Mesozoic Modern marine fauna – dominated by bivalves, gastropods, ammonoids, belemnites Actinopterygii – Holostei (mnohokostnatí), Teleostei (kostnatí), gymnolemate bryozoans, desmospongians, echinoids,, Hexacoralla, marine reptiles, sharks, new crustaceans present (lobsters, crabs), planctonic foraminifers, cocolitophorids Land – dinosaurs, air - pterosaurs First mammals – beginning of the Mesozoic, Jurrasic – birds. Diversification of angiosperms since early Cretaceous, boundary between Mesophytikum and Caenofytikum in middle Cretaceous. Break-up of Pangea, new oceans(Tethys, Indian ocean, North Ice ocean) Alpine orogeny – closure of Tethys, young mountain belts, nappes. From Atlas to Himalayas. pred Invertebrate Mesozoic fauna belamites sponges ammonites crustaceans bivalves sponges Rudistid clams Microfossils •Coccolithophoroids –extremely small single-shelled algea –produced tiny plates called coccoliths –fell to bottom and produced great chalk deposits •Foraminifera continued to thrive –globigerinids built shells of bubble-shaped chambers Marine vertebrates •Early Mesozoic had primitive bony fish Holostei •Modern teleost fishes –developed by late Jurassic –highly mobile jaws and swim bladder •Marine reptiles (not dinosaurs) –plesiosaurs (long necked fish-catchers) –icthyosaurs (fish-lizards, dolphin-like reptiles) –mosasaurs (related to monitor lizards) Terrestrial flora Gymnosperms (seed-bearing plants) •dominated most of Mesozoic •modern conifers are members of this class •Angiosperms (flowering plants) –began to dominate in Late Cretaceous •flowers to attract pollinating birds and insects •fruit eaten by animals to help spread seeds •generally grew, regenerated, and reproduced faster •better adapted for surviving grazing by dinosaurs • Mammals •Developed from latest Late Triassic synapsids –remained mouse-sized –did not compete with dinosaurs in their niches •developed mammary glands •endothermic and homothermic--required high food intake •jaw muscles and teeth well adapted for catching prey •soft palate to separate breathing from eating passages –mid-Cretaceous divergence into two groups •placentals (young carried in uterus until ready for birth) •marsupials (pouched mammals) –young crawl to pouch to finish development »oppossum, kangaroo, koala, etc. Dinosaur groups •Two major groups based on pelvis shape –Saurischian (lizard-hipped) •sauropods (brontosaurus, etc.) •theropods (two-legged carnivores) •birds eventually developed from this line –Ornithiscian (bird-hipped) •all herbivorous –Anklyosaurs –Stegosaurs –Hadrosaurs, Pachycephalosaurs –Iguanodonts –Ceratopsids 62 Buntsandstein Muschelkalk Keuper senon neokom FO of ammonite Psiloceras spelae tirolicum, FO of palynomorph Cerebropollenites thiergartii Conodont FAD Chiosella timorensis .) Iridium geochemical anomaly. Associated with a major extinction horizon (dinosaurs, ammonites, foraminifers, etc Triassic – Buntsandstein, Muschelkalk, Keuper, German development. Alpine development – Vindelic land,. Communication – Burgund and Moravian gate. Jurrasic –Jura Mountains. Black, brown and white Jurrasic. 70 ammonite zones Cretaceous – chalk. Extinction. Neokomian, Senonian. Grafika27 Tethyan Realm – Diceras, other rudists, Nerinea and Globotruncana in Cretaceous. Widespread carbonates map of Europe showing Boreal and Tethyan Zones (23K) Boreal Realm – clastic sedimenst, Virgatites, Cylindroteuthis, Bositra in Jurrasic, Globigerina in Cretaceous. The base of the Triassic System is defined at the first occurrence of the conodont species Hindeodus parvus in the evolutionary lineage Hindeodus latidentatus - Hindeodus parvus - Isarcicella isarcica at the base of Bed 27c in the Meishan Section, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, China Base of Jurrasic - Guide event is undecided Base of Cretaceous - Guide event is undecided Base of Tertiary - Iridium geochemical anomaly. Associated with a major extinction horizon (foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, dinosaurs, etc.); Paleogeography and tectonic processes Pangea – Lystrosaurus, aride climate. InduanMap lystros f1_4 Trias Otevírání Atlantiku začalo vytvářením příkopů a halfgrabenů již v permu a triasu. 230NAt During latest Triassic: rifting in mid-Pangaea (between North America + Europe and Africa). Jur At the beginning of Jurrasic Pangea was still relatively compact. During Jurrasic Tethys opened progressively more to the west to western Europe Basic and ultrabasic volcanism, radiolarites. Mid_Jur 152.jpg (121136 bytes) In the Late Jurassic the Central Atlantic Ocean was a narrow ocean separating Africa from eastern North America. Eastern Gondwana had begun to separate form Western Gondwana Cret During Cretaceous a block of Antarctida, Australia and India separated from Africa. Distribution of placentals and marsupials. 094.jpg (122794 bytes) During the Cretaceous the South Atlantic Ocean opened. India separated from Madagascar and raced northward on a collision course with Eurasia. Notice that North America was connected to Europe, and that Australia was still joined to Antarctica. Climate Triassic – aride, similar to Permian Jurrasic - warmer than today thermophilous cycases up to 60 degrees northern latitude, thermophilous flora even in Gondwana and Siberia. Cretaceous – warm and humid, subtropic vegetation up to 70 degrees of northern latitude. End of Cretaceous – cooling. Mid-Cretaceous temperature gradient Alpine orogeny Closing oceans between Gondwana and Eurasia. 