Introduction This tutorial is intended to help new users with placing an order for gene synthesis services, including the steps needed for gene optimization prior to placing an order. Video tutorials are also available at Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................1  1. Setting Up a Project.................................................................................................................................3  1.1. How to Start an Online Request.......................................................................................................3  1.2 Project Manager Features to Organize Projects..............................................................................4  1.2. How to Use the Project Configurator for Project Setup, e.g., Gene Synthesis ...............................5  2. Gene Synthesis and Online Optimization ................................................................................................8  2.1. Gene Synthesis Project Setup..........................................................................................................8  2.2. Entering a Sequence That Does Not Need Any Editing or Optimization.........................................9  2.3. Editing and Optimizing a Sequence ...............................................................................................10  2.3.1. Defining the ORF in Preparation for Optimization .................................................................10  2.3.2. Selecting 5’ and 3’ Cloning Sites ............................................................................................11  2.3.3. Add, Delete, or Exchange Sequence Parts.............................................................................12  2.3.4. Optimizing a Sequence ...........................................................................................................13  2.4. Sequence Summary .......................................................................................................................14  2.5. Information Complete....................................................................................................................16  2.6. MultiSequence Batch Upload.........................................................................................................17  3. Subcloning Into Vector of Your Choice..................................................................................................22  3.1. Subcloning Project Setup...............................................................................................................22  3.2. Enter Subcloning Requirements Using a Life Technologies Vector .............................................23  3.3. Enter Subcloning Requirements Using Your Own Vector .............................................................24  Page 2 of 56 3.4. Vector Summary.............................................................................................................................26  4. Strings™ DNA Fragments .....................................................................................................................27  4.1. How to Set Up a DNA Fragment Order ..........................................................................................27  4.2. MultiSequence Batch Upload for Strings™ DNA Fragments........................................................30  5. Setup of Mutagenesis: Single Gene Variants........................................................................................32  5.1. Which Sequence Qualifies as a Single Gene Variant? ...................................................................32  5.2. Single Gene Variant Project Setup.................................................................................................33  5.3. Entering Variant Sequence Information ........................................................................................35  5.4. Additional Information ...................................................................................................................36  5.5. Information Complete....................................................................................................................37  6. Setup of Mutagenesis Bundles (Gene Variants)....................................................................................38  5.1. Which Sequences Qualify as Mutagenesis Bundles? ....................................................................38  6.2. Mutagenesis Bundle Project Setup ...............................................................................................39  6.3. Entering Several Gene Variant Sequences....................................................................................40  6.3.1. Setting Up a Mutagenesis Bundle With the Multifasta Option...............................................41  6.3.2. Setting Up a Mutagenesis Bundle With the Parent Service Option.......................................44  7. Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order .................................................................................48  7.1. Proceed to Project Summary.........................................................................................................48  7.2. Project Summary ...........................................................................................................................49  7.3. Cart View ........................................................................................................................................51  7.4. Shipment & Payment Information .................................................................................................52  7.5. Review Order..................................................................................................................................54  7.6. Order Confirmation ........................................................................................................................55  8. Contacts at GeneArt ..............................................................................................................................56  Page 3 of 56 1. Setting Up a Project 1.1. How to Start an Online Request  After login, your starting screen will be the “Project Manager” (1) on the “My Projects” tab (2). The Project Manager will allow you to create new projects and organize existing ones.  For any kind of GeneArt® online service, first click the button “+ New Project” (3), name your project (4), and then click “Select a folder”.  On the subsequent dropdown menu you can either choose “Create new folder” [5] or select from your existing ones if you are a returning user (6).  If you are creating a new folder, the next step is to enter a “Folder name” [7).  Then click the “Start Project” button (8). You will be directed to the “Project Configurator” (9), where you can design the service parts of your new project and enter your requirements.  You can go back to the “Project Manager” step by clicking on the “My Projects” tab at any time (2). 3 4 2 9 1 5 8 7 6 Page 4 of 56 1.2 Project Manager Features to Organize Projects  Click this button (10) to edit or view your project in the Project Configurator.  Hover over (11) to display a menu where you can rename, move, or delete your project. You can also add attachments.  Click (12) to immediately move to the project summary, e.g., for ordering.  Some projects will require review by our specialists, and different project versions will be created during this review. To see a chronological history of the status points in the project, click "Show project history"(13).  Click Project Name, Status, Date, Project ID, or Folder in the header bar (14) to sort your projects by that group. You can toggle the sort order by clicking the same group header again.  The current active sort group is indicated by darker highlighting (15).  To search, type a project ID, project name, folder name, or gene name (case-insensitive, no asterisks) here (16). 10 11 14 13 12 15 16 Page 5 of 56 1.2. How to Use the Project Configurator for Project Setup, e.g., Gene Synthesis  The Project Configurator displays all available services as drag & drop icons (19), organized in tabs of service groups, e.g., Gene Synthesis (17). To receive more information about each service, and how to use it, click the question mark (18).  To start a gene synthesis project, drag the Gene Synthesis icon (19) onto the drop area (20). 19 20 17 18 Page 6 of 56  To order additional services for your project, such as subcloning (21), drag and drop the icon for the service you need onto the Gene Synthesis icon that you created in the Process area (22).  If you require larger amounts of your clone DNA, you can add the Plasmid Preparation service (23). If you want us to only produce your plasmid DNA, start a Process with just the Plasmid Preparation icon.  Add any additional services the same way. Allowed services will be highlighted by a green frame when mousing over an icon in the upper panel.  If you require site-directed mutagenesis or gene variations, use the Mutagenesis icon (24). For larger numbers of constructs, use the Mutagenesis Bundle icon (25).  If you need ready-to-clone gene fragments (a fast and affordable alternative to full gene synthesis), use the Strings™ DNA Fragments icon (26).  For precise targeting and editing of a genome, you can request clones for custom DNAbinding proteins with various effectors, using the Precision TAL icon on the Precision TAL tab (27).  We also offer the option to enter several sequences at once using the MultiSequence Batch Upload icon (28).  For assisted setup with the help of our specialists or for projects that need a higher level of customization, please use the Assisted Setup icon (29), which is a file upload function (supported file formats: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, zip, rar, gb, fas, jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, gif, tif, tiff, and txt). As much as possible, we try to process projects via the automated ordering on the online portal. For Assisted Setup, additional charges may apply. 2521 27 24 28 22 23 29 26 Page 7 of 56  Each icon comes with a menu of functions (30) to help you enter and edit your information (“Edit”) or organize parts of your projects. “Copy Item” allows you to copy a service that already has been created and defined (e.g., subcloning) and apply it to another item (e.g., a gene) by “pasting” it into the target menu.  All icons are accompanied by a status indicator in the top left corner, for a status overview. A green check mark indicates that a setup is complete, i.e., has all information required to technically process the request. Please ensure that you have added any individual information and requirements nevertheless. You can then “Proceed To Summary”. A red exclamation mark (31) lets you know that more information about the requested service is needed. Please click the icon to open the service form and complete it. The red status might also appear if you have copied a service. To address this, you simply open the form, then save and close it again without adding any information. In addition, if some service information is changed the dependent services might need to be validated again. Please open the form, adjust relevant information if necessary, and then save and close it. If no changes are required, just save and close it. A yellow status indicator lets you know that, in its current form, your project is not suitable for immediate ordering. Subcloning: Please review cloning information for errors. Mutagenesis: Does not fulfill variant criteria; you may need the Gene Synthesis service. In either case, you can ”Proceed To Summary” to submit for specialist review.  Our “Gene Synthesis and Online Optimization” tutorial in chapter 2 covers the details of completing the Gene Synthesis service request form, including how to complete online sequence optimization for maximum expression in your host.  Other tutorial chapters cover ordering of our Subcloning service (chapter 3) and Mutagenesis with Single and Multiple Gene Variants (chapters 4 and 5). 30 31 Page 8 of 56 2. Gene Synthesis and Online Optimization 2.1. Gene Synthesis Project Setup  To begin, drag and drop the Gene Synthesis icon (1) onto the drop area (2).  The red exclamation mark (3) indicates that more information is needed.  Click the Gene Synthesis icon to open the form (4). 1 2 3 4 Page 9 of 56 2.2. Entering a Sequence That Does Not Need Any Editing or Optimization  The Gene Synthesis form has three main tabs: the Enter Sequence tab, the Edit Sequence tab, and the Optimize Sequence tab.  The Enter Sequence tab is for entering the sequence and providing all basic information.  Enter your sequence name (5), choose whether to enter your sequence as DNA or protein (6), and paste your sequence into the tool (7).  Select the biosafety level for your project (8).  The lower part of the form (9) allows you to add general information about your sequence and select additional service options.  Please note that speed upgrades can be chosen later in the process on the project summary page, before you add your project to the cart.  The Enter Sequence tab is the only tab you need to complete if your sequence is already defined and ready to order.  At any time you can review your sequence in the Sequence Summary tab (10). Here you can download the sequence in different formats, as well as a printable PDF version of the sequence summary; see chapter 2.4.  If no further edits or optimization are required, you can proceed to order by clicking the “Save & close” button (11).  For checkout and ordering, please read the “Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order” tutorial in chapter 7 to see how that process works. 6 7 8 9 5 11 10 Page 10 of 56 2.3. Editing and Optimizing a Sequence 2.3.1. Defining the ORF in Preparation for Optimization  The Edit Sequence tab is required to edit and prepare your sequence for optimization.  Start here to choose (12) or define (13) the ORF you need for optimization. If your ORF is not displayed, click the “Show more” link (14).  You can also add start and stop codons to your ORF (15).  All your annotations (ORF, cloning sites, etc.) are shown in the Feature Map (16). 1312 15 14 16 Page 11 of 56 2.3.2. Selecting 5’ and 3’ Cloning Sites  To annotate cloning sites (17), just select from the detected ones (18) or select from a list (19) or define new ones yourself (20).  Selected sites will remain unchanged during optimization, and the motif will not get generated in the optimized sequence.  17 17 19 18 20 Page 12 of 56 2.3.3. Add, Delete, or Exchange Sequence Parts  On the Add/Delete/Exchange tab (21) you have separate options to add, delete, or exchange sequences. The exchange function works at the codon or amino acid level and therefore requires an ORF to be defined. 21 Page 13 of 56 2.3.4. Optimizing a Sequence  For optimization with our proprietary GeneOptimizer® algorithm, go to the Optimize Sequence tab (22).  Define which expression host the sequence should be optimized for (23). Please note that depending on the expression organism, a feature will be available for adding the appropriate Kozak sequence (24).  If you would like to receive a specialist optimization or review instead of optimizing online, you can select that option as well (25).  Please note that there are optional functions that allow you to protect sites and motifs or exclude motifs from getting created during optimization (26).  Ensure all sequence editing and specification is complete. Then click the “Optimize” button (27) to begin online optimization.  