Hidrobiológica 2003, 13 (1): 75-91 tmím balechii sp. nov. (Dinophyceae: Gonyaulacales) from the Mexican Pacific Ceratium balechii nov. (Dinophyceae: Gonyaulacales) del Pacífico Mexicano Ma. Esther Meave del Castillo1, Ma. Eugenia Zamudio Resendiz1, Yuri B. Okolodkov1 and Isaías H. Salgado Ugarte23 'Dpto. de Hidrobiología. Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-lztapalapa; Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186. Col. Vicentina Mexico, D.F. 09340. Mexico. mem@xanum.uam.mx !Dpto. de Biología. Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-lztapalapa; Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186. Col. Vicentina Mexico, D.F. 09340. Mexico. 'Carrera de Biología. Facultad de Estudios Superiores, Zaragoza, UNAM; Guelatao 66, Ejército de Oriente, Iztapalapa, 09230, D.F. Mexico. Meave del Castillo, M. E., M. E. Zamudio Resendiz, Y. B. Okolodkov and I. H. Salgado Ugarte, 2003. Ceratium balechii sp. nov. (Dinophyceae: Gonyaulacales) del Pacifico Mexicano. Hidrobiologica 13{\): 75-91 ABSTRACT We propose a new species Ceratium balechii sp. nov., a bloom-producing dinoflagellate in the Mexican tropical Pacific, and often by mistake referred to as C. dens. In order to know its morphological variability, a morphometric study was perfomed, on the basis of 584 cells from 48 populations collected in 11 coastal localities of the Mexican tropical Pacific. Sixteen morphological characters (14 quantitative and 2 qualitative) were studied in each cell, and another 6 characters, relevant for establishing allometric relationships, were taken into account. To perform the statistical analysis, four different cell shapes were distinguished based on their appearance. A discriminant analysis distinguished two forms that were also correlated with water temperature and salinity. Two forms are proposed, C. balechiit balechiiand C. balechiit longum. The latter occurred in water with temperature higherthan 26°C and salinity less than 32. The species is subjected to cyclomorphosis and intense synchronized autotomy in both antapical horns. The new species is compared with other morphologically similar species and intraspecific taxa (C. dens, C. dens var. reflexa, C. tripos"var. benguela", C. tripos var. dalmaticum, C. tripos var. ponticum, C. californiense, C. ehrenbergiiand C. porrectum). The presence of C. dens in the Mexican Pacific is heavily questioned. Keywords: Dinophyceae, Ceratium, new species, morphometry, tropical Pacific. RESUMEN Se describe el dinoflagelado Ceratium balechii sp. nov., taxon que comunmente produce florecimientos en el Pacifico tropical Mexicano y que ha sido nombrado erroneamente como C. dens. Se realizo un analisis morfometrico para co-nocer la variacion de la especie, incluyendo datos de 584 organismos pertenecientes a 48 poblaciones recolectadas en 11 localidades costeras del Pacifico tropical Mexicano. En cada organismo se midieron 16 caracteres morfologi-cos (14 cuantitativos y 2 cualitativos), y se consideraron otros 6 caracteres con significado alometrico. Para realizar el analisis estadistico los organismos fueron clasificados en cuatro grupos por su apariencia. Basandose en un analisis discriminate se reconocieron dos formas, cuya ocurrencia se correlaciono con la temperatura y salinidad del agua. Todo ello permitio describir dos formas taxonomicas: C. balechii f. balechii y C. balechii t longum. Esta ultima predominando en agua con temperatura mayor de 26°C y salinidades menores a 32. Se compara a la nueva especie con taxones morfologicamente similares (C. dens, C. dens var. reflexa, C. tripos"var. benguela", C. tripos var. dalmaticum, C. tripos var. ponticum, C. californiense, C. ehrenbergiiy C. porrectum). Se descarta la ocurrencia de C. denser) el Pacifico Mexicano. Palabras clave: Dinophyceae, Ceratium, especie nueva, morfometria, Pacifico tropical. 