Time divisions for the Precambrian Proportions of geologic time encompassed by the divisions of the Precambrian. The beginning of the Proterozoic Eon was marked by the appearance of the first continent-sized cratons and the beginning of a long-term rise in atmospheric oxygen. It ends with the widespread appearance of metazoan fossils. Currently, our coverage consists of an essay on the Cryogenian ice ages of the Middle Neoproterozoic, and a variety of materials on the Ediacaran Period, emphasizing the odd soft-bodied metazoan fauna of that time The Proterozoic Eon (2.5-0.543 Ga) Proterozoic rocks are easier to study than Archean rocks because they are less altered. But they are more difficult to study than Phanerozoic rocks because they lack the abundant fossils. Designation of the beginning of the Proterozoic at 2.5 by is somewhat arbitrary, but it marks: 1.Beginning of modern style of plate tectonics. Lateral plate motion, subduction, rifting, and sea floor spreading. 2.Beginning of more modern style of sedimentation. Continents had developed with wide continental shelves. Deposition of clastics and carbonates in shallow water. Tranistion from banded iron formations to red beds. 3.Glaciations in both Early and Late Proterozoic (about 2.1 to 2.6 by, and later at 1.0 by to 0.54 by = 544 my). 4.Buildup of oxygen in the atmosphere Consequences of oxygen buildup: a.Development of ozone layer which absorbs harmful UV radiation b.Widespread occurrence and end of banded iron formations c.Beginning of red beds - red beds are clastic sedimentary rocks such as sandstones and siltstones with red iron oxide cement. The presence of iron oxide indicates that there was a relatively abundant, constant level of oxygen in the atmosphere at the time the rocks were deposited. •Life may have developed from nonliving materials as early as 3.9 billion years ago Figure 16.1C = 500 million years ago Earliest animals; diverse algae Earliest multicellular eukaryotes? Earliest eukaryotes Accumulation of atmospheric O2 from photosynthetic cyanobacteria Oldest known prokaryotic fossils Origin of life? Formation of Earth 2500-2100 million years ago Photosynthesis Produces Oxygen! Banded iron formations Diagrams of organisms in the Gunflint Chert. The Gunflint Chert, within the BIF sequence, contains fossil remains of prokaryotic organisms, including cyanobacteria. Age = 1.9 by. Diagrams of organisms in the Gunflint Chert. A = Eoastrion ( = dawn star), probably iron- or magnesium-reducing bacteria B = Eosphaera, an organism or uncertain affinity, about 30 micrometers in diameter C = Animikiea (probably algae) D = Kakabekia, an organism or uncertain affinity Banded iron formation gunflint Gunflint Chert Fossils. A-C. blue-green algae; Animikia, Entosphaeroides, and Gunflintia; D. Huroniospora, an algal spore; E. Gunflintia and Hurionospora; F. Euastrion, a bacterium, and enigmatic forms, G. Kakabekia; H. Eosphaera slide05 Precambrian filamentous cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria (Nostocales) from the Bitter Springs Chert of Central Australia, 850 million years old. Optical photomicrographs showing eceptionally well preserved Oscillatoriacean, Nostocacean and, possibly, Rivulariacean trichomes in petrographic thin sections of Black chert slide06 2100 million years ago eukcell bacteria1 Still Present: First fossil eukaryotic cells appeared by at least 2,1 Ga. Eukaryotes are cells which have a nucleus and organelles. They are larger than prokaryotes. Procaryotic cells then could have become the organelles and mitochondria of eucaryotic cells. Eucaryotic cells then reproduce sexually by mitosis and meiosis, sexual reproduction leads to genetic variation, genetic variation leads to increased evolutionary rates and diversity. EUKARYOTIC CELLS. SYMBIOSIS = The mutually beneficial relationship between two individuals or two species. Both individuals, or the members of both species benefit more or less equally from their association. May have been unable to diversity until oxygen levels reached a critical threshold PRE-CAMBRIAN EUKARYOTES They are now thought to have originated much earlier than paleontologists have previously thought. FIRST EUKARYOTES The first widely accepted