INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY MARTIN ˇCADEK 8. Vector bundles and Thom isomorphism In this section we introduce the notion of vector bundle and define its important algebraic invariants Thom and Euler classes. The Thom class is involved in so called Thom isomorphism. Using this isomorphism we derive the Gysin exact sequence which is an important tool for computing cup product structure in cohomology. 8.1. Fibre bundles. A fibre bundle structure on a space E, with fiber F, consists of a projection map p : E → B such that each point of B has a neighbourhood U for which there is a homeomorphism h : p−1 (U) → U × F such that the diagram p−1 (U) h // p ##FFFFFFFFF U × F pr1 ||xxxxxxxxx U commutes. Here pr1 is the projection on the first factor. h is called a local trivialization, the space E is called the total space of the bundle and B is the base space. A subbundle (E , B, p ) of a fibre bundle (E, B, p) has the total space E ⊆ E, the fibre F ⊆ F, p = p/E and local trivializations in E are restrictions of local trivializations of E. A vector bundle is a fibre bundle (E, B, p) whose fiber is a vector space (real or complex). Moreover, we suppose that for each b ∈ B the fiber p−1 (b) over b is a vector space and all local trivializations restricted to p−1 (b) are linear isomorphisms. The dimension of a vector bundle is the dimension of its fiber. For p−1 (U) where U ⊆ B we will use notation EU . Further, E0 U will stand for EU without zeroes in vector spaces Ex = p−1 (x) for x ∈ U. 8.2. Orientation of a vector space. Let V be a real vector space of dimension n. The orientation of V is the choice of a generator in Hn (V, V − {0}; Z) = Z. If R is a commutative ring with a unit, the R-orientation of V is the choice of a generator in Hn (V, V − {0}; R) = R. For R = Z we have two possible orientations, for R = Z2 only one. 8.3. Orientation of a vector bundle. Consider a vector bundle (E, B, p) with fiber Rn . The R-orientation of the vector bundle E is a choice of orientation in each vector 1 2 space p−1 (b), b ∈ B, i. e. a choice of generators tb ∈ Hn (Eb, E0 b ; R) = R such that for each b ∈ B there is a neighbourhood U and an element tU ∈ Hn (EU , E0 U ; R) with the property i∗ x(tU ) = tx for each x ∈ U and the inclusion ix : Ex → EU . If a vector bundle has an R-orientation, we say that it is R-orientable. An R-oriented vector bundle is a vector bundle with a chosen R-orientation. Talking on orientation we will mean Z-orientation. Example. Every vector bundle (E, B, p) is Z2-orientable. After we have some knowledge of fundamental group, we will be able to prove that vector bundles with π1(B) = 0 are orientable. 8.4. Thom class and Thom isomorphism. The Thom class of a vector bundle (E, B, p) of dimension n is an element t ∈ Hn (E, E0 ; R) such that i∗ b(t) is a generator in Hn (Eb, E0 b ; R) = R for each b ∈ B where ib : Eb → E is an inclusion. It is clear that any Thom class determines a unique orientation. The reverse statement is also true. Theorem (Thom Isomorphism Theorem). Let (E, B, p) be an R-oriented vector bundle of real dimension n. Then there is just one Thom class t ∈ Hn (E, E0 ; R) which determines the given R-orientation. Moreover, the homomorphism τ : Hk (B; R) → Hk+n (E, E0 ; R), τ(a) = p∗ (a) ∪ t is an isomorphism (so called Thom isomorphism). Remark. Notice