\section{Homotopy excision and Hurewicz theorem} One of the reasons why the computation of homotopy groups is so difficult is the fact that we have no general excision theorem at our disposal. Nevertheless, there is a restricted version of such a theorem. It has many consequences, one of them is the Freudenthal suspension theorem which enables us to compute $\pi_n(S^n)$. At the end of this section we define the Hurewicz homomomorphism which under certain conditions compares homotopy and homology groups. \begin{cislo}\label{EHex}{\bf Homotopy excision theorem.} Excision theorem for homology groups has the following restricted analogue for homotopy groups. \begin{thm*} [Blakers-Massey theorem] Let $A$ and $B$ be subcomplexes of CW-complex $X=A\cup B$. Suppose that $C=A\cap B$ is connected, $(A,C)$ is $m$-connected and $(B,C)$ is $n$-connected. Then the inclusion $$j:(A,C)\hookrightarrow (X,B)$$ is $(m+n)$-equivalence, i.~e. $j_*:\pi_i(A,C)\to\pi_i(X,B)$ is an isomorphism for $i[d]^{{q_1}_*\oplus{q_2}_*} & H_n(X,A)\\ & H_n(D^n,\partial D^n)\oplus H_n(D^n,\partial D^n)\ar@<1ex>[u]^{{i_1}_*+{i_2}_*} & } $$ Since ${i_1}_*+{i_2}_*$ is an inverse to ${q_1}_*\oplus {q_2}_*$, we get \begin{align*} h([f]+[g])&=(f+g)_*(\iota)=(f\vee g)_*c_*(\iota)\\ &=\big((f\vee g)_*({i_1}_*+{i_2}_*)\big)\big(({q_1}_*\oplus{q_2}_*)c_*\big) (\iota)=(f_*+g_*)(\iota\oplus\iota)\\ &=f_*(\iota)+g_*(\iota)=h([f])+h([g]). \end{align*} \end{proof} We leave the reader to prove the following properties of the Hurewicz homomorphism directly from the definition: \begin{prop} The Hurewicz homomorphism is natural, i.~e. the diagram $$ \xymatrix{ \pi_n(X,A)\ar[r]^-{f_*}\ar[d]_{h_X} & \pi_n(Y,B) \ar[d]^{h_Y}\\ H_n(X,A)\ar[r]_-{f_*} & H_n(Y,B) }$$ commutes for any $f:(X,A)\to (Y,B)$. The Hurewicz homomorphisms make commutative also the following diagram with long exact sequences of a pair $(X,A)$: $$ \xymatrix{ \pi_n(A)\ar[r]\ar[d]^{h_A} & \pi_n(X)\ar[r]\ar[d]^{h_X} & \pi_n(X,A)\ar[r]^-{\partial}\ar[d]^{h_{(X,A)}} & \pi_{n-1}(A)\ar[d]^{h_A}\\ H_n(A)\ar[r] & H_n(X)\ar[r] & H_n(X,A)\ar[r]^-{\partial} & H_{n-1}(A) }$$ \end{prop} \end{cislo} \begin{cislo} \label{EHht} {\bf Hurewicz theorem.} The previous calculations of $\pi_n(\bigvee_{\alpha\in A} S^n_{\alpha})$ enable us to compare homotopy and homology groups of $(n-1)$-connected CW-complexes via the Hurewicz homomorphism. \begin{thma}[Absolute version of the Hurewicz theorem] Let $n\ge 2$. If $X$ is a $(n-1)$-connected, then $\tilde H_i(X)=0$ for $i< n$ and $h: \pi_n(X)\to H_n(X)$ is an isomorphism. \end{thma} For the case $n=1$ see Theorem 11.5. %\ref{FGfgh}. \begin{proof} We will carry out the proof only for CW-complexes $X$. For general method which enables us to enlarge the result to all spaces see [Hatcher], %\cite{Ha}, Proposition 4.21. First, realize that $h:\pi_n(S^n)\to H_n(S^n)$ is an isomorphism. It follows from the characterization of $\pi_n(S^n)$ by degree in Theorem \ref{EHcom}. According to Corollary 12.6 %\ref{HCWcwa} every $(n-1)$-connected CW-complex $X$ is homotopy equivalent to a CW-complex obtained by attaching cells of dimension $\ge n$ to a point. Moreover cells of dimension $\ge n+2$ do not play any role in computing $\pi_i$ and $H_i$ for $i\leq n$. Hence we may suppose that $$X=\bigvee_{\alpha\in A}S^n_{\alpha}\cup_{\p_{\beta}}\bigcup_{\beta\in B}e^{n+1}_{\beta}=X^{n+1}$$ where $\p_{\beta}$ are base point preserving maps. Then $\tilde H_i(X)=0$ for $i