\section{Simplicial and singular homology} \begin{cislo}\label{HOexact}{\bf Exact sequences.} A sequence of homomorphisms of Abelian groups or modules over a ring $$\dots\xrightarrow{\,f_{n+1}\,} A_n\xrightarrow{\ f_n\ }A_{n-1}\xrightarrow{\,f_{n-1}\,} A_{n-2} \xrightarrow{\,f_{n-2}\,}\dots$$ is called an \emph{exact sequence}\index{exact sequence} if $$\im f_n=\ker f_{n-1}.$$ Exactness of the following sequences $$O\xrightarrow{\ \ } A\xrightarrow{\ f\ }B,\quad B\xrightarrow{\ g\ } C\xrightarrow{\ \ } 0, \quad 0\xrightarrow{\ \ } C\xrightarrow{\ h\ } D\xrightarrow{\ \ } 0$$ means that $f$ is a monomorphism, $g$ is an epimorphism and $h$ is an isomorphism, respectively. A \emph{short exact sequence}\index{short exact sequence} is an exact sequence $$0\xrightarrow{\ \ } A\xrightarrow{\ i\ } B\xrightarrow{\ j\ } C\xrightarrow{\ \ }0.$$ In this case $C\cong B/A$. We say that the short exact sequence splits if one of the following three equivalent conditions is satisfied: \begin{enumerate} \item There is a homomorphism $p:B\to A$ such that $p i=\id_{A}$. \item There is a homomorphism $q:C\to B$ such that $j q=\id_{C}$. \item There are homomorphisms $p:B\to A$ and $q:C\to B$ such that $i p+q j=\id_{B}$. \end{enumerate} The last condition means that $B\cong A\oplus C$ with isomorphism $(p,q):B\to A\oplus C$. \begin{ex*} Prove the equivalence of (1), (2) and (3). \end{ex*} \end{cislo} \begin{cislo}\label{HOchain}{\bf Chain complexes.} The \emph{chain complex}\index{chain complex} $(C,\partial)$ is a sequence of Abelian groups (or modules over a ring) and their homomorphisms indexed by integers $$\dots\xrightarrow{\partial_{n+2}} C_{n+1}\xrightarrow{\partial_{n+1}} C_n\xrightarrow{\ \partial_{n}\ } C_{n-1}\xrightarrow{\partial_{n-1}}\dots$$ such that $$\partial_{n-1}\partial_n=0.$$ This conditions means that $\im\partial_n\subseteq\ker\partial_{n-1}$. The homomorphism $\partial_n$ is called a boundary operator. A \emph{chain homomorphism}\index{chain homomorphism} of chain complexes $(C,\partial^C)$ and $(D,\partial^D)$ is a sequence of homomorphisms of Abelian groups (or modules over a ring) $f_n:C_n\to D_n$ which commute with the boundary operators $$\partial^D_nf_{n}=f_{n-1}\partial^C_n.$$ \end{cislo} \begin{cislo}\label{HOhomology}{\bf Homology of chain complexes.} The $n$-th \emph{homology group}\index{homology group of a chain complex} of the chain complex $(C,\partial)$ is the group $$H_{n}(C)=\frac{\ker\partial_n}{\im\partial_{n+1}}.$$ The elements of $\ker\partial_n=Z_n$ are called \emph{cycles}\index{cycle} of dimension $n$ and the elements of $\im\partial_{n+1}=B_n$ are called \emph{boundaries}\index{boundary} (of dimension $n$). If a chain complex is exact, then its homology groups are trivial. The component $f_n$ of the chain homomorphism $f:(C,\partial^C)\to (D,\partial^D)$ maps cycles into cycles and boundaries into boundaries. It enables us to define $$H_n(f):H_{n}(C)\to H_n(D)$$ by the prescription $H_n(f)[c]=[f_n(c)]$ where $[c]\in H_n(C_*)$ and $[f_n(c)]\in H_n(D^*)$ are classes represented by the elements $c\in Z_n(C)$ and $f_n(c)\in Z_n(D)$, respectively. \end{cislo} \begin{cislo}\label{HOlesch}{\bf Long exact sequence in homology.