I2PC Instruct Image Processing Centre JM CARAZO Image Processing in SPA: Principles and Workflows José María Carazo (carazo@cnb.csic.es) Spanish National Center for Biotechnology Instruct Image Processing Center Cryo-EM Course Lectures Outline Monday 13:00-13:45 13:45-14:30 15:00-16:30 JO: General introduction to three-dimensional cryo microscopy SdC: Sample preparation and vitrification MW: Modelling/Fitting Tuesday 09:00-9:45 09:45-10:30 JMC: Single Particle Analysis (SPA): The basics JMC: Image processing workflows for SPA Thursday 09:00-09:45 09:45-10:30 JO: Image processing workflows for Tomography SdC: New EM technologies Life is based on macromolecular machines DNA replication Protein synthesis Dynein motion This is our objective! The cryo-EM SPA pledge • In 3D Electron Microscopy individual macromolecules are visualized down to atomic resolution. • Trapped in ice, these molecules are free to expose their internal flexibility/plasticity. The cryo-EM SPA pledge • In 3D Electron Microscopy individual macromolecules are visualized down to atomic resolution – Attention to every detail of the image formation process – Very precise image processing • Trapped in ice, these molecules are free to expose their internal flexibility/plasticity – Need to classify individual images in 3D The cryo-EM SPA pledge Attention to every detail! •Characterization of each image • A posteriori characterization of the Projection Geometry • 3D reconstruction process • 3D classification • Validation As we were saying yesterday ….. 2D projections : lack of information Limits the comprehension of complex objects The value of a «radiography» Compared to full 3D CT Compared to full 3D CT PSF: Point Spread Function Object Imaging System Image Realistic Image Formation Model: CTF characterization Real space and Fourier Space CTF Profile in Fourier Space CTF Challenge CTF Challenge How precise should we be? The cryo-EM SPA pledge Attention to every detail! • Characterization of each image •A posteriori characterization of the Projection Geometry • 3D reconstruction process • 3D classification • Validation Tomography Principle Acquisition of tilted image series Correction of microscope default (mechanical drift, CTF...) Reconstruction That does not apply to SPA Parameter space • For each particle we need to determine 3 angles and 2 shifts. FIVE parameters. • If we have 100.000 particle images. • We then have a space of 500.000 parameters! The cryo-EM SPA pledge Attention to every detail! • Characterization of each image • A posteriori characterization of the Projection Geometry •3D reconstruction process • 3D classification • Validation Real space and Fourier Space Principles of Fourier Reconstruction Method More complex geometries in Fourier space 61 y 42 y 73 y 34 y Reconstruction as a linear set of equations 4 3 12   J j jjbxf 1 )()( rr 1x 2x 3x 4x   J j jjii xly 1 , 0,1, jil                  3 7 4 6 43 21 42 31 xx xx xx xx Project Reproject x  ... Iterate (n times) ART, the “basics” Conceptual schema (a) (b) (c) ART, the “basics” 3D reconstruction approach: • Limited number of projections • Image noise • Partial lack of control over particle homogeneity • Particle lack of control over data collection geometry Projection images Reconstruction algorithms Three- dimensional reconstruction Original specimen The cryo-EM SPA pledge Attention to every detail! • Characterization of each image • A posteriori characterization of the Projection Geometry • 3D reconstruction process •3D classification • Validation The 3D flexibility challenge The 3D flexibility challenge NOW in RELION Statistical model Each image is a projection of one of K underlying 3D objects k with addition of noise Unknowns: the 3D objects k, orientations k = 1 k = 3k = 2 Parameter space of cryo EM SPA • Target (the X’s): A volume of (for example) 100 x 100 x 100 voxels = 10**6 variables – (Plus 500.000 = 5 x 10**5 geometry variables) – (plus 100.000 x k (classes)) • Measurements (the Y’s): 100.000 particle images of 100 x 100 pixels = 10**9 • But we have noise!: 2 + 2 = 5 (or 3, or 6 …) Everything is mixed!!! f(x) x local minima global minimum Parameter space of cryo EM SPA f(x) x fs (x) Parameter space of cryo EM SPA f(x) x local minima global minimum The Initial Volume Problem in SPA The cryo-EM SPA pledge Attention to every detail! • Characterization of each image • A posteriori characterization of the Projection Geometry • 3D reconstruction process • 3D classification •Validation Validation VALIDATION: results of our validation method on controversial HIV data We have applied our approach to validate the map presented in the controversial work of MAO (1) and we have compared the results with the map reported by Subramaniam (2) (1) Mao Y, et al. (2013) Molecular architecture of the uncleaved HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimer. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110(39: 12428-12433 (2) Subramaniam S (2013) Structure of trimetric HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins. Proc natl Acad Sci USA 110(E4172-E4174) We have used the data deposited at EMDB EMPIAR 10008 (MAO) & EMPIAR 10004 Subramaniam, for the validation we have used approximately 1000 particles and the EMDB maps For the validation approach we have used first the extracted particles of MAO, which has been compared with the two maps (MAO & Subramaniam) The quality parameters obtained are of Q0 = 0.48 (Subramaniam) Q0 = 0.13 (Mao) For the validation approach we have used first the extracted particles of MAO, which has been compared with the two maps (MAO & Subramaniam) The quality parameters obtained are of Q0 = 0.84 (Subramaniam) Q0 = 0.15 (Mao) Workflows: How do we do it in practice? Workflows: How do we do it in practice? Workflows: How do we do it in practice? Using different EM software packages is now like the tower of Babel Workflows: How do we do it in practice? Importing micrographs Preprocessing micrographs Calculating CTF Typical CTF displays Particle picking Particle picking Typical particle picking display Extracting particles Sorting particles Typical sorting display Importing Initial Volume (and the “Problem”?) Finding Projection Geometry Typical Relion 3D display Typical Volume display The Initial Volume Problem (in the Web) The Initial Volume Problem (in the Web) The Initial Volume Problem (in the Web) The Initial Volume Problem (in the Web) Typical 3D displays Typical 3D displays Instruct Open call for Access www.structuralbiology.eu A distributed infrastructure for integrated structural biology