7 phases 1)Labine – carn 2)Old Cimmerian – Triassic/Jurassic 3)Young Cimmerian – Jurassic/Cretaceous 4)Austrid – before Cenomanian 5)Mediterranean – before Senonian 6)Subhercyn – Senonia 7)Laramid – Cretaceous/Teriary Cimmerian orogeny – eastern Tethys During Triassic to early Cretaceous divergent movements predominated between Africa and Epivariscan platform of Europe. Late Cretaceous – convergence, main phases of folding Mesozoic flora Wetterstein_mountains The Wetterstein mountains are a chain of mountains which is part of the Northern Limestone Alps, located in the Eastern Alps, between Bavaria and Austria. The Zugspitze, which is the highest peak in Germany is located here Triassic – rock-forming and stratigraphic role of Dasycladaceans. Wetterstein Limestones. Algae Red algae – the beginning of Mesoczoic still Solenoporacea, maximal development in Jurassic, in Cretaceous dominance of Corallinacea. In Jurassic and especially Cretaceous diversification of marine microflora. In Jurrassic – explosive evolution of Dinoflagellates, another explosive phase in Cretaceous. Cretaceous last expansion of acritarchs. Growing role of calcareous nanoplankton in Jurassic and especially Cretaceous. Chalk – epicontinental seas, 200-300m depth Needle-Coccolith%20on%20Foram southdowns Upper Cretaceous chalk exposures along the English Channel, East Sussex, England Coccoliths This scanning electron micrograph (SEM) shows how important organisms can be in forming sediment. The high resolution image shows a fractured surface of a fragment of Upper Cretaceous chalk. The chalk is composed mainly of small elliptical 'scales' or platelets or fragments of these, each fragment or platelet element being a single calcite crystal. The platelets (coccoliths, average 7 microns in diameter) once overlapped to form an external skeleton (coccosphere) which surrounded the spherical cells of tiny plankton (diameters 15-100microns) which lived in the surface waters of the ancient chalk sea Expansion of Diatomaceae in Cretaceous, together with dinoflagellates and calcareous nannoplankton Main photosynthetic group. centriclivesm odontella Bacillariophyta (The Diatoms) Higher plants Mesophytikum – dominance of gymnosperms. In Triassic 3 groups – cycases, conifers, and ginkgos. Cycases – similar to palms, their dominance up to Jurassic. In Jurassic expansion of related group bennetites (extinct in late Cretaceous). Since early Cretaceous retreat. Conifers – in Triassic still Voltziales (Voltzia). During Triassic nearly all modern families appear. Expansion in Jurassic, in early Cretaceous dominant group of gymnosperms. Since late Cretaceous higher latitudes, Ginkgos – abundant especially in Jurrasic-early Cretaceous.Today only Ginkgo biloba. In Triassic still abundant ferns and lycopods. First angiosperms – latest Jurassic., in early Cretaceous quick diversification, since middle Cretaceous dominant flora - Cenophytikum(Neophytikum). Great advantages – short reproduction cycle, polination by insects Absence of grasses and savana, prairie and meadow biotopes. Czech Cenomanian – subtropic genera as Magnolia, Laurus, Platanus, Ficus, Cclr g_voltzia Voltzia ginkgo1 A swampy forest in Chinle area of Arizona during the Triassic period. Oldest flowering plant fossil Archaefructus FAUNA claraia Dominant group of benthos – bivalves. Early Triassic – Clarai claraia Early Triassic – Calrai claraia. Fiber microfacies – pseudoplanktonic Halobia Jurassic – first rudists. Diceras. Boring bivalves. Planktonic Bositra – black Jurassic, fiber microfacies. Cretaceous - rudist reefs - Urgon facies. Stratigraphically important - Inoceramus Diceras bubalinum PETERS, Jura, Tithon, Dörfles, NÖ (Höhe Diceras 14 cm) Claraia Diceras 225 saiwbio Biostrome of Vaccinites vesiculosus (Woodward, 1855); Campanian of Saiwan, Oman (from Schumann & Steuber 1997) saidraw Association of Vaccinites, Torreites, corals and stromatoporoids; Campanian of Saiwan (from Gryphaea sp. Inoceramus sp. Inoceramus Gryphaea Black Jurrasic of Germany Sponges – expansion in Mesozoic. Reef builders in Triassic and Jurassic – siliceous desmospongiids. Cretaceous – great rock-forming role. Spongolites and arenaceous marls (opuky). opuka1 Na snímku je jeden z našich nejslavnějších kamenů – opuka. Čerstvá má krásnou žlutavou až zlatou barvu, jako stavební kámen se dá krásně opracovávat, a proto z ní byla postavena skoro celá románská Praha, kousek Loun i kostely v jiných městech. Opuka je tvořena několika součástmi, jejichž poměry kolísají: drobnými zrnky křemene, jílem, uhličitanem vápenatým a oxidem křemičitým. Pod mikroskopem v ní objevíme mnoho jehlic hub. Česká opuka je kolem 100 milionů let stará a usadila se v křídovém moři. Jak vznikl název opuka? Převzali jsme ho údajně ze staré ruštiny, kde opoka znamenala křemitou, střípkovitě se rozpadající sedimentární horninu. Každopádně je základem sloveso pukat (přesněji slovanské pukać – klepat, praskat), neboť opuka snadno puká 220px-RotundaRip Opuková rotunda sv. Jiří na Řípu Gastropods – typical genus for Tethyan Realm Nerinea. In Cretaceous gastropods associations obtain Caenozoic character. Echinoderms – increasing representation of echinoids. In Jurassic established themselves especially irregular echinoids. Crinoids nearly extinct after P/Tr extinction. Slow diversification in Triassic, In Jurassic regain rock-forming role. In Cretaceous retreat. Brachiopods Brachiopods – Triassic small diversification, especially rynchonellids and terebratulids. Since Triassic retreat. brain Scleractinian ("hard-rayed") corals first appeared in the Middle Triassic and refilled the ecological niche once held by tabulate and rugose corals. They are probably not closely related to the extinct tabulate or rugose corals, and probably arose independently from a sea anemone-like ancestor. Their pattern of septa differs markedly from that of the Rugosa, being basically six-rayed. For this reason, scleractinians are sometimes referred to as hexacorals. First deep water, since malm shallow water and reef forming. Foraminifers – extinction. Triassic only benthonic. Since Jurassic planktonic, expansion of benthic forms to bathyal zone. Radiation of planktonic forms in Cretaceous. Globotruncanas, 20 foraminiferal zones. Radiolaria – expansion in Jurassic, Spumellaria. diagrammatic cross-section of spumellarian radiolaria click to view larger version radi047 fora026 Globotruncana Calpionells (Infusoria) – biostraigraphic and rock-forming role in late Jurassic-early Cretaceous. Pelagic limestones of Tethyan province. Calpionella. Calpionella ANd9GcSVIK14FLI6XLuO02DKvbvA4_GRfKE9JnpmuEkAGtThTeo-w6hsQw IMG_3157 Calcari a Calpionelle in Val Graveglia Mai-tu2 Calpionella alpina Copy_of_mgen Malacostraca(rakovci) - Crabs, shrimps, lobsters, etc Arthropods Ostracods – low diversity after end Triassic extinction, greater role in late Cretaceous. Insects – coevolution with angiosperms, bees, ants, mosquitos Bryozoans –End of Triassic – last Stenolemata disappear (Cryptostomata, Treptostomata). Diversification of Cyclostomata in Jurassic, end Jurassic first Cheilostomata PDT0521 Cheilostome bryozoan brystems Ammonites Nearly extinci during P/tr extinction event. 2 genera survive, adaptive radiation of ceratites in early Triassic. End Triassic extinction, nearly all ammonite genera. Since beginning of Jurassic new adaptive radiation, ammonite type of suture appears. 70 ammonite zones, ammonite limestones (Calcare ammonitico rosso), Aptych limestones. End Jurassic extinction. Cretaceous – last expansion of ammonites. Also gigantic forms as Parapachydiscus or Lewesiceras. Heteromorph species Lewesiceras peramplum forme Lewesiceras peramplum File:Rosso Ammonitico Lombardy Early Toarcian Ammonites.jpg ammoniti-rosso-verona Nautiloid cephalopods – retreat. End Triassic extinction of orthocers. Belemnites -appear in late Paleozoic. Expansion in Jurassic and Cretaceous, C/Ter boundary – most of the extinct. Belemnite belemnite Conodonts – end Triassic extinction. Actinopterygii In Triassic Holostei domination. In Jurassic expansion of Teleostei which become the dominant Fish group. Other groups of actinopterygii retreat. In Cretaceous e.g. Paleoniscida become extinct. Actinopterygii Chondrostei – dominat late Paleozoic fish group Holostei- dominant in Triassic Teleostei- dominant since Jurrasic Sharks – In Triassic important hybodonts, button-like teeth, crushing of bivalve test. In Jurassic expansion. And modern families appear. In Cretaceous 12 of 16 recent families. Crossopterygii, Dipnoi – Triassic last system in which higher representation Today – „living fossils“ garret1.jpg (72746 bytes) Xiphactinus audax, (Teleostei) or as it is more commonly called, the "Bulldog Fish", was a species of very large predatory fish that lived in the ocean during the Late Cretaceous. 18 to 20 feet (1feet=30,5 cm), and some 'giant vertebrae' from marine deposits in Arkansas indicate that some individuals that were even larger. cretjaw3.jpg (42328 bytes) The large shark (6m) at the top is Cretoxyrhina mantelli, while the two smaller sharks at lower right waiting their turn are Squalicorax falcatus. Amphibians – in Triassic still Paleozoic group Temnospondyli, retreat and end Triassic extinction, reduced survival till mid Jurassic. New modern groups appear in Triassic. First frogs – Triadobatrachus massinoti, Caudata. Gradual entry of other modern groups in Jurassic and Cretaceous. triado4 Reptile Subclasses: 1 – Anapsida O. Cotylosauria- stem reptiles O. Chelonia - turtles & tortoises •unchanged for about 175 million years •identified by bony dermal plates to which ribs & trunk vertebrae are fused 2 - Lepidosauria O. Rhynchocephalia (Sphenodonta) - only living representative is the Tuatara O. Squamata - lizards, geckos, & snakes 3 -Archosauria O. Thecodontia – stem archosaurs O. Pterosauria O. Saurischia- 2 major groups: sauropods & theropods O. Ornithischia O. Crocodilia 4 - Euryapsida - marine reptiles, includes the plesiosaurs & ichtyosaurs Dinosauria •Relationships among fossil and living reptiles and birds Reptiles and Birds 2561_1508 Euryapsid Marine reptiles 24_09 Placodonts (Triassic) 1) Short-necked, body < 2m 2) sea floor dwellers 3) Crushed shellfish for food Nothosaurs (Tr-J) 1) Contemporary with placodonts 2) Streamlined bodies elongated necks 3) Ancestral to plesiosaurs Plesiosaurs 1) Found in Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks 2) Short bodies, flipperlike limbs, and long necks 3) Ate fish. Up to 12 meters in length Icthyosaurs Tr to Late K, long snouts, fishlike bodies like sharks and dolphins; convergent evol. Rapid swimmers laying eggs on land impossible live young at sea Mosasaurs (Cretaceous) 1) Giant marine lizards up to 15 meters long 2) Flattened tails and flipperlike limbs 3) Ate fish and cephalopods Plus Marine Crocodiles Euryapsids Euryapsid Include Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia (nothosaurs and plesiosaurs). convergence, not common ancestry; derived from diapsid.] Sauropterygia – Placodontia Notosauria Plesiosauria Ichtyosauria Ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs had inhabited the oceans since the Triassic, evolving into many diverse forms and surviving several major extinction events. For unknown reasons, ichthyosaurs declined significantly in early Cretaceous and are thought to have been extinct by the time that the earliest mosasaurs re-entered the water. Plesiosaurs were also less numerous in the late Cretaceous than during the Jurassic, and had evolved into some very specialized forms like the long-necked Elasmosaurus. Even the short-necked plesiosaurs (pliosaurs) were much smaller than their Jurassic cousin, Liopleurodon, and an early Cretaceous relative, Kronosaurus (10m). It is possible that both the ichthyosaurs and the plesiosaurs were losing the evolutionary battle of "who eats who" to faster, larger and more advanced varieties of fish such as Xiphactinus and the giant Ginsu sharks (Cretoxyrhina mantelli). Several other groups of reptiles, including marine crocodiles, teleosaurs, placodonts and turtles had also enjoyed limited successes in the marine environment, but none approached the world-wide domination that mosasaurs would attain in the late Cretaceous. varner20 A nothosaur (early to late Triassic) prowls the shallow sea for food. These semi-marine lizards reached lengths of about 3 meters. Their remains are found in many places around the world, including China, Russia, Germany, the Netherlands and North Africa. Instead of paddles, Nothosaurs had webs between their long toes m%20Defending%20a%20Territoty Triassic – notosaur and placodont varner19 Placodus, a placodont from the early to middle Triassic of Europe grubs for clams and other shellfish in the mud of a near-shore sea bottom. While placodonts fed in the ocean, they probably spent a large portion of their lives on land •Plesiosauroids - had long, snake-like necks, tiny heads, and wide bodies. They ate small sea creatures, probably using their long necks like a snake to catch their prey. They included: •Plesiosaurus - 7.6 feet (2.3 m) long - with a long neck, 4 wide, paddle-shaped flippers, and a tapered body. From England and Germany during the early Jurassic period. •Cryptocleidus - 13 feet (4 m) long - with curved, interlocking teeth and large flippers. From England during the late Jurassic period. •Muraenosaurus - 20 feet (6 m) long - with a very long neck, and a wide body. From England and France during the late Jurassic period. •Woolungosaurus - 26-33 feet (8-10 m) long - with a very long neck. From Queensland, Australia, during the early Cretaceous period, about 110 million years ago. • Elasmosaurus - 46 feet (14 m) long with an extremely long neck that was up to half of its length. It had and had 71 vertebrae, 28 of which were in its neck. It had