Adams, JQ, A Lincoln, M van Buren, HS Truman, 1976, Evolutionary perspectives on insect mating: Journal of Evolutionary Biology, v. 76, p. 204-212. Adams JQ, Lincoln A, van Buren M, Truman HS. Evolutionary perspectives on insect mating. J Evol Biol 1976; 76(11):204-212. Adams, J.Q., Lincoln, A., van Buren, M., and Truman, H.S. (1976): Evolutionary perspectives on insect mating. J.Evol.Biol., 76: 204-212. ADAMS, J. Q., A. LINCOLN, M. VAN BUREN, AND H. S. TRUMAN. 1976. Evolutionary perspectives on insect mating. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 76: 204-212. Adams, John Quincy, Abraham Lincoln, Martin van Buren, and Harry S Truman. 1976. Evolutionary perspectives on insect mating. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 76, no. 11:204-212. Adams, J.Q., A. Lincoln, M. van Buren, and H.S. Truman, 1976. Evolutionary perspectives on insect mating. J. Evol. Biol. 76(11): 204-212. • from a supervisor • from other papers • from books • from databases • from WWW Průvodce elektronickými databázemi LF a PřF Informační zdroje v zoologii Stano Pekár • use correct latin name (avoid using synonyms) • in the title give higher taxonomic levels (family, order, class) • at first mention in the text give full name with authority: • further on use generic abbreviation: Baehr B. 1998. The genus Hersilia: phylogeny and distribution in Australia and New Guinea (Arachnida, Araneae, Hersiliidae). Journal of Arachnology 28: 61-66. Aetius nocturnus O. P.-Cambridge, 1896 Apochinomma formica Simon, 1896 Ae. nocturnus Ap. formica Araneus labyrinthicus Clerck, 1757 Aranea riparia Linnaeus, 1758 Aranea röselii Scopoli, 1763 Aranea furcata Martini & Goeze, in Lister, 1778 Aranea liliigera Rossi, 1790 Dolomeda montana Risso, 1826 A. l. Sundevall, 1831 Theridium maxillare Brullé, 1832 Agelena labyrinthica (Clerck, 1757) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature The World Spider Catalog • find authority and year of description • find valid species name • find it systematic position • LSID (Life Science Identifier) unique code Species 2000 • all organisms • more than 1 mil. species Fauna Europea • only European fauna Tree of Life • systematic position up to the family level 1. Find a catalogue of the order/family. 2. Write complete taxonomic position (hierarchy) of a selected taxon, i.e. from phyllum to genus. 3. Give list of 10 valid latin names of species from a selected taxon with authority and year. Save it to a file: name.doc