} A sequence of chain homomorphisms $$\dots\xrightarrow{\ \ } A\xrightarrow{\ f\ }B\xrightarrow{\ g\ }C\xrightarrow{\ \ }\dots$$ is exact if for every $n\in\mathbb Z$ $$\dots\xrightarrow{\ \ } A_n\xrightarrow{\ f_n\ }B_n\xrightarrow{\ g_n\ }C_n\xrightarrow{\ \ }\dots$$ is an exact sequence of Abelian groups. \begin{thm*} Let $0\to A\xrightarrow{i}B\xrightarrow{j}C\to 0$ be a short exact sequence of chain complexes. Then there is a \emph{connecting homomorphism}\index{connecting homomorphism} $\partial_*:H_n(C)\to H_{n-1}(A)$ such that the sequence $$\dots\xrightarrow{\ \partial_*\ } H_{n}(A)\xrightarrow{\,H_{n}(i)\,} H_n(B)\xrightarrow{\,H_n(j)\,} H_{n}(C)\xrightarrow{\ \partial_*\ }H_{n-1}(A)\xrightarrow{\,H_{n-1}(i)\,} \dots$$ is exact. \end{thm*} \begin{proof} Define the connecting homomorphism $\partial_*$. Let $[c]\in H_n(C)$ where $c\in C_n$ is a cycle. Since $j:B_n\to C_n$ is an epimorphism, there is $b\in B_n$ such that $j(b)=c$. Further, $j(\partial b)=\partial j(b)=\partial c=0$. From exactness there is $a\in A_{n-1}$ such that $i(a)=\partial b$. Since $i(\partial a)=\partial i(a)=\partial\partial b=0$ and $i$ is a monomorphism, $\partial a=0$ and $a$ is a cycle in $A_{n-1}$. Put $$\partial_*[c]=[a].$$ Now we have to show that the definition is correct, i.~e. independent of the choice of $c$ and $b$, and to prove exactness. For this purpose it is advantageous to use an appropriate diagram. It is not difficult and we leave it as an exercise to the reader. \end{proof} \begin{cislo}\label{HOchhmtp}{\bf Chain homotopy.} Let $f,g:C\to D$ be two chain homomorphisms. We say that they are \emph{chain homotopic}\index{chain homotopic} if there are homomorphisms $s_n:C_n\to D_{n+1}$ such that $$\partial^D_{n+1}s_n+s_{n-1}\partial^C_{n}=f_n-g_n \quad \text{for all }n.$$ The relation to be chain homotopic is an equivalence. The sequence of maps $s_n$ is called a \emph{chain homotopy}.\index{chain homotopy} \end{cislo} \begin{thm*} If two chain homomorphism $f,g:C\to D$ are chain homotopic, then $$H_n(f)=H_n(g).$$ \end{thm*} \begin{ex*} Prove the previous theorem from the definitions. \end{ex*} \end{cislo} \begin{cislo}\label{HO5lemma}{\bf Five Lemma.} Consider the diagram $$ \xymatrix{ A \ar[r] \ar[d]_{f_1}^{\cong} & B \ar[r] \ar[d]_{f_2}^{\cong}& C \ar[r] \ar[d]_{f_3}&D \ar[r] \ar[d]_{f_4}^{\cong}&E \ar[d]_{f_5}^{\cong} \\ \bar A \ar[r] & \bar B \ar[r] & \bar C \ar[r] &\bar D \ar[r] &\bar E } $$ If the horizontal sequences are exact and $f_1$, $f_2$, $f_{4}$ and $f_{5}$ are isomorphisms, then $f_3$ is also an isomorphism. \begin{ex*} Prove 5-lemma. \end{ex*} \end{cislo} \begin{cislo}\label{HOsimpl}{\bf Simplicial homology.} We describe two basic ways how to define homology groups for topological spaces -- simplicial homology which is closer to geometric intuition and singular homology which is more general. For the definition of simplicial homology we need the notion of $\Delta$-complex, which is a special case of CW-complex. Let $v_0,v_1,\dots,v_n$ be points in $\mathbb R^m$ such that $v_1-v_0,v_2-v_0, v_n-v_0$ are linearly independent. The $n$-\emph{simplex}\index{$n$-simplex} $[v_0,v_1,\dots,v_n]$ with the vertices $v_0,v_1,\dots, v_n$ is the subspace of $\mathbb R^m$ $$\{\sum_{i=0}^n t_iv_i;\ \sum_{i=1}^nt_i=1,\ t_i\ge 0\}$$ with a given ordering of vertices. A \emph{face} of this simplex is any simplex determined by a proper subset of vertices in the given ordering. Let $\Delta_{\alpha}$, $\alpha\in J$ be a collection of simplices. Subdivide all their faces of dimension $i$ into sets $F^i_{\beta}$. A $\Delta$-\emph{complex}\index{$\Delta$-complex} is a quotient space of disjoint union $\coprod_{\alpha\in J} \Delta_{\alpha}$ obtained by identifying simplices from every $F^i_{\beta}$ into one single simplex via affine maps which preserve the ordering of vertices. Thus every $\Delta$-complex is determined only by combinatorial data. A special case of $\Delta$-complex is a \emph{finite simplicial complex}.