four very long paddle-like flippers, and a short, pointed tail. From Japan and Kansas, USA, during the late Cretaceous period. •Thalassomedon - 40 feet (12 m) long with a very long neck (the neck had 63 vertebrae). From Colorado, USA, during the late Cretaceous period • • •Pliosauroids - had large heads with very strong jaws, short necks, and resembled modern-day whales. They ate larger sea creatures. They included: •Kronosaurus - 30 feet (9 m) long with a short neck and huge head and jaws. The flat-topped head was up to 9 feet (2.7 m) long, about 1/4 of the entire length of the body. From Queensland, Australia during the early Cretaceous period. hen06 The plesiosaurs, including this long-necked Elasmosaurus, used their rigid, bony paddles like wings to 'fly' through the water. This half-grown juvenile is swimming rather close to a huge (18') shark called Cretoxyrhina mantelli. Whether or not these sharks attacked living prey or only scavenged the carcasses of the dead is not known for certain, but the marks made by their large, sharp teeth have been found on mosasaur and plesiosaur bones. varner06 This picture shows what happens when the hunter becomes the hunted; a giant pliosaur Kronosaurus attacks a juvenile mosasaur. Even though mosasaurs were top predators, their young were often preyed upon by sharks, large fish, pliosaurs and even other species of mosasaurs. Life could be short for the unwary ichtglotzi Ichtyosaurs- maximal expansion in Jurassic,Holzmaden. Stenopterygius abundant. 11m Letopterygius. Rare in Cretaceous, extinct at the end. Ichthyosaurs diversified very quickly once they appeared. Several different body plans emerged in the Early and Middle Triassic. But, if you simplify the matter, you can see that there was a general transition from lizard-shaped body plan to fish-shaped one through the evolution of ichthyosaurs, as in the figure below. saevol stenopterygius Stenopterygius - Jurassic dinosaur The early ancestors of mosasaurs probably fed in the ocean and returned to land much like the marine iguanas that are found today in the Galapagos Islands. Over a relatively short period of time, however, these ancestral mosasaurs became larger and more specialized, evolving rapidly into several genera of highly successful predators. By the beginning of Coniacian time (about 90 million years ago - mya), there were three major genera (Tylosaurus, Platecarpus and Clidastes) living in the Western Interior Seaway. Tylosaurs - by the Campanian, Tylosaurs were even larger (13-14 meters) and many more species were making their appearance. Within the space of a few more million years, by Maastrichtian time (70 mya), mosasaurs were truly huge, with several lineages (Mosasaurus and Hainosaurus – a close relative of Tylosaurus) reaching nearly 15 meters (50 feet). One giant specimen (Hainosaurus bernardi) found in Europe was 17 meters (almost 55 feet) in length. There was no doubt who were the biggest and baddest predators in the oceans 70 million years ago. Mosasaurs - Cretaceous varnr22b.jpg (56390 bytes) Here a Mosasaurus hoffmanni just misses the mark in an attack on the marine crocodile, Thoracosaurus, varn10 the little swimming birds (Hesperornis) are about 5 feet long and the Tylosaurus ... well, it's huge. Modeled after the largest specimen on exhibit (The Bunker Tylosaur), this beast was at least 45 feet long and had a skull that was 6 feet in length. varner This picture shows an attack by a very large (30'+) mosasaur called Tylosaurus proriger on a much smaller Platecarpus mosasaur. Tylosaurs occasionally killed and ate other species of mosasaurs but there is no evidence to show that any of the mosasaurs were cannibalistic toward their own species. varn16 Here a large Tylosaurus is about to make lunch of a smaller mosasaur called Halisaurus sternbergi. Like their modern relatives, the snakes, mosasaurs were capable of swallowing large prey whole because of the unique design of their skull and very flexible lower jaws. Cotylosaurs – end Triassic extinction Land Reptiles Chelonia – originally terrestrial animals, late Jurassic transition tomarine environment. Cretaceous – 4m Archelon m%20To%20the%20Beach rephist 2 - Lepidosauria O. Rhynchocephalia (Sphenodonta) - only living representative is the Tuatara O. Squamata - lizards, geckos, & snakes 3 -Archosauria O. Thecodontia – stem archosaurs O. Pterosauria O. Saurischia- 2 major groups: sauropods & theropods O. Ornithischia O. Crocodilia 4 - Euryapsida - marine reptiles, includes the plesiosaurs & ichtyosaurs Lepidosaurs – radiation at the beginning of Triassic, Small lizard-like reptiles. Predecessors of thecodonts (Permian) and Squamata (Triassic) Thecodonts – wide expansion in early and middle Triassic. End Triassic extinction (dinosaurs?) Crocodiles – Triassic, thecodont predecessors. Originally land animals, secondary to water environment. Great expansion in Jurassic, mostly in seas. In Cretaceous gigantic forms as 15m Phobosuchus. varner21 An early and very 'fish-like' crocodile (Geosaurus) swims in the shallow seas covering Germany in the Middle to Late Jurassic. Although not closely related to the ichthyosaurs, the tails of member of the Metriorhynch family were adapted for swimming in the same way, even to the noticeable down bend in the posterior caudal vertebrae. phobosuchus Phobosuchus When did dinosaurs live? First Dinosaur Last Dinosaur Cretaceous First People Tertiary Jurassic Triassic 250 208 65 145 0 Millions of Years What are dinosaurs? • –Suborders •Saurrischia – lizard hips •Ornithischia – bird hips Hipsauris2 Hipor2 71 Saurischia-plazopánví Ornitischia - ptakopánví DinosaurPhylogram Saurischia Eoraptor2 Protodinosauria Eoraptor 990727_ph Herrerasaurus Order Saurischia •Characterized by 3 part hip structure similar to that of lizards Who were the Theropods •Contained all of the meat eating dinosaurs of the Mesozoic •Also contained some plant eaters having primitive characteristics t-rex Celurosauria and Carnosauria 2004_detail_triassic_coelophysis Coelophysis Celurosauria Typical Coelurosauria: Saltopus Saltopus Mapscotland compy3 Velociraptor (Jurassic Park) dsdino3 Scientific Name: Velociraptor Phylum: Chordata Class: Dinosauria Theropoda deinonychus_skel Deinonychus_PosedWallpaper01 Deinonychus m108 Troodon Troodon Archaeopteryx archaeopteryx! archaeopteryx Fossil Maybe…? Soln-MapLG Where are Archaeopteryx found? Mostly in Germany Carnosauria Allosaurus%20%20astrodon