Projected coordinate systems, map projections, parameters, and linear units of measure Current as of Arc GIS version 9.3 Map Projection parameters Name Sphere-only Parameters (key below) Aitoff yes lamO Albers Equal Area Conic lamO phh phi2 phiO Azimuthal Equidistant lamO phiO Azimuthal Equidistant Auxiliary Sphere yes lamO phiO auxs Behrmann yes lamO Bonne lamO phh Cassini lamO phiO kO Craster Parabolic yes lamO Cube yes lamO option Cylindrical Equal Area lamO phh Double Stereographic lamO phiO kO Eckert 1 yes lamO Eckert II yes lamO Eckert III yes lamO Eckert IV yes lamO Eckert IV Auxiliary Sphere yes lamO auxs Eckert V yes lamO Eckert VI yes lamO Eckert VI Auxiliary Sphere yes lamO auxs Equidistant Conic lamO phh phi2 phiO Equidistant Cylindrical yes lamO phh Equidistant Cylindrical Aux Sphere yes lamO phh auxs Flat Polar Quartic yes lamO Fuller yes option Gall Stereographic yes lamO Gauss-Kruger lamO phiO kO Gnomonic yes lame phic Gnomonic Auxiliary Sphere yes lame phic auxs Goode Homolosine yes lamO option Hammer-Aitoff yes lamO Hotine Two Point Iam1 phh Iam2 phi2 phiO kO Hotine Azimuth lame phic azi kO Krovak lame phic pphh azi kO xscale yscale xyrotation Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area lamO phiO Lambert Azim. Eq Area Aux. Sphere yes lamO phiO auxs Lambert Conformal Conic lamO phh phi2 phiO kO Local lame phic azi kO Loximuthal yes lamO phiO Mercator lamO phh Mercator Auxiliary Sphere yes lamO phh auxs Miller Cylindrical yes lamO Miller Cylindrical Auxiliary Sphere yes lamO auxs Mollweide yes lamO Mollweide Auxiliary Sphere yes lamO auxs New Zealand Map Grid lamO phiO Orthographic yes lame phic Orthographic Auxiliary Sphere yes lame phic auxs Plate Carree yes lamO Polyconic lamO phiO Quartic Authalic yes lamO Robinson lamO Robinson (Arclnfo workstation) lamO RSO lame phic azi kO xyrotation Sinusoidal lamO Stereographic lamO phiO kO Stereographic Auxiliary Sphere yes lamO phiO kO auxs Stereographic North Pole lamO phh kO Stereographic South Pole lamO phh kO Times yes lamO Transverse Mercator lamO phiO kO Transverse Mercator (complex) lamO phiO kO Two-Point Equidistant yes Iam1 phh Iam2 phi2 Van der Grinten 1 yes lamO Van der Grinten I Auxiliary Sphere yes Vertical Near-side Perspective yes Winkel I yes Winkel II yes Winkel Tripel yes lamO auxs lame phic lamO phh lamO phh lamO phh height Key to parameters lamO Central meridian Iam1 Longitude of first point Iam2 Longitude of second point lame Longitude of center phiO Latitude of origin phh First standard parallel or latitude of first point phi2 Second standard parallel or latitude of second point phic Latitude of center kO Scale factor pphh Pseudo-standard parallel 1 (Krovak) xscale X scale (Krovak) yscale Y scale (Krovak) xyrotation XY Plane Rotation (Krovak) height Height (Vertical Near-side Perspective) option Used with Cube, Fuller, and Goode to specify type auxs Used with auxiliary sphere-enabled projections Projections Name macro code Aitoff PE PRJ AITOFF 43043 Albers Equal Area Conic PE PRJ ALBERS 43007 Azimuthal Equidistant PE PRJ AZIMUTHAL EQUIDISTANT 43032 Azimuthal Equidistant Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ AZIMUTHAL EQUIDISTANT AUXS 43132 Behrmann PE PRJ BEHRMANN 43017 Bonne PE PRJ BONNE 43024 Cassini PE PRJ CASSINI 43028 Craster Parabolic PE PRJ CRASTER PARABOLIC 43046 Cube PE PRJ CUBE 43055 Cylindrical