\index{finite simplicial complex}\index{simplicial complex} It is a union of simplices the vertices of which lie in a given finite set of points $\{v_0,v_1,\dots,v_n\}$ in $\mathbb R^m$ such that $v_1-v_0,v_2-v_0,\dots, v_n-v_0$ are linearly independent. \begin{example*} Torus, real projective space of dimension 2 and Klein bottle are $\Delta$-complexes as one can see from the following pictures. %\begin{figure}[H] %\centering %\includegraphics[height=4cm,width=15cm]{fg3.1.eps}% %\caption{}\label{fg3.1} %\end{figure} \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \def\svgwidth{15cm} \input{img/fig-3_1.pdf_tex} \caption{Torus, $\mathbb{R}P^2$ and Klein bottle as $\Delta$-complexes} \end{figure} In all the cases we have two sets $F^2$ whose elements are triangles, three sets $F^1$ every with two segments and one set $F^{0}$ containing all six vertices of both triangles. These surfaces are also homeomorhic to finite simplicial complexes, but their structure as simplicial complexes is more complicated than their structure as $\Delta$-complexes. \end{example*} To every $\Delta$-complex $X$ we can assign the chain complex $(C,\partial)$ where $C_{n}(X)$ is a free Abelian group generated by $n$-simplices of $X$ (i.~e. the rank of $C_n(X)$ is the number of the sets $F^n$ and the boundary operator on generators is given by $$\partial[v_0,v_1,\dots,v_n]=\sum_{i=0}^n(-1)^i[v_0,\dots,\hat v_i\dots,v_n].$$ Here the symbol $\hat v_i$ means that the vertex $v_i$ is omitted. Prove that $\partial\partial=0$. The \emph{simplicial homology groups}\index{simplicial homology} of $\Delta$-complex $X$ are the homology groups of the chain complex defined above. Later, we will show that these groups are independent of $\Delta$-complex structure. \begin{ex*} Compute simplicial homology of $S^2$ (find a $\Delta$-complex structure), $\mathbb{RP}^2$, torus and Klein bottle (with $\Delta$-complex structures given in example above). \end{ex*} Let $X$ and $Y$ be two $\Delta$-complexes and $f:X\to Y$ a map which maps every simplex of $X$ into a simplex of $Y$ and it is affine on all simplexes. Using appropriate sign conventions we can define the chain homomorphism $f_n:C_n(X)\to C_{n}(Y)$ induced by the map $f$. This chain map enables us to define homomorphism of simplicial homology groups induced by $f$. Having a $\Delta$-subcomplex $A$ of a $\Delta$-complex $X$ (i.~e. subspace of $X$ formed by some of the simplices of $X$) we can define simplicial homology groups $H_n(X,A)$. The definition is the same as for singular homology in paragraph \ref{HOsing2}. These groups fit into the long exact sequence $$\dots\to H_{n}(A)\to H_{n}(X)\to H_n(X,A)\to H_{n-1}(A)\to\dots$$ See again \ref{HOsing2}. \end{cislo} \begin{cislo}\label{HOsing}{\bf Singular homology.} The \emph{standard} $n$-\emph{simplex}\index{standard $n$-simplex} is the $n$-simplex $$\Delta^n=\{(t_0,t_1,\dots,t_n)\in \mathbb R^{n+1};\ \sum_{i=0}^nt_i=1;\ t_i\ge 0\}.$$ The $j$-th face of this standard simplex is the $(n-1)$-dimensional simplex $[e_0,\dots,\hat e_j,\dots,e_n]$ where $e_j$ is the vertex with all coordinates $0$ with the exception of the $j$-th one which is $1$. Define $$\varepsilon_n^j:\Delta^{n-1}\to\Delta^n$$ as the affine map $\varepsilon_n^j(t_0,t_1,\dots,t_{n-1})=(t_0,\dots,t_{j-1},0,t_j, \dots, t_{n-1})$ which maps $$e_0\to e_0,\ \dots,\ e_{j-1}\to e_{j-1},\ e_{j}\to e_{j+1},\ \dots,\ e_{n-1}\to e_{n}.$$ It is not difficult to prove \begin{lemma*} $\varepsilon_{n+1}^k\varepsilon_n^{j}=\varepsilon_{n+1}^{j+1} \varepsilon_n^{k}$ for $k