COMPLEX PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PERSONAL PROTECTION ENSEMBLE Pavel Castulik CB 050 Vojenská chemie, toxikologie ochrana před vysoce toxickými látkami Přírodovědecká fakulta Masarykovi university Brno Jaro 2011 The Royal Wedding June 19, 2010 Personnel Safety  Hazard Assessment  Detection/warning means  Protective Gear performance  Personal decontamination means  Communications  Accountability during the response  Training and education  Human Factors & Fitness & Wellness  Best Safety Practices Levels of PPE Protection Level A Level C Level B Level D Personal Protective Technology Priorities  Spectrum of hazards  Respiratory protection  Integration  Mission deployment  Chemical & Biological  Radiological  Ambient temperature & Workload  Improve respiratory protection  Component integration and compatibility  Improving gloves, footwear, hood, visibility and communication  Ease donning and doffing (limited assistance)  Improve mission operation and mobility  Ease of maintenance Personal Protective Technology Priorities  Reduce physical/heat stress  Improve comfort  Improve garment breathability  Improve heat and moisture dissipation  Improve cooling systems  Improve hydration systems  Reduce equipment weight  Real-time personal physiological status monitoring  Anti-heat stress and wellness training program  Enhance ergonomic characteristics  Improve underwear  Ensure consistent and appropriate sizing of components  Improve quick-done-replacement of protective gloves and overboots Personal Protective Technology Priorities  Testing and evaluation  Reliable and objective equipment performance assessment  Implement testing technology for complexity and integrity of protective ensemble  Implement outcomes for improvement of protective equipment design and utilization Configuration Control  Component Integration and Compatibility  Eliminates bodily exposure at component interfaces  Functional and safe interconnectivity of masks, hoods, gloves, boots/overboots with protective gear  The standardized specification dimensions and interfaces of protective ensembles components Testing System in Systems PP ENSEMBLE MISSION PERFORMANCE  Suit  Hood  Mask  SCBA  Underwear  Gloves  Boots/Overboots  Cooling  Communication  Protection Factor  Mission operability & effectiveness  Comfort and  Friendly use Rationales for Evaluating Protective Ensemble  When a protective suit is constructed from a suitable material (swatch test passed), however, the final product can no longer be considered homogeneous and continuous  The suit is fabricated from many panels that are stitched, bonded, or otherwise held together, which creates discontinuities  In addition, the suit must be integrated with other protective gear, such as a hood, a mask, gloves, and boots, which create additional discontinuities in the overall ensemble TRINITY TESTS Swatch Test Physiology Test PPE Test Testing and Evaluation of PPE Tier 4 SYSTEMS TESTING Tier 3 Physiology Testing Tier 2 Component Testing [Masks, gloves, boots, Filters, etc.] Tier 1 Materials Testing [Swatch materials Barrier/Filtration] Part I SWATCH TESTING FOR PPE Swatch Testing with Permeation Cell Swatch Permeation of HD Diffusion Flow of HD through PE Foil 0.035 mm @ 30°C F [g/cm2/s] 0,00E+00 1,00E-09 2,00E-09 3,00E-09 4,00E-09 5,00E-09 6,00E-09 7,00E-09 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time [min] FHD Permeation of HD through PE Foil 0.035 mm @ 30°C QHD [g/cm2] 0,00E+00 1,00E-05 2,00E-05 3,00E-05 4,00E-05 5,00E-05 6,00E-05 7,00E-05 8,00E-05 9,00E-05 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time [min] QHD BTT Degradation of Rubber Protective Fabric with High Concentration of Chlorine Technology Failure Particle Charcoal Fallen Apart from Carrier Fabric Technology Failure Particle Charcoal Fallen Apart from Carrier Fabric Carrier Fabric „Free“ of Particle Charcoal Loose Particle Charcoal Collected at the Edge of PPE Jacket PPE Performance Evaluation CURRENT STATUS IMPROVEMENT  Design material and components for PPE are meeting/exceeding standards  Evaluation/testing is primarily focused on swatches and components, thus….  