1 Electronic Structure of Atoms Chemical properties of atoms (and molecules) are given by their electronic structure. We need to know: • electron energy • spatial distribution of electrons Knowledge about electronic structure of atoms was obtained by studies of radiation emitted by excited atoms (from ground state to excited state by adding energy – thermal, electrical - spark, arc) 2 Electromagnetic Radiation c = 2.998 108 m s−1 speed of light James C. Maxwell (1831-1879) Heinrich Hertz (1857 - 1894) 3 Wavelength, frequency, wavenumber, amplitude ν λ = c c = 2.998 108 m s−1 ΰ = 1/λ [cm−1] 4 Electromagnetic Radiation Wavelength, λ [m] 380 nm 780 nm 5 Spectrum Character of light: • Wave (interference) Huygens, Young • Corpuscular (linear rays, reflection) Newton 6 Spectrum Sun spectrum: He, Fe, Mg,... Absorption spectrum Emission spectrum Continuous spectrum 7 Line Spectra of Elements Emission spectrum Absorption spectrum 8 Emission Line Spectra of Elements Cu Zn Wavelength, nm H He Li 9 Quantized Energy Planck constant h = 6.626 10−34 J s ΔE = n h ν = n h c / λ Max Planck (1858 - 1947) NP in Physics 1918 1900 Energy of radiation with wavelength λ could be absorbed or emitted only in discrete amount = quantum Quantum of light = photon E1 E2 E1 E2 E2 -E1 = h ν Ground state Excited state Energy 10 Black Body Radiation Black Body = perfectly absorbs all incoming radiation, perfectly emits all wavelengths Atoms = oscillators Quantized Energy E = h ν Max Planck derived Energy emitted at wavelength λ is only a function of temperature UV catastrophe ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ − = 1 2 5 2 kT hc e hc P λ λ λ π 11 Black Body Radiation Stefan-Boltzmann Law Energy emitted from a unit area per time T konst =maxλ Wien’s Law 4 TP ×= σ 12 Photoelectric Effect photon Cathode alkali metal 1887 Heinrich Hertz 1898 J. J. Thomson Observations • electrons are emitted from the metal surface upon irradiation by UV (alkali metals by visible light) • minimum ν, photons of lower energy cannot eject electrons • kinetic energy of photoelectrons depends on ν, increases with higher light energy, but not dependent on its intensity 13 Photoelectric Effect Below ν0 no emission No matter how intense the light is! Kinetic energy of photoelectrons kinetic energy of photoelectrons depends on ν, increases with higher light energy, but not dependent on its intensity hν0 = work function 14 Photoelectric Effect Φ = photoelectron flux KE = Kinetic energy hν0 = work function I = UV light Intensity minimum ν0 Incr. with ν Does not depend on I Incr. with IDoes not depend on ν 15 Photoelectric Effect 1905 Albert Einstein (1879-1955) NP in Physics 1921 Particle character of electromagnetic radiation Light = photons Photon energy E = h ν Ejected electron energy Ekin = ½ mv2 h ν = Ei + ½ mv2 Ekin = h (ν – ν0) ν0 = metal characteristic h = Planck constant Ei = hν0 = work function 16 Photoelectric Effect h ν0 h ν0 h ν h ν Ekin = h (ν – ν0) h ν = Ei + ½ mv2 Ei = hν0 work function Photon energy E = h ν Ejected electron energy Ekin = ½ mv2 17 Hydrogen Emission Spectrum Line spectrum of light emitted by H atoms Lines have constant wavelengths 18 Hydrogen Emission Spectrum m → n ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −= ∞ 22 111 mn R λ Balmer series in visible range (1855) 19 Rydberg Equation Experimental result from spectral mearurements (visible, infrared, ultraviolet regions) Rydberg constant, R∞ = 109678 cm−1 n, m = integers, n = 2, m = 3, 4, 5, 6,.... Balmer