initiation of the compound leaf is inserts was constructed in the ␭ZAPII vector (Stratagene) from the supported by the expression pattern of TKn1 in the plant second and third sympodial shoots of the indeterminate line 93–137. The 5 mm long apices contain the apex, three to four leaf primordia,meristems (Figure 6). Expression of all Kn1-subclass and one to three floralprimordia in whichonly sepals emerged. Othergenes in Arabidopsis and maize is clearly excluded from nucleic acid procedures followed published protocols (Ausubel etleaf and floral primordia (Lincoln et al., 1994; Kerstetter al., 1988). et al., 1994). The observation that tomato and Arabidopsis display different expression patterns of homolo- Acknowledgments gous regulatory genes in their respective meristems is not surprising, however, and conceptually similar to We thank R. Meeks-Wagner, S. McCormick, T. Zachs, B. Horowitz, and G. Eitan for their valuable discussions and for a critical readingwhat was described for the homeotic genes in the aniof the manuscript. We are particularly grateful to S. Hake for provid-mal kingdom (see Carroll, 1995). The two dicot plant ing the maize Kn1 gene and for her many helpful comments and tospecies must employ homologous regulatory genes in D. Zamir for providing all the expertise that was essential for the order to execute contrasting meristematic programs: mapping experiments. M. Egea Cortines helped us during the initial monopodial shoots, indeterminate inflorescences, and characterization of the TKn1 gene, and O. Coen kindly provided us simple leaves in Arabidopsis; sympodial shoots, deter- with the characterized 380 bp PdUTPase promoter. This work was supported by research grants to E. L. from the United States-Israelminate inflorescences, and compound leaves in tomato Cell 744 Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, the Ger- in the vegetative meristem and dramatically alters leaf morphology when overexpressed in transgenic plants. Plant Cell 6, 1859–1876.man-Israel Biotechnology Projects, and the Israel Academy of Science. This project is conducted under the auspices of the Israeli Ma, H., McMullen, M.D., and Finer, J.J. (1994). Identification of a Plant Genome Center. homeobox-containing gene with enhanced expression during soybean (Glycine max L.) somatic embryo development. Plant Mol. Biol. 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