Masaryk University | IN: 00216224 Central European Institute of Technology Kamenice 753/5, CZ-62500 Brno, Czech Republic |   MU  Life  Sciences  Seminar  Series  sponsored  by  CEITEC  and  ICRC       Executive  summary     The  goal  of  the  MU  Life  Sciences  Seminar  is  to  become  an  ongoing  prestigious  seminar  series  at  UKB  in   the   interconnected   and   complementary   fields,   collectively   called   "Life   Sciences".   The   seminar   series,   expanding   already   successfully   implemented   CEITEC   Structural   Biology   Seminar   Series,   is   focused   on   currently   growing   fields,   which   combine   modern   methods   of   biophysics,   computational   modelling,   imaging,  biochemistry  and  molecular  biology  with  "more  classical"  disciplines  such  as  microbiology,  cell   biology,  physiology,  genetics,  toxicology,  developmental  and  evolutionary  biology  and  medicine.     Purpose:  The  purpose  of  the  seminar  series  is  to  (i)  invite  to  Brno  renowned  speakers  from  abroad  to   establish  and  develop  professional  contacts,  (ii)  create  a  Seminar  Series  of  excellence,  which  will  inspire   and   motivate   both   scientists   and   students   at   MU,   and   (iii)   finally,   to   promote   mutual   contacts   and   interaction   between   individual   labs/departments   working   at   UKB.   This   seminar   series   includes   the   Mendel  lectures.     Community:   All   Departments   and   PhD   programs,   whose   research   encompass   “Life   Sciences”   and   are   situated  at  UKB,  are  very  welcome  to  join  the  Seminar  Series.     Format:  One  hour  talk  takes  place  each  Thursday  during  the  semester  at  15:00  in  lecture  hall  114/A11,   followed   by   happy   hour   for   the   audience   at   the   bridge   of   A35   pavilion   or   outside   the   pavilion   A11   (weather  depended).  Host  (a  person,  which  nominated  the  speaker)  together  with  the  administrator  are   responsible  to  arrange  the  program  of  visit  for  the  speaker  with  the  aim  to  maximize  the  interaction  with   interested  local  scientists.     Nominations/selection:   Nominations   for   the   speakers   are   collected   once   a   year   from   all   group   leaders/postdocs/PhD   students.   Only   speakers   from   abroad   are   considered   with   the   exception   of   the   Czech   scientists   with   recent   significant   achievements   (e.g.   received   prestigious   international   grant   or   award,  made  a  breakthrough  discovery).  Nominations  shall  include  the  name,  affiliation,  contacts  and  a   few  sentences  as  to  why  this  speaker  should  be  invited  and  selected  recent  papers.  This  information   should   be   sent   to   Seminar   administration.   A   Selection   committee   comprising   of   all   the   involved   Departments/PhD  schools  will  select  the  speakers.  Nominations  for  2016  should  be  sent  to  any  of  the   scientific   contacts   listed   bellow   and   to   the   MU   Life   Science   seminar   series   administrator   Gita   Jančaříková  preferably  before  May  1,  2015.     Involvement  in  the  teaching  curriculum:  A  novel  subject  MU  Life  Science  Seminar  with  the  code  CC060   (spring  semester)  and  CB060  (fall  semester)  is  available  in  IS.  Individual  Master  and  PhD  programs  can   decide  to  what  extent  they  want  to  have  this  seminar  mandatory  for  students.  The  aim  is  to  synchronize   the  seminar  with  the  seminars  of  different  departments  to  avoid  time  conflict.     Masaryk University | IN: 00216224 Central European Institute of Technology Kamenice 753/5, CZ-62500 Brno, Czech Republic | Communication:   IS   MUNI   system   will   be   used   to   publicize   this   seminar   series   to   the   respective   academics/PhD   students   together   with   the   individual   mailing   lists   handled   by   the   seminar   series   administrator.  A  poster  for  each  semester  will  be  published  ahead  of  time.       Funding:  In  2015  the  Seminar  Series  will  be  funded  from  funds  of  the  Central  CEITEC  office  allocated  for   the  CEITEC  Focus  Area  activities  and  by  ICRC  from  the  ICRC-­‐ERA-­‐HumanBridge  project.  In  future  years  it  is   planned  that  it  will  become  part  of  one  of  upcoming  OP  VVV  project  for  2016-­‐2020.     Scientific  contacts:     Vítězslav  Bryja,  Faculty  of  Science  (     Alena  Damborská,  Brain  and  Mind  Research,  CEITEC  (     Lumír  Krejčí,  Faculty  of  Medicine  (     Mary  O’Connell,  ERA  Chair,  Molecular  Medicine,  CEITEC  (     Karel  Říha,  Genomics  and  Proteomics  of  Plant  Systems,  CEITEC  (     Vladimír   Sklenář,   Structural   Biology,   CEITEC   (,   MU   Life   Sciences   Seminar  Series  coordinator       Administrator  contact:     Gita  Jančaříková,  Structural  Biology,  CEITEC  (