7E M. E. Meave del Castillo, etal. INTRODUCTION The genus Ceratium Schrank is one of the most important marine phytoplankton components, including around 80 "species" not considering other 30 dubious species (Sournia, 1986). For more than a century, Ceratium thecal tabulation has been known as a constant character (Kofoid, 1907a) with the formula 4', 5", 4-5c, 2+s, 5"', 2"" (Steidinger and Tangen, 1996), noting that all marine species have 4 cingular plates, whereas freshwater species have 5 (Sournia, 1986). That explains why thecal tabulation was ignored by taxonomists. In contrast, cell shape and size (mainly length and transdiameter), horn size (especially anthapical), and thecal ornamentation, have been used to distinguish between species. Other allomeric relations have been considered, such as the ratio between the lengths of the antapical horns (left and right), cell total length divided by the transdiameter (Steidinger and Tangen, 1996), and the ratio between the transdiameter and the length of the antapical horns (Lopez, 1966). Based on the same morphometric characters, Ostenfeld (1903) and Jorgensen (1911) divided the genus into four subgenera, and their classification has been conserved overtime. This paper is dedicated to one species known in Latin American literature as Ceratium dens Ostenfeld et Schmidt (Balech, 1988; Cortes-Altamirano and Luna-Soria, 1998; Pech-Pacheco etal., 1999), C. triposmr. ponticum Jorgensen (Licea et al., 1995) or C. divaricatum Kofoid (Hernandez-Becerril, 1989; in Cortes-Altamirano and Nunez-Pasten, 2000). It has been reported from the Gulf of California to Acapulco and Zihuatanejo in Guerrero, Mexico (Cortes-Altamirano and Hernandez-Becerril, 1998), and was also cited as a bloom-producing species in the coastal waters of Mazatlan (Cortes-Altamirano and Nunez-Pasten, 2000). C. dens is reported as a part of the coastal plankton-ic flora of Ecuador (http://www.inocar.mil.ee/boletin/ebiologia.html) and from the coastal waters of Chile (Munoz and Avaria, 1980). Trying to understand why different names have been assigned to organisms with practically the same morphology, we decided to search for the species in question retrospectively, and we understood that it was a confusion derived from Balech's (1988) monograph. C. dens described from the material from the Indian Ocean, has so peculiar morphological characters that Jorgensen (1911) opened a particular section (Densa section) to which he ascribed the species. The figures of "C. rfens"from the SW Atlantic (neritic waters from southern Brazil) and from the Pacific coast of California presented by Balech (1988) are very similar to the specimens that are abundant in the Mexican Pacific and at the same time are different from the figures of C. dens by other authors (Jorgensen, 1911; Sournia, 1967; Taylor, 1976). Balech (1988) acknowledged the differences but he erroneously considered that other authors had drawn them inverted, because in C. dens the antapical left horn is the shortest one. With the revision we made it was confirmed that only Wood (1954) had published an inverted image of the species. C. dens was also considered a stage in the life cycle of C. reflexum Cleve (Konovalova, 1988). On the other hand, the authors who worked in the Mexican Pacific have contributed to the confusion by referring to it as C. triposvaL ponticum (Cortes-Altamirano and Hernandez-Becerril, 1998; Licea etal., 1995), a species that, in our opinion, resembles a little the taxon in question. Steemann Nielsen (1934), Lopez (1955,1966), Dowidar (1972) and Yarranton (1967) carried out morphometric studies to clarify the taxonomy of Ceratium species and its varieties, because of the ample morphological variation that is known to occur in several Ceratium species. Seasonal variations in cell shape, maximum cell diameter and length of the horns (especially antapical) have been studied in some marine species, morphological variation being often correlated with temperature (Karsten, 1907; Steemann Nielsen, 1934; Lopez, 1966). The objective of the present study was to answer the following questions: - Does C. dens really inhabit the Mexican Pacific? - Is the taxon from the Mexican Pacific, referred to as C. dens or C. tripos var. ponticum, a new species? - Which is the range of the morphological variation of the species in question? - Could Ceratium with short antapical horns be an intraspecific taxon of C. triposl - Are the populations of the studied Ceratium species with short horns represent a stage or stages in the life cycle of a known species? MATERIAL AND METHODS To answer the previously posed questions an exhaustive revision of the old literature was made in relation with C. densanú C. tripos, as well as a morphometric study of the species. Using a Carl Zeiss conventional microscope, we reviewed the material form 53 samples from 18 different localities of the Mexican tropical Pacific, collected from November 1998 to April 2001 (Fig. 1). This material corresponded to liquid samples collected with a net and fixed with formaldehyde, from the collection of the Laboratory of Marine and Brackishwater Phytoplankton, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa. The