INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY MARTIN ˇCADEK 12. Homotopy and CW-complexes This section demonstrates the importance of CW-complexes in homotopy theory. The main results derived here are Whitehead theorem and theorems on approximation of maps by cellular maps and spaces by CW-complexes. 12.1. n-connectivity. A space X is n-connected if πi(X, x0) = 0 for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n and some base point x0 ∈ X (and consequently, for all base points). A pair (X, A) is called n-connected if each component of path connectivity of X contains a point from A and πi(X, A, x0) = 0 for all x0 ∈ A and all 1 ≤ i ≤ n We say that a map f : X → Y is an n-equivalence if f∗ : πi(X, x0) → πi(Y, f(x0)) is an isomorphism for all x0 ∈ X if 0 ≤ i < n and an epimorphism for all x0 if i = n. Exercise. Prove that a pair (X, A) is n-connected if and only if the inclusion i : A → X is an n-equivalence. 12.2. Compression lemma is an important technical tool in what follows. Lemma A (Compression lemma). Let (X, A) be a pair of CW-complexes and (Y, B) a pair with B = ∅. Suppose that πn(Y, B, y0) = 0 for all y0 ∈ B whenever there is a cell in X − A of dimension n. Then every f : (X, A) → (Y, B) is homotopic rel A with a map g : X → B. A  f/A // B  X f // g ∼ >>~ ~ ~ ~ Y If n = 0, the condition π0(Y, B, y0) = 0 means that (Y, B) is 0-connected. Proof. By induction we will define maps fn : X → Y such that fn(Xn ∪ A) ⊆ B, and fn is homotopic to fn−1 rel A ∪ Xn−1 . Put f−1 = f. Suppose that we have fn−1 and there is a cell en in X − A. Let ϕ : Dn → X be its characteristic map. Then fn−1ϕ : (Dn , ∂Dn ) → (Y, B) represents zero element in πn(Y, B). According to Proposition 10.2 it means that fn−1ϕ : (Dn , ∂Dn ) → (Y, B) is homotopic rel ∂Dn to a map hn : (Dn , ∂Dn ) → (B, B). Doing it for all cells of dimension n in X − A we obtain a map gn : Xn ∪A → B homotopic rel A∪Xn−1 with fn−1 restricted to Xn ∪A. Using the homotopy extension property of the pair (X, Xn ∪ A) we can conclude that gn can be extended to a map fn : X → Y which is homotopic rel A ∪ Xn−1 to fn−1. 1 2 Now for x ∈ Xn define g(x) = fn(x) = gn(x). By the same trick as in the proof of Theorem 2.7 we can construct a homotopy rel A between f and g. The proof of the following extension lemma is similar but easier and hence left to the reader. Lemma B (Extension lemma). Consider a pair (X, A) of CW-complexes and a map f : A → Y . If Y is path connected and πn−1(Y, y0) = 0 whenever there is a cell in X − A of dimension n, then f can be extended to a map X → Y . 12.3. Whitehead Theorem. The compression lemma has two important conse- quences. Corollary. Let h : Z → Y be an n-equivalence and let X be a finite dimensional CW-complex. Then the induced map h∗ : [X, Z] → [X, Y ] is (1) a surjection if dim X ≤ n, (2) a bijection if dim X ≤ n − 1. Proof. First, we will suppose that h : Z → Y is an inclusion and apply the compression lemma. Put B = Z, A = ∅ and consider a map f : X → Y . If dim X ≤ n then all the assumptions of the compression lemma are satisfied. Consequently, there is a map g : X → Z such that hg ∼ f. Hence h∗ : [X, Z] → [X, Y ] is surjection. Let dim X ≤ n − 1 and let g1, g2 : X → Z be two maps such that hg1 ∼ hg2 via a homotopy F : X ×I → Y . Then we can apply the compression lemma in the situation of the diagram X × {0, 1} g1∪g2 //  Z h  X × I F // H ::t t t t t Y to get a homotopy H : X × I → Z between g1 and g2. If h is not an inclusion, we use the mapping cylinder Mh. (See 1.5 for the definition and basic properties.) Let f : X → Y be a map. Apply the result of the previous part of the proof to the inclusion iZ : Z → Mh and to the map iY f : X → Y → Mh to get g : X → Z such that iZg ∼ iY f. Z h ~~|||||||| iZ  h BBBBBBBB X g 77nnnnnnnn f // Y iY // Mh p // Y Since the right triangle in the diagram commutes and the middle one commutes up to homotopy and piY = idY, we get hg = piZg ∼ piY f = f. The statement (2) can be proved in a similar way. 3 A map f : X → Y is called a weak homotopy equivalence if f∗ : πn(X, x0) → πn(Y, f(x0)) is an isomorphism for all n and all base points x0. Theorem (Whitehead Theorem). If a map h : Z → Y between two CW-complexes is a weak homotopy equivalence, then h is a homotopy equivalence. Moreover, if Z is a subcomplex of Y and h is an inclusion, then Z is even deformation retract of Y . Proof. Let h be an inclusion. We apply the compression lemma in the following situ- ation: Z idZ // h  Z h  Y idY // g ??~ ~ ~ ~ Y Then gh ∼ idY rel Z and consequently hg = idZ. So Z is a deformation retract of Y . The proof in a general case again uses mapping cylinder Mh. 12.4. Simplicial approximation lemma. The following rather technical statement will play an important role in proofs of approximation theorems in this section and in the proof of homotopy excision theorem in the next section. Under convex polyhedron we mean an intersection of finite number of halfspaces in Rn with nonempty interior. Lemma (Simplicial approximation lemma). Consider a map f : In → Z. Let Z be a space obtained from a space W by attaching a cell ek . Then f is rel f−1 (W) homotopic to f1 for which there is a simplex ∆k ⊂ ek with f−1 1 (∆k ) a union (possibly empty) of finitely many convex polyhedra such that f1 is the restriction of a linear surjection Rn → Rk on each of them. The proof is elementary but rather technical and we omit it. See [Hatcher], Lemma 4.10, pages 350–351. 12.5. Cellular approximation. We recall that a map g : X → Y between two CW-complexes is called cellular, if g(Xn ) ⊆ Y n for all n. Theorem (Cellular approximation theorem). If f : X → Y is a map between CWcomplexes, then it is homotopic to a cellular map. If f is already cellular on a subcomplex A, then f is homotopic to a cellular map rel A. Corollary A. πk(Sn ) = 0 for k < n. Corollary B. Let (X, A) be a pair of CW-complexes such that X − A contains only cells of dimension greater then n. Then (X, A) is n-connected. Proof of the cellular approximation theorem. By induction we will construct maps fn : X → Y such that f−1 = f, fn is cellular on Xn and fn ∼ fn−1 rel Xn−1 ∪ A. Then we can define g(x) = fn(x) for x ∈ Xn and by the same trick as in the proof of Theorem 2.7 we can construct homotopy rel A between f and g. 4 Suppose we have already fn−1 and there is a cell en such that fn−1(en ) does not lie in Y n . Then f(en ) meets a cell ek in Y of dimension k > n. According to the simplicial approximation lemma fn−1 restricted to en is homotopic rel ∂en to h : en → Y with the property that there is a simplex ∆k ⊂ ek and h(en ) ⊂ Y − ∆k . (Since n < k, there is no linear surjection Rn → Rk .) ∂ek is a deformation retract of ek − ∆k and that is why h is homotopic rel ∂en to a map g : en → Y − ek . Since f(en ) meets only a finite number of cells, repeating the previous step we get a map fn defined on en such that fn(en ) ⊆ Y n and homotopic rel ∂en to fn−1/ en. In the same way we can define fn on A ∪ Xn homotopic to fn−1/A ∪ Xn rel A ∪ Xn−1 . Then using homotopy extension property for the pair (X, A ∪ Xn ) we obtain fn : X → Y homotopic to fn−1 rel A ∪ Xn−1 . 12.6. Approximation by CW-complexes. Consider a pair (X, A) where A is a CW-complex. An n-connected CW model for (X, A) is an n-connected pair of CWcomplexes (Z, A) together with a map f : Z → X such that f/A = idA and f∗ : πi(Z, z0) → πi(X, f(z0)) is an isomorphism for i > n and a monomorphism for i = n and all base points z0 ∈ Z. If we take A a set containing one point from every path component of X, then 0-connected CW model gives a CW-complex Z and a map Z → X which is a weak homotopy equivalence. Theorem A (CW approximation theorem). For every n ≥ 0 and for every pair (X, A) where A is a CW-complex there exists n-connected CW-model (Z, A) with the additional