Current garment certification testing focuses primarily on the material properties of the individual components  Implementation of fullbody testing of protective ensemble in dynamic conditions as a part of a new rigorous certification  An example: New method „V-MIST“ Visual-Man-In-Simulant-Test and Workload Climate Tests Part II VISUAL-MAN-IN-SIMULANT TEST FOR INTEGRITY EVALUATION OF PPE CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW Exposure Routes Permeation Convection Penetration „Bellows“ Effect of Under-suit Exposure Mannequin „Golem“ in PPE and V-MIST detection of Chlorine penetration Chimney`s/Pocket`s Effect „Chimney“ Effect of Legs Exposure when Trousers are Worn over Boots Front side Back side Improper Donning of PPE Integrated Seals of Hood & Arms & Legs Improvised Sealing of PPE •Mask with Hood •Closures/Zippers •Gloves with Sleeve •Boots with Trouser PS PS C C PF 0  Protective Suit Protective Mask PMC C PFPM 0  PSPM PSPM PM PFPF PP C C C C PFCOMPL    0 00 . Complete Ensemble Protection Factor of PP Ensemble Shortfalls of PPE Design, Manufacturing and Exploitation Holes&Cracks Valve Malfunction Seams Diffusion Penetration Diffusion Flow PPE Protection Material Rationales for Evaluating Protective Ensemble  In addition, CB protective suits may also be subject to wear and damage during service, potentially under extreme operation conditions  Perforations, punctures, and tears in the suit material will create further discontinuities, including malfunction of closures (zipper) and/or outlet valves  For the reasons outlined above, evaluating the performance of a CB protective ensemble under realistic, dynamic conditions is far more complex than only relying on evaluating of construction and component materials Rationales for Evaluating Protective Ensemble  PPE system is required to function under dynamic conditions and physical motion of individuals  These conditions are affecting protective properties of PPEs resulting in  „Bellows“  „Chimney“ and  „Windshield “ effects Testing PPE with Volunteer Individuals in Gas Test Chamber Testing PPE with Semi-robotic Mannequin in Gas Test Chamber Test Mannequin „GOLEM“ Illustration of Golem's motion Human Body Motion Simulation  Walking with the arms motion (up to 5 km/h)  Stretch arms upwards  Forward bend  Knee-bend  Sitting  Head turning (synchronised with arms movement optional)  Breathing  Chemical Vapour and Aerosol System-Level testing of chemical/biological protective suits.  The test individuals/mannequin are outfitted with passive sampling detectors (PAD) on their skin, that absorb the chemical compound when and if it penetrates the protective suit system.  The sensing PADs are positioned at various places on the body and are analyzed at the conclusion of the test procedure. Man-In-Simulant Test „MIST“ Placement of Passive Adsorption Devices of the MIST  19 pcs PAD (size cca 1,5x1,5 cm = 2,25 represents 43  Human Body Surface = 19,000  19 PADs represents only 0,22 % of a body total surface What about remaining 99,78 % of body surface ?  This is the task what V-MIST can do Visual Man-In Simulant-Test is enable precisely and objectively identified penetration of challenge agents/simulant through deficiencies of personal protective ensembles Why V-MIST ?  Data usually obtained by means of discrete samplers do not distinguish precisely the place/areas of breakthrough (permeation/penetration), spreading under protective suit and moreover, the proper detection and subsequent evaluation of such data is very time consuming  Even if the results of MIST are undoubtedly correct in quantity, the user, in fact, would not know whether he/she donned the suit correctly and whether all parts of the equipment are sufficiently leak-tight and functioning properly  V-MIST technique allows to evaluate  whole body surface,  calculate Dermal Dose exposure and  the Protection Factor of a PPE Options Color Detection with different Agents Benzoylchloride Sulphur MustardChlorine Sarin (GB) detection with fluorophore oxime sensible to UV light Mannequin System PPE Assembly 1st Level Protective Cape 2nd Level Chemical Protective Suit 3rd Level Chemical Sensing Underwear Test gas: Chlorine Benzoylchloride S-Mustard Time of test: 30min Dynamic movements: Breathing Walking Knee-bending Etc. Test of PPE Gas-tightness in GTCh Example of Test outcome Data 6,970 65,35 1 1      