Angličtina pro matematiky IV



(source: Wikipedia)
1. Have a look at the underlined expressions and try to think of some information relating to them.
2.Read the text and try to fill in the missing verbs.
combine           originate         include     verify      deal with    
3. What do you know about the four color theorem?
The study of space 1............ with geometry – in particular, Euclidean geometry. Trigonometry is the branch of mathematics that 2................ relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and with the trigonometric functions; it combines space and numbers, and encompasses the well-known Pythagorean theorem. The modern study of space generalizes these ideas to include higher-dimensional geometry, non-Euclidean geometries, and topology. Quantity and space both play a role in analytic geometry, differential geometry, and algebraic geometry. Within differential geometry are the concepts of fiber bundles and calculus on manifolds, in particular, vector and tensor calculus. Within algebraic geometry is the description of geometric objects as solution sets of polynomial equations, combining the concepts of quantity and space, and also the study of topological groups, which 3................ structure and space. Lie groups are used to study space, structure, and change. Topology in all its many ramifications may have been the greatest growth area in 20th century mathematics, and 4................ the long-standing Poincaré conjecture and the controversial four color theorem, whose only proof, by computer, has never been 5................... by a human.
Four color theorem
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Example of a four-colored map
A four-coloring of an actual map of the states of the United States (ignoring water and other countries).
1. First, scan the text quickly and try to match the headings and paragraphs.
1.      Attitude of mapmakers
2.      Which number of colors is enough?
3.      Second proof using computers
4.      Theorem proven, doubts remain
5.      What is it about?
A. In mathematics, the four color theorem, or the four color map theorem, states that given any separation of a plane into contiguous regions, called a map, the regions can be colored using at most four colors so that no two adjacent regions have the same color. Two regions are called adjacent only if they share a border segment, not just a point.
B. Three colors are adequate for simpler maps, but an additional fourth color is required for some maps, such as a map in which one region is surrounded by an odd number of other regions that touch each other in a cycle. The five color theorem, which has a short elementary proof, states that five colors suffice to color a map and was proven in the late 19th century, however, proving four colors suffice turned out to be significantly harder. A number of false proofs and false counterexamples have appeared since the first statement of the four color theorem in 1852.
C. Despite the motivation from coloring political maps of countries, the theorem is not of particular interest to mapmakers. According to an article by the math historian Kenneth May (Wilson 2002, 2), “Maps utilizing only four colours are rare, and those that do usually require only three. Books on cartography and the history of mapmaking do not mention the four-color property.”
D. The four color theorem was proven in 1976 by Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken. It was the first major theorem to be proven using a computer. Appel and Haken's approach started by showing there is a particular set of 1,936 maps, each of which cannot be part of a smallest-sized counterexample to the four color theorem. Appel and Haken used a special-purpose computer program to check each of these maps had this property. Additionally, any map (regardless of whether it is a counterexample or not) must have a portion that looks like one of these 1,936 maps. To show this required hundreds of pages of hand analysis. Appel and Haken concluded that no smallest counterexamples existed because any must contain, yet not contain, one of these 1,936 maps. This contradiction means there are no counterexamples at all and the theorem is true. Initially, their proof was not accepted by all mathematicians because the computer-assisted proof was infeasible for a human to check by hand.
E. To dispel remaining doubt about the Appel–Haken proof, a simpler proof using the same ideas and still relying on computers was published in 1997 by Robertson, Sanders, Seymour, and Thomas. Additionally in 2005, the theorem was proven by Georges Gonthier with general purpose theorem proving software.
2. Go back to the text and read it carefully. State what these numbers referr to.
a)      5
b)      1976
c)      1,936
d)      1852
e)      2005
f)        1997
3. Now answer Qs, using the information from the text.
1.      What are adjacent regions?
2.      What kinds of maps need four colors?
3.      When was the five color theorem proven?
4.      Is the four color theorem used by mapmakers?
5.      How was the four color theorem proven?
6.      Why was the proof unacceptable?
7.      Which methods of proving the theorem vere used in 2005?
LANGUAGE STUDY: a)There are some expressions in the text indicating the opinion and attitude of various scholars. Try to find them. 
b) Fill in the missing information:
In the opinion of Kenneth May, ..........................
Some mathematicians doubted..............................
Under the conclusion of Appel and Hanken.............................................
The theorem is not of interest ................................................................
Robertson, Sanders, Seymour, and Thomas dispeled the doubts......................................


Listening 3
Listen to the part of the lecture and answer the following Qs.
1)      What is the lecturer assuming?
2)      Where can you study differential equations or modeling in case you need some explanations?
3)      Which acronyms is the lecturer going to use?
4)      What is the difference between those two equations?
