1800 3000 Great Interpretive Power Wimpy Interpretive Power Interpreting IR spectra All IR bands are equal, but some are more equal than others. Moving down the chart one at a time, matching bands as you go, is not a useful strategy. This is the first region you should look at, and there are 4 different shapes of bands that you may see here. In the C=O region, it’s not the shape, but the exact location that reveals the identity of the fg. Lastly, You should look at these features (but only after analysing the major bands in the previous panes) Saturated and unsaturated C-H can be present at the same time. Notes ** If you’re not sure what the difference between an acid and an alcohol is, do the quick “Functional Group IDentification” exercise. ** ...if you have one FG. Two 2 amine would look like a 1 amine. Instead, let’s arrange them by their interpretive power. A smooth tongue means an alcohol. Vampire Fangs Means a primary amine... Hairy Beard is a sign for a carboxylic acid. -C C H -N H R -COO H -N H H -O H Anhydrides Esters aldehydes Ketones amides acids 165017001750 acid chlorides Unsaturated C-H stretch Mono Mono ortho meta para gem (1,1-) di-substituted cis- trans- C-H O R 3000cm -1 saturated C-H stretch Jon - jkwchui@uvic.ca one knock-out fang means a 2 amine, or a terminal alkyne. o o o 3400 3200 ...and if you don’t see any band here, You most likely don’t have any of these functional groups (fg) Note that the exact position depends on the surrounding environment: Conjugated at C=O strain, or Conjugated at -OIt must have rained. Puddles and worms... Inference Inference Observation Observation At ~2200cm , we find triple bonds: C C, and C N -1 Hint: use 3300Cm to distinguish terminal and internal alkynes. usually sharp (can be smallish) C-H stretch alkene/aromatic substitution pattern can be seen in the c-H bend regions. Lastly, a peak at 2700cm , together with a C=O, is indicative of an aldehyde. we looked at these last because they can be ambiguous to interpret, or they have only a narrow niche of usefulness. -1 An IR band of this size and shape... Probably That functional group. 1800 1810 1760 1735 1725 1715 1710 1690 +30cm -1 -30cm -1 700, 690 strong 990, 910 ~750 ~825 2700cm -1 880, 780, 690 ~900 (strong) ~700 (weak) ~970 (strong) ketones have no C-H in them and can have no 2700 C-H stretch peaks. C=O stretch O O O O O O O O