HW 1 Multinuclear NMR Name: Points: C6800 Date: Max. 100 points Spring 2015 Version A 1. (10 points) Show that Emag =  µ  B0 =  µz  B 2. (15 points) Find nuclear spins I of 6 Li, 9 Be, 55 Mn, and 201 Hg. For each nucleus list all possible values of mI in the order of increasing stability of energy states. 3. (15 points) Calculate the energy difference between the spin levels inside a 950 MHz magnet for a 3 H nucleus. 4. (15 points) Calculate the excess of nuclei on the lowest energy level of 3 H at 300 K and 173 K. 5. (25 points) Octahedral complexe Sn(2-PyCHCOCF3)2(Ot Bu)2 may form several geometrical isomers. Find all of them, draw their geometrical formulas (ligand 2PyCHCOCF3 schematically), and give their symmetry point group label. O Sn N 6. (10 points) How many signals would you expect in 19 F NMR spectra for each isomer? 7. (10 points) How many signals of t BuO groups would you expect in 13 C NMR spectra for each isomer? Chelating ligand 2-PyCHCOCF3 may be schematically drawn as ON