Fyziologie působení farmak a toxických látek Přednáška č.4 Endokrinní disrupce u obratlovců I. ER, AR, PR, GR Výzkum endokrinní disrupce je soustředěn do dvou oblastí: • obratlovci, kteří alespoň část svého životního cyklu tráví ve vodném prostředí – ryby, obojživelníci – expozice vodou, potravou; • terestričtí obratlovci – expozice především v rámci potravního řetězce; Nejohroženější skupina – vrcholoví konzumenti – dravci. http://www.epa.gov/endo/ Biomagnifikace a bioakumulace Effects of DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) •Invertebrates •Fish •Birds •Mammals TDS = testicular dysgenesis syndrome Environmental estrogens (xenoestrogens)  Sources – pesticides – plastics – pharmaceuticals – some cleansers – contraception  vs. phytoestrogens – antiherbivore compounds in many plant species – lignans (many fruits, vegetables), isoflavones (soy) Možnosti účinků environmentálních estrogenů na buněčné úrovni Environmentální estrogeny: Environmentální antiandrogeny: Xenoestrogens and xenoandrogens can:  Mimic or partly mimic the sex steroid hormones estrogens and androgens (the male sex hormone) by binding to hormone receptors or influencing cell signaling pathways. Those that act like estrogen are called environmental estrogens.  Modify the making and function of hormone receptors.  Block, prevent and alter hormonal binding to hormone receptors or influencing cell signaling pathways. Chemicals that block or antagonize hormones are labeled anti-estrogens or anti-androgens.  Alter production and breakdown of natural hormones. Interakce AhR a ER: Hormonální přípravky jako EDs - ethinylestradiol  Male fish living near municipal sewage outlets in England had both male and female sex characteristics and their livers produced vitellogenin, a female egg-yolk protein not normally found in males  cancers of the female and male reproductive tract  malformed Fallopian tubes, uterus and cervix  altered bone density and structure  abnormal blood hormone levels  reduced fertility  altered sexual behavior  modified immune system Biosyntéza steroidních hormonů a endokrinní disrupce: aromatáza In vitro model: buňky H295R Buněčná linie odvozená od karcinomu kůry nadledvinek, která je schopna in vitro produkovat většinu steroidogenních enzymů: • aktivita enzymů; • exprese enzymů na úrovni mRNA a proteinu Effects of test substances on cortisol and 11-deoxycortisol formation in H295R cells, assumed to represent CYP11B and CYP21 activity. Testy estrogenity a antiestrogenity Mikrobiální syntéza androgenů?? Většina látek narušujících androgenní dráhy jsou antiandrogeny!!!! Anti-androgenic compounds in the environment There are a number of commonly used environmental chemicals that have been identified as having anti-androgenic properties. These chemicals have been administered to pregnant rodents during the period of reproductive tract development. When the male pups were examined, they displayed many of the abnormalities associated with flutamide administration. Some chemicals (vinclozolin, procymidone, linuron, p,p’-DDE (1,1,1dichloro-2,2-bis(pchlorophenyl)ethane) act as androgen receptor antagonists, others (phthalate esters) reduce androgen synthesis, but it is likely that other modes of action are also involved in the toxicity induced by these compounds. There are major problems in comparing the published studies of the effects of anti-androgenic compounds / inconsistent protocols. Human impact???? Polycyklické aromatické uhlovodíky mají antiandrogenní účinek: Antiandrogenní účinky PCB: Interakce polutantů s endokrinní dráhou = velmi složitý proces: Bromované zpomalovače hoření – nový typ endokrinních disruptorů??