1 Liquids Molecular – vdW forces, H-bonds Metallic – melted metals, ions + electrons, electrostatic forces Ionic – melted salts, FLINAK (LiF + NaF + KF), freely moving anions and cations, ion electric conductivity, EtNH3 + NO3 - m.p. 12 °C N N N N (CH2 )n NN N N N HO OH Cl-, AlCl4 -, Al2Cl7 -, Al3Cl10 -, PF6 -, SnCl3 -, BCl3 -, BF4 -, NO3 -, OSO2CF3 - (triflate), CH3C6H4SO3 -, N(SO2CF3)2 -, PO4 3- 2 Hole Theory of Liquids Solids (molecular) – close packing in lattice, molecules touch, vdW radii Liquids – same nearest-neighbor distances as in solids, lower density, coordination number decreases with increasing temperature Ar (s) c.n. 12 Ar (l) c.n. 10 – 11 at melting, density lower by 12% Ar (l) c.n. 4 at critical temperature Liquids – free space (voids) in nearly close packed structure, molecules with a high Ekin move through the structure, molecules with a low Ekin engage in vdW interactions 3 Hole Theory of Liquids Two types of molecules in liquids: 1. molecules neighboring a vacation (hole) – similar to (g) 2. molecules surrounded by other molecules – similar to (s) Structure of liquids is between regular structure of solids and random motion of gases. Ekin of liquid molecules is too high to keep them in lattice positions, but too low to leave vdW interactions and escape from a container 4 Surface Tension A force in a surface of a liquid, that keeps the surface area at minimum – spherical shape. Surface Tension = Energy to form 1 m2 of new surface [N m–1 = J m–2] Molecules on a surface of a liquid interact with other molecules inside liquid – unequal forces 5 Surface Tension Surface Tension = Energy to form new surface = to take molecules from inside a liquid (strongly held) and bring them to surface (weakly bound) Free surface energy E E = γ S γ = surface tension [N m–1 = J m–2] S = surface area F = γ l [N m–1 = J m–2] dS dE =γ 6 Surface Tension Phase boundary (T = 20 oC) γ, Surface tension [mJ m−2] Water / Air 72.75 Hg / Air 472 Benzene / Air 28.88 Water / Air (100 oC) 58.0 Vodoměrka Desinfection Surfactants - soaps 7 Surface Tension of Water Surface tension decreases with increasing temperature. 8 Surface Tension Meaurements Tensiometer Plate - Wilhelmy Tensiometer Ring – DeNouy 2 π D γ = F Hanging droplet dS dE =γ 9 Paper Chromatography 10 Viscosity Internal friction, resistance to flow Increases with intermolecular forces: OH OH OH OH OH OH Increases with chain length, entanglement Decreases with increasing temp η = A exp (E / RT) Stokes equation F = 6 π η r v η = viscosity [kg m–1 s–1] r = ball radius v = speed 11 Evaporation and Condensation Molecules at surface with sufficient Ekin and correct movement direction can overcome vdW forces and surface tension and leave liquid to gas phase even below boiling point Evaporation of liquid = Energetically rich molecules leave – liquid cools Condensation = collisions of vapor molecules (g) with surface (l), loss of Ekin, molecules trapped by vdW forces into (l) vaporization and condensation enthalpy ΔHvap > 0 endo ΔHcondí < 0 exo 12 Vapor Pressure Vapor Pressure Dynamic equilibrium Closed space 13 Vapor Pressure 14 Vapor Pressure 1325470377Diethylether 92.523.817.5Water 50 ºC25 ºC20 ºCTemp. Compound Vapor pressure increases with temp (760 torr = 101.325 kPa) [torr] 15 Vapor Pressure and Kinetic Theory At a given T, liquids with weak vdW forces have higher vapor pressure Weak vdW forces strong vdW forces Only molecules with Ekin > Eimf can leave a liquid 16 Vapor Pressure and Temperature Only molecules with Ekin > Eimf can leave a liquid 17 Vapor Pressure Normal pressure 101.325 kPa 18 Boiling point = temp, at which vapor pressure equals ambient pressure Normal boiling point = temp, at which vapor pressure equals ambient pressure of 101.325 kPa Sublimation point = temp, at which vapor pressure of a solid equals ambient pressure Normal sublimation point = temp, at which vapor pressure of a solid equals ambient pressure of 101.325 kPa Boiling and sublimation can be induced by heating or lowering ambient pressure 19 Normal Boiling Points of Group 14– 17 Hydrides 17 Strong H-bonds keep molecules in liquid = low vapor pressure = high boiling points 16 15 14 20 p-T Phase Diagram 21 Critical Point of Benzene 300.7 ºC 307.4 ºC 309.2 ºC Phase boundary (meniscus) between l and g disappears 22 Water Density (g, l, s) 23 p-T Phase Diagram Increasing pressure decreases melting point of water = anomaly Increasing pressure causes solidification of liquid 24 Clausius-Clapeyron Equation m m VT H dT dp Δ Δ = Clapeyron eq. of phase transition For l-g equil: 1) Vm(g) >> Vm(l), then ∆Vm = Vm(g) 2) Vm(g) from id. gas eq. p RT gVm =)(Differential Clausius-Clapeyron eq. 2 ln RT H dT pd mΔ = Integrated Clausius-Clapeyron eq. 25 Antoine Equation p = vapor pressure (bar) T = temp (K) -45.6221663.1255.08354344. - 373. -45.8541659.7935.07680334. - 363. -39.4851733.9265.20389304. - 333. -31.7371838.6755.40221273. - 303. -198.043643.7483.55959379. - 573. CBATemp. interval (K) Water 26 Trouton Rule 11, 0 0 , 90 −− = Δ =Δ molJK T H S b vapm vapm ΔG = 0 in equlibrium, at phase transitions ΔG = ΔH - TΔS = 0 For different liquids (nonpolar) at normal boiling point, vaporization molar entropy is roughly the same: Not true for water at 100 ºC – very strong H bonds = ordered structure = small entropy of liquid water ΔS0 vap = 109 J K-1 mol-1 liquid vapor ΔS 27 Diffusion In liquids and gases, in solids at increased temperature Spontaneous mixing of compounds Mass transfer Equalization of concentrations Result of random movements of molecules dx dc D Adt dn J −== First Fick’s law for diffusion flux J 28 First Fick’s Law J = diffusion flux [mol s−1 m−2] n = molar amount [mol] D = diffusion coeficient [m2 s−1] dc/dx = gradient of concentration A = area [m2] x diffusion flux