date is at about 2.1 BILLION years ago. These first fossils that are certainly eukaryotic are those of an algal form called Grypania spiralis. They are found in filaments. Grypania spiralis (99200 bytes) Grypania spiralis •These common Proterozoic microfossils –are probably from eukaryotic organisms •Acritarchs are very likely the cysts of algae Acritarchs 0916a 0916b slide11 Acritarch: Vandalosphaeridium walcottii, a spiny acritarch from a palynological preparation of carbonaceous mudstone of the Awatubi Member, Kwagunt Formation, Chuar Group of the Grand Canyon. Late Precambrian, 850 million years old. Acritarchs first appear in the rock record about 1.6 billion years ago. They probably represent a group of planktic algae, and they are considered the first eucaryotic cells because of their larger size and more complex, ornamented outer wall. • redbeds3 Newsprint First Pollution Crisis! (2.0 billion years ago) Evidence of significant free oxygen •Obviously continental red beds refers –to red rocks on the continents, –but more specifically it means red sandstone or shale –colored by iron oxides, –especially hematite (Fe2O3) Continental Red Beds WICHG30910b Red mudrock in Glacier National Park, Montana The first "pollution crisis" hit the Earth about 2.2 billion years ago. Several pieces of evidence -- the presence of iron oxides in paleosols (fossil soils), the appearance of "red beds" containing metal oxides, and others -- point to a fairly rapid increase in levels of oxygen in the atmosphere at about this time. Oxygen levels in the Archaean had been less that 1% of present levels in the atmosphere, but by about 1.8 billion years ago, oxygen levels were greater than 15% of present levels and rising. (Holland, 1994) It may seem strange to call this a "pollution crisis," since most of the organisms that we are familiar with not only tolerate but require oxygen to live. However, oxygen is a powerful degrader of organic compounds. Even today, many bacteria and protists are killed by oxygen. Organisms had to evolve biochemical methods for rendering oxygen harmless; one of these methods, oxidative respiration, had the advantage of producing large amounts of energy for the cell, and is now found in most eukaryotes. Where was this oxygen coming from? Cyanobacteria, photosynthetic organisms that produce oxygen as a byproduct, had first appeared 3.5 billion years ago, but became common and widespread in the Proterozoic. Their photosynthetic activity was primarily responsible for the rise in atmospheric oxygen. colony 2 Multicellularism probably arose as unicellular ancestors (unicellular green algae like the biflagellated Chlamydomonas) joined into loose colonies, probably taking a form similar to Volvox-a hollow, fluid-filled ball similar to the blastocyst stage in animal development. The cells in this colony may then have become more specialized for singular functions, and thus dependent on each other. For instance, cells that kept a flagellum could have assumed responsibility for the locomotion of the colony, while other cells could have assumed digestive or metabolic tasks, and others could have been specialized for gamete production. The evolution of multicellularism is diagrammed to the left. The first fossilized evidence of multi-cellular cells goes back to about 1.5 billion years ago. Multicellular organisms colony The earliest metazoans Chemical fossils discovered in sedimentary rocks in Oman provide the earliest evidence for animal life so far discovered. The fossil steroids — 24-isopropylcholestanes characteristic of sponges of the Demospongiae class — date back 635 million years or more to around the time of the Marinoan glaciation, the last of the immense ice ages at the end of the Neoproterozoic. This suggests that the shallow waters in some late Cryogenian ocean basins contained dissolved oxygen in concentrations sufficient to support simple multicellular organisms at least 100 million years before the rapid diversification of bilaterians during the Cambrian explosion. Ediacara Hills, Australia, 570-543 Million Years Ago 600 million years ago earth-580 Earth View protists bacteria1 Still Present: Ediacara Fauna EDIACARA BIOTA Oldest occurrence of multicellular