specimens were digitally photographed and drawings were made with the aid of a camera lucida. Each sample was considered a population, from which several specimens were studied in detail. When the species was scarce, several water mounts were scanned, and all the cells were analyzed up to a maximum of 55, when the species was abundant. Hidrobiológica Ceratium balechii sp. nov 77 22' 20* 14° B Faro. Mich Caieta cle Campos, M£ tstspa y Zihuatanejo, Gra. Pa, Sifeidonado. Gro? PACIFIC OCEAN Plo. Escandido: Gulf of Tehuarttepec 106° 104° 102' 100° 93° 96s Figure 1. Geographical location of collecting sites in Mexican tropical Pacific shores Study area. The study was carried out in the Mexican tropical Pacific that corresponds to the 40% of the Mexican Pacific. Several authors agree that this region starts in Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco (De la Lanza, 1991; Espinoza-Avalos, 1993; Serviere-Zaragoza etal., 1993). The current pattern is very variable in the study region, because the anticyclonic gyres do not penetrate to the coastal zone (Wyrtky, 1965). Within the water column, the superficial layer is characterized by a temperature practically constant throughout the year and a permanent and shallow thermocline (between the 10 m and 30 m depths). Despite the warm waters of the Mexican tropical Pacific are characterized by low density, the intense evaporation increases the superficial salinity and with it the density, resulting in convection that causes a stable mixed superficial layer. In September, the winds hold great humidity producing hurricanes in the region. Besides, because in this region the continental shelf is very narrow, the coastal region is affected by particular local processes, such as river discharges and wind patterns. In general, it is known that the Mexican tropical Pacific waters are oligotrophic, but Thomas and Dodson (1972) mention that the nitrates are a limiting factor for phytoplankton development in this region. In contrast with the subtropical-temperate part of the Mexican Pacific, where the diatoms dominate the phytoplankton (Meave del Castillo etal., 2003), in the Mexican tropical Pacific, especially during the dry season, dinoflagellates are dominant. Evaluating the morphological characters. In each specimen, 16 morphological characters were measured, 14 quantitative and 2 qualitative (Table 1, Fig. 2). In the tips of the right and left antapical horns three character states were considered: a) pointed, b)truncated and, c) rounded. To evaluate the characters we followed the schemes of measurements used by Jorgensen (1911), Nie (1936), Graham and Bronikovsky (1944), Lopez (1966), 94s 92" Munoz and Avaria (1980) and Figueroa (1990). We present the following measurements for the first time: the angles of the body outline, the angle of the direction of the horns (apical and antapical), the length of the cell body (without the horns) and the length of the apical horn. From the characters described above, 6 new quantitative characters were derived, that corresponded to ratios (Table 1, characters with numbers 17-22). It is worth mentioning that the total length (TL) of the cell, was obtained by tracing an axis parallel to the apical horn, considering its curvature and that it crossed the cingulum mid-point in dorsal or ventral view, forming a 90° angle with another axis that touched the lower point of the antapical horn. That way TL is affected by the length of the left apical and antapical horns as well as their direction. Classification of cell shapes. The observed variation in "C. dens"specimens, all characterized by reduced antapical horns, especially the right one, was classified in four shapes, or mor-photypes (Fig. 3a-p), named as follows: 1. Short cell with short horns (Fig. 3a-d) 2. Short cell with long horns (Fig. 3e-h) 3. Long cell with short horns (Fig. 31-1) 4. Long cell with long horns (Fig. 3m-p) Also, to evaluate the intraspecific variation in the morphometric analysis, the measurements of 25 specimens of C. breve (Ostenfeld et Schmidt) Jorgensen were included as shape 5 (Fig. 16b). Morphometric analysis. The data were analyzed in a matrix that included 619 specimens from 53 populations (including 5 of C. breve) of 11 localities. Table 2 presents the general information (frequency) of the samples (collection named FpM) that included populations used for the morphometric analysis. Only few of the 48 populations with "C. dens" had more than 20 individuals. Because of that and with the