Methodology of the research
Methodology of the geographical research on QoL
Quantitative methods:
- statistical analysis of objective dimension
- social indicators
- indicators of living conditions
- statistical analysis of subjective dimension
- > using a multivariate methods (factor, principal component analysis)
Qualitative methods:
- questionnaire, in-depth interview, observation, mental mapping, ethnometodology, alternative methods...
- > emphasizing of the description and interpretation of situation
- > which aspects of quality of life are inquired?
- > which method is preferd? why?
- > what are the results of this research? fo who? how could we interpret them?
How to prepare research:
- you should frame:
- research problem (quality of life?)
- research topic (quality of life in a region, in some communities..)
- research question
- you should define:
- goals of the research
- focus group + focus region
- evaluation, interpretation, for who it is intended
- capacities x constraints (money, collaborators, time...)
- > appropriate methods for specific research on quality of life
Fourth homework
- suggest and write a methodical approach for specific geographical research on the subjective dimension of quality of life
- follow the points (framing problem, question) and finally suggest an appropriate method for measuring (community) quality of life
- think of innovativeness and feasibility
- insert into odevzdavarna folder in two weeks