Current Biology, Vol. 15, 1899–1911, November 8, 2005, ©2005 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved. DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2005.09.052 Patterns of Auxin Transport and Gene Expression during Primordium Development Revealed by Live Imaging of the Arabidopsis Inflorescence Meristem Marcus G. Heisler, Carolyn Ohno, Pradeep Das, Patrick Sieber, Gonehal V. Reddy, Jeff A. Long, and Elliot M. Meyerowitz* Division of Biology California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California 91125 Summary Background: Plants produce leaf and flower primordia from a specialized tissue called the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Genetic studies have identified a large number of genes that affect various aspects of primordium development including positioning, growth, and differentiation. So far, however, a detailed understanding of the spatio-temporal sequence of events leading to primordium development has not been established. Results: We use confocal imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter genes in living plants to monitor the expression patterns of multiple proteins and genes involved in flower primordial developmental processes. By monitoring the expression and polarity of PINFORMED1 (PIN1), the auxin efflux facilitator, and the expression of the auxin-responsive reporter DR5, we reveal stereotypical PIN1 polarity changes which, together with auxin induction experiments, suggest that cycles of auxin build-up and depletion accompany, and may direct, different stages of primordium development. Imaging of multiple GFP-protein fusions shows that these dynamics also correlate with the specification of primordial boundary domains, organ polarity axes, and the sites of floral meristem initiation. Conclusions: These results provide new insight into auxin transport dynamics during primordial positioning and suggest a role for auxin transport in influencing primordial cell type. Introduction Primordium development is a fundamental process in plants and animals. It involves a positioning mechanism that defines where the tissue or organ will arise as well as changes to growth and differentiation that result in outgrowth and the correct patterning of cell types. Lateral primordia in plants, unlike animals, initiate continuously and at regular positions from the growing tip or SAM, implying that the positioning mechanism is a dynamic and potentially self-regulating system. Recently it has been shown that the plant hormone auxin acts centrally in this process. Plants genetically or chemically impaired in their ability to transport auxin fail to form floral primordia [1]. However, externally applied auxin can rescue this defect in a position-specific manner, suggesting that the distribution of auxin in the meristem flank may determine where primordia arise [2]. Consistent with this proposal is the finding that, in the *Correspondence: epidermis below initiating primordia, the subcellular localization of the putative auxin efflux carrier PIN1 is polarized apically, suggesting auxin is transported toward primordia from the stem epidermis. Within primordia, PIN1 is localized basally in the presumptive provascular cells forming a connection from the primordium to the vascular tissue of the stem [3, 4]. These and other observations have led to the proposal that auxin is transported apically in the epidermis toward developing primordia that then act as auxin sinks by transporting auxin into the provascular tissues, thereby depleting auxin from surrounding cells. Since auxin acts to trigger primordium development, new primordia are initiated where auxin levels are highest, that is, at a location furthest from the previous zone of depletion [3, 5]. Once primordia are positioned, boundaries are established, and cell types that result in proper organ development are specified. Genetic analysis has uncovered a large number of genes involved in these processes. The SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) gene is required for SAM formation and maintenance, and its activity is necessary to keep cells in an undifferentiated state [6]. During primordium specification, STM is locally downregulated, and this downregulation seems to be required for differentiation to take place [7, 8]. The CUPSHAPED COTYLEDON (CUC) genes CUC1, CUC2, and CUC3 are required to demarcate primordium boundaries as well as promote meristem formation [9–11]. In plants mutant for all three genes, cotyledons are frequently fused and the SAM can fail to develop [10]. Genetic studies have also identified a number of genes involved in adaxial/abaxial patterning including adaxially expressed members of the class III HD-ZIP gene family such as REVOLUTA (REV) [12–14] as well as the abaxially expressed YABBY transcription factors such as FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL) [15–17], KANADI genes [14, 18, 19], and miRNAs 165 and 166 [20]. In general, adaxial and abaxial factors are thought to act antagonistically to set up mutually exclusive expression domains on either side of the adaxial/abaxial boundary. However, the mechanism by which the boundary is positioned is unknown, as is the mechanism specifying the stereotypical asymmetry across this boundary, although it is proposed to correspond to a prepattern of signal emanating from the center of the meristem [12, 21]. Although we know of many genes involved in various aspects of primordial development, as discussed above, we have very little knowledge of either their temporal order of expression or how their dynamic expression domains are spatially related to one another. Furthermore, when gene function is perturbed, previously we have not been able to examine, at high temporal and spatial resolution, whether a given phenotype is a direct or indirect consequence. These types of data are now becoming available through the development of confocal imaging techniques and the use of GFP. Live imaging of Arabidopsis meristem cells recently enabled an analysis of cell fate and division patterns [22] as well as an analysis of the effects of various drugs that affect Current Biology 1900 cell division parameters or meristem differentiation patterns [23]. With the development of GFP-spectral variants and spectral analysis, our abilities are enhanced further by enabling us to document multiple events at subcellular resolution simultaneously [24]. In this study, we take advantage of these techniques to investigate patterns of PIN1 activity and other gene and protein expression patterns. We find that PIN1 undergoes cycles of activity that not only give new insight into auxin transport dynamics during primordium establishment but also enable us to relate these dynamics to cell-type patterning during early primordial development in the inflorescence meristem. Results PIN1 Undergoes Cyclic Changes in Polarity and Expression Previous work has indicated that primordium positioning is mediated by localized auxin concentrations that are in turn patterned by the activity of the auxin efflux mediator PIN1 [1, 3, 4, 25, 26]. In the meristem, the PIN1 protein is expressed predominantly in the epidermis and provasculature. In cells located in the vicinity of incipient primordia, PIN1 protein is localized laterally in the plasma membranes closest to sites of subsequent primordial emergence [3]. To investigate PIN1 dynamics, we used confocal-based live imaging of a functional pPIN1::PIN1-GFP fusion protein. We assessed