Equal Area PE CYLINDRICAL EQAREA 43034 Double Stereographic PE DOUBLE STEREOGRAPHIC 43038 Eckert I PE PRJ ECKERT I 43015 Eckert II PE PRJ ECKERT II 43014 Eckert III PE PRJ ECKERT III 43013 Eckert IV PE PRJ ECKERT IV 43012 Eckert IV Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ ECKERT IV AUXS 43112 Eckert V PE PRJ ECKERT V 43011 Eckert VI PE PRJ ECKERT VI 43010 Eckert VI Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ ECKERT VI AUXS 43110 Equidistant Conic PE PRJ EQUIDISTANT CONIC 43027 Equidistant Cylindrical PE PRJ EQUIDISTANT CYLINDRICAL 43002 Equidistant Cylindrical Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ EQUIDISTANT CYLINDRICAL AUXS 43102 Flat Polar Quartic PE PRJ FLAT POLAR QUARTIC 43045 Fuller PE PRJ FULLER 43052 Gall Stereographic PE PRJ GALL STEREOGRAPHIC 43016 Gauss Kruger PE PRJ GAUSS KRUGER 43005 Gnomonic PE PRJ GNOMONIC 43047 Gnomonic Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ GNOMONIC AUXS 43147 Goode Homolosine PE PRJ GOODE HOMOLOSINE 43059 Hammer-Aitoff PE PRJ HAMMER AITOFF 43044 Hotine Azimuth Center PE PRJ HOTINE AZIMUTH CENTER 43037 Hotine Azimuth Natural Origin PE PRJ HOTINE AZIMUTH NATORIGIN 43036 Hotine Two Point Center PE PRJ HOTINE TWO POINT CENTER 43035 Hotine Two Point Natural Origin PE PRJ HOTINE TWO POINT NATORIGIN 43025 Krovak PE PRJ KROVAK 43039 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area PE LAMBERT AZIMUTHAL EQAREA 43033 Lambert Azim. Equal Area Aux. Sphere PE LAMBERT AZIMUTHAL EQAREA AUXS 43133 Lambert Conformal Conic PE PRJ LAMBERT CONFORMAL CONIC 43020 Local PE PRJ LOCAL 43058 Loximuthal PE PRJ LOXIMUTHAL 43023 Mercator PE PRJ MERCATOR 43004 Mercator Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ MERCATOR AUXS 43104 Miller Cylindrical PE PRJ MILLER CYLINDRICAL 43003 Miller Cylindrical Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ MILLER CYLINDRICAL AUXS 43103 Mollweide PE PRJ MOLLWEIDE 43009 Mollweide Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ MOLLWEIDE AUXS 43109 New Zealand Map Grid PE PRJ NEW ZEALAND MAP GRID 43040 Orthographic PE PRJ ORTHOGRAPHIC 43041 Orthographic Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ ORTHOGRAPHIC AUXS 43141 Plate Carree PE PRJ PLATE CARREE 43001 Polyconic PE PRJ POLYCONIC 43021 Quartic Authalic PE PRJ QUARTIC AUTHALIC 43022 Robinson PE PRJ ROBINSON 43030 Robinson (Arclnfo workstation) PE PRJ ROBINSON Al 43057 RSO Natural Origin PE PRJ RSO NATORIGIN 43053 RSO Center PE PRJ RSO CENTER 43054 Sinusoidal PE PRJ SINUSOIDAL 43008 Stereographic PE PRJ STEREOGRAPHIC 43026 Stereographic Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ STEREOGRAPHIC AUXS 43126 Stereographic_North_Pole PE PRJ STEREOGRAPHIC NORTH POLE 43050 Stereographic_South_Pole PE PRJ STEREOGRAPHIC SOUTH POLE 43051 Times PE PRJ TIMES 43048 Transverse Mercator PE PRJ TRANSVERSE MERCATOR 43006 Transverse Mercator (complex) PE PRJ TRANSVERSE MERCATOR COMPLEX 43056 Two Point Equidistant PE PRJ TWO POINT EQUIDISTANT 43031 Van der Grinten 1 PE PRJ VAN DER GRINTEN 1 43029 Van der Grinten 1 Auxiliary Sphere PE PRJ VAN DER GRINTEN 1 AUXS 43129 Vertical Near-side Perspective PE PRJ VERTICAL NEAR SIDE PERSPECTIVE 43049 Winkel 1 PE PRJ WINKEL 1 43018 Winkel II PE PRJ WINKEL II 43019 Winkel Tripel PE PRJ WINKEL TRIPEL 43042 Projection macros and meta-data Macro code meta-data Aitoff 43043 esriSRProjection_Aitoff Albers 43007 