#Prevzato z knihy: Andersen, P. K., Skovgaard, L. T. (2010) Regression with Linear Predictors, Springer. ## Variable list: ## ## age: Age of the patient ## ## surgtype: Type of surgery ## 1: Orthopedic ## 2: Gynecological ## 3: Abdominal ## ## blocking: Neuromuscular blocking agent ## 1: Pancuronium ## 2: Vecuronium ## 3: Atracurium ## ## longact: Is the blocking agent long-acting? ## 0: No ## 1: Yes ## ## duration: Duration of the operation in minutes ## ## tofratio: The ratio of T4/T1 in a train-of-four stimulation ## ## complication: Does the patient experience a pulmonary complication? ## 0: No ## 1: Yes surgery <- read.csv2("http://staff.pubhealth.ku.dk/~linearpredictors/datafiles/Surgery.csv", sep = ";", dec = ".", header = TRUE, colClasses = ## c("age", "surgtype", "blocking", "longact", "duration", "tofratio", "complication") c("numeric", "factor", "factor","factor", "numeric","numeric","factor"), na.strings = "." ) levels(surgery$blocking) <- c("Pancuronium", "Vecuronium", "Atracurium") levels(surgery$surgtype) <- c("Orthopedic", "Gynecological", "Abdominal") ## number of complications in each NBA group t <- table(surgery$blocking, surgery$complication, dnn = c("NBA", "Complication")) t <- addmargins(t) ## percent complications t[,"1"]/t[,"Sum"]*100 ## number of the different surgeries in each NBA group cts <- table(surgery$surgtype, surgery$blocking, dnn = c("Surgery", "NBA")) addmargins(cts) ## percents within surgery type ps <- apply(cts, 1, function(x)x/sum(x)*100) t(addmargins(ps)) ## Logistic regression models, setting reference level surgery$blocking <- relevel(surgery$blocking, ref = 2) #pokus o zjisteni nelinearity - linearni splajn model1 <- glm(complication ~ I(age/10) + ifelse(age > 60, (age-60)/10,0) + surgtype + blocking, family = binomial, data = surgery) summary(model1) #bez nelinearity model2 <- glm(complication ~ I(age/10) + surgtype + blocking, family = binomial, data = surgery) summary(model2) #ODHADY ODDS RATIOS, VCETNE INTERVALU SPOLEHLIVOSTI round( exp(cbind(coef(model2),confint(model2))), 2) #ANALYZA REZIDUI, HLEDANI MOZNYCH INTERAKCI surgery$res <- residuals(model2, type = "pearson") plot(res ~ age, data = surgery, xlab = "Age", ylab = "Pearson residual", col = "grey" ) ## smoother for each surgery type s <- split(surgery,surgery$surgtype) smoother <- function(d){ newage <- seq(min(d$age), max(d$age), length.out = 200) lines(predict(loess(res ~ age, data = d), data.frame(age = newage)) ~ newage) } lapply(s, smoother) #to nevypada na interakci mezi vekem a typem operace, zkusime i model model3 <- glm(complication ~ I(age/10):surgtype + surgtype + blocking - 1, family = binomial, data = surgery) ## the summary includes p-values for significance of terms summary(model3) anova(model3,model2,test="Chisq") #efekt je skutecne nevyznamny #INTERPRETACE ## linear effect of age model1 <- glm(complication ~ surgtype + blocking + age, family = binomial, data = surgery) exp(cbind(model1$coef, confint(model1))) model1a <- glm(complication ~ surgtype + relevel(blocking, ref=3) + age, family = binomial, data = surgery) exp(cbind(model1a$coef, confint(model1a))) ## linear effects differing before and after age 60 model2 <- glm(complication ~ surgtype + blocking + age + I(ifelse(age > 60, age - 60, 0)), family = binomial, data = surgery) exp(cbind(model2$coef, confint(model2))) model2a <- glm(complication ~ surgtype + relevel(blocking, ref = 3) + age + I(ifelse(age > 60, age - 60, 0)), family = binomial, data = surgery) exp(cbind(model2a$coef, confint(model2a))) ## linear effect of age, according to surgery model3 <- glm(complication ~ age:surgtype + surgtype + blocking - 1, family = binomial, data = surgery) exp(cbind(model3$coef, confint(model3))) model3a <- glm(complication ~ age:surgtype + surgtype + relevel(blocking, ref=3) - 1, family = binomial, data = surgery) exp(cbind(model3a$coef, confint(model3a))) #BEZ OHLEDU NA MODEL VYCHÁZÍ RIZIKO SPOJENÉ S JEDNOTLIVÝMI MOLEKULAMI PODOBNĚ ##############INTERMEDIATY #longact - Pancuronium model4 <- glm(complication ~ surgtype + I((age-60)/10) + I(duration/60-1) + longact:I((tofratio-0.7)*10) + longact, family = binomial, data = surgery) summary(model4) round( exp(cbind(coef(model4),confint(model4))), 2) #chybejici hodnoty pro jednoduchost vypustime used.data <- na.omit(surgery) par(mfrow = c(1,2)) used.data$res <- residuals(model4, type = "pearson") plot(res ~ tofratio, data = used.data, xlab = "TOF-ratio", ylab = "Pearson residual", col = "grey" ) ## solid = long acting, dashed = short acting linetypes <- c("43", "solid") s <<- split(used.data, used.data$longact) smoother <- function(d){ newtof <- seq(min(d$tofratio), max(d$tofratio), length.out = 200) lines(predict(loess(res ~ tofratio, data = d, degree = 1), data.frame(tofratio = newtof)) ~ newtof, lty = linetypes[unique(unclass(d$longact))]) } lapply(s, smoother) plot(res ~ duration, data = used.data, xlab = "Duration of anesthesia", xlim = c(0,500), ylab = "Pearson residual", col = "grey" ) smoother <- function(d){ newdur <- seq(min(d$duration), max(d$duration), length.out = 200) lines(predict(loess(res ~ duration, data = d, degree = 1), data.frame(duration = newdur)) ~ newdur, lty = linetypes[unique(unclass(d$longact))]) } lapply(s, smoother) #test KALIBRACE #decily rizika used.data$predicted <- model4$fitted ## choosing a type of quantiles which gives the same grouping as in SAS used.data$decile <- cut(used.data$predicted, breaks = quantile(used.data$predicted, seq(0,1,0.1), type = 6), include.lowest = T, labels = 1:10) #zobrazeni decilu used.data[order(used.data$decile),] cross <- xtabs(~ complication + decile, data = used.data) print(addmargins(cross)) O <- cross[2,] E <- tapply(used.data$predicted, used.data$decile, sum) HLtab <- cbind(colSums(cross[1:2,]), O, E, (O-E)/sqrt(E)) #chi kvadrat statistika sum(HLtab[,4]^2) 1-pchisq(3.877446,8) #8 d.f. -> P=0.87 #diagnostika ## cooks distance plot(cooks.distance(model4) ~ tofratio, data = used.data, xlab = "tofratio", ylab = "Cook's distance", pch = ifelse(used.data$complication == 1, 4, 21) ## cross = complication, o = no complication. ) #jeden pacient s vysokym rizikem bez komplikace used.data[cooks.distance(model4)>0.1,] #vysledky finalniho modelu #nemame efekt TOF pro kratce pusobici surgery$age60 <- (surgery$age-60)/10 surgery$dur60 <- surgery$duration/60-1 surgery$tof07 <- (surgery$tofratio-0.7)*10 model <- glm(complication ~ surgtype + age60 + dur60 + longact + I((as.numeric(longact)-1)*tof07), family = binomial, data = surgery) used.data <- surgery[rownames(model$model),] plot(0,0, type = "n", ylim = c(0,.8), xlim = range(used.data$tofratio) - c(0.02,0), xlab = "TOF-ratio", ylab = "Estimated probability") plot.fitted <- function(d){ n <- 100 newtof07 <- seq(min(d$tof07), max(d$tof07), length.out = n) newdata <- data.frame(age60 = rep(0,n), dur60 = rep(1,n), tof07 = newtof07, surgtype = rep(unique(d$surgtype),n), longact = rep(unique(d$longact),n)) newtof <- newtof07/10+0.7 predicted <- predict(model, newdata = newdata, type = "response") lines(newtof, predicted, lty = ifelse(unique(d$longact) == 0, "solid", "32")) ## surgtypes ## 1='orthopaedic' ## 2='gynaecological' ## 3='abdominal' text(newtof[1], predicted[1], labels = c("o", "g", "a")[unique(d$surgtype)], adj = c(1.7,0.5), cex = 0.7 ) } ## plot fitted curces for longact*surgerytype groups lapply(split(used.data, list(used.data$surgtype, used.data$longact)), plot.fitted) #finalni odhady summary(model) exp(cbind(model$coef, confint(model))) #JEN POKUSY O ALTERNATIVNI VIZUALIZACI #logodds plot(0,0, type = "n", xlim = range(used.data$tofratio) - c(0.02,0), ylim=c(-6,2), xlab = "TOF-ratio", ylab = "Estimated log-odds") plot.fitted <- function(d){ n <- 100 newtof07 <- seq(min(d$tof07), max(d$tof07), length.out = n) newdata <- data.frame(age60 = rep(0,n), dur60 = rep(1,n), tof07 = newtof07, surgtype = rep(unique(d$surgtype),n), longact = rep(unique(d$longact),n)) newtof <- newtof07/10+0.7 predicted <- predict(model, newdata = newdata) lines(newtof, predicted, lty = ifelse(unique(d$longact) == 0, "solid", "32")) ## surgtypes ## 1='orthopaedic' ## 2='gynaecological' ## 3='abdominal' text(newtof[1], predicted[1], labels = c("o", "g", "a")[unique(d$surgtype)], adj = c(1.7,0.5), cex = 0.7 ) } ## plot fitted curces for longact*surgerytype groups lapply(split(used.data, list(used.data$surgtype, used.data$longact)), plot.fitted) #odds plot(0,0, type = "n", xlim = range(used.data$tofratio) - c(0.02,0), ylim=c(0,3), xlab = "TOF-ratio", ylab = "Estimated odds") plot.fitted <- function(d){ n <- 100 newtof07 <- seq(min(d$tof07), max(d$tof07), length.out = n) newdata <- data.frame(age60 = rep(0,n), dur60 = rep(1,n), tof07 = newtof07, surgtype = rep(unique(d$surgtype),n), longact = rep(unique(d$longact),n)) newtof <- newtof07/10+0.7 predicted <- exp(predict(model, newdata = newdata)) lines(newtof, predicted, lty = ifelse(unique(d$longact) == 0, "solid", "32")) ## surgtypes ## 1='orthopaedic' ## 2='gynaecological' ## 3='abdominal' text(newtof[1], predicted[1], labels = c("o", "g", "a")[unique(d$surgtype)], adj = c(1.7,0.5), cex = 0.7 ) } ## plot fitted curces for longact*surgerytype groups lapply(split(used.data, list(used.data$surgtype, used.data$longact)), plot.fitted)