PIN1 polarity by identifying arcs of signal in low-resolution images that we found, by analysis at high resolution, to correspond to signal within cell corners (Figure S1) and therefore to indicate the direction of auxin efflux. Overall, our observed pattern of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression and polarity resembles previous immunological results [3], except that we find striking patterns of PIN1 polarity and expression throughout the meristem epidermis that change according to the stage of primordial development occurring at different positions. For convenience, we use “P” to designate primordia that have clearly grown out from the meristem, while “I” designates incipient primordia (assessed by position) before the onset of rapid growth. Both primordia and incipient primordia are numbered in order of appearance, with P1 designating the youngest primordium and I1 designating the oldest incipient primordium. From examining pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression and polarity in primordia of different ages in multiple plants, a stereotypical pattern of activity can be discerned (Figure 1A; rotated and enlarged views of Figure 1A are shown in Figures 1D–1K, 1M, and 1O). Before an incipient primordium is first marked by pPIN1::PIN1GFP expression, polarity at this location (I4 in Figures 1D and 1G) is directed from one adjacent site (P2 in Figure 1D and magnified view in Figure 1G) toward the other adjacent site (I1 in Figures 1D and 1G). A site is first marked by relatively high levels of pPIN1::PIN1GFP (I3 in Figures 1E and 1H) when PIN1-GFP polarity is directed toward this site from both adjacent sites (P1 and P3 in Figures 1E and 1H). At this stage, pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP is limited to the epidermis (compare expression at I3 position in Figures 1A and 1C). At slightly later stages (I2 and I1), pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression levels increase (compare positions I2 and I1 to I3 in Figure 1A), and PIN1-GFP polarity becomes directed toward these sites from three adjacent primordia (P2, P3, and P5 for I1 in Figures 1F and 1I). pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression in subepidermal layers also becomes detectable at these stages (positions corresponding to I2 and I1 in Figure 1C). As primordial growth starts to accelerate (P1), PIN1-GFP in epidermal cells located adaxial to the primordium reverses polarity from being directed toward the primordium to being directed away from the primordium and back toward the meristem center and adjacent regions (P1 in Figure 1J, compare to previous stage I1 in Figure 1I). Subsequently, expression becomes reduced within the primordial epidermis (arrows in Figures 1K and 1M) but starts to reappear again by stage two of flower development [27] (arrow in Figure 1O). In subepidermal cells below the primordium, expression becomes restricted to the presumed provascular tissues (arrowheads in Figures 1L, 1N, and 1P). To better understand changes in PIN1 expression and polarity, we conducted time-lapse confocal imaging of growing, pPIN1::PIN1-GFP-expressing meristems. Time-lapse images confirm the stereotypical pattern of expression build-up followed by decrease at primordial positions as well as the temporal correlation between reversals at older primordia (asterisks in Figures S2A–S2D, in the Supplemental Data available with this article online) and newly localized pPIN1::PIN1GFP expression at incipient primordia (arrows in Figure S2 and Movie S1). However, we also find that pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP expression shifts relative to the underlying cells in directions that are correlated with PIN1 polarity. After PIN1-GFP reversal, GFP signal moves from the site of reversal toward adjacent regions as well as toward the primordium tip, leaving a zone of low expression where the reversal originally took place (asterisk in Figures S2E–S2H). The adjacent regions that subsequently show increased expression correspond to sites of incipient primordia (Figures S2A–S2D and Movies S1 and S2). These observations show that PIN1 behavior associated with flower primordium development can be divided into two phases. Initially, the establishment of PIN1 polarity toward cells destined to form an incipient primordium is correlated with a reversal in PIN1 polarity in cells surrounding an older adjacent primordium. PIN1 expression levels then increase in cells located at the polarity focus, and this is correlated with further PIN1 reversals in adjacent primordia. The second phase is characterized by a subsequent, rapid reversal in polarity that occurs predominantly in adaxial cells surrounding the primordium. As this occurs, pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression also shifts abaxially, to form a new focus of expression at the primordium tip, and adaxially, to adjacent positions destined to form new primordia. PIN1 Polarity Changes Are Correlated with Auxin Distribution Changes Microarray data indicating that PIN1 may be auxin regulated in pin1-1 meristems (within 30 min of treatment, data not shown) as well as the consistent correlation between PIN1-GFP polarity and pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression level prompted us to investigate PIN1 tran- Auxin Transport and Gene Expression in Arabidopsis 1901 Figure 1. PIN1-GFP Expression and Polarity Patterns in the Inflorescence Meristem (A–P) pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression and polarity in a single representative meristem. In color panels, signal intensities are coded blue to yellow corresponding to increasing intensity levels, respectively. (A) View of meristem from above showing a three-dimensional volume rendering of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression and localization. (B) Identical view as in (A) indicating the numbering of primordia (P) and incipient primordia (I) with the earliest primordium marked as P1 and later primordia as P2–Pn. Incipient positions are labeled from the oldest I1 to younger sites In. (C) View of expression below the epidermis with same orientation as in (A) and (B). Note expression in presumptive provascular tissue (pv arrows) below most positions except I3 and I4. (D–F) Closer views of regions surrounding I4, I3, and I1, respectively. (G–J) Magnified views of cells surrounding I4, I3, and I1, respectively (same orientation as [D]– [F]) showing the apparent polarity of PIN1GFP (arrows) in cells where it could be clearly discerned. (G) There is no obvious pattern of polarity associated with position I4. Instead, polarity in this region is predominantly directed toward I1 and away from P2. (H) PIN1-GFP polarity at site I3 is directed toward I3 from two adjacent positions, P1 and P3. (I) pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression at I1 is stronger compared to I3 (compare I1 in [F] with I3 in [E]), and this higher expression level is coincident with PIN1-GFP polarity directed toward I1 from three adjacent primordia, P2, P3, and P5. (J) In primordium P1, cells adaxial to the primordium show a reversed direction of polarity compared to I1. Instead of PIN1-GFP being localized toward the primordium (as in Figure 1I), cells surrounding the primordium exhibit PIN1-GFP polarity in the direction away from the primordium, back toward the meristem and adjacent regions (arrows). (K, M, and O) Close-up views of P2, P3, and P4 from (A). (L, N, and P) Reconstructed