The duration of optimization will depend on the sequence length and complexity. Typically, a standard sequence of approximately 1 kb will take about 30 seconds to be processed. 22 23 2724 25 26 Page 14 of 56 2.4. Sequence Summary  The Sequence Summary tab (28) displays an overview of the actual sequence and all edits made (29). The sequence as well as the summary can be downloaded (30). 28 29 30 31 Page 15 of 56  Graphical data display the quality of your sequence before and after optimization.  The top two histograms (32) and (33) compare the quality distribution of codons in the sequence before and after optimization, in terms of the percentage of codons that fall into different quality classes. In the optimized sequence, the majority of codons used have quality values greater than 80.  The second set of plots shows codon quality at each position in both non-optimized (34) and optimized sequences (35). Again in this view, it’s clear that the number of codons with quality scores below 80 decreases dramatically after optimization.  The final set of plots (36) and (37) shows GC content in the non-optimized and the optimized sequence. The optimization algorithm adjusts GC content for increased mRNA stability, when appropriate for the expression host.  Please note, you can return to the previous tabs to make modifications at any time. Remember to click the “Optimize” button again each time when you want an optimized sequence.  Save & close the form (31). 32 33 34 35 3736 Page 16 of 56 2.5. Information Complete  The green status indicator should now be shown (38). If you are ready to place your order, click “Proceed To Summary” (39).  The next step is to add the project to your cart and proceed to checkout. Please read the “Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order” tutorial in chapter 7 to see how that process works. 38 39 Page 17 of 56 2.6. MultiSequence Batch Upload  If you intend to order multiple sequences at the same time, our MultiSequence Batch Upload (40) can make your ordering process faster.  To get started, drag and drop the MultiSequence Batch Upload icon (40) onto the drop area (41). 40 41 Page 18 of 56  The first step is to choose whether to enter DNA or protein sequences (42). In either case, you’ll need FASTA- or Multi-FASTA–formatted sequences ready for pasting into the sequence field, as in the example shown [43]. In this example we’ve entered three DNA sequences.  Next, read the biosafety confirmation and select the biosafety requirements for your project (44]. 43 42 44 Page 19 of 56  If you need additional services that will be applied to all of your sequences, you can choose them here (45).  When you’re finished, click “Save” (46). 45 46 Page 20 of 56  For each sequence, a separate gene synthesis process is set up [(47), (48), (49)]. The red exclamation marks (50) indicate that more information is needed. You’ll need to complete each Gene Synthesis process form.  Click the first Gene Synthesis icon (51) to open the form.  The sequence (52) and an arbitrary name (53) are already filled in. You’ll need to complete the rest of the form. To learn more about completing the Gene Synthesis form, please read the “Gene Synthesis and Online Optimization” tutorial in chapter 2. 50 48 53 52 4751 49 Page 21 of 56  When you have completed the Gene Synthesis form, the green status indicator should be shown (54).  Continue this process to complete the form for each gene synthesis construct in your project.  Click the “Proceed To Summary” button (55). Then you can add the project to your cart and proceed to checkout. Please read the “Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order” tutorial in chapter 7 to see how that process works. 54 55 Page 22 of 56 3. Subcloning Into Vector of Your Choice 3.1. Subcloning Project Setup  After setting up the gene synthesis project, drag and drop the Subcloning icon (1) onto the Gene Synthesis icon in the Process area (2). Please note: For subcloning, 5’ and 3’ cloning sites have to be specified in the Gene Synthesis form.  Next, open the Subcloning form by clicking the Subcloning icon (3). 2 3 1 Page 23 of 56 3.2. Enter Subcloning Requirements Using a Life Technologies Vector  Enter a name for the final plasmid (4).  Then choose from the list of Life Technologies vectors (5).  Cloning sites will be predefined, based on the cloning site information provided in the Gene Synthesis form (6).  Next, the portal will automatically clone your predefined gene into the selected vector (7).  If required, please select the alternative cloning strategy (8). 5 6 4 7 8 Page 24 of 56 3.3. Enter Subcloning Requirements Using Your Own Vector  If you require subcloning into a custom vector, choose the option “Custom vector” (9) from the list.  Select the copy number of the destination vector (10) and the resistance marker (11).  Indicate whether the vector is stocked at GeneArt® or is a new vector that will need to be sent to us (“I will provide”) (12).  Provide us the vector name (13) and paste your vector sequence into the vector sequence field (14). Alternatively, upload your sequence (15).  Then click “Start cloning” (16).  