aim of having equivalent units in the number of specimens, all populations collected at different stations in the same sampling area were grouped. As a result only 14 groups of populations were considered in the analysis (table 2). Supposedly, this procedure did not affect the analysis, given the passive transport of organisms within a sampling area. Vol. 13 No. 1 «2003 78 M. E. Meave del Castillo, etal. Table 1. List of evaluated morphological characters. CHARACTERS 1 Total Length (TL) 2 Midline Length (ML) 3 Body Length (BL) 4 Transdiameter (T) 5 Distance Between Antapical Horns (DH) 6 Apical Horn Length (AHL) 7 Right Antapical Horn Length (RAHL) 8 Left Antapical Horn Length (LAHL) 9 Angle of the Right Outline (RO), 10 Angle of the Left Outline (LO) 11 Body Angle (BA) 12 Angle of the Apical Horn (AAH) 13 Angle of the Right Antapical Horn (RHA) 14 Angle of the Left Antapical Horn (LHA) 15 Right Antapical Horn Tip (RAHT) 16 Left Antapical Horn Tip (LAHT) 17 Ratio Transdiameter / Body Length (T/BL) 18 Ratio Left Antapical Horn Length / Right Antapical Horn Length (LAHL/RAHL) 19 Ratio Apical Horn Length / Left Antapical Horn Length (AHL/LAHL) 20 Ratio Apical Horn Length / Right Antapical Horn Length (AHL/RAHL) 21 Ratio Transdiameter / Left Antapical Horn Length (T/ LAHL) 22 Ratio Transdiameter / Right Antapical Horn Length (T/ RAHL) Figure 2. Illustrations of the evaluated characters (Table 1). The 22 characters evaluated were subject to an exploratory analysis to recognize general patterns of dispersion and distribution as well as to detect possible outliers. Boxplots (including the median, quartiles and extreme values) for each character were made to classified them by cell shape and by population (Emerson and Strenio, 1983; Salgado-Ugarte, 1992). Smoothed histograms (kernel density estimators) were used to observe in detail the values' distribution and were Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 Figure 3. Diagrams and photographs of four shapes of C. balechii (sample code, dorsal or ventral view and transdiameter). Shape 1: a] FpM744, dorsal, 61 urn; b) FpM1173, ventral, 53 urn; c) FpM733, dorsal, 60 urn; d) FpM740, ventral, 74 urn; Shape 2 e) FpM866, dorsal, 63 urn; f) FpM 875, ventral, 57 urn; g) FpM1087, ventral, 54 urn; h) FpM1173, ventral, 59 urn; Shape 3 i) FpM866, ventral, 60 urn, j) FpM875, ventral, 54 urn; k) FpM1086, ventral, 51 um; I) FpM880, ventral, 54 urn; Shape 4 m) FpM866, ventral, 57 urn; n) FpM880, dorsal, 57 urn; o) FpM875, ventral, 54 urn; p) FpM875, dorsal, 63 urn. applied to all the observations to recognize multimodality, where each mode represents a potential shape (Scott, 1992; Salgado-Ugarte etal., 1993; Salgado-Ugarte, 2002). Hidrobiologlca Ceratium balechii sp. nov 78 Table 2. Locality, date and collection number of the sites. The data between parentheses corresponds to the number of measured individuals by sample.* corresponds to organisms of Ceratium breve. Locality Date (month-year) Collection Number (FpM) n San Bias, Nay. 17-1999) 509(5) 5* Chacala, Nay. 17-1999) 510(8),511(11),512(10),513(6) 35* 17-1999) 510(5*),511(5*),512(5*),513(5*),514(5*) 25* 13-2000) 676(5),678(5),679(2),680(2),681(17),682(29) 60 Barra de Navidad, Jal. 14-2000) 735(7) 7 Manzanillo, Col. 14-2000) 736(6),737(24),738( 15),739( 15),740(20),742(30) 110 Coyutlan, Col. 14-2001) 1173(20) 20 Faro, Mich. 14-2000) 744(53) 53 Vicente Gro., Gro. 14-2000) 776(1),778(5),779(6),780(15) 27 Acapulco, Gro. 15-2000) 866(201,867(91,868(3) 32 19-2000) 961(12),964(2),1048(10) 24 Pta. Maldonado, Gro. 13-2001) 1083(4),1084(5),1085(6),1087(29) 44 Chacahua, Oax. 15-2000) 874(23),875( 12),876(16),878(8),879(14),880(6) 79 13-2001) 1104(7),1107(12), 1108(6),1109(3),1110(3) 31 Pto. Escondido, Oax. 13-2001) 1130(14),1131(36),1132(11) 61 11 (14) 53 619 To combine the smoothed histograms and the box diagrams, violin plots were used (Hintze and Nelson, 1998). These diagrams suggested the statistic comparison of shapes. This comparison was carried out using ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance) with one-way classification using the shape as a factor. In case of rejecting the hypothesis of homo-cedasticity (Bartlett or Levene criteria), non-parametri-cal Kruskal-Wallis tests were applied (Zar, 1999). „ i -& '' ! To verify the relationships between the charac- J ters, matrix scatterplots were made accompanied in j each case by a correlation matrix (Salgado-Ugarte, 1992), without using the data of C. breve. The correlation was accepted when the test was