M9302 Mathematical Models in Economics Instructor: Georgi Burlakov 2.5.Repeated Games Lecture 4 07.04.2011 OPVK_MU.tif o oThe aim of the forth lecture is to describe a special subclass of dynamic games of complete and perfect information called repeated games o oKey question: Can threats and promises about future behavior influence current behavior in repeated relationships? Repeated Games o oLet G = {A1,…,An; u1,…,un} denote a static game of complete information in which player 1 through player n simultaneously choose actions a1 through an o from the action spaces A1 through An. oRespectively, the payoffs are u(a,…,a) through u(a,…,a) oAllow for any finite number of repetitions. oThen, G is called the stage game of the repeated game Repeated Games o oFinitely repeated game: Given a stage game G, let G(T) denote the finitely repeated game in which G is played T times, with the outcomes of all preceding plays observed before the next play begins. oThe payoffs for G(T) are simply the sum of the payoffs from the T stage games. Finitely Repeated Game o oIn the finitely repeated game G(T), a subgame beginning at stage t+1 is the repeated game in which G is played T-t times, denoted G(T-t). oThere are many subgames that begin in stage t+1, one for each of the possible histories of play through stage t. oThe tth stage of a repeated game (t ei for every player i and if δ is sufficiently close to 1, then there exists a subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium of the infinitely repeated game G(∞,δ) that achieves (x1,…,xn) as the average payoff. o Folk’s Theorem o oReservation payoff ri – the largest payoff player i can guarantee receiving, no matter what the other players do. oIt must be that , since if ri were greater than ei, it would not be a best response for player i to play her Nash equilibrium strategy. oIn SD, ri = ei but in the Cournot Duopoly Game (and typically) ri < ei Folk’s Theorem o oFolk’s Theorem (Fudenber & Maskin 1986): If (x1, x2) is a feasible payoff from G, with xi>ri for each i, then for δ sufficiently close to 1, there exists a SGPNE of G(∞,δ) that achieves (x1, x2) as the average payoff even if xi