medial longitudinal sections (representative section orientation shown by dotted line in [K]) corresponding to the primordia shown in (K), (M), and (O), respectively. (K) At stage P2, pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression (arrow in [K]) appears reduced compared to P1 and I1. This pattern remains largely unchanged during stage P3 (arrow in [M]) until stage P4, when signal starts to reappear in this region (arrow in [O]). Below the epidermis of developing primordial, there is a gradual restriction of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression to the presumptive provasculature (arrowheads in [L], [N], and [P]). Scale bars in (A)–(C), 30 ␮m; in (D)–(J), (K), (M), and (O), 20 ␮m; and in (L), (N), and (P), 10 ␮m. scription in response to auxin using quantitative realtime polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We found that treatment of dissected wild-type inflorescences with 100 ␮M indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) resulted in PIN1 expression levels increasing by a factor of 2.3 (2.2–2.3) after 60 min (Figure 2A). A stronger response occurred after treatment of pin1-1 apices with 5 mM IAA when, after 30 min, we detected an upregulation of PIN1 by a factor of 3.2 (2.9–3.5) (Figure 2A). Although these exogenous IAA concentrations are much higher than those thought to occur physiologically, similar exogenous concentrations of IAA are required to induce a consistent growth response in both wild-type and mutant apical meristems [2, 3, 5], suggesting that high exogenous IAA concentrations applied to shoot tissues are diluted to physiologically relevant concentrations in vivo. To examine the effects of exogenous auxin on the PIN1 expression pattern in more detail, we conducted timelapse confocal imaging of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP-expressing meristems treated with 5 mM 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), a form of auxin that can diffuse into cells. We were able to detect an increase in expression beginning after 2 hr and increasing up to 6 hr post treatment in primordial cells away from which PIN1 polarity was directed, presumably after reversal (arrows, Figures 2B and 2C). Expression also increased in subepidermal cells located at primordial boundaries (arrows, Figures 2D and 2E). We also tested whether the pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP expression pattern was sensitive to the auxin transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA). After treating pPIN1::PIN1-GFP-expressing meristems for 6 hr with 100 ␮M NPA, we observed increasing delocalization of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression that by 14 hr had clearly spread to subepidermal cells surrounding the presumed vascular tissue that initially lacked expression (Figures 2F–2I). These experiments indicate that the PIN1 expression pattern is dependent on the distribution of auxin in the meristem, which in Current Biology 1902 Figure 2. PIN1 Expression Responds to Auxin (A) PIN1 mRNA levels as measured by real-time PCR analysis of dissected wild-type inflorescences immersed in 100 ␮M IAA show greater than 2-fold upregulation after 60 min relative to mock-treated controls. Identical treatments carried out on pin1-1 mutant apices using 5 mM IAA in lanolin paste resulted in approximately 3-fold induction after 30 min. (B), (C), (F), and (G) show maximum intensity projections of the meristem viewed from above, while (D), (E), (H), and (I) show corresponding transverse optical sections below the epidermis, respectively. (B–E) Response of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP (green) to exogenous auxin. (B and D) pPIN1::PIN1-GFP-expressing meristem before NAA treatment. (C) and (E) show the same meristem as in (B) and (D) after treatment with 5 mM NAA for 6 hr. Expression becomes delocalized and increases in cells that previously expressed pPIN1::PIN1-GFP at low levels (arrows in [B]–[E]). This occurs both in the epidermis (compare [B] and [C]) and layers below (compare [D] and [E]). (F–I) Response of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP to treatment with 100 ␮M NPA for 14 hr. In both the epidermis (F and G) and subepidermal layers (H and I), there is a delocalization of expression after 14 hr. (J–M) Time lapse of pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 (red) and pPIN1::PIN1-GFP (green) expression together (J and K) and pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 (red) alone (L and M). At both the initial time point (J and L) and 12 hr later (K and M), pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 expression initiates when pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression first marks a new site (arrowheads in [J] and [K]). After PIN1-GFP reverses polarity in cells adaxial to primordia, primordial expression of pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 persists and subsequently appears in daughter cells of earlier-expressing cells (encircled by broken line in [M]). Expression in nondaughter cells occurs at a later stage of floral bud development (arrowheads in [M]). (N and O) Recovery of fluorescence after bleaching. Cells located within incipient primordia (I2 in [N]) and more mature primordia (P2 in [N]) that expressed pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 were selectively irradiated with 514 nm laser light until expression became undetectable (circled regions in [O]). Seven hours after bleaching, fluorescence could again be detected in the same cells at I2 (arrow in [P]) but not in P2. Scale bars in (B), (F), and (J)–(N), 30 ␮m. Auxin Transport and Gene Expression in Arabidopsis 1903 turn depends on auxin transport. Since pPIN1::PIN1GFP expression levels are also correlated with the observed changes in PIN1-GFP polarity, our data suggests that changes in PIN1 polarity associated with different stages of primordial development drive dynamic changes in auxin concentration, which then influence PIN1 transcription. To gain further evidence of a correlation between auxin concentration dynamics and PIN1 expression and polarity, we visualized the activity of the DR5rev auxin-responsive promoter driving three tandem copies of VENUS, a rapidly folding YFP variant [28], fused to a nuclear localization sequence, here termed pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7, in combination with pPIN1::PIN1-GFP. As predicted, we found that local upregulation of both markers occurred simultaneously at young sites predicted to form primordia (arrowheads in Figures 2J and 2K). In contrast to pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression, which decreases in primordia after PIN1-GFP polarity reverses toward the meristem in adaxial cells, pDR5rev:3XVENUS-N7 expression persists after reversal (compare circled area in Figure 2M to corresponding region in Figure 2L). However, by time-lapse imaging, we found that these pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7-expressing cells either corresponded to or were daughters of cells expressing pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 before reversal (Figure 2L, circled cells in Figure 2M), suggesting the possibility that persistent expression might be due to VENUS-N7 perdurance. To test this hypothesis, we selectively radiated cells expressing pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 at primordial positions with 514 nm laser light until VENUS fluorescence became undetectable. We