As of October 2012, any vector ordered via the above-mentioned route will be added to your “My portal vectors” list (17) so that it is readily available for your next order. 9 11 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 Page 25 of 56  The portal will automatically clone your predefined gene into the selected vector (18).  If required, please select the alternative cloning strategy (19). 18 18 19 Page 26 of 56 3.4. Vector Summary  The Vector Summary tab includes your specifications (20), the final map (21), and the final vector information in GenBank® database format together with a download function (22).  Click “Save & Close” (23).  Proceed to the summary to add your gene synthesis and subcloning to the cart. Please read the “Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order” tutorial in chapter 7 to see how that process works. 22 20 21 22 23 Page 27 of 56 4. Strings™ DNA Fragments 4.1. How to Set Up a DNA Fragment Order  To set up a DNA Fragment order, drag the Strings™ DNA Fragments icon (1) onto the drop area (2).  The red exclamation mark (3) indicates that more information is needed.  Click the Strings™ DNA Fragments icon (4) to open the form. 1 2 3 4 Page 28 of 56  The Strings™ DNA Fragments form has three main tabs: the Enter Sequence tab (5), the Edit Sequence tab (6), and the Optimize Sequence tab (7).  The Enter Sequence tab allows you to enter the sequence and provide all basic information.  Enter your sequence name (8), choose whether to enter a DNA or protein sequence (9), and paste your sequence into the tool (10). If you enter a protein as an amino acid sequence, it is important to optimize it for your desired expression host.  Editing and optimizing your gene works in the same way as for full gene synthesis. For details, see chapter 2.3, “Editing and Optimizing a Sequence”.  The Sequence Summary tab (11) displays an overview of the actual sequence and all edits made. The sequence and the summary can be downloaded. For more details, see chapter 2.4, “Sequence Summary”.  If you have entered all information, “Save and Close” the form (12). 5 6 7 9 10 8 11 12 Page 29 of 56  The green check mark status indicator should now appear (13). If you are ready to place your order, click “Proceed To Summary” (14).  The next step is to add the project to your cart and proceed to checkout. Please read the “Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order” tutorial in chapter 7 to see how that process works. 14 13 Page 30 of 56 4.2. MultiSequence Batch Upload for Strings™ DNA Fragments  If you intend to order multiple sequences at the same time, the MultiSequence Batch Upload (15) can make your ordering process faster.  To get started, drag and drop the MultiSequence Batch Upload icon (15) onto the drop area (16).  Select “Strings™ DNA Fragments” (17). The next step is to choose whether to enter DNA or protein sequences (18). If you enter a protein as an amino acid sequence, it is important to optimize it for your desired expression host. In either case, you’ll need FASTA-formatted sequences ready for pasting into the sequence field.  In this example we’ve entered two DNA sequences (19).  Then click “Save” (20). 19 15 16 17 18 20 Page 31 of 56  The green status indicators should be showing (21).  Click the “Proceed To Summary” button (22). Then you can add the project to your cart and proceed to checkout. Please read the “Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order” tutorial in chapter 7 to see how that process works. 21 22 Page 32 of 56 5. Setup of Mutagenesis: Single Gene Variants 5.1. Which Sequence Qualifies as a Single Gene Variant?  If you want to study a construct with mutations introduced by site-directed mutagenesis, or a variant of your gene, begin by determining which sequence is the longest version of your gene.  You will need to order this sequence using the GeneArt® Gene Synthesis service (1), and set up the shorter version as a variant (2). 1 2 Page 33 of 56 5.2. Single Gene Variant Project Setup  To set up the synthesis of the longest version of your gene, drag and drop the Gene Synthesis icon (3) onto the drop area (4).  Next, work through the Gene Synthesis form by clicking the Gene Synthesis icon (5) and entering the requested data and information. To learn more about completing the Gene Synthesis form, please read chapter 2.  Note that if you choose to optimize your sequence using the GeneArt® GeneOptimizer® service, the variant sequence must be based on the optimized sequence.  When you have completed the Gene Synthesis form, the green status indicator should be shown (6).  Now let’s see the process for ordering a single variant using the GeneArt® portal. 4 5 3 6 Page 34 of 56  To set up your variant, drag and drop the Mutagenesis icon (7) onto the Gene Synthesis icon in the Process area (8).  The red exclamation mark lets you know that more information is needed (9).  The next step is to open the Mutagenesis form by clicking the Mutagenesis icon (10). 9 108 7 Page 35 of 56 5.3. Entering Variant Sequence Information  Enter a name for your sequence (11).  