Kontinuální monitorování fotosyntézy v terénu Denní / sezónní / roční chody M. Barták OFAR ÚEB PřF MU Ovládací software: denní chody •Source of photo: http://www.zealquest.com/?m=Product&a=view&t=earth&id=9783 2007070513132919 •The annual cycle of temperature and light influence the physiology of the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis, VOC emissions and aerosol formation: • •The seasonal variation in photosynthetic activity is well described with delayed temperature effect (Hari et al. 2009). The detailed influence of light and temperature on the physiology of photosynthesis can be followed with leaf level measurements based on the Monitoring-PAM instrumentation (Porcar-Castell et al. 2008, Porcar-Castell et al. 2009). The influence of the seasonal developmental stage of trees is seen on VOC concentrations and aerosol formation processes above canopy (Lappalainen et al 2009, Dal Maso et al 2009). p1040040_monipam_ja FCoE Aplikace v zemědělském výzkumu •http://www.zealquest.com/?m=Product&a=view&t=earth&id=9783 2007120415173395 2007120415312655 2007070513105314 2007070513112168 2007070513110876 2007070513113349 • Fig5 Fig4-Silene1 • Fig2-Salix2 Fig3-Dryas1 • Fig7-Graf2 • SV154230 SV154237