Allosaurus And T-Rex dstrex1 Scientific Name: Tyrannosaurus rex Phylum: Chordata Class: Dinosauria Theropoda Tyrannosaurides (T-Rex) dinosaur 233 Největší opeřenec žil v Číně Peking - Skoro půldruhé tuny v dospělosti vážil opeřený dinosaurus, jehož tři zkamenělené pozůstatky našli vědci na severovýchodě Číny. Nedávno popsaný opeřený masožravý tvor byl starším příbuzným Tyranosaurus rex. Žil před asi 125 miliony let, v dospělosti vážil 1400 kilogramů a je podle zpravodajského serveru BBC největším známým opeřeným živočichem, který kdy žil na Zemi. Poznatky vědců, které otiskl časopis Nature, zpochybňují dosavadní teorie o vývoji tyranosaura rexe i jeho příbuzných. Ti žili před asi 65 miliony let. O většině jejich předků se usuzovalo, že byli mnohem menší. Nově popsaný opeřený dinosaurus patřil do čeledi tyranosauroidů a je jedním z dřívějšího příbuzných obávaného tyranosaura. Odborníci nový druh pojmenovali Yutyrannus huali, což lze přeložit jako "krásný opeřený vladař". Tři fosilie popsali Sing Sü s kolegy z čínské akademie věd v Pekingu. Zkameněliny jsou mimořádně dobře zachovalé a představují dospělého jedince a dvě asi půltunová mláďata. Yutyrannus se v některých rysech shodoval s jeho pozdějšími příbuznými. Na rozdíl od tyranosaura měl ale peří a tři funkční prsty, zatímco tyranosaurus měl funkční prsty jen dva. Vědci se domnívají, že dlouhá nitkovitá pera sloužila jako izolace. Živočich žil v období druhohor nazývaném spodní křída. Teploty prý byly tehdy nižší než ve zbytku této vývojové etapy Země a pohybovaly se kolem deseti stupňů Celsia, o osm méně než teplotní průměr. Odborníci ale nevylučují, že peří hrálo roli při námluvách nebo v bojích. Podle studie je dokonce možné se domnívat, že pera měli na části těla i tyranosauři. Ze největšího dosud známého opeřeného dinosaura byl podle agentury AFP dosud pokládán beipiaosaurus. Yutyrannus ale ve srovnání s ním vážil 40 krát víc. PHYTODINOSAURIA Prosauropoda Prosauropoda1 emacood_anchisaurus Plateosaurus (flat-lizard) Anchisaurus Prosauropoda (Plateosaurus) trias02 Plateosaurus Plateosaurus (small head) plateoskull Sauropods Who were the Sauropods? bronto „Brontosaurus“ Mainly Jurrasic Apatosaurus - Jurrasic Brontosaurus is younger synonym dinosaur-images-047-resize s_1100347196 Na úžasnou délku dinosaura usoudili objevitelé jeho neúplné kostry z umístění 20. až 27. ocasního obratle. Lucas ale dokázal, že ve skutečnosti jde o 12. až 19. ocasní obratel a že zvíře bylo celkově mnohem kratší. Lucas navíc objevil v blízkosti nálezu kostry ještě kost zadní nohy a i její velikost potvrzuje, že původní odhady délky seismosaura byly přehnané. Srovnání detailů kostry s kostrami diplodoků zase naznačuje, že seismosaurus patřil do jejich blízkého příbuzenstva. Původní vědecké jméno Seismosaurus hallorum by se tedy mělo změnit na Diplodocus hallorum, ale Lucas si nedělá iluze, že by se „zemětřesné“ jméno ztratilo ze světa. Z 55 na 33 metrů se zmenšil „nejdelší“ známý dinosaurus poté, co vědci přehodnotili svůj původní nález. 45 m 100 tun ANd9GcTBTVZBe17Wah8uKHiA-OO3XiCBTC2J3OXbypqnhpMHDA8MO9veWyE18gds 5483006_a31b96481a_m Estimated length 44m Bruhathkayosaurus dsbrachs Scientific Name: Brachiosaurus Phylum: Chordata Class: Dinosauria Sauropoda 4148923262_8ab1f8e4a0 Ultrasaurus – 130 tun The Ornithischians (bird-hip structure) - Phytodinosauria gallimimus There were five basic kinds of ornithischians •(1) stegosaurs •(2) ankylosaurs •(3) ornithopods •(4) pachycephalosaurs •(5) ceratopsians •Each group included many different species. Entirely vegetarians •Exploited vegetation low to the ground Pelvis characteristics imageKFO Hipor2 fossils_hadrosaurus_pelvis Stegosauria Stegosaurus3 stegosaurus Stegosaurus Picture Stegosaurus ankylosaurs.gif ankylosaurus Ornithopoda Iguanodonts iguanodon Hadrosaurs hadrosaur Hadrosaur Duck Bill Idea – Sometimes called Duck-billed dinosaur Types of Hadrosaurs anatosaurus Parasauro Anatosaurus Parasauro hadrosaurs1 Maiasaurus pachyceph Pachycephalosaurs-clash of the boneheads.gif (27123 bytes) Ceratopsia Ceratopsia Pentacera Types of Ceratopsia proto 985proto Protoceratops Types of Ceratopsia monoclonius_ws Monoclonius monocl1 Types of Ceratopsia torosaurus torosaurus Torosaurus Torosaurus Types of Ceratopsia 2001-05-24-triceratops triceratops triceratops Triceratops triceratops_with_trex 24_14 Dinosaurs Back of hip this side Front of hip this side Geographic Distribution NatlGeo5 • • Warm Blooded Dinosaurs, Reptile Biology, Archosaurs vs. Reptiles flight The Warm Blooded Dinosaurs dinoattack clearm = ? Warm blooded vs. Cold blooded Dinosaurs... •Definitions •Endothermic: creates heat from inside •Ectothermic: absorbs heat from outside Bone structure •Haversian Canals •Most cold blooded animals lack this bone structure. dino_bone7 Predator-Prey Ratios: ectothermic? •Require far less food/energy than warm blooded animals boa2 Dinosaur Communities leopublicday Evidence for endothermic dinosaurs •Fast things need to have heat available. Many dinosaurs appear to be fast-moving. •Today, endotherms normally outcompete ectotherms. Since dinosaurs coexisted with known endotherms, they must also have been endothermic. •Dinosaurs were upright walkers with legs below their bodies - typical of endotherms Evidence for endothermic dinosaurs •Dinosaurs had big brains, and endotherms tend to have big brains (but not always, and brain size is correlated with other things, too). •Ectotherms aren’t usually found at high latitudes, and dinosaurs were (but it was warmer) •Endotherm predator/prey ratio is usually low, and dinosaur ratios match mammals Evidence for endothermic dinosaurs •Dinosaurs were big and had large, complex hearts. Complex heart matches modern endotherms. •Dinosaurs were ancestral to birds, and birds are endotherms. •Endotherms tend to grow fast, and dinosaurs were big (but who knows how long they lived? •Dinosaur bone structure matches modern endotherms better than modern ectotherms True Birds (Aves) •Archaeopteryx long thought to be a bird ancestor •Still hotly debated •Ground-Up vs. Trees-Down models of flight •This one is Trees-Down • Xiaotingia byl rod malého opeřeného teropodního dinosaura z čeledi Archaeopterygidae. Tento drobný, ptákům podobný dinosaurus žil v období rané pozdní jury (asi před 160 miliony let) na území dnešní Číny (souvrství Tiaojishan, západní Liao-ning). Byl blízce příbuzný "srpodrápým" deinonychosaurům, jako byly rody Velociraptor nebo