The next step is to enter either a DNA (12) or protein (13) sequence. Note that if you chose to optimize the sequence of the longest version of your gene when setting up the initial gene synthesis, the variant must be based on the optimized sequence. You can access the optimized sequence in the Gene Synthesis editor in the Analysis Report in the “Sequence Summary” (14). Just click on this button (15) and download or view the optimized sequence.  Now we’ll return to the Variant form. If you choose to enter the protein sequence (13) rather than the DNA sequence, your project will require review by a GeneArt® scientist. You will receive an email when the review is complete and then you can continue the ordering process.  In this example we chose DNA. Copy and paste your variant sequence into the sequence field (16). 14 12 11 13 16 15 Page 36 of 56 5.4. Additional Information  If you plan to subclone your variant, enter the restriction sites you need in your sequence (17). Note that the restriction sites must be present in the sequence you entered.  If you need extra services, you can select them (18).  Click “Save” (19). 17 19 18 Page 37 of 56 5.5. Information Complete  The green status indicator should now be shown (20).  Click the “Proceed To Summary” button (21). Then you can add the project to your cart and proceed to checkout. Please read the “Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order” tutorial in chapter 7 to see how that process works.  We have now used the Mutagenesis (Single Gene Variant) form to create a single variant.  If you need several variants for your sequence, learn how to order them at the same time by reading the “Mutagenesis Bundles” tutorial in chapter 6. 20 21 Page 38 of 56 6. Setup of Mutagenesis Bundles (Gene Variants) 5.1. Which Sequences Qualify as Mutagenesis Bundles?  If you want to study mutations introduced by site-directed mutagenesis, or variants of your gene, begin by determining which sequence is the longest version of your gene.  You will need to order this sequence using the GeneArt® Gene Synthesis service (1), and set up the shorter versions as variants (2). 1 2 2 2 Page 39 of 56 6.2. Mutagenesis Bundle Project Setup  To set up the synthesis of the longest version of your gene, drag and drop the Gene Synthesis icon (3) onto the drop area (4). Next, work through the Gene Synthesis form by clicking the Gene Synthesis icon (5) and entering the requested data and information. To learn more about completing the Gene Synthesis form, please read the “Gene Synthesis and Online Optimization” tutorial in chapter 2.  Note that if you choose to optimize your sequence using the GeneArt® GeneOptimizer® service, all variant sequences must be based on the optimized sequence.  When you have completed the Gene Synthesis form, the green status indicator should be shown (6).  Now let’s see the process for ordering multiple variants using the GeneArt® portal.  If you want to order several mutants or variants, drag and drop the Mutagenesis Bundle icon (7) onto the Gene Synthesis icon in the Process area (5). 6 7 5 3 4 Page 40 of 56 6.3. Entering Several Gene Variant Sequences  Choose whether to create variants using the parent sequence service (8) or by uploading variant sequences using a multifasta form (9).  If you choose the parent service, the sequence used for the initial gene synthesis will be copied to the number of variant forms you specify. You can then introduce the variations you need into each Variant form.  If you choose the multifasta form (9) you can paste all your variants into the system in one step.  First we will set up two variants using the multifasta form. Choose the multifasta option (9). 8 9 Page 41 of 56 6.3.1. Setting Up a Mutagenesis Bundle With the Multifasta Option  The form expands, and you can enter your prepared variants. Just copy and paste multifasta-formatted mutagenesis sequences (10) into the sequence field in the portal (11).  If you need extra services, you can select them under “Add service” (12).  Click “Save” (13). 11 12 13 10 Page 42 of 56  The program has created three single variants (14).  Open the first Mutagenesis form by clicking the icon (15).  The name (16) and sequence field (17) are already filled in. You can change the name if you desire. Finish completing the form as described in the “Mutagenesis” tutorial in chapter 5.  Click “Save” when you are finished (18). 14 15 16 17 18 Page 43 of 56  The green status indicator should be shown now”.  Complete the remaining variants in the same way (19).  Once the form for every variant is completed, click “Proceed To Summary” (20) and send your project to GeneArt® scientists for review. Within 24 hours, the GeneArt® team will review your project and send you an email notification.  When you receive a response from the GeneArt® team, you can add the project to your cart and proceed to checkout. Please read the “Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order” tutorial in chapter 7 to see how that process works. 20 19 19 Page 44 of 56 6.3.2. Setting Up a Mutagenesis Bundle With the Parent Service Option  Now we’ll set up two variants using the parent service rather than the multifasta method. Go back to the step where gene synthesis for the longest version of the gene has been set up. Drag and drop the Mutagenesis Bundle icon (21) onto the Gene Synthesis icon in the Process area (22). 