Introduction to supergravity 2015: Exercise 8. Institute for Theoretical Physics, Masaryk University, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic The bosonic sector of the generic coupling of a chiral superfield to supergravity (with no higher derivatives) is [1] e−1 L = − 1 2 R − KA ¯A∂A∂ ¯A − eK 1 KA ¯A (WA + KAW)( ¯W ¯A + K ¯A ¯W) − 3W ¯W . (1) The Polonyi model is given by K = Φ¯Φ W = µ(Φ + β). (2) If we set β = 2 − √ 3 (3) we saw that the model has a supersymmetry breaking vacuum with vanishing vacuum energy [2]. 1. Find the scalar potential for the Polonyi model with generic β. 2. Verify that for β = 2 − √ 3 supersymmetry is broken and that the vacuum is Minkowski. 3. Investigate what happens for small deviations from β = 2− √ 3: What happens if β 2− √ 3 or β 2 − √ 3? Is supersymmetry broken? What is the vacuum energy? References [1] J. Wess and J. Bagger, “Supersymmetry and supergravity,” Princeton, USA: Univ. Pr. (1992). [2] J. Polonyi, “Generalization of the massive scalar multiplet coupling to the supergravity,” Hungary Central Inst. Res. - KFKI-1977-93. 1