Deinonychus. Velmi blízce příbuzný byl také "bavorskému praptákovi" rodu Archaeopteryx. Zajímavé je, že objevem čínského příbuzného by mohl zmíněný archeopteryx ztratit postavení "prvního praptáka" a začít být klasifikován jako deinonychosaurní (neptačí) dinosaurus. Soubor:Xiaotingia .jpg Archaeopteryx This one is a Ground-Up representation - they could have started flight with long leaps Archaeopteryx is somewhat advanced, and could have made some longish flights, but likely not really well or all day. Archaeopteryx with no artist’s interpretation - (note the feathers!) Feathers •Feathers are obviously good for flight •Feathers are also good insulators •It’s not clear which property was the impetus for their evolution - Archaeopteryx might well have just been trying to keep warm. Timing of Birds •Birds don’t fossilize well - they have weak, light bones that are often hollow. •From 1990-1995, the number of known bird fossils doubled. •When did they start? •Archaeopteryx is from Late Jurassic •There were lots of birds, flying and flightless, by the end of the Cretaceous, including members of modern groups Sauriurae (oposite birds) - ? Archeopteryx(Jurrasic),Confuciusornis (Jurrasic-Cretaceous) Ornithurae (modern birds) – Hesperornis, Ichtyornis (Cretaceous) varner05 Pterosauria Triassic-Cretaceous Jurrasic with tail Dhimorpho Rhamphorhynchus sordes Sordes pilosus sordes Quetzalcoatlus coatlus Czech Republic First Cenomanian dinosaur from Central Europe (Czech Republic) OLDŘICHFEJFAR,MARTINKOŠŤÁK, JIŘÍKVAČEK,MARTINMAZUCH,andMICHALMOUČKA Fejfar, O., Košťák, M., Kvaček, J., Mazuch, M., and Moučka, M. 2005. First Cenomanian dinosaur from Central Europe (Czech Republic). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 50 (2): 295–300. We describe the first dinosaur skeletal remains found in the Czech Republic, consisting of one complete femur and inde− terminable bone fragments. They were recovered from the upper Cenomanian near−shore marine sediments deposited on the slopes of an ancient archipelago, several kilometres north of the larger Rhenish−Bohemian Island that was situated in what is now the middle of Europe. Sediments yielding dinosaur remains are of late Cenomanian age, Inoceramus pictus–I. pictus bohemicus inoceramid zone of the local lithostratigraphic unit, the Peruc−Korycany Formation. These are the first uncontested dinosaurian fossils reported from this formation and also the first Cenomanian dinosaur record in Central Europe. They document a small ornithopod belonging to an iguanodontid species comparable with similar Late Cretaceous European forms. The herbivorous dinosaur lived among a vegetation transitional between salt marsh flora, with abundant halophytic conifer Frenelopsis alata; and an alluvial plain assemblage dominated by lauroid angiosperms. Synapsids mammalogy_fig4_2 Geological Time and the Evolution of Mammals: Pelycosaurs Therapsids Cynodontia: the transitional Infraorder Mammals Fig 4.2, Feldhamer mammalianoriginsfigure3-1 Fig 3-1 Vaughan Diagram showing the relationships between the various mammal-like reptiles - illustrator : Cedric Hunter (49110 bytes) Diagram showing the relationships between the various mammal-like reptiles. Mammal-like reptiles did not survive beyond the end of the Triassic period, but one group, the Cynodontia, gave rise to the first mammals at the end of the Triassic, about 200 million years ago Mesozoic Therapsids 24_11 171 Evolution ••Animals evolved from the group of reptiles called Therapids. ••Therapids have both reptilian and mammalian characteristics. ••Therapids have a jaw bone composed of 5 bones rather than a simple jaw bone. •. • • Cynognathus2[1] Mammals obr Prototheria Theria SUBCLASS: PROTOTHERIA • NO PLACENTA •Egg laying mammals A Swimming Mammaliaform from the Middle Jurassic and Ecomorphological Diversification of Early Mammals Qiang Ji, Zhe-Xi Luo, Chong-Xi Yuan, Alan R. Tabrum Science 24 February 2006: Vol. 311. no. 5764, pp. 1123 - 1127 covermed 311_1123_F1 Mammals of the Mesozoic era (248 to 65 million years ago) generally are considered to be primitive, shrew-like creatures living in the shadow of the dinosaurs. Pushing back the mammalian conquest of the waters by more than 100 million years, Ji et al. report a Middle Jurassic, 164-million-year-old skeleton with a beaverlike tail and seal-like teeth perfectly adapted for an aquatic lifestyle. The new Middle Jurassic docodont Castorocauda from Inner Mongolia possesses striking features for an aquatic life-style and combines skeletal, dental, and softpart characters of modern aquatic placentals such as beavers (Castor), river otters (Lutra), and seals (Phoca) 176 Monotremata •Oviparous egg laying mammals •Only 3 in existence •Duck-billed platypus and two species of spiny anteaters called echidna. •Not completely endothermic (their body temperature is lower and fluctuates more than other mammals) • Ježura Monotremata Ornithorhynchidae (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) platypus5 Platypus_Distribution 178 Marsupials •Marsupials give birth to tiny immature young that crawl to a pouch on the mothers belly immediately after they are born. • • • clip0047 179 250 species of marsupial species exist in Australia, New Guinea, Tasmania, And the Americas •. • TasmanianDevil01[1] Tasmanian Devil Ďábel medvědovitý 180 Characteristics of Placentals •Placental mammals carry unborn young in the uterus until young can survive in the wild. •Oxygen and nutrients are transferred from mother’s blood to baby’s blood T049992A[1] evolution2 Mesozoiclife The Triassic period ended with a mass extinction, which was particularly severe in the oceans; the conodonts disappeared, some marine reptiles except ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs. Invertebrates like brachiopods, gastropods, and molluscs were severely affected. In the oceans, 22% of marine families and possibly about half of marine genera went missing Though the end-Triassic extinction event was not equally devastating everywhere in terrestrial ecosystems. Thecodonts and therapsids disappeared, as did most of the large labyrinthodont amphibians (dominant in Paleozoic), groups of small reptiles. Volcanic eruptions - Massive volcanic eruptions, specifically the flood basalts of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP), would release carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide and aerosols, which would cause either intense global