5)      What does the blue color indicate?
Transcript - Lecture 1 – 18.03
Listen for the second time and try to fill in the missing words.
OK, let's get started. I'm assuming that, A, you went recitation yesterday, B, that even if you didn't, you know how to 1) _____ variables, and you know how to 2) _____ simple models, solve physical problems with differential equations, and possibly even solve them. So, you should have learned that either in high school, or 18.01 here, or, yeah. So, I'm going to start from that point, assume you know that. I'm not going to tell you what differential equations are, or what modeling is. If you still are uncertain about those things, the book has a very long and good explanation of it. Just read that 3)______. So, we are talking about first order ODEs.
ODE: I'll only use two acronyms. ODE is ordinary differential equations. I think all of MIT knows that, whether they've been taking the course or not. So, we are talking about first-order ODEs, which in standard form, are written, you 4) _____ the derivative of y with respect to, x, let's say, on the left-hand side, and on the right-hand side you write everything else. You can't always do this very well, but for today, I'm going to assume that it has been done and it's 5)_______. So, for example, some of the ones that will be considered either today or in the problem set are things like y' = x / y.
That's pretty simple. The problem set has y' = x - y^2. And, it also has y' = y - x^2. There are others, too. Now, when you look at this, this, of course, you can solve by separating variables. So, this is solvable. This one is-- and neither of these can you separate variables. And they look extremely similar. But they are extremely dissimilar. The most dissimilar about them is that this one is 6)_________ solvable. And you will learn, if you don't know already, next time next Friday how to solve this one
This one, which looks almost the same, is unsolvable in a certain sense. Namely, there are no elementary functions which you can write down, which will give a solution of that differential equation. So, right away, one 7)_________ the most significant fact that even for the simplest possible differential equations, those which only involve the first derivative, it's possible to write down extremely looking simple 8) ________.
I'll put this one up in blue to indicate that it's bad. Whoops, sorry, I mean, not really bad, but 9) _________. It's not solvable in the ordinary sense in which you think of an equation is solvable. And, since those equations are the rule rather than the exception, I'm going about this first day to not solving a single differential equation, but indicating to you what you do when you meet a blue equation like that.
What do you do with it? So, this first day is going to be 10) _________ to geometric ways of looking at differential equations and numerical. At the very end, I'll talk a little bit about numerical ways. And you'll work on both of those for the first problem set. 
Have a look at the underlined expressions and try to replace them with the expressions of the same or similar meaning.
Transcript - Lecture 1 – 18.03
Listen for the second time and try to fill in the missing words.
OK, let's get started. I'm assuming that, A, you went recitation yesterday, B, that even if you didn't, you know how to separate variables, and you know how to construct simple models, solve physical problems with differential equations, and possibly even solve them. So, you should have learned that either in high school, or 18.01 here, or, yeah. So, I'm going to start from that point, assume you know that. I'm not going to tell you what differential equations are, or what modeling is. If you still are uncertain about those things, the book has a very long and good explanation of it. Just read that stuff. So, we are talking about first order ODEs.
ODE: I'll only use two acronyms. ODE is ordinary differential equations. I think all of MIT knows that, whether they've been taking the course or not. So, we are talking about first-order ODEs, which in standard form, are written, you isolate the derivative of y with respect to, x, let's say, on the left-hand side, and on the right-hand side you write everything else. You can't always do this very well, but for today, I'm going to assume that it has been done and it's doable. So, for example, some of the ones that will be considered either today or in the problem set are things like y' = x / y.
That's pretty simple. The problem set has y' = x - y^2. And, it also has y' = y - x^2. There are others, too. Now, when you look at this, this, of course, you can solve by separating variables. So, this is solvable. This one is-- and neither of these can you separate variables. And they look extremely similar. But they are extremely dissimilar. The most dissimilar about them is that this one is easily solvable. And you will learn, if you don't know already, next time next Friday how to solve this one
This one, which looks almost the same, is unsolvable in a certain sense. Namely, there are no elementary functions which you can write down, which will give a solution of that differential equation. So, right away, one confronts the most significant fact that even for the simplest possible differential equations, those which only involve the first derivative, it's possible to write down extremely looking simple guys.
I'll put this one up in blue to indicate that it's bad. Whoops, sorry, I mean, not really bad, but recalcitrant. It's not solvable in the ordinary sense in which you think of an equation is solvable. And, since those equations are the rule rather than the exception, I'm going about this first day to not solving a single differential equation, but indicating to you what you do when you meet a blue equation like that.
What do you do with it? So, this first day is going to be devoted to geometric ways of looking at differential equations and numerical. At the very end, I'll talk a little bit about numerical ways. And you'll work on both of those for the first problem set.