19. 5. 2015 1 MASARYK UNIVERSITY Brno – Czech Republic RECETOX HUMAN HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENTHUMAN HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT Pavel Čupr -Risk assessment methodology (basic introduction of this approach, main equations, exposure model, important WEB data sources) Research group Human Exposure Assessment and Risks Human Health Risk Assessment – exposure assessment tool for risk prediction -Important tool for better interpretation of contaminantion levels in the environment (food, air, etc). H h lth i k t i th t ti t thHuman health risk assessment is the process to estimate the probability of adverse health effects in humans who may be exposed to chemicals/stresors in contaminated environmental media (soil, water, air, food), now or in the future (prospective and retrospective). 19. 5. 2015 2 Lecture: RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY HAZARD / RISK …explanation of important terminology and differences HAZARD – ‘A Hazard is a potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person or persons’. RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY p p RISK ‘Risk is the likelihood that a person may be harmed or suffers adverse health effects if exposed to a hazard‘. …practical deffinition 19. 5. 2015 3 RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY Risk Assessment Process (U.S. EPA approach) Hazard Identification Exposure Assessment Toxicity Assessment Risk Characterization 4 Main parts of this methodology 19. 5. 2015 4 RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY MAIN AIM = interpretation of exposure to chemicals!! - Important X or not RESULTS: CDI (input) and Probability Of Cancer and Noncancer RISKs in humanhuman population Human Health Risk Assessment AIM - The characterization of the probability of potentially adverse health effects from human exposures to environmental hazards / environmental STRESORS. Advantage of this propabilistic approach = RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY http://nnlm.gov/ntc/guide_on_the_side/tutorial/risk-asssessment-protocol 19. 5. 2015 5 Step 1:Hazard Identification • chemical concentrations of pollutants in selected matrices (from evaluated sites) The first step in the RA is the Hazard identification. The hazard identification defines the problem (problem formulation), identifies the components like: selected matrices (from evaluated sites) – obtained by sampling (air, drink. water, food..etc) • To identify available data about toxicity of these identified chemicals • To develop model of how chemical may move through environment (to the next AFCEE, 2002 move through environment (to the next exposure media) © Vermont DPS, 2000 Step 2: Exposure Assessment !! Without exposure there can be no toxicity. 19. 5. 2015 6 Step 2: Exposure Assessment - to quantify the exposure of the receptor (selected population) to chemicals via a given pathway. - to predict the daily intake of a contaminant by selected individual pathways as total chronic daily intake CDI (mg/kg/day).p y y ( g g y) - CDI can be calculated by using of contaminant concentrations in environmental samples (water, food-diet, sediments, soils, air..) and human behavior information (=exposure parameters = from exposure surveys, questinares approches,…). Alternatively, total exposure (POPs,…) can be estimated by(POPs,…) can be estimated by collecting human tissue samples for chemical analysis (i.e., blood and breast milk samples) by using if toxikokinetic modeling. Exposure scenarios Step 2: Exposure Assessment 19. 5. 2015 7 Step 2: Exposure Assessment • Who is Exposed? – Adult, Child, Special Populations • How Are They Exposed? – Ingestion, Inhalation, Skin Contact • What is the Concentration of Chemical to Which They are Exposed? – ng.l-1,… • How Often Are They Exposed? – Days per year, Number of years = Prediction of Exposure Scenarios and Exposure factors Putting it all together (general exposure equation) – exposure parameters C daykgmgCDIDoseIntake )/( daykgmgCDIDoseIntake  )/( • Intake Equation for Drinking Water Example C= Chemical Concentration (Obtain from sampling) CR= Contact Rate (…2 liters water/day) EF= Exposure Frequency (350 days/year) ED= Exposure Duration (30 years)ED= Exposure Duration (30 years) BW=Body Weight (70 kg.) AT= Averaging Time (10,950 days) 19. 5. 2015 8 Step 2: Exposure Assessment 19. 5. 2015 9 Which value for selected exposure parameter we can use? All exposure factors and parameters!!!! http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/recordisplay.cfm?deid=20563 - All population statistics Age groups 19. 