Applied Hydrogeology Spreadsheet modeling Adam Říčka Iterative methods Iterative methods need initial values at iteration level m, hi,j m and the purpose is to calculate Hi,j m+1. Jacobi iteration Resulted values from previous level of iteration are used in actual iteration – not often used Gauss-Seidel iteration Newly computed values in the iteration formula are used: iteration level m+1 values are available for nodes (i-1,j) and (i,j-1) when calculating h for node (i,j) - more efficient than Jacobi iteration Succesive over relaxation (SOR) Convergence rate of Gauss-Seidel iteration method can be improved by relaxation factor ω, which is obtained by trial and error and optimal value is between 1,5 - 1,8 4/)( 1,1,,1,1 1 , m ji m ji m ji m ji m ji hhhhh 4/)( 1,1, 1 ,1 1 ,1 1 , m ji m ji m ji m ji m ji hhhhh 4/)()1( 1,,1 1 1, 1 ,1, 1 , m ji m ji m ji m ji m ji m ji hhhhhh 4 1,1,,1,1 , m ji m ji m ji m jim ji hhhh h 4 1 1,1, 1 ,1,11 , m ji m ji m ji m jim ji hhhh h Gauss-Seidel Iteration initial guesses m and next step m+1 1mm hh initial guesses m Iteration reached Convergence criteria Iterative methods Let’s try iterative method in spreadsheet by hand Steady-state flow without leaves and/or enters 02 2 2 2 y h x h0 y q x q y h kq x h kq yy xx Laplace’s equation 514131211 qqqqq in 015141312 x z hh Kz x hh Kx z hh Kz x hh K 22 53 2 42 2 1 )(2)(2 )()()()( xz hhxhhz h 4 )( 5432 1 hhhh h 4 1,1,,1,1 , jijijiji ji hhhh h Darcy’s law in x and y direction Water balance equation 0 y h K yx h K x Finite difference approximation of Laplace’s equation Central difference =+ K is constant providing dx and dz is the same 2-D Cross-section Boundary conditions – mesh centered grid No-flow boundary 0 x h 0 z h 0,1,1 jiji hh 4 )2( 432 1 hhh h 4 )22( 32 1 hh hcorner No-flow boundary Constant head boundary Simply enter appropriate head value in the boundary cell and use central difference providing dx and dz is the same providing dx and dz is the same Steady-state flow with leaves and/or enters R y h kb yx h kb x T R y h x h 2 2 2 2 T R y h x h 2 2 2 2 2 Poisson equation Confined aquifer Poisson equation Unconfined aquifer Finite difference approximation of Poisson equation 4 5432 1 K Q hhhh h Note – from mathematical expression implies: • Negative sign means recharge (e. g. injection well) • Positive sign means discharge (e.g. pumping well) providing dx and dz is the same Cross-section model – Tóth problem 2-D simulation, steady-state flow Unconfined, isotropic aquifer Physical model conception Mathematical model conception Water balance at Mesh and Block centered grid Cell in grid Only ½Q at no-flow boundary condition Grid node Imaginary nodes in no- flow boundaries Cell in grid Grid node Cross-section model – Tóth problem 2-D simulation, steady-state flow Unconfined, isotropic aquifer hTQy yx yhxbkQy ))(( hTQx yx xhybkQx ))(( 2/y y Qx 2/x xx Qy y 2/hTQy 2/hTQx Water balance in mesh centered grid 4 1,1,,1,1 , jijijiji ji hhhh h 4 )2( 1,1,,1 , jijiji ji hhh h 4 )22( 1,,1 , jiji ji hh h 4 )22( ,11, , jiji ji hh h 4 )2( 1,1,,1 , jijiji ji hhh h 4 )2( ,1,1,1 , jijiji ji hhh h 4 1,1,,1,1 , K Q hhhh h jijijiji ji Spreadsheet approach – groundwater flow Well 2-D flow in Excel spreadsheet 4 1,1,,1,1 , jijijiji ji hhhh h 4 )2( 1,1,,1 , jijiji ji hhh h 4 )22( 1,,1 , jiji ji hh h 4 )22( ,11, , jiji ji hh h 4 )2( 1,1,,1 , jijiji ji hhh h 4 )2( ,1,1,1 , jijiji ji hhh h 4 1,1,,1,1 , K Q hhhh h jijijiji ji Well 2-D water balance in Excel spreadsheet hTQy yx yhxbkQy ))(( hTQx yx xhybkQx ))(( 2/y y Qx 2/x xx Qy y 2/hTQy 2/hTQx Water balance in mesh centered grid Difference between input and output = error of numerical approximation related to (among others) Convergence criteria and grid spacing Block-centered grid in Excel spreadsheet References Anderson, P., M., Bair, E., S. (2001): The Power of Spreadsheet Models.- Modflow 2001 and other modeling odysseys Proceedings, 2001, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorad School of Mines, Golden, CO, p. 815-822. Fox, P., J. (1996): Spreadsheet Solution Method for Groundwater Flow Problems.Subsurface Fluid-Flow (Ground-water and Vadose Zone) Modeling, ASTM STP 1288, Joseph D. Ritchey and James O. Rumbaugh, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials. Karvonen, T. (2001): Soil and Groundwater Hydrology: Basic Theory and Application of Computational Methods.- Electronic Book, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Water Resources. Distributed via Internet: Wang, H.,F., Anderson, M., P. (1982): Introduction to Groundwater Modeling: Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods, W. H. Freeman, 256 p.