that Thom Isomorphism Theorem is a generalization of the K¨unneth Formula 7.5 for (Y, A) = (Rn , Rn − {0}). We use it in the proof. Proof. (1) First suppose that E = B × Rn . Then according to Theorem 7.5 H∗ (E, E0 ; R) = H∗ (B × Rn , B × (Rn − {0}); R) = H∗ (B; R) ⊗ H∗ (Rn , Rn − {0}); R) ∼= H∗ (B; R)[e]/ e2 where e ∈ Hn (Rn , Rn − {0}); R) is the generator given by the orientation of E. Now, there is just one Thom class t = 1 × e and τ(a) = p∗ (a) ∪ t = a × e is an isomorphism. (2) If U is open subset of B, then the orientation of (E, B, p) induces an orientation of the vector bundle (EU , U, p). Suppose that U and V are two open subsets in B such that the statement of Theorem is true for EU , EV and EU∩V with induced orientations. Denote the corresponding Thom classes by tU , tV and tU∩V . The uniqueness of tU∩V implies that the restrictions of both classes tU and tV on Hn (EU∩V , E0 U∩V ; R) are tU∩V . We will show that Theorem holds for EU∪V . 3 Consider the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence 5.13 for A = EU , B = EV , C = E0 U , D = E0 V together with the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence for A = U, B = V and C = D = ∅. Omitting coefficients these exact sequences together with Thom isomorphisms τU , τV and τU∩V yield the following diagram where DEU stands for the pair (EU , E0 U ) δ∗ // Hk+n (DEU∪V ) (j∗ U ,j∗ V ) // Hk+n (DEU ) ⊕ Hk+n (DEV ) i∗ U −i∗ V // Hk+n (DEU∩V ) // δ∗ // Hk (U ∪ V ) (j∗ U ,j∗ V ) // τU∪V OO   Hk (U) ⊕ Hk (V ) i∗ U −i∗ V // τU ⊕τV OO Hk (U ∩ V ) τU∩V OO // (At the moment we do not need commutativity.) From the first row of this diagram we get that Hi (EU∪V , E0 U∪V ) = 0 for i < n and that there is just one class tU∪V ∈ Hn (EU∪V , E0 U∪V ) such that (j∗ U , j∗ V )(tU∪V ) = (tU , tV ). This is the Thom class for EU∪V and we can define the homomorphism τU∪V : Hk (U ∪ V ) → Hk+n (EU∪V , E0 U∪V ) by τU∪V (a) = p∗(a) ∪ tU∪V . Complete the diagram by this homomorphism. When we check the commutativity of the completed diagram, it suffices to apply Five Lemma to show that τU∪V is an isomorphism. To prove the commutativity we have to go into the cochain level from which the Mayer-Vietoris sequences are derived in natural way. Let tU and tV be cocycles representing the Thom classes tU and tV . We can choose them in such a way that i∗ U tU = i∗ V tV = tU∩V where tU∩V represents the Thom class tU∩V . Consider the diagram where the rows are the short exact sequences inducing the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequences above. 0 // C∗ 0 (EU + EV ) (j∗ U ,j∗ V ) // C∗ 0 (EU ) ⊕ C∗ 0 (EV ) i∗ U −i∗ V // C∗ (EU∩V ) // 0 0 // C∗ (U + V ) (j∗ U ,j∗ V ) // τU∪V OO   C∗ (U) ⊕ C∗ (V ) τU ⊕τV OO i∗ U −i∗ V // C∗ (U ∩ V ) // τU∩V OO 0 Here we use the following notation: C∗(U + V ) is the free Abelian group generated by simplices lying in U and V , C∗ (U + V ) = HomR(C∗(U + V ), R). C∗ 0 (EU + EV ) are the cochains from C∗ (EU + EV ) which are zeroes on simplices from C∗(E0 U + E0 V ). τU (a) = p∗ (a) ∪ tU . (According to Lemma in 3.12 the cohomology of C∗ 0 (EU + EV ) is H∗ (EU∪V , E0 U∪V ; R).) There is just one cocycle tU∪V representing the Thom class tU∪V such that (j∗ U , j∗ V )(tU∪V ) = (tU , tV ). If we show that τU , τV , τU∩V and τU∪V are cochain homomorphisms which make the diagram commutative, then the