n c n dk D SCt PF 2 5 1 64,19230 cmSd  gDc 5,190 5 1  Body Surface Total Dose Protection Factor Exposure 30 min of exercise Correlated Doses for HD 432 g/cloth 241 g/cap 191 g/shirt 0 g/trousers GB 381 g/cloth 212 g/cap 168 g/shirt 0 g/trousers How it works Test Protocol Information Type of PPE: FOP Date: 06.04.09 Figurant: # 1 Part of PPE: Jacket Side of Item: Front Challenge Conc. [ppm]: 2,8 Time of Expo. [min]: 30 Area of Item [cm2]: 4887,3 Doses [g]: 643,21 Pseudo-color Scale Concentration 1,39 1,8 1,03 0,6 0,34 Chlorine [g/cm2] Image of Whole Body Exposure WHOLE BODY S=18322 cm2 D= 1022 µg Part III IMPROVEMENT OF PPE PROTECTION FACTOR THROUGH ARTIFICIAL VENTILATION AGAINST „WINSHIELD EFFECT“ „Wind Shield“ Penetration Effect Sub-millimeter hole (0.9mm) Penetration „signature“ through the hole Penetration through zipper closure Real and Pseudo-color Images Front side Front side Back side Front side Aerodynamic Flow-Windshield Barry J. at all: Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Fabric Systems for Intelligent Garment Design. MRS Bulletin, August 2003 Back side Decreased Exposure D1.10-2 cm2/s h=0,02 cm FAMB= D x C x A x Δ t / h FINT=  x C x A x Δ t FINT  FAMB   D/h   0,01/0,02  0,5 [cm/s]   D/h + p w  Outflow Air Penetration Flow versus Front Wind Penetratonrate dependence onwindvelocity 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 Wind velocity [m.s-1 ] Penetrationrate[cm.s-1 ] Experiment Theory p = 0,1 . 3 w  where p is penetration flow (cm/s) and  w is wind velocity (m/s)  p = 0,72 (0,8) @ w 2 m/s   D/h + p   0,5 + 0,8  1,3 [cm/s] p = 0,8 cm/s @ w= 2,0 m/s FINT =  x C x A x Δt Outflow Air Ventilation-leakage Blower hose with airflow 100 l/min Soupy bubbles indicating outflow of ventilated air from protective ensemble Outflow Air Part IV THERMOVISION SURVEY OF HUMAN BODY THERMAL BEHAVIOR IN PPE Physiology evaluation in Climate Test Chamber Response of human body to workload in PPE  The goal is to calculate permissible time of a person's deployment in a PPE under particular environmental conditions and workload scenario  Key controlled parameters are ambient temperature, humidity, heat radiation, workload (watts), time exposure, the core body temperature (in rectum), heart frequency and loss of body fluids (perspiration, urine), psychomotoric response Heat Workload and Ventilation/Cooling Evaluation Body Heat Stress Response Trectal= f (t) for continuous workload Trectal= f (t) for periodical workload (work and rest) Trectal= f (t) for continuous workload with ventilation Trectal= f (t) for periodical workload with ventilation Thermo-imaging of Heat/Cooling Dissipation Cooling Evaporation Effect Conclusions  Swatch testing represents only precondition for requested properties of PPEs during their design, development and manufacturing  Visual-MIST represents high fidelity and fast testing technology for comprehensive evaluation of protective ensemble in dynamic condition  Utilization of V-MIST as standard test technology for determination of PPE`s Protection Factor would require also revisions and the improvement of protection standards  Heat stress properties of a PPE and workload response of a PPE users have to become the standard  Collaboration is welcome Jiri Slabotinsky, Stanislav Bradka, Lukas Kralik, Petr Smitka, Marketa Weisheitelova National Institute for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection v.v.i., Kamenna 79, 262 31 Milin, Czech Republic, Petr Navratil*, *VOP 026 Sternberk s.p.-Military Technical Institute of Protection, Veslarska 230, 637 00 Brno, Czech Republic Pavel Castulik** **CBRNe Consultant, Mikulaskovo sq. 17, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic E-mail: CV Dr. Pavel Castulik • Education: University of Defence, Chemical Engineering and NBC Defence, Dipl. Eng., PhD • Commander of NBC Battalion  PhD Thesis on Decontamination  Head of Research & Development Decontamination Department  Head of R&D Chemical and Nuclear Protection Division  Destruction of CWs in Iraq  Development of the Technical Secretariat of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons  Head of Training at the OPCW  Head of Chemical Weapons Demilitarization at the OPCW  Chief Inspector at the OPCW  University lecturer  Consultant on CBRNe