then assessed the recovery of fluorescence in these cells over time. Of five meristems tested, three showed fluorescence recovery specifically in cells within incipient primordia but not in cells located in adjacent older primordia (Figures 2N–2P), while two plants showed no recovery at either type of position. Overall, these results support the proposal that transcription from the DR5 promoter is active during the early stages of primordial specification and that, like pPIN1::PIN1-GFP, DR5 expression decreases around the time that PIN1-GFP polarity reverses. De novo expression in cells unrelated to those expressing pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 before PIN1-GFP reversal was detected at a later stage (arrowheads in Figure 2M), again correlated with the reappearance of pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP expression (see also Figures 1A and 1O). To summarize, both the pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 and pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression data support the proposal that reversals in PIN1 polarity correlate with and are likely to cause changes in auxin levels within developing primordia. The Meristem Marker SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) Is Downregulated as PIN1 Is Upregulated at Incipient Primordia The STM gene is required both for meristem formation and maintenance [6]. In situ hybridization analysis shows that STM is expressed throughout most of the inflorescence meristem but is specifically downregulated at positions where specification of the cryptic floral bract is thought to occur [29]. To determine when and where STM is downregulated relative to PIN1, we visualized an STM-VENUS fusion protein under the control of the STM promoter, designated pSTM::STMVENUS, in combination with pPIN1::PIN1-GFP. The overall expression pattern of the STM marker is similar to that found by in situ hybridization analysis with expression encompassing most of the meristem. Examination of meristems expressing both pSTM::STMVENUS and pPIN1::PIN1-GFP reveals that pSTM::STMVENUS expression is downregulated at locations where pPIN1::PIN1-GFP is upregulated (Figures 3A and 3B). This complementary pattern starts to become apparent at the earliest position marked by localized pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP expression and polarity, showing that STM marks primordial positions with similar timing to PIN1 (Figures 3A and 3B). The reduction in pSTM::STMVENUS expression in the vicinity of high pPIN1::PIN1GFP expression is also evident several cell layers below the meristem epidermis in regions corresponding to the presumptive provascular cells (Figure 3C). We also note that pSTM::STM-VENUS expression strengthens in a boundary-like domain abaxial to those cells in which PIN1 is directed toward the meristem and away from the primordium (after reversal). This is most noticeable in transgenic lines in which pSTM::STM-VENUS expression levels are low (Figure 3F marked “b”). Lastly, we also note a reduction in pSTM::STM-VENUS levels toward the meristem center relative to the periphery in cells below the L2 (Figure 3C). CUC2 Boundary Expression and PIN1 Dynamics Previous work has shown that the CUC1, CUC2, and CUC3 genes are required for proper organ separation [9, 10] and that, in mutants in which auxin patterning is disrupted, the expression patterns of CUC1 and CUC2 are also disrupted, suggesting a link between auxin patterning and CUC gene function [25, 30, 31]. To start to investigate the temporal and spatial relationship between the CUC genes and PIN1-mediated auxin transport patterns, we fused the CUC2 coding region to VENUS and expressed it under the CUC2 promoter, designated pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS, together with pPIN1::PIN1-GFP. pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS is expressed in boundary-like domains surrounding primordia in a pattern similar to that previously reported from in situ hybridization experiments [32] (Figure 3D). However, weak expression is also detected in the epidermal cells of the central zone (CZ) (arrow in Figure 3D). Like pSTM::STMVENUS, we found pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS to be downregulated at pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression and polarity foci (arrowheads in Figure 3D). This downregulation seems to occur at an earlier stage than pSTM::STMVENUS and is more extensive. Like pSTM::STM-VENUS, pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS is specifically upregulated in those cells near primordia from which pPIN1::PIN1-GFP polarity was directed after its reversal (Figure 3E). These data suggest that both CUC2 and STM are regulated in a similar manner, although with different timing or sensitivity. Furthermore, they show strikingly complementary expression patterns compared to PIN1 both at pPIN1::PIN1-GFP foci and in boundary regions from which pPIN1::PIN1-GFP is directed. Current Biology 1904 Figure 3. STM and CUC2 Expression Both pSTM::STM-VENUS (red in [A]–[C] and [F]) and pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS (red in [D] and [E]) are expressed in a complementary domain to pPIN1::PIN1-GFP (green in [B], [C], [E], and [F]), with expression being absent or reduced at early positions (arrowheads in [A] and [D]) marked by pPIN1::PIN1-GFP polarity foci (compare [A] to [B] and [D] to [E]). However, while pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS expression is low in subepidermal layers (data not shown), pSTM:: STM-VENUS is expressed at high levels in a similar pattern to its expression in the epidermis (C). After PIN1-GFP polarity reverses, both markers are upregulated in boundary domains (marked “b” in [B], [E], and [F]) corresponding to cells abaxial to pPIN1::PIN1GFP-expressing cells exhibiting polarity away from the primordium toward the meristem. When pSTM::STM-VENUS expression is weak (F), its expression pattern closely resembles that of pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS (compare [F] to [E]). Arrow in (D) denotes weak expression. Scale bars in (A)–(C), 30 ␮m; in (D)–(F), 20 ␮m. The Adaxial Marker REVOLUTA Is Localized after PIN1 and Remains Adaxial from Inception The REV gene is involved in regulating axillary meristem formation, organ polarity, and meristem size and is expressed in a similar pattern to other related members of the HD-ZIP family of transcription factors such as PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA [12–14, 33–35]. It is also thought to mark primordia at a particularly young stage [13]. To monitor REV expression dynamics, we constructed a functional REV-VENUS fusion and expressed it under the REV promoter. We found the pREV::REVVENUS transgene to be expressed in an identical manner to the reported endogenous transcription pattern [13]. pREV::REV-VENUS expression is present in the upper layers of the CZ of the meristem as well as in finger-like domains extending out to developing primordia (Figure 4A). pREV::REV-VENUS signal is first evidently associated with primordial positions between zero and one plastochron after pPIN1::PIN1-GFP first localizes, and the expression domain is contiguous with expression in the CZ (I2 in Figures 4A and 4B). However, before this, newly localized pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression always appears adjacent to pREV::REVVENUS-expressing cells in the CZ (I3 in Figure 4A, corresponding position in Figures 4B