diagram with the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequences will be also commutative. To prove the commutativity of the cochain diagram above is 4 not difficult and left to the reader. Here we prove that τU is a cochain homomorhism. (The proof for the other τ is the same.) Let a ∈ Ck (U). Since tU is cocycle we get δτU (a) = δ(p∗ (a) ∪ tU ) = δ(p∗ (a)) ∪ tU + (−1)k p∗ (a) ∪ δ(tU ) = p∗ (δ(a)) ∪ tU = τU δ(a). (3) Let B be compact (particullary a finite CW-complex). Then there is a finite open covering U1, U2, . . . , Um such that EUi is homeomorphic to Ui × Rn . So according to (1) the statement of Theorem holds for all EUi . Using (2) and induction we can show that Theorem holds for E = m i=1 EUi as well. (4) The proof for the other base spaces B needs a limit transitions in cohomology and the fact that for any B there is always a CW-complex X and a map f : B → X inducing isomorphism in cohomology. Here we omit this part. 8.5. Euler class. Let ξ = (E, B, p) be oriented vector bundle of dimension n with the Thom class tξ ∈ Hn (E, E0 ; Z). Consider the standard inclusion j : E → (E, E0 ). Since p : E → B is a homotopy equivalence, there is just one class e(ξ) ∈ Hn (B; Z), called the Euler class of ξ, such that p∗ (e(ξ)) = j∗ (tξ). For R-oriented vector bundles we can define the Euler class e(ξ) ∈ Hn (B; R) in the same way. Particulary, any vector bundle ξ = (E, B, p) has an Euler class with Z2-coefficients called the n-th Stiefel-Whitney class wn(ξ) ∈ Hn (B; Z2). 8.6. Gysin exact sequence. The following theorem gives us a useful tool for computation of the ring structure of singular cohomology of various spaces. Theorem (Gysin exact sequence). Let ξ = (E, B, p) be an R-oriented vector bundle of dimension n with the Euler class e(ξ) ∈ Hn (B; R). Then there is a homomorphism ∆∗ : H∗ (E0 ; R) → H∗ (B; R) of modules over H∗ (B; R) such that the sequence . . . p∗ −→ Hk+n−1 (E0 ; R) ∆∗ −→ Hk (B; R) ∪e(ξ) −−−→ Hk+n (B; R) p∗ −→ Hk+n (E0 ; R) ∆∗ −→ . . . is exact. Proof. The definition of ∆∗ and the exactness follows from the following cummutative diagram where we have used the long exact sequence for the pair (E, E0 ) and the Thom isomorphism τ: Hk+n−1 (E0 ) δ∗ // ∆∗ ((PPPPPP Hk+n (E, E0 ) j∗ // Hk+n (E) i∗ // Hk+n (E0 ) Hk (B) τ∼= OO ∪e(ξ) //____ Hk+n (B) p∗∼= OO p∗ 88qqqqqqqqqq The right action of b ∈ H∗ (B) on H∗ (E0 ) is given by x · b = x ∪ i∗ p∗ (b), x ∈ H∗ (E0 ). 5 Using the definition of the connecting homomorphism and the properties of cup product one can show that ∆∗ (x · b) = ∆∗ (x) ∪ b. The details are left to the reader. Example. Consider the canonical one dimensional vector bundle γ = (E, RPn , p) where E = {(l, v) ∈ RPn × Rn+1 ; v ∈ l}, the elements of RPn are identified with lines in Rn+1 and p(l, v) = l. The space E0 is equal to Rn+1 − {0} and homotopy equivalent to Sn . Using the Gysin exact sequence with Z2-coefficients and the fact that Hk (RPn ; Z2) = Z2 for 0 ≤ k ≤ n, we get successively that the first Stiefel-Whitney class w1(γ) ∈ H1 (RPn ; Z2) is different from zero and that H∗ (RPn ); Z2) ∼= Z2[w1(γ)]/ w1(γ)n+1 . Exercise. Using the Gysin exact sequence show that H∗ (CPn ; Z) ∼= Z[x]/ xn+1 where x ∈ H2 (CPn ; Z). CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0041 Centrum interaktivních a multimediálních studijních opor pro inovaci výuky a efektivní učení