animals - 700 - 545 m.y. - best known from Pound Fm., at Ediacara, South Australia Ediacara biota known from occurrences on most continents Biota consists of soft-bodied metazoans, preserved as impressions in sandstone and shales Includes: •jellyfish-like forms (common) sponges •worm-like forms •possible molluscs •possible arthropods •possible echinoderms •large, flat forms of unknown affinities • VENDOBIONTA There are hints from trace fossils and molecular biology that animals may have appeared as much as 1 billion years ago. However, the oldest relatively non-controversial, well-studied animal fossils appear in the last hundred millions of years of the Proterozoic, just before the Cambrian radiation of taxa. For some years a number of authors (e.g. Seilacher 1984, McMenamin 1986) have argued that the Ediacarans were unrelated to any living group of organisms; that they represented a new kingdom (Vendobionta Seilacher 1992) which disappeared around the Vendian-Cambrian boundary, perhaps wiped out by a mass extinction event. However, this view has always encountered opposition and now appears to have lost much of its support. Cyclomedusa Charnia Eoporpita Nemiana Pteridinium Arkarua Dickinsonia Spriggina Tribrachidium Kimberella se2597621001 The nature of the terminal Proterozoic fossil record. (A) Ediacaria, a radially symmetrical cast preserved on the underside of a sandstone bed, Rawnsley Quartzite, South Australia. (B) Macroscopic alga preserved as a carbonaceous compression in shales of Doushantuo Formation, China. (C) Calcified fossils in limestones of the Nama Group, Namibia. (D) Pteridinium, a frondose Ediacaran fossil consisting of three vanes built of repeating units (two visible in specimen) that are joined along a central axis. (E) Phospatized animal egg and early cleavage-stage embryo, Doushantuo Formation. (F) Simple trace fossils of bilaterian animals, Rawnsley Quartzite. Bar = 2.5 cm for (A), 3 mm for (B), 1.5 cm for (C) and (D), 250 µm for (E), and 2 cm for (F). 1.Oldest Metazoan Body Fossils = EDIACARA FAUNA 2.Originally discovered in Pound Qtzt, Ediacara Hills, S. Australia; later found worldwide (including Piedmont area of NC) at low paleolatitudes. 0.59 - 0.7 by (590 - 700 my) impressions and molds of animals (associated with trace fossils) ediacara1 dickensonia 1.Tribrachidium heraldicum, Echinoderm?, from Australia 1.Unnamed "spindle-shaped organism" from Newfoundland sprigginaED.jpg (22818 bytes) dickinsoniaED.jpg (40975 bytes) Examples Of The Ediacaran Fauna A. Genus Spriggina. B. Genus Dickinsonia. These bodies of these specimens are preserved as impressions in fine grained sandstone of the Pound Quartzite (Ediacaran age, Australia). Similar appearing, soft-bodied fossils are known from over two dozen localities worldwide. These organisms were all small, had thin bodies with a quilted outer surface, and lacked any internal or external hard parts. Specimens about 4 to5 cm in length. ediacara2 ediacara3 1.Unnamed "spindle-shaped organism" from Newfoundland tribrachidium 1.Tribrachidium heraldicum, Echinoderm?, from Australia Geologic time scale across the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary 550 million years ago Origin of hard parts Small Shelly Fauna: The Origin of Hard Parts Small fossils with hard parts or shells (mostly a few mm long ) appeared in the Vendian (see yellow bar on time scale above). Cloudina, an organism with a small (few cm long), tubular shell of calcium carbonate is interpreted as a tube-dwelling worm. It is the earliest known organism with a CaCO3 shell. Found in Namibia, Afric le07_31 Small Shelly Fauna 1.Proterozoic life Extensive stromatolites. May have been more resistant to UV radiation because of sediment covering. Presence of stromatolites and blue-green algae (photosynthetic) led to buildup of oxygen in atmosphere. Gunflint chert (Ontario, Canada, 1.9 by) contains extensive remains of prokaryotic organisms including bacteria and algal filaments First fossil eukaryotic cells appeared by at least 2,1 Ga. Eukaryotes are cells which have a nucleus and organelles. They are larger than prokaryotes. Reproduce through mitosis and meiosis i.First fossil cells with what appear to be organelles 