warming (from the former) or cooling (from the latter). volcanic CO2 outgassing - warming and catastrophic dissociation of gas hydrates may have exacerbated greenhouse conditions End Triassic extinction K/T Boundary • geologic time scale MWPG40120 Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary (~65 Ma) • •Second largest mass extinction in Earth’s history • •Half of life on Earth died out (3/4 species) The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event was a period of massive extinction of species that occurred about 65.5 million years ago. It corresponds to the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Tertiary period. T. Many forms of life perished, encompassing approximately 50 percent of all plant and animal families, including the non-avian dinosaurs. A broad range of organisms became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous, the most conspicuous being the dinosaurs. Whil Birds were the sole survivors among Dinosauria, but they also suffered heavy losses. The last of the pterosaurs (flying reptiles that occurred in a great range of sizes) also vanished. Mammals suffered as well, with marsupials and multituberculates (rodent-like, tree-dwelling mammals) experiencing heavy losses; placentals were less affected. The great sea reptiles of the Cretaceous, the mosasaurs and plesiosaurs, also fell victim to extinction. Among mollusks, the ammonites, a diverse group of coiled cephalopods, were exterminated, bellemnites nearly extinctž, extinct the specialized rudist and inoceramid clams. As much as 57 percent of the plant species in North America may have become extinct as well. K/T extinction has attracted more attention because it affected dinosaurs •Greatest mass extinction took place at the end of the Paleozoic Era • •K/T extinction has attracted more attention because it affected dinosaurs Mass Extinctions — Crises in the History of Life •Proposed meteorite impact crater • •Centered on Chicxulub on the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico • •Discovered in 1950’s, interpreted to be volcanic Meteorite Impact Crater WICHG31530b Figure 24.14 Figure: 24.14 Caption: This is an artist’s conception of what the impact event may have looked like. Question: Why did the artist show material splashing onto the southeastern portion of North America? Chicxulub Crater The moment of impact 65 million years ago near what is now the Yucatan Peninsula ... ... and the Chicxulub crater, a few days later. Note the inner ring. What happened? According to the impact hypothesis •60 times the mass of the meteorite was blasted from the crust high into the atmosphere •heat generated at impact started raging forest fires that added more particulate matter to the atmosphere • •Sunlight was blocked for several months –caused a temporary cessation of photosynthesis –food chains collapsed and extinctions followed •With sunlight greatly diminished, Earth's surface temperatures were drastically reduced, adding to the biologic stress • •Another proposed consequence of an impact is that sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3) resulted from vaporized rock and atmospheric gases • •Both would have contributed to strongly acid rain that might have had devastating effects on vegetation and marine organisms Acid Rain Shonisaurus popularis and probably Himalayasaurus tibetensis (both Late Triassic), exceeding 15m, are the largest ichthyosaurs that have been described, but there are undescribed specimens that are larger. Among the smallest ichthyosaurs is Chaohusaurus geishanensis (Early Triassic; the figure above), which probably did not reach 70 cm. phylo_strat Brachiosaurus brancai from the Middle Jurassic. Liopleurodon ferox There is an unofficial 'Premier League' in vertebrate palaeontology which consits of the animals which attract a lot of public attention. It's members include T.rex, Seismosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Giganotosaurus and so on - the biggest and fiercest extinct animals. When the BBC broadcast 'Walking with Dinosaurs' they moved Liopleurodon ferox firmly into the Premier League. Here was an animal that made T.rex look like a kitten - 25 meters long and weighing 150 tons, an awesome predator that dwarfs anything before or since. The problem is that Liopleurodon ferox was not 25 meters long, and did not weigh 150 tons. What was Liopleurodon? Liopleurodon was a large predatory marine reptile. It's remains are found in the Callovian Oxford Clay of Eastern England and Northern France, and date from about 160 million years ago. {short description of image} cope-70.jpg (24807 bytes) Marine crocodilians appear in Early Jurassic. Heyday of the ichthyosaurs; high diversity of plesiosaurs (including forms over 14 m long!!). Sonoma 150NAt During Late Jurassic, Nevadan Orogeny: •A large accretionary wedge, the Franciscan Ophiolite & Mélange, is thrust up onto western North America •Fold and thrust belt pushes up the plutons of the ancestral Sierra Nevada •Molasse from this event forms huge clastic wedge from Montana to Arizona and as far east as South Dakota and Oklahoma: the Morrison Formation Sevier During the mid-Cretaceous: •Increased speed of sea-floor spreading means subduction along Pacific margin of North America at a lower angle •Various small microplates swept up by western margin of North America •Subducting Farallon Plate reaches melting point are regions further eastward •Eastward migration of mountain range from Washington/Oregon to Idaho •This new style is called Sevier Orogeny: lasts until near the end of the Late Cretaceous •Within forearc basin, many regional transgression-regression events Laramide During Maastrichtian: •Beginning of Laramide Orogeny in Cordilleran system: foundering Farallon Plate brings uplift of region, some volcanism as far east as Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico: continues well into Tertiary The Deccan Traps are one of the largest volcanic provinces in the world. It consists of more than 6,500 feet (>2,000 m) of flat-lying basalt lava flows and covers an area of nearly 200,000 square miles (500,000 square km) (roughly the size of the states of Washington and Oregon combined) in west-central India. Estimates of the original area covered by the lava flows are as high as 600,000 square miles (1.5 million square km). The volume of basalt is estimated to be 12,275 cubic miles (512,000 cubic