Bi7740: Scientific computing Parallel computing in R Vlad Popovici Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses Masaryk University, Brno Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing Implementations in R packages snow: for traditional clusters, supports PVM, MPI,...; is portable (UNIX, Windows) multicore: targets multi-core/-CPU machines; simple; does not run on Windows; does not handle parallel RNGs parallel: snow+multicore in new R (>=2.14) foreach: parallel for loops R+Hadoop: based on Hadoop cluster RHIPE: based on Hadoop, targets map-reduce operations Segue: apply-like calculations on Hadoop clusters, using Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce better not to use GUI in the workers Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing Levels of parallelism in R drop-in replacement of standard libraries with parallelized versions: e.g. replace classical BLAS+LAPACK with Intel’s MKL or AMD’s ACML to exploit multi-core machines packages for parallel computing using system’s libraries for parallelism write your own custom code (e.g. C/C++/Fortran using OpenMP interfaced with R) running several R servers Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing parallel package tries to unify snow and multicore packages you can either use the master/slave architecture (for cluster-like computing) or the multi-threaded architecture (for shared-memory machines) since R 2.14.0 is included in the basic collection of packages geared towards massive data: single "instruction", multiple data implements a special RNG for parallel streams of random numbers (L’Ecuyer CMRG) Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing Cluster computing it is portable across different computing environments can use different communication layers: sockets, MPI, PVM, NetWorkSpaces all but socket communication require specific R packages can work locally or on a network may require proper configuration (e.g. password-less ssh login,...) for network access Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing library ( p a r a l l e l ) c l = makeCluster (4 , type= ’PSOCK ’ ) ## computation goes here . . . . res = parLapply ( cl , 1:1000000 , sqrt ) stopCluster ( c l ) Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing makeCluster() and stopCluster() are used for initializing and stopping a cluster PSOCK refers to socket transport layer - works both locally or on a network, but data has to be sent from master to workers. Warning: libraries and functions need to be loaded on each worker - no environment inheritance from the master! on Unix you can use FORK (relies on POSIX fork() system) which is faster for local usage, but cannot be used on a network; the workers inherit the work environment from the master (shared memory) in any case, the cluster is persistent and has to be explicitly closed Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing Functions for distributing the work cluster...(...) functions: ...Call, ...EvalQ: calls the same function all all workers ...Apply: applies a function to each element of a list (see also lapply(...) ...ApplyLB: load balancing version: send the first n jobs to the n workers, and then submits jobs as the workers become available → my increase tremendously the overhead ...Map: distributed version of mapply ...Split: splits the data into equal chunks par...(...) functions: ...Lapply, ...Sapply, ...Apply: the parallel versions of lapply, sapply, and apply; they have also a ...LB variant ...Rapply and ...Capply for row- and column-wise parallel operations Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing Exercise: find potentially prognostic probesets/genes. load the data file transbig.rdata X is a gene expression matrix, probesets by columns C is a data frame with clinical covariates find the probesets prognostic for relapse-free survival (C$t.rfs and C$e.rfs) (do not consider other potentially influencing variables): write the non-parallelized version to find the p-values (from Cox PH models) corresponding to each probeset item find all the probesets with adjusted p-value (FDR) ≤ 0.2 parallelize the code: identify the code that can be run in parallel (same code, different data), choose a method, implement Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing Support for parallel RNGs still under development but usable use RNGkind("L’Ecuyer−CMRG") to choose the right RNG each worker gets a stream of 2127 random numbers, for up to 264 workers for multicore functions: use set.seed(...) to ensure reproducibility for cluster usage: clusterSetRNGStream(clst, seed) Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing Example: using cluster computing for bootstrap testing Test the mean fold change between ER+ and ER- at probeset 205225_at. Main bits of code: RNGkind( "L ’ Ecuyer−CMRG" ) c l = makeCluster (4 , type= ’PSOCK ’ ) clusterSetRNGStream ( cl , 1234) clusterEvalQ ( cl , { # . . . i n i t i a l i z a t i o n . . . } ) res = clusterEvalQ ( cl , { # . . . do the work . . . } ) stopCluster ( c l ) Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing Exercise: parallel bootstrap. parallelize the function bstrap.nonparam choose your favourite approach: either based on clusterEvalQ or on parApply-family of functions Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing The multicore approach the processes are limited to the local machine faster communication, shared memory → inherited environment in the workers cannot use distributed the computation to other machines functions taken from multicore package and now renamed in parallel package these functions are not available under Windows main functions: mclapply, mcmapply mcparallel, mccollect Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing Example Find the probesets potentially prognostic... p = mclapply ( as . data . frame (X) , my. coxph , C$ t . rfs , C$e . rfs , mc. cores =4) Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing foreach package used for parallelizing for loops can use various backends: multicore or cluster examples: foreach (i=1:10) %do% sqrt(i) foreach (a=1:3, b=rep(10,3)) %dopar% (b^a) uses iterators and combiners for splitting the data and combining the results Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing Example: Find the probesets potentially prognostic... # foreach with a c l u s t e r backend library ( doParallel ) c l = makeCluster (4 , type= ’PSOCK ’ ) reg iste rDoPa ralle l ( c l ) i t x = i t e r (X, by= ’ column ’ ) pv = foreach ( z= i t x , . combine= ’ c ’ ) %dopar% my. coxph ( z , C$ t . rfs , C$e . r f s ) stopCluster ( c l ) Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing # foreach with multicore backend # not on Windows ! library (doMC) registerDoMC (4) i t x = i t e r (X, by= ’ column ’ ) pv = foreach ( z= i t x , . combine= ’ c ’ ) %dopar% my. coxph ( z , C$ t . rfs , C$e . r f s ) Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing A few words about MapReduce parallelism Analogy: S = n i=1 f(xi) Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing MapReduce for parallel computing: proposed by Google (2004) programmers get a simple API, no need to deal with remote execution, data distribution, load balancing, fault tolerance, etc.. a scalable (both data and computation) framework Apache Hadoop is an open source project implementing Google’s specifications Amazon uses Hadoop on their Elastic Cloud there are several packages in R that can use a Hadoop infrastructure Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing MapReduce: the big picture. Vlad Bi7740: Scientific computing