esriSRProjection_Albers Azimuthal Equidistant 43032 esriSRProjection_AzimuthalEquidistant Behrmann 43017 esriSRProjection_Behrmann Bonne 43024 esriSRProjection_Bonne Cassini 43028 esriSRProjection_Cassini Craster Parabolic 43046 esriSRProjection_CrasterParabolic Cube 43055 esriSRProjection_Cube Cylindrical Equal_Area 43034 esriSRProjection_CylindricalEqualArea Double Stereographic 43038 esriSRProjection_DoubleStereographic Eckert I 43015 esriSRProjection_Eckertl Eckert II 43014 esriSRProjection_Eckertll Eckert III 43013 esriSRProjection_Eckertlll Eckert IV 43012 esriSRProjection_EckertlV Eckert V 43011 esriSRProjection_EckertV Eckert VI 43010 esriSRProjection_EckertVI Equidistant Conic 43027 esriSRProjection_EquidistantConic Equidistant Cylindrical 43002 esriSRProjection_EquidistantCylindrical Flat Polar Quartic 43045 esriSRProjection_FlatPolarQuartic Fuller 43052 esriSRProjection_Fuller Gall Stereographic 43016 esriSRProjection_GallStereographic Gauss Kruger 43005 esriSRProjection_GaussKruger Gnomonic 43047 esriSRProjection_Gnomonic Goode Homolosine 43059 esriSRProjection_GoodeHomolosine Hammer Aitoff 43044 esriSRProjectionJHammerAitoff Hotine Azimuth Center 43037 esriSRProjectionJHotineAzimuth Center Hotine Azimuth Natural Origin 43036 esriSRProjectionJHotineAzimuthNatOrigin Hotine Two Point Center 43035 esriSRProjectionJHotineTwoPointerCenter Hotine Two Point Natural Origin 43025 esriSRProjectionJHotineTwoPointNatOrigin Krovak 43039 esriSRProjection_Krovak Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area 43033 esriSRProjection_LambertAzimuthal Lambert Conformal Conic 43020 esriSRProjection_LambertConformalConic Local 43058 esriSRProjection_Local Loximuthal 43023 esriSRProjectionJ-Oximuthal Mercator 43004 esriSRProjection_Mercator Miller Cylindrical 43003 esriSRProjection_MillerCylindrical Mollweide 43009 esriSRProjection_Mollweide New Zealand Map Grid 43040 esriSRProjection_NewZealandMapGrid Orthographic 43041 esriSRProjection_Orthographic Plate Carree 43001 esriSRProjection_PlateCarree Polyconic 43021 esriSRProjection_Polyconic Quartic Authalic 43022 esriSRProjection_QuarticAuthalic Robinson 43030 esriSRProjection_Robinson Robinson (Arclnfo workstation) 43057 esriSRProjection_RobinsonArclnfo RSO Center 43054 esriSRProjection_RSO_Center RSO Natural Origin 43053 esriSRProjection_RSO_NaturalOrigin Sinusoidal 43008 esriSRProjection_Sinusoidal Stereographic 43026 esriSRProjection_Stereographic Stereographic North Pole 43050 esriSRProjection_StereographicNorthPole Stereographic South Pole 43051 esriSRProjection_StereographicSouthPole Times 43048 esriSRProjection_Times Transverse Mercator 43006 esriSRProjection_TransverseMercator Transverse Mercator (complex) 43056 esriSRProjection_TransverseMercatorComplex Two Point Equidistant 43031 esriSRProjection_TwoPointEquidistant Van der Grinten 1 43029 esriSRProjection_VanDerGrintenl Vertical Near Side Perspective 43049 esriSRProjection_VerticalNearSidePerspective Winkel 1 43018 esriSRProjection_Winkell Winkel II 43019 esriSRProjection_Winkelll Winkel Tripel 43042 esriSRProjection_WinkelTripel Projection, vertical, and geographic (datum) transformation parameters ArcSDE Macro code default index limits PE PAR FALSE EASTING 100001 0.0 PE PARM XO PE PAR FALSE NORTHING 100002 0.0 PE PARM Y0 PE PAR SCALE FACTOR 100003 1.0 PE PARM K0 xoO PE PAR AZIMUTH 100004 45.0 PE PARM ALPHA 0