The Four Color Theorem http://www>^xRFKoVLSzlQ Peninsula a color tnniiiiihLnlrv JirililMLlJjijr* y «ii"u*wM*>mfi»inti» i ihtilij(tmi im ii-n^an 4*1 htUrtui j ixj^j? Pre-listening What can colors on maps show? Make a list. Listen to and watch the video and answer questions. 1) Who and when discovered the Four Color Theorem? 2) How was it proven and by whom?...................... 3) Why did it take so long to prove the theorem?........ 4) What does this theorem state?........................... 5) When is a region „adjacent"?............................ 6) How is this theorem used?............................... 7) How many colors do mapmakers use?................. 8) How can this theorem be proven?....................... Four color theorem From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia