GIS model & modelingGIS model & modeling ModelModel :: a simplified representation of a phenomenon or aa simplified representation of a phenomenon or a systemsystem.. GIS modelingGIS modeling :: the use of GIS in the process of buildingthe use of GIS in the process of building models with spatial datamodels with spatial data.. Basic requirement in modelingBasic requirement in modeling :: modelermodeler’’s interests interest && :: KnowledgeKnowledge of theof the systesystemsms be modeledbe modeled.. e.g. environmente.g. environment Biologic (ecology)Biologic (ecology) atmosphericatmospheric hydrologichydrologic Geologic (land surface/subsurface)Geologic (land surface/subsurface) GIS model & modelingGIS model & modeling GIS Model elementsGIS Model elements :: 1.1. a set of selected spatial variablesa set of selected spatial variables :: 2.2. functionalfunctional // mathematical relationshipmathematical relationship betweenbetween variablesvariables.. GIS Model can be related toGIS Model can be related to :: exploratory data analysisexploratory data analysis : data visualization: data visualization : DB management: DB management GIS Model can work together withGIS Model can work together with // across GIS software packagesacross GIS software packages && otherother computer programscomputer programs.. (( exelexel )) GIS Model can beGIS Model can be :: vectorvector –– basedbased : raster: raster –– basedbased : include both in one model / task: include both in one model / task ((usingusing conversionconversion ) Depends on nature of model ,data source , computing algorithm ) GIS Types of GIS modelsGIS Types of GIS models Binary models Index model Regression models Process models Binary modelsBinary models LogicalLogical modelmodel ((expressionsexpressions)) toto selectselect featuresfeatures fromfrom compositecomposite mapmapss oror multiplemultiple gridsgrids (features: point, line, polygon, cell)(features: point, line, polygon, cell) OutputOutput 11 (( truetrue )) && øø (( fafalselse)) MapMap overlayoverlay combinecombine attributesattributes // variablesvariables A commonA common example of this modelexample of this model isis sitingsiting [[ pointpoint,, polygonpolygon ((potentialpotential areaarea)) ]] analysisanalysis.. (( FigFig.. 14.1)14.1) SpatialSpatial queryquery FigFig.. 14.214.2 comparecompare toto locallocal operationoperation of gridof grid Binary modelsBinary models ( Chang, 2002 )( Chang, 2002 ) Index ModelsIndex Models:: WWeighteight--ratingrating SScorecore ModelsModels Assign & standardize values to spatialAssign & standardize values to spatial elements(featureselements(features) of) of each layer.each layer. UseUse thethe indexindex valuevalue calculatedcalculated from afrom a compositecomposite mapmap oror multiplemultiple grids togrids to produceproduce a ranka rank mapmap.. ( ) ( )2211 AA xscoreweightxscoreweight +( ) ( )2211 AA xscoreweightxscoreweight + Index value of aIndex value of a polygonpolygon // cellcell ==( ) ( )2211 AA scoreweightscoreweight ×+× SeeSee FigFig.. 14.314.3 ((vectorvector--basedbased),), FigFig. (( rasterraster--basedbased )) StepsSteps:: 1.1. assignassign weightweight to each variableto each variable ((ww)) 2.2. assignassign && standardizestandardize scorescoress to eachto each classclass ofof eacheach variablevariable(data layer)(data layer) IndexIndex ModelsModels :: WWeighteight--ratingrating SScorecore ModelsModels ( ) ( )2211 AA xscoreweightxscoreweight +( ) ( )2211 AA xscoreweightxscoreweight + StepsSteps:: 3. index value calculation 4. ranking index values of each polygon / cell. Total Score / Index value = ∑= n i ji sw1 i th j th Wi = weight of i th variable Sj = score of class in the variable Check ! ( ) ( )2211 AA xscoreweightxscoreweight +( ) ( )2211 AA xscoreweightxscoreweight + IndexIndex ModelsModels :: WWeighteight--ratingrating SScorecore ModelsModels ( Chang, 2002 )( Chang, 2002 ) IndexIndex ModelsModels :: WWeighteight--ratingrating SScorecore ModelsModels ( ) ( )2211 AA xscoreweightxscoreweight +( ) ( )2211 AA xscoreweightxscoreweight + maxmax--XXii maxmax--minmin XXii--minmin maxmax--minmin 77 2121 3232 4949 11 0.670.67 0.400.40 00 77 2121 3232 4949 00 0.330.33 0.590.59 11 Normalized/standardized cell values(scores) to be comparable. Rating score Benefit: The more, the better : rain index value probability Landslide Cost: The less, the better: veg density index value LS prob Regression ModelRegression Model RelatesRelates a dependent variable to aa dependent variable to a numbernumber ofof independentindependent variables invariables in anan equationequation -- used forused for predictionprediction // estimationestimation.. 