1.8 - 1.2 by ii.Bitter Springs Fm, chert, Australia 0.8 - 0.9 by impressive eukaryote fossils First multicellular algae 1,5 Ga First multicellular animals= Ediacaran Fauna Metazoans appeared in the Late Proterozoic. Metazoans are multicellular animals with various types of cells organized into tissues and organs. Metazoans lived during the Vendian (the end of the Late Proterozoic), and first appeared about 630 my ago (0.63 by). What stimulated the appearance of metazoans? May be related to the accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere. Small organisms with hard parts (few mm long) appeared in the Late Proterozoic Late Proterozoic small fossils with shells include possible primitive molluscs, sponge spicules, tubular or cap-shaped shells, and tiny tusk-shaped fossils called hyoliths. Early shelly material is made of calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate. Proterozoic rocks Granitoids and gneisses are present but less common in the Proterozoic than the Archean. An unusual type of plutonic rock called anorthosite is very common in the Proterozoic (in particular during the Grenville orogeny) but uncommon in earlier or later rocks. Anorthosite is composed of greater than 90 percent plagioclase, and represents a puzzle for geologists who study the origin of igneous rocks (igneous petrologists) because it requires very unusual conditions for its production in the mantle and emplacement in the crust. Proterozoic greenstone belts do occur, but without ultramafic volcanics Both komatiite lavas which represent large percents of partial melt, and alkaline lavas which represent small percents of partial melt are rare in the Proterozoic. Figure 4.7 04_07 Figure 4.8 04_08 compevol Shelf sediments including clean quartz sandstone, limestones, arkoses, and shales are common in the Proterozoic as are deeper-water, poorly-sorted sandstones (graywackies). Most of the modern sediment types were common except gypsum (CaSO4.H2O) and anhydrite (CaSO4) which require higher amounts of dissolved oxygen than was present in the Proterozoic ocean. Sediments THREE MAJOR TYPES OF SEDIMENTS •1. Widespread Shallow-marine Quartzite-Carbonate-Shale Assemblages •REPRESENT DEPOSITION ON & AT PASSIVE CONTINENTAL MARGINS OF WIDESPREAD STABLE CRATONS •Most of the modern sediment types were common except gypsum (CaSO4.H2O) and anhydrite (CaSO4) which require higher amounts of dissolved oxygen than was present in the Proterozoic ocean. 2. Tillites/Diamictites (pebbly mudstones) •REPRESENT TWO (2) EPISODES OF CONTINENTAL GLACIATION •Late Archean/Early Proterozoic (2700-2300 my ago) - Bruce & Gowganda sequences in North America; numerous localities elsewhere •Late Proterozoic (900-600 my ago) globally, even on continents along the equator! •Continental glaciation also in the Ordovician-Silurian, Pennsylvanian-Permian, & Cenozoic •3. Iron Ores •RECORD CHANGING OXYGEN CONTENT OF ATMOSPHERE •Atmospheric oxygen content is a balance between sources & sinks •main source of oxygen is photosynthetic organisms, which developed in the Archean [~3.5 by ago ] •main sink for oxygen during the Archean & Earliest Proterozoic was previously dissolved iron (Fe+2 ) •main sink for oxygen after the Latest Early Proterozoic (from ~2000 my ago to the present ) has been weathering of iron-rich rocks •Latest Archean/Earliest Proterozoic - Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) [iron oxide & chert] {mostly (92%) Earliest Proterozoic} •Archean & Earliest Proterozoic oxygen combined with previously dissolved iron (Fe+2) to form BIFs & did NOT accumulate in the atmosphere •By the end of Early Proterozoic time, the iron sink was used up & free oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere •Latest Early Proterozoic to the present (after 1800 my) - Redbeds •Redbeds result from hematite produced during weathering of iron-rich rocks in an oxidizing atmosphere • Banded iron formations in the Proterozoic provide the majority of the worlds iron ore deposits. These rocks are composed of alternating layers of magnetite, hematite (Fe2O3)and quartz (SiO2)precipitated in the marine environment. One suggestion is that they represent a mechanism by which primitive life, for which oxygen