series in visible range (1st in 1855) Rydberg equation holds only for H spectrum ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −= ∞ 22 111 mn R λ 20 Spectral Series ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −= ∞ 22 111 mn R λ n = 1, m = 2, 3,.... Lyman n = 2, m = 3, 4,.... Balmer n = 3, m = 4, 5,.... Paschen n = 4, m = 5, 6,.... Bracket n = 5, m = 6, 7,.... Pfund 21 Bohr’s Model of Atom Fcoul Fcf r v Niels Bohr (1885 - 1962) NP in Physics 1922 Electrons move around nucleus in circular orbits, equilibrium of centrifugal and Coulombic forces FO = FC 1913 Z 2 0 22 4 r Ze r mv πε = 22 Bohr’s Model of Atom E = Ekin + Epot = 1/2 m v2 − Z e2 / 4 π e0 r = − Z e2 / 8 π e0 r Electrons moves on allowed orbits with certain definite E and r On allowed orbits do not emit energy = stacionary states Lowest energy state = the most stable = ground state Higher states = excited states Quantized change of energy state E2 − E1 = hν Spectrum line 2 0 22 4 r Ze r mv πε = 2 0 2 4 mv Ze r πε = 23 Bohr’s Model of Atom Bohr’s postulates: electron angular momentum is an integer multiple of Planck quantum (h/2π) n = quantum number plug in from m v2 = Z e2 / 4 π e0 r for n = 1 and Z = 1 a0 = e0 h2 / π m e2 a0 = 0.529 Å Bohr radius of H atom hn h nmvr == π2 Z a nr 02 = nh Ze v 0 2 2ε = Orbit radius Speed of electron 24 Bohr’s Model of Atom E = Ekin + Epot = 1/2 m v2 − Z e2 / 4 π e0 r E0 (= m e4 / 8 e0 2 h2) = 2.18 10 −18 J (1 eV = 1.6 10 −19 J) E0 = 13.6 eV Ionisation potential of H atom 2 2 0 n Z EEn −= Quantized energy Energy of an electron at level n Energy of electron 25 Bohr’s Model of Atom The stronger is an electron bound to nucleus, the lower is its energy (more negative) E = 0 Energy of electron 26 Ionisation Energy Atomic number, Z Energy for removing a bound electron 27 Bohr’s Model of Atom Energy difference between two levels E2 − E1 = (− E0 Z2 / n2 2) − (− E0 Z2 / n1 2) ΔE = h ν = h c / λ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −= 2232 0 4 11 8 1 mnch me ελ Equation is identical to Rydberg’s !!! 2 2 22 0 4 2 2 0 8 n Z h me n Z EEn ε −=−= Energy of an electron at level n 28 Spectral Series of H Atom ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −= ∞ 22 111 mn R λ n = 1, m = 2, 3,.... Lyman n = 2, m = 3, 4,.... Balmer n = 3, m = 4, 5,.... Paschen 29 Limitations of Bohr’s Model • Simple and easy to understand • Explained lines in the H spectrum • Explained quantization of energy in atoms • Cannot be used for multielectron atom spectra • Only for atoms of “hydrogen-type” (nucleus = Zn+, only one electron) Fundamentally flawed model Overcome by quantum-mechanic model 30 Wave-like Character of Light diffraction, interference, refraction, polarisation Christian Huygens Augustin J. Fresnel Thomas Young James C. Maxwell Heinrich Hertz 31 Particle-like Character of Light Black body radiation, photoelectric effect, line spectra, maximum wavelength of X-rays, Compton scattering Albert Einstein Max Planck Wilhelm K. Roentgen Henry Moseley Niels Bohr Arthur Compton 32 Particle-like Character of Light Electromagnetic radiation = wave E = h ν Electromagnetic radiation = particles – photons Compton scattering 1922 Photon’s mass mf E = h ν = h c / λ E = mf c2 Arthur H. Compton (1892 - 1962) NP in Physics 1927 c h mf λ = 33 Compton Scattering Photons scattered on core electrons, no change in energy wavelength the scattering of monochromatic Xrays from electrons in a carbon target, scattered x-rays with a longer wavelength than those incident upon the