5. 2015 10 Age groups TWO different types of toxic chemicals Step 3: Toxicity assessment / Dose-Response Curve relationship Cancer chemicals Non-Cancer chemicals LOAEL 19. 5. 2015 11 Step 3: Toxicity assessment / Dose-Response Curve relationship NoncancerNoncancer risks (noncancer chemicals = treshold type of effects) The toxicity assessment attempts - to use Dose/response relationship for Reference Doses prediction Dose – Chemical concentration per unit body weight Response – Level of measured adverse effect o u o / po a o p o os s p d o - to quantify the sensitivity of the receptor to the chemical hazard (STRESOR). Step 3: Toxicity assessment / Dose-Response Curve relationship NoncancerNoncancer risks (noncancer chemicals = treshold type of effects) The RfD is determined by use of the following equation: RfD = NOAEL / (UF x MF) (uncertainty factor modifying factor) (http://www.epa.gov/iris/rfd.htm) How to use all UF & MF factors for RfD prediction RfD NOAEL / (UF x MF) (uncertainty factor, modifying factor). In general, the RfD is an estimate of a daily exposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime (…adverse effect). The RfD is generally expressed in units of milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight per day (mg/kg/day). 19. 5. 2015 12 Exposure equations - Exposure scenarios http://www.epa.gov/oswer/riskassessment/ragsa/pdf/rags_ch6.3.pdf DRINKING WATER INGESTION CDI = CW x IR x EF x ED / (BW x AT) CDI chronic daily intake (mg.kg-1 .day-1 ) CW concentration of chemical in water (mg.l-1 )( g ) IR ingestion rate of water (l.day-1 ) EF exposure frequency (den.year-1 ) ED exposure duration (years) BW body weight (kg) AT averaging time (days) for non-carcinogenic: ED (years) x 365 days.year-1 for carcinogenic: 70 years x 365 days.years-1 WATER INGESTION – SWIMMING OR SHOWERING/BATHING CDI = CW x CR x ET x EF x ED / (BW x AT) CDI chronic daily intake (mg kg -1 day -1 )CDI chronic daily intake (mg.kg .day ) CW concentration of chemical in water (mg.l-1 ) CR ingestion rate of water (l.hod-1 ) ET exposure time (hours.day-1 ) EF exposure frequency (den.year-1 ) ED exposure duration (years) BW body weight (kg) AT averaging time (days) for non-carcinogenic: ED (years) x 365 days.year-1 for carcinogenic: 70 years x 365 days.years-1 Exposure equations - Exposure scenarios DERMAL CONTACT WITH WATER ADD / LADD = CW x SA x Kp x ET x EF x ED x CF / (BW x AT)ADD / LADD CW x SA x Kp x ET x EF x ED x CF / (BW x AT) ADD/LADD average daily dose (mg.kg -1 .day -1 ) CW concentration of chemical in water (mg.l-1 ) SA skin surface area available for contact (cm2 ) Kp permeability coefficient (cm.hour -1 ) ET exposure time (hours.day -1 ) EF exposure frequency (den.year -1 ) ED exposure duration (years) CF conversing factor (0,001 l.cm-3 ) BW body weight (kg) AT averaging time (days) for non-carcinogenic: ED (years) x 365 days year -1 for non-carcinogenic: ED (years) x 365 days.year for carcinogenic: 70 years x 365 days.years-1 19. 5. 2015 13 Exposure equations - Exposure scenarios SOIL OR DUST INGESTION CDI = CS x IR x CF x FI x EF x ED / (BW x AT)CDI CS x IR x CF x FI x EF x ED / (BW x AT) CDI chronic daily intake (mg.kg-1 .day-1 ) CS concentration of chemical in soil (mg.kg-1 ) IR ingestion rate of soil (mg.day-1 ) CF conversing factor (10– 6 kg.mg-1 ) FI fraction ingested from source (0 – 1, unitless) EF exposure frequency (den.year-1 ) ED exposure duration (years) BW body weight (kg) AT averaging time (days) for non-carcinogenic: ED (years) x 365 days.year-1 for carcinogenic: 70 years x 365 days years-1 for carcinogenic: 70 years x 365 days.years Exposure equations - Exposure scenarios DERMAL CONTACT WITH SOIL ADD / LADD = CS x CF x SA x AF x ABSd x EF x ED / (BW x AT) ADD/LADD average daily dose (mg.kg-1 .day-1 ) CS concentration of chemical in soil (mg.kg-1 ) CF conversing factor (10– 6 kg.mg-1 ) SA skin surface area available for contact (cm2 or cm2 .event-1 ) AF soil to skin adherence factor (mg.cm-2 ) ABSd absorption factor (0 - 1, unitless) EF exposure frequency (den.year-1 ) ED exposure duration (years) BW body weight (kg) AT averaging time (days)g g ( y ) for non-carcinogenic: ED (years) x 365 days.year-1 for carcinogenic: 70 years x 365 days.years-1 19. 5. 2015 14 Exposure equations - Exposure scenarios CONTAMINATED AIR INHALATION CDI = CA x IR x ET x EF x ED / (BW x AT) CDI chronic daily intake (mg.kg-1 .day-1 ) CA concentration of chemical in air (mg.m-3 ) IR inhalation rate (m3 .hour-1 ) ET exposure time (hours.day-1 ) EF exposure frequency (den.year-1 ) ED exposure duration (years) BW body weight (kg) AT averaging time (days) for non-carcinogenic: ED (years) x 365 days.year-1 for carcinogenic: 70 years x 365 days.years-1 RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY – noncancer risk Internal dose Exposure scenario models [C] concentrations RISK = CDI / RfD Noncancer – ratio of CDI and RfD Interpretation: RISK > 1 RISK < 1 Acceptable risk Significant risk Step 4: Risk Characterization – to predict final RISK Chemical 1 Chemical 2 Chemical 3 … Total RISK (aditive sum of individual ChemicalChronic Daily Intake …. (aditive sum of individual Chemical- risks) Noncancer RISK ASSESSMENT RfD – reflect the worst type of noncancer health outcomes from these exposure RfD is only for noncancer (threshold) chemicals! ….. …… 19. 5. 2015 15 Internal dose Chronic Daily Intake Exposure scenario models [C] concentrations Cancer RISK = 1 - exp (-CDI * SF) DESE – RESPONSE relationship EXTRAPOLATION TO P RISK Relevant to Cancer risks (cancer chemicals) RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY – cancer risk RISK > 1.10-6 Significant risk Gama-HCH 7 PCBs DDT DDE DDD Total RISK (aditive sum of individual Chemical-risks) = expressed as a probability of health effects Chronic Daily Intake SF – SLOPE FACTOR DOSE LOW DOSE !!! Databases of these RISK INDEXES - WEB (mg/kg/day)-1 expressed as a probability of health effects RISK - probability of an individual developing cancer over a lifetime as a result of exposure to the potential carcinogen Acceptable RISK = 1.10-6 (probability of carcinogenesis for 1 person per million) Cancer RISK - probabilistic approach Beta-HCH Alpha-HCH RISK = 1 - exp (-CDI * SF) RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY Internal dose Chronic Daily Intake Exposure scenario models [C] concentrations RISK = CDI / Rfd Cancer Noncancer Gama-HCH 7 PCBs DDT DDE DDD Total RISK (aditive sum of individual Chemical- isks) Chronic Daily Intake risks) = expressed as a probability of health effects Cancer and Noncancer RISK ASSESSMENT -U.S. EPA probabilistic approach Beta-HCH Alpha-HCH physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model 19. 5. 2015 16 Nutritional health Food pesticide levels Soil/dust levels Water pollutant levels Air pollutant levels !!Emphasize!! Chemical stress is only ONE of all stresors and relevant PREDICTORS for final Human Health RISKs!! Lifestyle Overall health Predicted level of toxicant in people Metabolism Accumulation Excretion Lung, intestine, and skin absorption rates Genetic predisposition Personal habits RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY Detail description of Risk assessment method: 1) Quantitative Environmental Risk Analysis for Human Health – detail description of Risk assessment method with many exercises - case studies. (Robert A. Fjeld et al., 2007) Robert A. Fjeld; Norman A. Eisenberg; Compton, K. L. Eds.) (2007): Quantitative Environmental Risk Analysis for Human Health. Chapter 9 Exposure Assessment, chapter 10 Basic Human Toxicology, chapter 11 Dose–Response and Risk Characterization, (pp 199-314). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey. Download from IS.MUNI.CZ: (teaching materials): https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/1431/jaro2015/C2003/um/55931844/Fjeld_2007.pdf 2) Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, (U.S. EPA) Part A (1989) Part B (1991) Part C (1991) Part D (2001) Part E (2004) Part F (2009) 3) WHO toolkit: DOWNLOAD 19. 5. 2015 17 RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY Where we can get these informations SOURCEs ? DATABASES? http://www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/risk/index.htm Source of important toxicological data: RfD, Slope Factor, … IRIS (CAS, chemicals.. http://www.epa.gov/iris309–00–2example: 19. 5. 2015 18 http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/ http://www.inchem.org/ 19. 5. 2015 19 ECOTOX Databasehttp://cfpub.epa.gov/ecotox/ Calculator http://epa-prgs.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/chemicals/csl_search 19. 5. 2015 20 SOFTWARE Risk-Related Software http://www.riskworld.com/risk-software/ Up-todate list US EPA soft: http://www.weblakes.com/products/iraph/protocol.html Up-todate list commercial Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) Freeware http://www.sadaproject.net/download.html SOFTWARE 19. 5. 2015 21 Thank you for your attentionThank you for your attention Pavel Čupr cuprcupr@@recetox.muni.czrecetox.muni.cz RECETOXRECETOX 41 office No. 309office No. 309