KEY: Taskl: Task 2: Precambrian j single-cell organisms in the ocean (jelly ! fish) Cambrian i trilobites, explosion of animals animals with shells _________.,_______.....________ j Ordovician mollusks, corals algae Silurian plants on land, algae, fishes and scorpions in the oceans Devonian i fishes (shark), first amphibians and j insects on the land j Carboniferous giant fauna, gigant ferns, insects, first ; reptiles ( Permian [ 03,: a*] reptiles over the land, diverse forms j Triassic l£~bmX 'xsi'kj j ageof reptiles, earliest dinosaurs [ Jurassic [ctiCu* rac^llc ] | flying reptiles (pterodactylus) Cretaceous flowering plants, many new dinosaurs, j tyrannosaurus; at the end of this period 1 dinos died out Tertiary mammals dominated the land, became { very diversified such as first known horse Quaternary 1 i large mammals (such as quiptodont or j i mammoth) died out, modern humans - j appeared 100,000 years ago