property that Z can be obtained from A by attaching cells of dimensions greater than n. Proof. We proceed by induction constructing Zn = A ⊂ Zn+1 ⊂ Zn+2 ⊂ . . . with Zk obtained from Zk−1 by attaching cells of dimension k, and a map f : Zk → X such that f/A = idA and f∗ : πi(Zk) → πi(X) is a monomorhism for n ≤ i < k and an epimorphism for n < i ≤ k. For simplicity we will consider X and A path connected with a fixed base point x0 ∈ A. Suppose we have already f : Zk → X. Let ϕα : Sk → Zk be maps representing generators in the kernel of f∗ : πk(Zk) → πk(X). Put Yk+1 = Zk ∪ϕα α Dk+1 α . Since the map f : Zk → X restricted to the boundaries of new cells is trivial, it can be extended to a map f : Yk+1 → X. By the cellular approximation theorem πi(Yk+1) = πi(Zk) for all i ≤ k − 1. Hence the new f∗ has the same properties as the old f∗ on homotopy groups πi with i ≤ k − 1. Since the composion πk(Zk) → πk(Yk+1) → πk(X) is surjective according to the induction assumptions, the homomorphism f∗ : πk(Yk+1) → πk(X) has to be surjective as well. Now we prove that it is injective. Let [ϕ] ∈ πk(Yk+1) and let fϕ ∼ 0. By cellular approximation ϕ : Sk → Yk+1 is homotopic to ϕ : Sk → Y k k+1 = Zk ⊆ Yk+1 and 5 [fϕ] = 0 in πk(X). Hence [ϕ] ∈ Ker f∗ is a sum of [ϕα], and consequenly, it is zero in πk(Yk+1). Next, let maps ψα : Sk+1 α → X represent generators of πk+1(X). Put Zk+1 = Yk+1 ∨ α Sk+1 α and define f = ψα on new (k + 1)-cells. It is clear that f∗ : πk+1(Zk+1) → πk+1(X) is a surjection. Using cellular approximation it can be shown that πi(Zk+1, Yk+1) = 0 for i ≤ k. From the long exact sequence of the pair (Zk+1, Yk+1) we get that πi(Yk+1) = πi(Zk+1) for i ≤ k − 1. Consequently, f∗ : πi(Zk+1) → πi(X) is an isomorphism for n < i ≤ k − 1 and a monomorphism for i = n. The same long exact sequence implies that πk(Yk+1) → πk(Zk+1) is surjective. We have already proved that f∗ : πk(Yk+1) → πk(X) is an isomorphism. From the diagram πk(Yk+1) iso &&MMMMMMMMMM epi // πk(Zk+1) f∗  πk(X) we can see that f∗ : πk(Zk+1) → πk(X) is also an isomorphism. Corollary. If (X, A) is an n-connected pair of CW-complexes, then there is a pair (Z, A) homotopy equivalent to (X, A) rel A such that the cells in Z −A have dimension greater than n. Proof. Let f : (Z, A) → (X, A) be an n-connected model for (X, A) obtained by attaching cells of dimension > n to A. Then f∗ : πj(Z) → πj(X) is a monomorphism for j = n and an isomorphism for j > n. We will show that f∗ is an isomorphism also for j ≤ n. Consider the diagram: A iZ  iX @@@@@@@@ Z f // X The inclusions iX and iZ are n-equivalences. Consequently, f∗iZ∗ = iX∗ : πj(A) → πj(X) is an epimorphism for j = n. Hence so is f∗. Next, iX∗ and iZ∗ are isomorphisms for j < n, hence so is f∗. Finally, according to Whitehead Theorem, the weak homotopy equivalence f between two CW-complexes is a homotopy equivalence. Theorem B. Let f : (Z, A) → (X, A) and f : (Z , A ) → (X , Z ) be two n-connected CW-models. Given a map g : (X, A) → (X , A ) there is a map h : (Z, A) → (Z , A ) such that the following diagram commutes up to homotopy rel A: Z f // h  X g  Z f // X 6 The map h is unique up to homotopy rel A. Proof. By the previous corollary we can suppose that Z −A has only cells of dimension ≥ n + 1. We can define h/A as g/A. A h/A //  Z f  Z gf // X Replace X by the mapping cylinder Mf which is homotopy equivalent to X . Since f : Z → X is an n-connected model, from the long exact sequence of the pair (Mf , Z ) we get that πi(Mf , Z ) = 0 for i ≥ n + 1. According to compression lemma 12.2 there exists h : Z → Z such that the diagram A h/A //  Z  Z // h >>| | | | | Mf commutes up to homotopy rel A. This h has required properties. The proof that it is unique up to homotopy follows the same lines. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0041 Centrum interaktivních a multimediálních studijních opor pro inovaci výuky a efektivní učení