significant (p <0.05). Additionally, using the data on the relative abundance, the geographic distribution of the cell shapes was analyzed. To evaluate if the shapes correspond to genetic varieties or change along with the environment (pleiomorphism), temperature and salinity superficial values from the 10 m depth were plotted against the shapes, using only data on the cells collected with horizontal haules. In this analysis, short body cells (1+2) were compared against long cells (3+4), as well as cells with short antapical horns (1+3) against cells with long horns (2+4). RESULTS Morphometry. Only 6 characters turned out to be constant in "C. dens'1. Body Length (BL), Transdiameter (T), Angle of the Apical Horn (AAH) Angle of the Right Antapical Horn (RHA), Angle of the Left Antapical Horn (LHA), and the ratio between the transdiameter and the body length (T/BL). The Violin plots showed in Fig. 6 that in spite of the morphological variation of "C. dens", the pattern of this variation was similar within the species and different from C. breve. Total length (pm) Midline length (nm) To evaluate the differences between the characteristics of the different forms of "C. dens", a discriminant step-by-step forward analysis was performed, analyzing ^ Wilks and considering the quantitative variables in its entity, although using only the individuals with complete data, and performing the analysis with 560 specimens. Figure. 4. Smoothed histograms showing different moda distributions: a) TL, tetramodal; b) ML, tetramodal; c) AHL, tetramodal; d) T, mostly unimodal; e) RAHL, unimoda with a positive bias; f) BA, unimodal with a negative bias. Apical horn length (Mm) Transdiameter dim] it antapk^tl hem length tpm) Body Angle fj Vol. 13 No. 1 «2003 80 M. E. Meave del Castillo, etal. Statistical description of the characters. Several of the statistical plots showed long tails (Fig. 4a-f), which probably means that they are extraordinary cases. Characters had different distributions: Total Length (TL), Midline Length (ML) and Apical Horn Length (AHL) had a multimodal behavior (tetra- or pentamodal. Fig. 4a-c) that may correspond to the shapes. T, BL, Distance Between Antapical Horns (DH), Left Antapical Horn Length (LAHL) and LHA had a predominantly unimodal behavior (Fig. 4d). The rest of the characters, the Right Antapical Horn Length (RAHL), Angle of the Right Outline (RO), Angle of the Left Outline (LO), Angle at the distal part of the body (BA), AAH and RHA had an unimodal behavior biased to the right or to the left (Fig. 4 e, f). For RAHL the bias may show a group of organisms with longer horns that do not have enough numbers to form a separate mode. Although is not shown in LAHL plot, individuals with longer horns are more frequent and are represented as an accesorial mode. The distribution of most of the angles was deviated towards values below the mode. Characters' correlations. Several morphological characters are correlated in "C. dens", some as closely as TL and AHL (r=0.94. Fig. 5a) as well as the length of the antapical horns (r=0.92. Fig. 5c) and the distance between the antapical horns (DH) and the length of both horns LAHL (r=0.82. Fig. 5c) and RAHL (r=0.78. Fig. 5c). T did not correlate significantly with any of the horn lengths but it did with BL (r=0.52. Fig. 5b). AHL had a slight but significant correlation with both antapical horns (LAHL r=0.35, RAHL R=0.25). The right and left outline correlated slightly but significantly with one another (r=0.21). LO and RO were weakly but significantly correlated with BA (r=0.09) and no correlation was found between the LO and LAHL, and between RO and RAHL. Statistical comparison of the cell shapes. Only the character TL was different for all shapes as showed in the boxplots inside the violin diagrams (Fig. 6a). Other characters distributed the shapes in two groups, i.e. LM and AHL separated shapes 1 and 2 vs. 3 and 4 (Fig. 6b,f). In contrast, the shapes 1 and 3 were grouped by the characters DAH and RAHL and LAHL (shapes with short horns vs. shapes with long horns. Fig. 6e, g, h.) Eight characters had a constant value independently on which shapes were evaluated: BL, T, RO, LO, AAH, BA, LHA and RHA. This fact was very important in assigning the species status to the taxon. Furthermore, 5 of those constant characters (BL, T, AAH, RA and LHA; Fig. 6a-n) differentiated C. breveUom "C. dens". , m...... Figure. 