was a poison, was able to remove oxygen from the environment. the hematite layers are sinks for excess oxygen while the quartz layers represent a silica gel in which these organisms lived. •92% of BIF are Proterozoic (2.5-2.0 Ga) THE LESS-PRIMORDIAL EARTH The Paleoproterozoic Era Banded Iron Formation Animikie Group western margin of Lake Superior Indicates that photosynthesis was occurring and O2 animikie Glaciations in both Early and Late Proterozoic (about 2.1 to 2.6 by, and later at 1.0 by to 0.54 by = 544 my). Fig. 8.32 Fig Laminated mudstone with scattered pebbles and sand grains dropped from above. Gowganda Formation, Blind River Ontario. This textures suggests the stones dropped from a drifting iceberg. Fig. 8.34a Fig Times of glaciation in geologic history. 2.0 GA Glaciation Evidence for global cooling comes from the first glacial deposits found in the rock record at about 2.0 Ga (Gowgonda Tillite, Huronian Supergroup, Canada). Global cooling and the formation of high latitude ice sheets caused cold polar water to begin to flow through the deep ocean, mixing the formerly stratified water column. This mixing and oxygenation of the deep ocean prevented the buildup of large amounts of iron (iron released into the water was oxidized immediately and locally) and shut down the production of BIFs. second, apparently more extensive series of glaciations occurred in the Late Proterozoic between about 850 and 600 Ma. Glacial deposits from this age are found as a series of formations on all continents but Antarctica, suggesting a widespread and prolonged episode of cooling of the Earthâs climate. • Tillites and •glacial features •on all continents •except Antarctica •900 to 600 m.y. •ago, not contin- •uous, but 4 •episodes. •Greatest extent in •Earth history, with •some in apparent •near- equitorial •areas. WICHG30913 Ice sheets shown above may not have been present at the same times. 25 Carbon Dioxide By the early Proterozoic, large regions of continental shelf existed. These new expanses of shallow water covered with algal mats led to the production of extensive carbonate platforms (such as exist today in tropical regions - e.g. the Bahamas). Carbonate formation, like photosynthesis, uses atmospheric CO2 as the raw material. However, unlike the organic matter produced by photosythesis which is rapidly reoxidized, releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere, carbonate is deposited as sedimentary rock, removing the CO2 for geological spans of time. Thus the growth of carbonate platforms led to a decline in atmospheric CO2 and a decrease in the global greenhouse. icehouse Even more remarkable is the fact that paleogeographic reconstructions for this time suggest that most continents were in low latitude, equatorial positions. Glaciers do not usually form in equatorial regions except at high altitudes. The presence of thick deposits of carbonates (developed in equatorial to subtropical oceans) interlayered with glacial tillites (found in the Rapitan Group of the Canadian Cordillera and in Namibia) argues strongly for a rapidly shifting climate that brought glacial conditions almost to the equator. Such an extreme icehouse climate may have been triggered by the presence of so much highly reflective landmass distributed across the equator (equatorial oceans are much better collectors of solar heat) combined with extensive carbonate shelves drawing CO2 out of the atmosphere. More plate tectonics…. •3. Assembly of the supercontinent of Rodinia ~ .600- .550 bybp. The breakup of this supercontinent ~ 550 mybp left a thick sequence of sediments recording this rifting, exposed in the geology of western Vermont RodiniaHoffman View of Earth, 650 million years ago 26-01-HistoryOfLife-L Regional occurrences continental_shields_8x6 80 Východoevropský kraton se člení na Fennoscandii – tvořena baltickým štítem a přilehlou platformou Sarmatii Volžsko.