km)(the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens produced 1 cubic km of volcanic material). The Deccan Traps are flood basalts similar to the Columbia River basalts of the northwestern United States. This photo shows a thick stack of basalt lava flows north of Mahabaleshwar. Photograph by Lazlo Keszthelyi, January 28, 1996. Deccan During the Induan age, the survivors of the greatest disaster the Phanerozoic biosphere had faced emerged to inherit the Earth. The Mesozoic Era had begun The drawing above shows some of the animals that were around at this time. Many of these forms had a cosmopolitan distribution. All these animals are known from the Middle Beaufort Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zone (Karoo Basin of South Africa). The herbivores were squat quadrupedal forms, belonging to the genus Lystrosaurus, an animal a little over a meter in length (above, and left on the drawing on the right). The small (about 50 cm) carnivorous and insectivorous cynodont Thrinaxodon represents a more mammalian form; one is shown here about to feed on a dead temnospondyl amphibian. The semi-aquatic Proterosuchus (1.5 metres in length) populated the rivers and streams, these resembled small crocodiles but lacked the armoured scutes (note - in this drawing the Proterosuchus appears much too large; it was only a little longer than a large Lystrosaur and a fraction the weight, and is also incorrectly shown with armour on its neck). Lystrosaurus_zone_fauna nReptiles source of therapsids and thecodonts at end of Paleozoic nTriassic - therapsids gave rise to mammals -thecodonts - gave rise to dinosaurs nDinosaurs -Saurischia and Ornithischia -Endotherms or Ectotherms? •bone histology •latitudinal zonation •predator prey ratio •cruising speed •growth rates •nose and lungs nPterosaurs nMarine Reptiles -mosasaurs -plesiosaurs -ichthyosaurs nBirds -Archaeopteryx Following several million years' recovery, diversity has returned to the oceans during the Triassic. Fully adapted marine reptiles swim the seas, and some bivalves and echinoderms have now developed burrowing skills, a clever adaptation that protects them from predators. Life takes another hit, though, in what are thought to be successive extinctions at the end of the Triassic. While some scientists argue that amphibians and aquatic reptiles are severely affected by the events, others do not support this. Destruction of marine invertebrate life, however, is certain. Cephalopods and bivalves absorb major hits, as do sponges, gastropods, conodonts, and brachiopods. Global cooling, meteor impact, and sea-level changes are among the proposed causes. Insects of the Mesozoic: Continued insect diversification throughout the Mesozoic, including: •The first flies ( Diptera) in the Triassic •The first moths & butterflies ( Lepidoptera) questionably in the Jurassic, and definitely in the Cretaceous •The first wasps ( Hymenoptera) in the Jurassic, evolving into bees & ants in the Cretaceous •Diversification of beetles ( Coleoptera), roaches, mantids & termites ( Blattaria), and others during the Cretaceous Early Triassic therapsids included large bodied herbivores and smaller carnivores and omnivores. Circumstantial evidence suggests some of the latter were furry and whiskered. Many of the features that characterize modern mammals don't fossilize, and were probably more broadly distributed among therapsids than •Warm-blooded •Covered with fur •Sweat glands •Mammary glands •Parental care of young Pelycosaurian and the Therapsid evolution echidna Prototheria (monotremes and their relatives): •Oldest fossils Early Cretaceous; survive today in Australasia as platypus and echidna •Still lay eggs (only living mammals to do so) •Very simple mammary glands •Today's monotremes have lots of primitive features, but many specializations of their own •No evidence that monotremes were ever a dominant group of mammals Triconodonta ( tricodonts) •Very primitive clade of mammals, restricted to the Mesozoic •Lived from Jurassic into the Cretaceous •Not known if egg layers, pouched, placental birth, etc. Archaeopteryx - Jurassic Reptile Brachiosaurus brancai - Jurassic dinosaur Diplodocus carnegii dinosaurs - ceratosaurus and stegosaurus CERATOSAURUS nasicornis & STEGOSAURUS armatus CAMARASAURUS supremus & ALLOSAURUS fragilis Jurassic dinosaurs - Camarasaurus & Allosaurus RHAMPHORHYNCHUS Rhamphorhynchus - Jurassic Reptiles 20030630-2413-DDM-Coelophysis-Replica (81K) Figure 10.9: (A) Reconstuction of Williamsonia sewardiana with spirally arranged leaf scars. (B) Cycadeoidea trunk and foliage drawn for comparison of proportions. Cycadeoids Fruit fossil Cretaceous fossil fruit cross section Oldest flowering plant fossil Archaefructus Plantcladogram Reading: Chap. 1 Jan. 28 Every Rock is a Record of History: Historical Approaches to Lithology Reading: Chap. 2 LAB: Description and Classification of Sedimentary Rocks (DEH Lab 1) Jan. 30 Terrestrial Sedimentary Environments Reading: Chap. 3 Feb. 2 Fluvial & Deltaic Environments; Walther's Law •Cordilleran Highlands –Triassic - Sonoma - CA, Nev, ID –Jurassic - Nevadan - CA, Nev, ID –Jurassic/Cretaceous - Sevier - Nev,Ut –Cretaceous/Tertiary - Laramide 62 68 72 Timeline of reptile evolution Timing of Birds •Lots of bird diversification in the Cenozoic, although most fossils are incomplete. •By the Early Oligocene (35 Ma), most modern bird groups had arrived. •There were unusual forms, e.g. phororhachids from South America - present for much of Cenozoic lifeofvertebrates_fig221_closeup Mammalian- reptilian line ALGAE_Tubiphytes_136_483_A1 Triassic – rock-forming Tubiphytes, rock-forming and stratigraphic role of Dasycladaceans. Wetterstein Limestones. Tubiphytes varn11.jpg (73564 bytes) The open jaws of the shark Cretoxyrhina mantelli,hit the mosasaur on the right side, just behind the rib cage, and the impact lifted the wounded animal almost completely out of the water. Archaic Mammals of the Jurassic • Mammalian radiation of the early Jurassic •Tricondodontia (3 cusps in a row) large (750 g), predaceous mammals of early Triassic •Monotremata: A living example of Mesozoic mammals • Fossil record is poor, beginning in early Cretaceous • Thought have diverged in Jurassic •Multituberculata: herbivorous, molars w/ multiple cusps • Highly successful: from Jurassic to Oligocene (100 m yr) •Zatheria: includes Aegialodon (with tribospenic molar) & ancestor of therian mammals (Eutheria & Metatheria)