5. Half matrix scattered plots showing positive correlation values (r>0.5) between characters: a) TL vs. AHL, b) T vs. BL and c) DH vs. RAHL vs. LAHL. Apical Horn Length (|jm) Body Length (urn) DH C ^^^^^ 0 8 RAHL o o o °o § LAHL o Hidrobiologica Ceratium balechii sp. nov 81 Total Length (pm) Midline Length (pm) Body Length (pm) Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. hreve Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. breve Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. breve Transdiameter (|jm) Distance Between Antapical Horns ((jm) Apical Horn Length (pm) Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. fcreve Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. fcreve Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. fcreve Right Antapical Horn Length (pm) Left Antapical Horn Length (pm) h Right Outline (") M Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. breve Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. breve Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. breve Left Outline [') Body Angle (' Apical Horn Angle (°) Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. breve Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. breve Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. breve Right Angle (") m Left Angle (") >: Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. breve Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 46 - Q _ 35 ■i \y Shape 4 C. breve n Figure B.Violin plots for the different shapes: a) TL, b) ML, c) BL, d) T, e) DH, f) AHL, g) RAHL, h) LAHL, i) RO, j) LO, k) BA, I) AAH, m) RHA, n) LHA. Comparison of the median. Chi square was used to compare TL, ML, AHL and T. All shapes had a significant difference in total length (Bonferroni, p<0.01) which could mean that all four shapes are different taxa. In contrast, the comparison that used ML and AHL, grouped together the shapes with short cell vs. long cell (Bonferroni, p<0.05). Non-parametric statistics were used when comparing the shapes using RAHL, LAHL, DAH, RO, LO and AAH. When comparing the shapes using RAHL, there were significant Vol. 13 No. 1 «2003 82 M. E. Meave del Castillo, etal. differences between shapes with short antapical horns vs. long antapical horns. To discriminate between the three hypotheses posed by the results of the statistical analysis, a discriminant analysis was carried out, as well as analyzing the frequency, geographical distribution and the relationship of the shapes with environmental parameters (temperature and salinity). Discriminant analysis. The discriminant characters were RAHL, RHA, LHA, TL, DAH, LAHL and T. The specimens assigned to each of the five shapes were correctly placed within a range of 44-100%. Table 3 shows that it is easier to confuse shape 1 with shape 2, and shape 3 with shape 4. All shapes of "C. dens" are distributed in a gradient with shapes 1 and 4 in the extremes (Fig. 7). Both results were important when evaluating the taxo-nomical status of the species. F I R S T D I S c R I M I N A N T F U M C T I 0 .'"J Form 1 Form 2 Form 3 Form 4 C. breve Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 C. breve %correct Shape 1 271 4 33 0 0 88.0 Shape 2 13 17 6 3 0 43.6 Shape 3 17 2 139 6 0 84.8 Shape 4 1 3 19 56 0 70.9 C. breve 0 0 0 0 18 100 Total 302 26 197 65 18 82.4 together were named long cell body. Figure 8 shows that long cells are more frequent in the southern Mexican tropical Pacific, from Acapulco to Huatulco. 22° 20° -40 -30 -10 0 SECOND DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION Figure 7. Plot of the first vs. the second discriminant functions of the discriminant analysis. Between them, they explain 42% of the variance. Geographical distribution and the species relationships with environmental factors. The most frequent organisms were those with short horns (Table 3/3). Based on the results of the discriminant and frequency analysis, shapes 1 and 2 were combined together and named short cell body; shapes 3 and 4 Table 3. Statistical classification of organisms and percentage of shapes correctly classified. t San Bias, Nay ■ C. balechii f. balechii □ C. balechii f. longum 108° Figure 8. Scattered plots of the relative abundance of two forms of Ceratium balechii. Long cells were found in places with temperature above 26°C with a salinity below 32 (Fig. 9a, b) while short cells predominated below 24°C with a salinity above 32 (Fig. 9c). The dis- 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 C. balechii f. balechii C. balechii f. longa 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) 16 Temperature (°C) § 60 55 50 45 320 300 280 260 £ 240