22 typestypes of regression modelof regression model (??(?? -- discussdiscuss??)??) LinearLinear(?)(?) regressionregression :: whenwhen variables are allvariables are all numericnumeric.. LogisticLogistic regressionregression :: dependent variable is a binarydependent variable is a binary phenomenonphenomenon(/probability?)(/probability?) & the& the independentindependent variables arevariables are categoricalcategorical oror numericnumeric variablesvariables.. Regression ModelRegression Model ExampleExample :: LinearLinear (?)(?) regressionregression SWESWE == EastingEasting ++ southingsouthing ++ ELEVELEV WhenWhen a,, ,, and are regression coefficientsand are regression coefficients EastingEasting -- column nocolumn no.. of a grid cellof a grid cell SouthingSouthing –– row norow no.. of a cellof a cell ELEVELEV –– elevation values of a cellelevation values of a cell SWESWE –– snow water equivalentsnow water equivalent -- a dependent variablea dependent variable 1ba + 2b 3b 1b 2b 3b Regression ModelRegression Model Logistic regressionLogistic regression yy == 0.0020.002 ELEVELEV –– 0.2280.228 slopeslope ++ 0.6850.685 canopycanopy 11 ++ 0.4430.443 canopycanopy 22 ++ 0.4810.481 canopycanopy 33 ++ 0.0090.009 aspect Easpect E--WW yy == habitat suitability for red squirrel to be presenthabitat suitability for red squirrel to be present where canopywhere canopy 1,2,31,2,3 -- categories of canopycategories of canopy thenthen,, ProbabilityProbability (( pp)) of squirrel presence for each cellof squirrel presence for each cell :: PP == 11 // (( 1+1+ expexp ((--yy)) )) y P ?? # Check relationship of regression models with ( i ) linear equation, nd 2 order polynomial, ‘best fit’ least square analysis ??# mathematicsIn , especially as applied in statistics, the logit (pronounced with a long "o" and a soft "g", IPA /loʊdʒɪt/) of a number p between 0 and 1 is This function is used in logistic regression Process ModelProcess Model Integrate existing knowledge aboutIntegrate existing knowledge about envtenvt.. process in the realprocess in the real world into a set of relationships and equation forworld into a set of relationships and equation for quantifying the processquantifying the process.. Offer both a predicative capabilityOffer both a predicative capability && explanation processesexplanation processes proposedproposed.. Examples: A = RKLSCPUSLE A- av. soil loss in tons , R- rainfall intensity S – slope gradient , C – cultivation factor K-soil erodibility , L- slope length P- supporting practice factor. L & S – estimated from field measurement sometimes combined to be a single topographic factor Process ModelProcess Model “AGNPS” (Agricultural nonpoint source) SL = ( EI ) K LS C P (SSF) - Used to estimate upland erosion for a single storm. SL – soil loss EI – product of the storm total kinetic energy and max – 30 minute intensity K- soil erodibility , LS – topographic factor, C- cultivation factor, P - supporting practice factor SSF – a factor to adjust slope shape in a cell. Process ModelProcess Model “SWAT” (soil & water assessment tool ) a model predicts the impact of land management practices on water Q & Q, sediment, and agricultural chemical yields in large complex watersheds. Inputs are Land management practice such as : Crop rotation, irrigation, fertilizer use, pesticide application rates, physical characteristics of the basin & subbasin ( precipitation, temperature, soil, vegetation, & topography ) Output : simulated values of surface water flow, GW flow, crop growth, sediment & chemical yields.