and 4C). As pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP signal increases at primordial initiation sites, the pREV::REV-VENUS expression domain extends outward to overlap with the adaxial half of the pPIN1::PIN1GFP expression domain (I1 in Figure 4A, corresponding position in Figures 4B and 4D). This pattern of overlap also extends below the epidermis along the presumptive provascular cells marked by newly localized pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP expression (Figure 4D). At approximately the same time that pPIN1::PIN1-GFP polarity reverses and expression levels decrease in subepidermal cells, pREV:: REV-VENUS expression is lost from the cells located between the primordium and the CZ, thus isolating REV expression from the CZ (P1 in Figure 4A, corresponding position in Figures 4B and 4E). To summarize, pREV::REV-VENUS expression extends halfway into the pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression domain from nearby adjacent CZ cells that already express pREV:: REV-VENUS. Adaxial, localized pREV::REV-VENUS expression associated with pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression is then maintained during primordial outgrowth and separation from the CZ. The Abaxial Primordium Marker FILAMENTOUS FLOWER Is Asymmetrically Expressed at Initiation To determine whether PIN1 expression also marks the adaxial boundary of abaxially expressed genes, we examined pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression in combination with nuclear localized dsRED under the control of the FIL promoter. FIL is a member of the YABBY gene family of transcription factors and functions to specify abaxial cell types and to promote flower development and lateral organ expansion [15–17]. pFIL::dsRED-N7 first marks primordia between one and two plastochrons later than upregulation of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP (I1 and I2 in Figure 4F, arrows in Figure 4G). At inception, pFIL:: dsRED-N7 expression is detected abaxial to pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP in the two layers of cells located between the epidermis and pPIN1::PIN1-GFP-marked provasculature (Figure 4H). Slightly later, pFIL::dsRED-N7 extends to the epidermis and into the pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression domain (Figure 4I). At later stages, pFIL:: dsRED-N7 expression almost entirely overlaps pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP in the primordium (Figure 4J). To investigate this more thoroughly, we covisualized pFIL::dsRED-N7, pREV::REV-VENUS, and pPIN1::PIN1-GFP together (represented in red, green, and blue, respectively, in Figures 4K–4O). We found that, after pFIL::dsRED-N7 expression first expands (approximately the same stage as shown in Figure 4I), both pREV::REV-VENUS and pFIL:: dsRED-N7 are coexpressed in a number of cells centered within the pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression domain (P1 in Figures 4K–4O). These data confirm that both pREV::REV-VENUS and pFIL::dsRED-N7 are initially expressed asymmetrically relative to pPIN1::PIN1-GFP, showing that pPIN1::PIN1-GFP marks a domain be- Auxin Transport and Gene Expression in Arabidopsis 1905 Figure 4. Relative Expression Patterns of REV, FIL, and PIN1 (C)–(E), (H)–(J), and (L)–(O) represent longitudinal sections of primordia along the planes of sections as depicted by dotted lines in (A), (F), and (K), respectively. pREV::REV-VENUS (red in [A]–[E]) is expressed in the CZ as well as in radial domains extending out to where pPIN1::PIN1GFP (green in [A]–[J]) has established expression and polarity foci (compare [A] and [B]). pREV::REV-VENUS expression is localized adaxially to the first site marked by pPIN1::PIN1-GFP and does not overlap (I3 in [A] and [C]). At later stages, pREV::REV-VENUS expression extends halfway into the cells expressing pPIN1::PIN1-GFP at high levels (I1 in [A] and [D]) and later separates from the central domain of expression as subepidermal pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression also becomes restricted to provascular cells (P1 in [A] and [E]). pFIL::dsRED-N7 (red in [F]–[O]) is expressed in primordia approximately one to two plastochrons after they are first marked by pPIN1::PIN1-GFP (I1 and I2 in [F], arrows in [G]). pFIL::dsRED-N7 signal first appears in cells located abaxial to pPIN1::PIN1-GFP (I1 in [F] and [H]) but is then found to overlap later during development (P1 and P4 in [I] and [J], respectively). Plants expressing all three markers (K) show that, compared to pPINI::PIN1-GFP (blue in [K]–[N]), both the expression patterns of pFIL::dsRED-N7 (red) (M) and pREV::REV-VENUS (green) (N) are ab- and adaxially polarized within the developing primordium but also overlapping within the pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression domain (O). [L]–[O] correspond to different combinations of markers expressed in the primordium P1 in [K]. Scale bars in (A), (F), and (K), 30 ␮m; in (C)–(E) and (H)–(J), 20 ␮m; in (L), 10 ␮m. tween abaxial and adaxial cell identities at primordial initiation. Soon after, as the expression domains of REV and FIL expand into the anlagen, their domains partially overlap during subsequent development. Gene Expression Patterns during Early Initiation of Floral Development The LEAFY (LFY) gene encodes a transcription factor involved in conferring floral meristem identity on primordia that develop from the inflorescence meristem. In lfy mutants, secondary inflorescence meristems subtended by floral bracts frequently develop in the place of flowers [36]. To understand where and when floral meristem identity is specified as marked by LFY expression, we examined the expression of the LFY promoter driving endoplasmic-reticulum (ER)-localized GFP in combination with pFIL::dsRED-N7. We detect the onset of pLFY::GFP-ER expression approximately two plastochrons later than pFIL::dsRED-N7 in a few adaxial cells abutting the pFIL::dsRED-N7 expression domain (Figures 5A and 5B). By one plastochron later, pLFY::GFP-ER expression is much stronger and broader, and this trend continues during later stages (Figures 5A and 5B–5D). pLFY::GFP-ER expression is also sharply bounded on the adaxial side of the primordium by cells predicted to express the boundary marker CUC2. If this were so, we would expect a gap to form between the FIL and CUC2 expression domains at the time LFY expression initiates. Visualization of pCUC2::3XVENUSN7 and pFIL::dsRED-N7 revealed that, although the expression of these markers initially abuts (Figures 5E and 5F), later during development, a discernable gap in expression forms between their domains. This gap continues to expand during floral meristem development in a manner similar to the expansion of the pLFY::GFPER expression pattern (Figure 5H), suggesting that LFY expression initiates specifically in the region between the FIL and CUC2 expression domains and that the FIL Current Biology 1906 Figure 5. pLFY::GFP-ER Expression and the Initiation of Floral Meristem Development (B)–(D) and (F)–(H) represent longitudinal sections along the planes of sections depicted by dotted line in (A) and (E), respectively. pLFY::GFPER (green) is initiated two plastochrons after pFIL::dsRED-N7 (red) in a small number of cells located at the adaxial boundary of pFIL:dsREDN7 expression (arrow in [B]). During subsequent development, the pLFY::GFP-ER expression domain expands to encompass the floral meristem (B–D). (E–H) The pCUC2::3XVENUS-N7 (green) and pFIL::dsRED-N7 (red) domains abut each other early in primordium development (F) but become separated in a pattern complementary to the expansion of pLFY::GFP-ER expression (compare [A]–[D] to [E]–[H]). (I and J) During stage two of flower development, pREV::REV-VENUS (red) expression expands (I) as pPIN1::PIN1-GFP (green) also expands (J), while pFILdsRED-N7 (red) remains restricted to the region marked by the original boundary of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP-expressing cells (K). (L) Also during stage two, pDR5rev:3XVENUS-N7 expression (red) starts to reappear together with the expansion of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP expression (green). (M and N) pREV::REV-VENUS (green) and pLFY::GFP-ER (red) overlap during stage two. (O and P) Direction of meristem is toward the top of the pictures. During late stage two, pSTM::STM-VENUS expression (red) also undergoes a rapid expansion into the flower primordium from a boundary-like domain (compare [O] and [P]). Scale bars in (A), 30 ␮m; in (B) and (C), 20 ␮m; in (D) and (E), 30 ␮m; in (F)–(P), 20 ␮m. and CUC2 expression domains move apart, possibly through the proliferation of cells within the developing floral meristem. Since pREV::REV-VENUS expression also abuts pFIL::dsRED-N7 expression, we examined pREV::REV-VENUS expression during stage two of flower development [27] and found that its expression also spreads adaxially in a similar manner to pLFY:GFPER (compare Figures 5C and 5I, 5M and 5N). This is further correlated with an expansion of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP (Figure 5J) and pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 expression (Figure 5L). Although pSTM::STM-VENUS expression is still restricted to an adaxial boundary domain during early stage two of flower development, before stage three, pSTM::STM-VENUS expression also expands rapidly (compare Figures 5O and 5P). To summarize, the pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS and pFIL:: dsRED-N7 expression domains are located adjacent to each other, with the boundary between these domains corresponding to the region where pLFY::GFP-ER expression later initiates. pLFY::GFP-ER expression then expands as cells proliferate to form the flower meristem, and this is correlated with an expansion of pREV::REV-VENUS and pSTM::STM-VENUS expression into the primordium as well as an increase in primordial pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 expression. Discussion PIN1 Reversals and Primordium Positioning Our data suggest that, within floral anlagen, there is a cycle of auxin build-up followed by decrease correlated with and likely caused by a rapid reversal in PIN1 polar- Auxin Transport and Gene Expression in Arabidopsis 1907 ity in cells located adaxial to the primordium (Figure 6A). Thus, our results support the proposal that auxin is depleted from primordial regions during their development [3, 5]. However, instead of depletion occurring simply because of auxin transport into the vasculature, as previously proposed [3, 5], we show that it may result from specific reversals in PIN1 polarity away from primordia. Given this result, our data provide new insights into how PIN1 acts to position primordia. We show that upregulation of PIN1 marks anlagen first in the epidermis, suggesting that the patterning mechanism may act primarily within this cell layer, as is also suggested by laser ablation experiments [37]. We also reveal correlations between PIN1 polarity reversals at older primordia and the establishment of foci at new sites, suggesting causal links between these events. Since we find that, in the epidermis, polarity is mainly directed from older to younger sites, one possible scenario is that new sites are first specified by a reversal event at an older primordium. Such an event may be mediated by the PINOID protein kinase [38, 39], since it is expressed in boundary domains and can act as a PIN1 polarity switch [30, 40]. In accordance with this proposal, it has been known for some time that older primordia influence the position of younger primordia [37, 41, 42]. However, this hypothesis does not explain the simultaneous appearance of regularly positioned primordia in whorled phyllotaxis. Thus, an important goal for future investigation will be to determine the direction of causality between focus establishment and polarity reversal and to see how disruptions to these processes affect primordial positioning. Boundary Establishment, Organ Specification, and PIN1 Expression Both STM and CUC gene function are required for meristem establishment and organ separation [7, 9–11, 43]. Also, ectopic STM and CUC2 expression is associated with ectopic meristem formation and abnormal development of lateral organs, indicating that tight regulation of these genes is important [8, 44, 45]. Genetic studies have also shown that PIN1 activity in the embryo is required for CUC2 expression in cotyledon boundaries [31]. In addition, both CUC2 and STM expression in the pin-like inflorescence meristem of pin1 mutants is uniform throughout the periphery [25]. These studies suggest that both local downregulation and the specific upregulation of these genes depend on auxin transport (and therefore auxin levels) in some manner [31]. By linking STM and CUC2 expression to auxin concentration and transport dynamics, we reveal how auxin transport may control these genes. We find that both pSTM::STM-VENUS and pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS are downregulated at a time when PIN1 first establishes polarity foci, coincident with a presumed auxin build-up as evidenced by pPIN1::PIN1-GFP and pDR5rev::VENUS-N7 expression. Both pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS and pSTM::STMVENUS are also upregulated in primordial boundaries at a similar time to when PIN1-GFP polarity reverses away from the primordia and apparent auxin depletion occurs in epidermal and subepidermal layers, as evidenced by PIN1 expression. Thus, there appears to be a consistent and complementary relationship between the expression of auxin reporter genes, the direction of presumed auxin flow, and the activation of STM and CUC2, suggesting that both the STM and CUC2 expression domains may be patterned by the cycles of PIN1 focus establishment and reversal during primordium development (illustrated in Figure 6A). However, given the limited time resolution of this study, it is also possible that CUC2 and/or STM may act upstream of PIN1 to influence PIN1 behavior. This proposal is also suggested by the observation that upregulation of CUC1 and CUC2 can lead to increases in organ number [45, 46]. Further experiments testing the effect of auxin on CUC2 and STM expression may help to distinguish these possi- bilities. Auxin Transport Routes and the Establishment of Organ Polarity We find that, in the inflorescence meristem, the polarity markers pFIL::dsRED-N7 and pREV::REV-VENUS are expressed predominantly abaxially and adaxially, respectively, at initiation, although they overlap to some degree later on. Although this finding contrasts with some previous reports that polar expression patterns arise gradually during primordial development [12, 15], it is consistent with more recent observations showing that a mutated FIL promoter that drives GFP expression in both adaxial and abaxial leaf domains also drives expression more widely than the wild-type promoter during organ initiation [47]. pREV::REV-VENUS