Pilotní Test - without dictionaries (= no mobiles) 3 parts : Listening + Gramlex + Reading - 60 položek Total time: 100 minutes Part 1 Listening - 2 subtests (doplňování výrazů; true / false) Part 2 GRAMLEX (Vocabulary and grammar) Vocabulary souvislý text výběr z banky výrazů, 3 distraktory = nabídky navíc a) Choose the correct word from the clue to complete these sentences. (There are 3 distractors.) b) Match the terms to fit their definitions. (There are 3 distractors.) Word formation Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the given word. = Vytvořte ze zadaného slova jiný slovní druh tak, aby věta dávala smysl. Do NOT use -ing ending. Do NOT add any more words. Write in CAPITAL LETTERS. WIDENS e.g. As the steepness of the river decreases, the valley ................. WIDE Asking questions Ask so that you may answer by the underlined part of the sentence. (Ask about the underlined part of the sentence as if you did not hear it.) e.g. She works at home. Correct question: Where does she work? She worked at home last week. - When did she work at home? Susan worked at home last week. - Who worked at home last week? Linkers/Connectors - Spojovací výrazy Choose the best connector to complete these sentences. Multiple choice = výběr ze 4 variant. Zakroužkujte jen 1 správnou odpověď . It is the surface rock material, ………………., that is most affected by temperature changes. a) therefore b) because c) whereas d) despite Transformations Transform the sentences without changing the meaning. POZOR! Nejedná se o vaši reakci na daný výrok ani o zhodnocení situace a vyjádření následku! Není-li jiný důvod, zůstaňte v zadaném čase. Examples: a) He broke my glasses. T: My glasses .... were broken. (testuje se znalost trpného rodu) b) I like written exams better than oral exams. T: I prefer written exams to oral exams. (testuje se znalost slovesné vazby s předložkou) c) They say that he is clever. T: He is said to be clever. (vazba nominativ+pasivum+infinitiv) Projděte si pozorně požadavky z gramatiky. Part 3 READING COMPREHENSION 1. Logical sequence test Complete the text with the most appropriate part A-G. Add letters to the numbers, e.g. 3A V textu z geo oblasti jsou vynechané (většinou koncové) části vět. Vaším úkolem je doplnit text tak, aby význam logicky navazoval. Zároveň hlídáte i gramaticky správnou návaznost. Z nabídky a - g byste vybrali variantu c “ xxxxxxx” a příslušné písmenko c napsali k číslu v textu. ……..text…….. 3 C . …….pokračování textu…. 2. Doplňování spojovacích výrazů - Complete each gap with one of the words from the bank. There are two words which you will not need to use. Bank: spojovací výrazy, zvláště zájmena - (an)other, who, whose, which, how, where, why, this-these, that - those etc. 3. Find the words in the text below that match the explanations (1 word for each explanation). Look for the sort of the word given by the definition or explanation, e.g. a place where stone is dug out of the ground - quarry sudden and unexpected = abrupt, taking place very quickly - readily, in the end - eventually broken down and worn away by the earth´s atmosphere = weathered, transporting the products of weathering = eroding. Definitions of all nouns (podstatných jmen) are in singular, e.g. a thin ore body - veins.