5. DEVELOPMENT OF BLOOD Mesonephric tubules Blood cells primitive hematopoiesis ventral mesoderm Fish gastrulation movie 8h embryo ICM 2d embryo circulation scl, gata1/2, lmo2 - transcriptional factors that specify early hematopoietic tissue (gata2 expressed also in ectoderm) RBI – rostral blood islands ICM – inner cell mass 5-somite stage embryo – hematopoiesis starts officially gata1 promoter-driven GFP = early erythroid lineage dorsal aorta MYELOPOIESIS STARTS IN RBI @ 10-SOMITE STAGE spi1 – marker of myeloid lineage rostral caudal spi1 detected by Fast Red riboprobe scl – early hematovascular cell fate fli1 – early vascular fate nkx2.5 – heart fate 7.5 dpc mouse embryo (late gastrulation stage) 8.5 dpc – yolk sac encloses entire embryo blood islands merge to form vascular channels LacZ driven by b-globin promoter (X-gal staining – primitive erythroblasts) bl - blood islands ec - ectoplacental cone ac - amniotic cavity te - trophectoderm al - allantois eem - extraembryonic mesoderm (blue) ve - visceral endoderm e - embryonic ectoderm AORTA-GONAD MESONEPHROS (AGM) Development of intra-embryonic hemogenic site fetal liver hemogenic site aorta HSC A- aorta NO- notochord AV- axial vein e - endothelial cell A lateral plate mesoderm ICM Rohon-Beard neurons RUNX1 riboprobe RUNX1 (CBFA2, AML1) is necessary for ‘definitive’ hematopoiesis to start at AGM Runx1+/- E11.5: dark- hematopoietic cells only a few primitive erythrocytes left – likely a carry-over from the ‘primitive’ hematopoiesis Runx1-/- PRIMITIVE vs. DEFINITIVE EXTRAEMBRYONAL vs EMBRYONAL BONE MARROW NICHE IS CRITICAL FOR HEMATOPOIESIS Collagen type X deletion wt Col X-/- normal hematopoiesis aplasia wt Col X-/- wt Col X-/- thymus spleen HEMANGIOBLAST scattered among endothelial and HSC in heart field of the gastrula ventral marginal cells of the heart field, n- notochord Endothelial progenitor HEMANGIOBLAST or HAEMOGENIC EPITHELIA, or BOTH? blast colony-forming cell Hemangioblast culture Angiopoietin 1 rec. Integrin alpha 2B tight adherent structure Tie2hic-KIT+CD41_ can generate hematopoietic precursors endothelial markers endothelia in matrigel Tie2hic-KIT+CD41_ are present in vivo by FACS Tie2hic-KIT+CD41_ are present in vivo by IHC Runx1-/- TRANSCRIPTIONAL FACTORS IN BLOOD DEVELOPMENT GATA-1 - binds DNA via a zinc finger motif Dracula fish – loss-of-function mutation in GATA1 – impaired erythroid differentiation Spadetail/TBX16 DNA binding domain derived from the prototype gene called transcription factor T impaired erythroid but not myelopoietic differentiation Moonshine TIM-family of transcriptional factors ‘primitive’ – survival of HSC ‘definitive’ – cardiomegaly and impaired red cell differentiation erythrocyte proerythroblast WHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONG WITH BLOOD AML1 (RUNX1) -no hematopoiesis in liver -only primitive erythrocytes in peripheral blood, no platelets ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA Sca1 – locus active in hematopoietic stem cells in adult mice CHRONIC MYELOID LEUKEMIA bcr abl bcr-abl mice transplanted with patient bone marrow Am J Med. 1977 Jul;63(1):125-30. Chronic myelocytic leukemia: clonal origin in a stem cell common to the granulocyte, erythrocyte, platelet and monocyte/macrophage. Fialkow PJ, Jacobson RJ, Papayannopoulou T.