Introduction to supergravity 2015: Exercise 9. Institute for Theoretical Physics, Masaryk University, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic Our conventions can be found in [1], and we work with the Lagrangian L = d4 θ ¯ΦeV Φ + 1 4g2 d2 θ Wα (V )Wα(V ) + c.c. + 2ξ d4 θ V (1) where Wα(V ) = − 1 4 ¯D2 DαV (2) and g is the dimensionless gauge coupling and ξ is a constant of dimension [ξ] = 2. When we turn to WZ gauge, the exponential becomes eV |WZ = 1 + V + 1 2 V 2 . (3) 1. Write the component form of (1) in the WZ gauge. Write both the fermionic and the bosonic sector. 2. Integrate out the auxiliary fields, and write down the full model. 3. What happens for ξ > 0? What happens for ξ = 0? What happens for ξ < 0? References [1] J. Wess and J. Bagger, “Supersymmetry and supergravity,” Princeton, USA: Univ. Pr. (1992). 1