target, the shift of the wavelength increases scattering angle N = number of photons Photons scattered on outer electrons, energy transferred, wavelength increases 34 Dual Character of Light λ - incident x-ray photon wavelength λ’ - scattered x-ray photon wavelength, longer than incident one the shift of the wavelength increases scattering angle θ ( )θλλ cos1' 2 −=− cm h e 35 Wave-like Character of Electrons Louis de Broglie (1892 - 1987) NP in Physics 1929 1923 de Broglie Electron has a wavelength Planck + Einstein E = h ν = h v / λ E = m v2 particle v = speed of electron mv = p = momentum of electron wave Wavelength λ mv h =λ 36 Scattering of Electrons on Ni Crystal 1927 C. J. Davisson (1881-1958) L. Germer G. P. Thomson (1892-1975) NP in Physics 1937 E = e V = ½ m v2 Experimental evidence of wave character of electrons. Particles would scatter evenly in all directions. 37 Bragg Equation X-rays Electrons de Broglie wavelength of electron λ 38 Electron as a Standing Wave Electron = wave de Broglie Standing wave on a circle of radius r n λ = 2 π r Combined equations This is Bohr’s postulate ! mv h =λ mvr h n = π2 39 Heisenberg Uncertainity Principle 1927 The more precisely the position (x) is determined, the less precisely the momentum (p = m v) is known in this instant, and vice versa. h = 6.626 10−34 J s Electron in H atom in ground state v = 2.18 106 m s−1 error 1%, Δv = 104 m s−1 Δx = 0.7 10−7 m = 70 nm a0 = 0.053 nm Not possible to find precisely the position of an electron in an atom Werner Heisenberg (1901 - 1976) NP in Physics 1932 2 h ≥ΔΔ px 40 Heisenberg Uncertainity Principle The product of the uncertainty in an energy measurement (ΔE) and the uncertainty in the time interval of the measurement (Δt) equals h/2π or more. h = 6.626 10−34 J s 2 h ≥ΔΔ tE 41 Heisenberg Uncertainity Principle Energy of electrons is know very precisely from emission spectra Position of an electron cannot be measured precisely Circular orbits with defined radii = nonsense State of an electron has to be described by quantum mechanics a0 = 0.053 nm – the most probable radius of electron 42 Ĥ Ψ = E Ψ Schrödinger Equation Erwin Schrödinger (1887 - 1961) NP in Physics 1933 1926 Schrödinger equation = postulate ∂2 Ψ ∂2 Ψ ∂2 Ψ 8π2m ∂ x2 ∂ y2 ∂ z2 h2 + ++ (E −V) Ψ = 0 Ĥ = Hamilton operator of total energy (E), Kinetic and potential (V) energy 43 Schrödinger Equation Ĥ Ψ = E Ψ 44 Schrödinger Equation Second-order partial differential equation Exact solution ONLY for H and one-electron systems (He+, Li2+,....) Approximate solutions for many-electron atoms (He,...) and molecules The solution of differential equation are pairs (E, Ψ ): • proper wave functions (Eigenfunctions) Ψ orbitals | Ψ |2 – space distribution of e • proper values of electron energy in orbitals (Eigenvalues) E To one value of E could belong several wave functions (degenerate) Ĥ Ψ = E Ψ 45 Wavefunctions Ψ(x,y,z) – solution of a stationary Schrödinger eq. Only certain states of electron are allowed - Ψ(x,y,z) Ψ is a complex function of coordinates x, y, z, has no physical meaning, positive and negative values | Ψ |2 – probability density of electron position Ψ depends on integers – quantum numbers 46 Born Interpretation of Wavefunction Ψ(x,y,z) solution of a stationary Schrödinger eq., (Ψ no physical meaning) | Ψ |2 dV probability of finding electron in volume dV at position r (dV= dx dy dz) Max Born (1882 - 1970) NP in Physics 1954 dV 47 “I think I can safely say that nobody understands Quantum Mechanics”