-uralskou oblast balt2 Saamská orogeneze cca 3 Ga kolize svekobaltského(SVK) a karelského kontinentu(KK) Kuhmo-belomorská orogeneze 2,8 Ga Wilsonův cyklus mezi SVK a KK Sfekobaltská orogeneze 2,2 Ga další Wilsonův cyklus mezi SVK a KK Sfekofenská orogeneze 2,0 Ga další Wilsonův cyklus mezi SVK a KK Gotská orogeneze 1,7-1,5 ?? Akrece oblouků, mikrokontinentu, Amazonie Sfekonorvegská orogeneze 1,0 kolize s Laurentii • Český masiv Představuje hrásťovou strukturu variského orogenu ovlivněnou alpínskou orogenezí. Období proterozoika a paleozoika formovaly území Českého masívu dvě orogeneze, někdy také označované jako geotektonické cykly: •kadomský v podstatě vytvořil původní stavbu Českého masívu, dnes jsou produkty kadomské orogeneze (obr. 41) zachovány nejlépe v moravsko-slezské (např. brněnský masív) a lugické oblasti (lužický pluton) •variský (někdy označovaný jako hercynský) výrazně přetvořil především centrum Českého masívu - spojen s metamorfními pochody v celé oblasti a vznikem velkých těles vyvřelých hlubinných hornin, např. centrální masív moldanubika a středočeský pluton (obr. 42). Poslední orogeneze alpínská Český masív jen ovlivnila, ale nepřetvořila. Způsobila tektonické pohyby bloků podél hlubinných zlomů, které se označují jako saxonská tektonika. Vývoj Českého masívu je dělen na dvě etapy: •předplatformní, tzn. do úplného skončení variského geotektonického cyklu (konec prvohor). K předplatformním krystalinickým jednotkám a zvrásněnému paleozoiku se řadí: •moldanubická oblast •kutnohorsko-svratecká oblast •středočeská oblast •krušnohorská oblast •lugická oblast •moravsko-slezská oblast Zvláštní postavení mají sedimenty limnického permokarbonu, které tvoří přechod mezi předplatformním a platformním vývojem Českého masívu (v počátcích jejich sedimentace ještě doznívaly poslední pohyby patřící do variského geotektonického cyklu). •platformní - celá oblast je stabilní a postupně ji překrývají pouze další komplexy sedimentárních hornin. K platformním jednotkám patří: •jura •křída •terciér •kvartér h40 Bloková stavba Českého masívu. Oblasti: 1 - moravsko-slezská, 2 - krušnohorská, 3 - lugická, 4 - středočeská, 5 - hlinská zóna, 6 - kutnohorsko-svratecká, 7 - moldanubická. Proterozoic of Tepla-Barrandian region Cadomian orogenic cycle Grafika2 mapa V severozápadní části Železných hor se vyskytují silně tektonicky postižené mírně regionálně metamorfované svrchoproterozoické sedimenty. Ekvivalent kralupsko-zbraslavské skupiny se vyznačuje větším podílem černých břidlic se sulfidy (pyrit, pyrhotin) a manganolity. Ložisko Fe-Mn rud u Chvaletic představuje významný stratigrafický horizont, který rozděluje vrstevní sledy na 1) předložiskové s převahou fylitů a drob a s polohami bazických vulkanitů, 2) ložiskové s karbonátovými rudami Mn a Fe a břidlicemi s pyritem a 3) položiskové, charakterizované zvýšeným podílem kyselého vulkanického materiálu. V nadloží pak vystupuje soubor označovaný někdy jako subkambrium, který je srovnáván se štěchovickou skupinou tepelsko-barrandienské podoblasti. Na rozdíl od ní jsou zde však zastoupeny vulkanity a jeho ohraničení vůči nadložnímu kambriu není ostré. •Brunovistulikum Spolu s moravikem a silesikem součást moravskoslezské oblasti. Je to velká krystalinická jednotka tvořená převážně hlubinnými magmatickými horninami a částečně metamorfity, která se nachází v podloží téměř celé Moravy a Slezska. Z větší části je zakryta sedimentárními horninami. Na východ se brunovistulikum noří pod karpatské příkrovy a jeho východní okraj není znám. Na povrch vystupuje jako brněnský masív a drobná tělesa granitoidů v okolí Olomouce. h47 Model for origin of BIF •Oxygen-rich upper ocean •Oxygen-poor deep ocean •Upwelling brings Fe and Si-rich water up •Precipitation occurs Beginning 2.3 Bya, iron minerals in soils on land began to be oxidized (rusted) during weathering. Soils turned red. The atmosphere must have contained O2 for this to occur. Direction_mag_field Next step: •1.4 Ga multicellular algae (?) Montana • •The evolutionary links between unicellular and multicellular organisms were probably colonial protists Figure 15.24 Unicellular protist Colony Locomotor cells Food-synthesizing cells Early multicellular organism with specialized, interdependent cells Gamete Somatic cells Later organism with gametes and somatic (non-reproductive) cells 1 2 3 Diversification of Multicellular Algae •Early Multicellular EK •Allowed for larger size and cell specialization •Oldest multicellular organism (Fig 4.9) –Red Algea about 1.0 Ga Cambrian-Precambrian Transition