21 22 Page 45 of 56  Choose the parent service option (23) and type in the desired number of variants—two in this example. Then click “Save” (24).  The program has created two single variants (25).  Open the first form by clicking the icon (26). 23 26 25 24 Page 46 of 56  The names of the parental sequence and the variant sequence are already filled in.  You can change the name if you wish—in this example, we’ve chosen the name “Variant parent 1” (27).  Now type in your desired sequence modifications (28).  Finish completing the form as described in the “Mutagenesis” tutorial in chapter 5.  Click “Save” (29). 27 29 28 Page 47 of 56  The green status indicator should be shown now.  Complete the remaining variants in the same way (30).  Once the form for every variant is completed, click “Proceed To Summary” (31) and send your project to GeneArt® scientists for review. Within 24 hours, the GeneArt® team will review your project and send you an email notification.  When you receive a response from the GeneArt® team, you can add the project to your cart and proceed to checkout. Please read the “Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order” tutorial in chapter 7 to see how that process works. 30 31 Page 48 of 56 7. Adding a Project to Cart and Placing Your Order 7.1. Proceed to Project Summary  Once you have completed defining your project, you can order GeneArt® services by clicking “Proceed To Summary” (1). 1 Page 49 of 56 7.2. Project Summary  The Project Summary page is displayed. Here you can download your overall project report (2).  Detailed files specific to different GeneArt® services are also available for download (3).  Choose Express or SuperSPEED Service if required (4).  If you are ready to check out, click the “add to cart” button (5) to proceed. 2 3 5 4 Page 50 of 56  Note: If your project requires review by GeneArt® scientists (yellow status indicator), the project summary will look different. Click “send for review” (6) to start the process. The average review time is one business day. Once completed, your sequence will be placed in your project folder and you can then proceed to order your gene as described above. 6 Page 51 of 56 7.3. Cart View  You’ll see detailed information about your order, including the estimated processing time (7). You can edit your project (8), or remove the project from your cart (9). If you do this, the project will remain as a “draft” in your project folder, and you can place it in the cart later. The price of your project is also displayed in the cart (10).  The note at the top of the page is a reminder that you can have only one project in the cart at a time, but a project can include as many sequences as you wish (11).  Check this page carefully, and if the information is correct, click “Begin Checkout” (12). 7 9 10 11 12 8 Page 52 of 56 7.4. Shipment & Payment Information  Please provide all of the required shipping and billing information in the upper part of the page.  A price update with handling charge is shown (13). 13 Page 53 of 56  In the lower part of the page select a payment method.  Please note: If you choose to pay with a purchase order and you don’t have a PO number, please enter an internal reference number (14)  UK and Italian purchasers: please confirm your VAT exemption, if applicable.  Read the GeneArt® Terms and Conditions, and agree by ticking the box (15).  Then click “Continue to Review” (16). 14 15 16 Page 54 of 56 7.5. Review Order  The Review Order page gives a summary of all your order information: shipping, billing, and payment information, your order details, and the total price of the order.  Confirm the information, then click “Place My Order” (17). 17 Page 55 of 56 7.6. Order Confirmation   After placing your order, an “Order Confirmation” page will appear with all of the details. You can print this page for your records (18).  You will also receive a confirmation email. 18 Page 56 of 56 8. Contacts at GeneArt For further information or if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: Email: Europe: Phone: +49 (0)941 942 76-100 Fax: +49 (0)941 942 76-780 America and Asia: Phone: 800-955-6288, option 4/4/1 For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2013 Life Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved. The trademarks mentioned herein are the property of Life Technologies Corporation and/or its affiliate(s)or their respective owners. GenBank is a registered trademark of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. DISCLAIMER: LIFE TECHNOLOGIES AND/OR ITS AFFILIATE(S) DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL LIFE TECHNOLOGIES AND/OR ITS AFFILIATE(S) BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, OR UNDER ANY STATUTE OR ON ANY OTHER BASIS FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, MULTIPLE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING FROM THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE USE THEREOF. Headquarters 5791 Van Allen Way | Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA Phone +1 760 603 7200 | Toll Free in the USA 800 955 6288 International Sales For our office locations please call the division headquarters or refer to our website at us.html