expression starts in the CZ completely adaxial to pPIN1::PIN1GFP and then expands into, but does not completely overlap, the domain of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP-marked cells. In contrast, pFIL::dsRED-N7 appears to be initiated in cell layers lying in between pPIN1::PIN1-GFP-marked cells and the epidermis, although its domain quickly expands to almost completely encompass the pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP domain (summarized in Figure 6B). These results show that, in flower primordia, polarity is established at least as early as the onset of REV and FIL expression. It is also intriguing to note that pPIN1:: PIN1-GFP marks the abaxial boundary of pREV::REVVENUS expression. This suggests that, in addition to specifying primordial positions and boundary domains (as defined by CUC2 and STM expression), auxin transport routes also play a role in positioning boundaries between adaxial and abaxial cell types. Early Development of the Arabidopsis Flower Our results indicate that LFY expression arises in a boundary region between the CUC2 (and presumably STM) and FIL expression domains. From our analysis of pFIL::dsRED-N7 and pPIN1::PIN1-GFP, this region also corresponds to cells marked by PIN1, suggesting yet another role for auxin transport routes in either directly or indirectly positioning LFY expression and thus influencing floral development. During subsequent stages, this domain undergoes significant expansion. From our observations, it appears that, during this expansion, the FIL and CUC2 expression domains do not become reduced, suggesting either that their expression domains are moving relative to the LFY-expressing cells or that the LFY domain is undergoing rapid growth such that the CUC2 and FIL domains are physically pushed apart (see Figure 6B). The latter proposal is supported by previous work showing that, although LFY expression initi- Current Biology 1908 Figure 6. Conceptual Summary (A) PIN1 polarity (arrows), presumed auxin concentration dynamics, and CUC2/STM expression levels. High auxin, low STM/CUC2 (yellow); low auxin, high STM/CUC2 (blue). (B) Summary of observed expression patterns during early stages of primordial development. Arrows indicated direction of auxin transport in the epidermis. ates first by cell recruitment, this is later followed by expansion through cell proliferation [23]. That LFY may in fact be required for such growth is suggested by the reduced size of floral meristems that arise in lfy mutants [36]. Lastly, it is worth noting that, at the time when pLFY::GFP-ER expression expands, we also see the reappearance of pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 expression and a widening and strengthening of pPIN1::PIN1-GFP and pREV::REV-VENUS. Slightly later, pSTM::STM-VENUS expression also expands. These events presumably indicate the onset of floral meristem activity. Conclusion Besides determining primordial position, auxin transport patterns play a crucial role in other developmental processes including venation patterning [48, 49], establishing the embryo apical-basal axis [50], promoting differential growth in response to gravity [51], and formation of the root meristem [40, 52–54]. Our study shows that this patterning system also potentially acts to influence later differentiation events that occur during flower primordium formation, including boundary formation, organ polarity, and floral meristem initiation. Thus, auxin transport routes may provide positional information for many developmental processes throughout the plant life cycle. An important goal for future investigation will be to test our causal hypotheses and understand the mechanisms that determine the transport routes them- selves. Experimental Procedures Construction of GFP Reporters The pPIN1::PIN1-GFP fusion construct was made by inserting mGFP5 (a gift from J. Hasseloff) into a unique XhoI site located in a 8763 bp genomic DNA fragment obtained by PCR containing the PIN1 gene (3506 bp upstream of ATG to 2181 bp downstream of the stop codon). This fragment was then transformed into plants heterozygous for the pin1-4 mutation using the pART27 binary transformation vector [55]. Functionality was confirmed by identifying several T3 families in which the wild-type phenotype strictly cosegregated with the transgene. 3XVENUS-N7 was constructed by first PCR amplifying both VENUS [27] and N7, a DNA-fragmentencoding nuclear-localization protein sequence [56], with restriction sites and cloning them in frame to yield BamHI-VENUS-4XalaN7-XbaI (pPD19). The BamHI-XbaI fragment from pPD19 was then subcloned to pBJ36 [28] to yield pPD31. Separately, VENUS was also PCR amplified and cloned to pCR2.1-TOPO, flanked by BamHI and BglII sites (pPD30). The BamHI-BglII fragment from pPD30 was then ligated to BamHI-linearized pPD31 and screened for clones with multiple insertions to yield 3XVENUS-4XAlanine-N7 (pPD35). pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7 was constructed by cloning the DR5rev promoter [50] upstream of the 3XVENUS-N7 coding region, and a NotI fragment containing the reporter construct was then transfer- Auxin Transport and Gene Expression in Arabidopsis 1909 red to pMLBART [57] and transformed into pPIN1::PIN1-GFPexpressing plants. For constructing both the pSTM::STM-VENUSand pREV::REV-VENUS-translational fusions, a version of BJ36 containing a 9X Alanine linker followed by VENUS was made. For STM, a full-length STM cDNA was cloned and inserted in-frame next to the Alanine linker. A 5.76 kb region of upstream regulatory sequence was then inserted upstream of the cDNA. A NotI fragment containing this reporter was cloned into pMLBART and transformed into pPIN1::PIN1-GFP as described above. The ability of this construct to rescue the stm mutant phenotype has not been tested. pREV::REV-VENUS was constructed by amplifying a 7972 bp genomic DNA fragment containing 3779 bp of sequence upstream of the ATG as well as the whole genomic coding region into BJ36 containing 9X Alanine VENUS and transformed into Landsberg erecta plants expressing pPIN1::PIN1-GFP and rev-1 homozygous mutants. Although the phenotype of transformed rev-1 plants was variable, many selected T1 plants exhibited a wild-type phenotype. We used a CUC2 promoter reporter consisting of 3.2 kb of 5# regulatory region fused to the 3XVENUS-N7 reporter as described above. pCUC2::CUC2-VENUS was constructed by switching both the CaMV 35S promoter for the 3.2 kb CUC2 upstream regulatory sequence and VENUS for mGFP5 in a previously reported 35S:: CUC2-GFP construct [45]. Subsequently, a 9X Alanine linker was introduced as a translational fusion into the PstI site between CUC2 and VENUS and transformed as described above. Functionality of this fusion protein has not been tested. The pFIL::dsREDN7 marker was constructed by fusing dsRED Express (Clontech) to the nuclear localizing sequence N7 as described for VENUS-N7 above. DNA (5867 bp) upstream of the ATG start was then cloned upstream of dsRED-N7 in BJ36 and transformed into pPIN1::PIN1GFP-expressing plants as described above. pLFY::GFP-ER was made by amplifying a 2288 bp fragment upstream of the LFY coding region and inserting it upstream of the mGFP5-ER coding region (a gift from J. Hasseloff) in the pZP222 vector [58]. Auxin Treatments For quantitative real-time PCR analysis, inflorescences were dissected and older flowers removed. The inflorescences were then submerged in either 1% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or 100 ␮M IAA (Sigma) dissolved in 1% DMSO. For treatment of pin1-1 apices, an auxin paste was applied made from 5 mM IAA, 1% DMSO in lanolin (Sigma), or a mock treatment of 1% DMSO in lanolin. For live imaging, we found that 1% DMSO alone altered PIN1::GFP expression, and so both IAA and NAA (Sigma) were dissolved in 1 M KOH to make 0.5 M IAA or NAA stock, which was then diluted to 5 mM in H2O. A 1 M stock of NPA (Chem Service) dissolved in DMSO was diluted in H2O to give a 100 ␮M treatment solution. Approximately 10 ␮l of solution was added to the meristem after each imaging session every 2 hr. Each treatment experiment was repeated at least three times with mock treatment controls. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Total RNA was extracted using RNAeasy columns (QIAGEN) and subjected to on-column DNase treatment according to the manufacturer’s instructions. RNA (1 ␮g) was then reverse transcribed using oligo dT (20-mer) and SuperScript II Rnase H Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The reaction mixture was diluted to 30 ␮l, and 1 ␮l was used per real-time PCR reaction. Each primer pair was designed to cross introns in order to eliminate the possibility of genomic DNA amplification. The primers for PIN1 were 5#-ACAAAACGACGCAGGC TAAG-3# and 5#-AGCTGGCATTTCAATGTTCC-3#. We used both the ACTIN2 and ACTIN8 genes as internal controls by using the following primers that amplify both genes 5#-GGTAACATTGTGCTCAG TGGTGG-3# and 5#-AACGACCTTAATCTTCATGCTGC-3#(3). Each PCR reaction contained 12.5 ␮l of SYBR Green PCR Master kit containing Hot Start Taq polymerase (Perkin-Elmer Applied Biosystems), 3 ␮l of 2.5 ␮M primers, 1 ␮l of cDNA, and 7.5 ␮l of H20 for a reaction volume of 25 ␮l. Reactions were performed in triplicate on a GeneAmp 7500 thermocycler (Perkin-Elmer Applied Biosystems). Data was analyzed using the 2−⌬⌬CT method [59]. The amplification efficiencies for the ACTIN2/8 and PIN1 primers were found to be approximately equal. The data were collected from three independent treatments and are expressed as a mean fold change and range in brackets corresponding to the mean −⌬⌬CT ± SEM converted to a fold-change value. Tissue Preparation for Confocal Analysis Inflorescence meristems were prepared for live imaging as described [22]. Ler plants expressing the GFP markers were generated by transforming a chosen pPIN1::PIN1-GFP-transgenic line with all other markers. Triple-marker combinations were generated by crossing the double-marker plants and screening the F2 families. For high-resolution images, fixed stained tissue was prepared by applying 10 ␮g ml−1 FM4-64 (Molecular Probes) to intact inflorescences. After 30 min, inflorescences were detached and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde containing 0.1% Tween 20 and 0.1% Triton X-100 at 4°C for 1 hr. For whole mounts, mature buds were dissected away and the meristem immersed in 50% glycerol under a coverslip ready for imaging using a Zeiss Plan-Apochromat 63×/ 1.40 NA objective. Confocal Settings for GFP Combinations All imaging was done using a Zeiss 510LSM Meta using a waterdipping 63× objective with the plant temporarily under water. For time-lapse imaging of GFP alone, we used a 488 nm laser line together with a HFT KP 650 (short-pass) main dichroic and a 505 nm long-pass filter. The laser was attenuated to 7%, and we used 0.7 s scans of a 512 × 512 pixel frame. Stacks of 30 sections spaced approximately 1.5 ␮m apart were collected every 2 hr. In between imaging, the water was decanted and the boxes containing the plants placed in a growth cabinet. Non-time-lapse images of GFP alone were collected as above, except we used a 505–550 nm band-pass filter and a higher laser setting and smaller pinhole. To image GFP and dsRED together, we used multitracking in line-scan mode and a 488/543 main dichroic. We used a 545 secondary dichroic to split the emission in conjunction with a 543 nm laser line and 560–610 nm band-pass filter for dsRED, and the 488 nm laser line and a 505–550 nm band pass filter for GFP. The conditions for imaging GFP/VENUS combinations depended on the relative strengths of the markers. For strong VENUS with GFP, both fluorescent proteins were excited using the 488 nm laser line, and the emission was separated using the Meta spectral analyser. For weaker VENUS signal, we used multitracking in frame mode. VENUS was excited using the 514 nm laser line in conjunction with a 530–600 band-pass filter. GFP was excited with the 477 nm laser line and collected using a 545 secondary dichroic in conjunction with a 505–530 band-pass filter. For triple combinations of GFP, VENUS, and dsRED, we used frame multitracking. The settings were as for GFP/VENUS multitracking except with an additional track for dsRED using the 543 nm laser line in conjunction with a 543 secondary dichroic to separate the excitation light and 560– 610 band-pass filter. Bleaching Experiments Images of five meristems were recorded prior to bleaching. Then, using the Zeiss LSM software, two regions of interest corresponding to pDR5rev::3XVENUS-N7-expressing cells located in incipient and older primordia were selected in each of the meristems. These regions were then continuously scanned using the 514 nm laser line at 80% power until signal could not be detected using the settings initially used for imaging the prebleached meristem. After allowing 7 hr for recovery, we reimaged the meristems to assess fluorescence recovery. Image Analysis and Assessment of PIN1-GFP Polarity Visualization of volume renderings was performed using Zeiss LSM software and Amira (Mercury Computer Systems). At high resolution, the subcellular localization of PIN1-GFP could be assessed either by direct visualization or by analysis with image-processing software specifically developed for this purpose (H. Jonsson, M.G.H., B. Shapiro, E.M.M., and E. Mjolsness, unpublished data). Analysis of meristems imaged in this manner confirms that, in general, arcs of signal visible in approximately two thirds of meristem epidermal cells at lower resolution in 3D projections corresponded to PIN1-GFP protein localization within cell corners as shown in Current Biology 1910 Figure S1. 3D projections give a clearer indication of lateral subcellular PIN1-GFP polarity in the meristem compared to 2D optical transverse sections because the viewing angle can be manipulated to be normal to the curved epidermal surface. The pattern of PIN1GFP polarity and expression associated with different stages of primordium development shown in Figure 1 was representative of data gathered from greater than 50 plants, as assessed visually. Supplemental Data Supplemental Data include two figures and two movies and can be found with this article online at cgi/content/full/15/21/1899/DC1/. Acknowledgments We are grateful to members of the Meyerowitz laboratory for critical comments and suggestions for the manuscript. We thank Jan Traas for communicating unpublished results. This work was supported by Department of Energy grant DOE FG02-88ER13873 and National Science Foundation grant FIBR 0330786. Received: August 11, 2005 Revised: September 27, 2005 Accepted: September 27, 2005 Published: November 7, 2005 References 1. Okada, K., Ueda, J., Komaki, M.K., Bell, C.J., and Shimura, Y. (1991). Requirement of the auxin polar transport system in early stages of Arabidopsis floral bud formation. Plant Cell 3, 677– 684. 2. 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