22/03/2016 1 POPULATION GENETICS I. GENETIC DIVERSITY 17 March 2016 I. GENETIC DIVERSITY – ANALYSIS OF SINGLE POPULATIONS SPECIES SUBPOPULATIONS POPULATIONS 22/03/2016 2 POPULATION and problems of definition • a population is a group of interbreeding indiviuals that exist together in time and space • to develop the basic concepts of population genetics, we initially consider the ideal population = large, random- mating ALLELE FREQUENCY • proportion of an allele in comparison to all the others alleles of the same locus (gene) in a population sample • basic characteristics for genetic diversity (variation) of a population • population genetics studies genetic diversity and processes that have created it and influence it – i.e. the dynamics of distribution and frequency of alleles (genotypes → phenotypes), i.e. processes shaping evolution: increase of gen. diversity: mutation and migration decrease of gen. diversity: genetic drift (and natural selection) 22/03/2016 3 1. substitutions (transitions, transversions) non-coding regions synonymous nonsynonymous missense nonsense = silent substitutionsGTC  GTA Val  Val GTC  TTC Val  Phe AAG  TAG Lys  ochre (stop) MUTATIONS = indels  frameshift mutations 2. insertion ACGGT  ACAGGT deletion ACGGT  AGGT increase genetic diversity responsible for variation/heterogeneity in populations – essential to evolution Mutation rate – rate at which number of various types of mutations occur in a given position over time OBSERVATION Callimorpha dominula přástevník hluchavkový Scarlet tiger moth 22/03/2016 4 OBSERVATION Callimorpha dominula přástevník hluchavkový Scarlet tiger moth Genotype and allele frequency Genotype A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 Total Number n1 n2 n3 N Frequency P=n1/N Q=n2/N R=n3/N p = (2n1 + n2)/2N q = (n2 + 2n3)/2N Relative numbers = frequencies: genotype f.: P (GAA), Q (GAa), R (Gaa) allele (gene) f.: p (A), q (a) P + Q + R = 1 p + q = 1 22/03/2016 5 Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) Allele Allele frequency A p a q Ex. Single locus with 2 alleles p + q = 1 p, q - Allele frequencies known from our samples Genotype Expected genotype frequency AA p2 Aa 2pq aa q2 = Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium  Observed genotype frequencies (Ho) are known from our samples  deviation of Ho from HWE conditions  for example 2 test Expected heterozygosity, (He) under HWE He=1-(p2+q2) ..... for 1 locus with the allele frequencies p and q Assumptions for ideal population in HWE • random-mating • negligible effect of mutations and migration („closed populations“) • infinitely large population (negligible effect of random fluctuations in allele frequencies in time – genetic drift) – in HWE population the allele frequencies are stable = do not change between generations • Mendelian inheritance of the analysed loci • neutral loci – not under selection • diploid, sexually reproducing organisms with discrete generations • loci are independent from each other – test for „linkage disequilibrium“ 2 loci physically close to each other (decreased probability of recombination - linkage disequilibrium) vs. 2 loci physically distant (probability of recombination not influenced - linkage equilibrium) or 22/03/2016 6 LINKAGE DISEQUILIBRIUM (LD) loci in LINKAGE EQUILIBRIUM – segregate independently of each other during meiosis the most common reason for non-random association among loci (LD) is the proximity of two loci on a chromosome (others e.g. small pop. size – gen. drift, immigration, overlapping generations, admixture, etc.) in presence of LD: we have fewer independent loci for our genetic analysis than anticipated neutral loci (alleles) linked to selected ones will appear non-neutral presence of LD needs to be tested when analysing data from multiple loci haplotype diversity – p(AB) ≠ p(A) x p(B) 22/03/2016 7 Example of genetic diversity estimation in a sample of 4 individuals (on 4 loci) Individual Locus 1 Locus 2 Locus 3 Locus 4 Average Ind 1 170/170 223/227 116/116 316/316 Ind 2 170/172 223/225 112/112 316/316 Ind 3 172/172 223/225 112/112 316/316 Ind 4 170/172 223/227 112/112 316/316 Počet alel 2 3 2 1 2 Ho 0,5 1,00 0 0 0,375 p 0,5 p = 0,5 0,75 1,00 q 0,5 q = 0,25 r = 0,25 0,25 0 He 0,5 0,625 0,375 0 0,375 He=1-(p2+q2) He=1-(p2+q2+r2) Proportion of polymorphic loci (polymorphism) = 0,75 Callimorpha dominula přástevník hluchavkový Scarlet tiger moth Is our population in HWE? 22/03/2016 8 Is our population in HWE? Deviation from HWE • HWE test – e.g. Genepop software („exact probability tests“) – any case of significant deviations from HWE indicates that some of HWE assumptions were not fulfilled → detailed inspection required: • heterozygote excess – negative assortative mating (i.e. intentional mating of distinct individuals) – used loci are advantageous in heterozygote situation (= balancing selection favouring heterozygotes, e.g. MHC genes) – mutation – migration • heterozygote deficit – inbreeding (all loci are equally affected), assortative mating – genetic structure in populations – null alleles (only some loci affected by heterozygote deficit ) 22/03/2016 9 Quantifying genetic diversity Polymorfism (proportion of polymorphic loci) - P • polymorphic locus = with at least two alleles with having frequency of more numerous allele being less or equal 0.95 (or 0.99) • e.g. a population sample with four polymorphic loci out of five → P = 0.8 Number of alleles - Na • number of alleles per locus (mean over loci) Allelic richness - Ar • number of alleles corrected for sample size (rarefaction method e.g. in FSTAT software) Observed heterozygosity - Ho • observed frequency of heterozygote genotypes (mean over loci) Sample size Numberofalleles Ar Na HAPLOID DIVERSITY • genetic diversity for haploid data HAPLOTYPE DIVERSITY (h; Nei et Tajima 1981) – frequency of different haplotypes NUCLEOTIDE DIVERSITY (π; Nei 1987) – quantifies the mean nucleotide divergence between sequences – probability that two randomly chosen homologous nucleotides will be identical xi and xj – respective frequencies of the ith and jth sequences πij – number of nucleotide differences per nucleotide site between the ith and jth sequences xi –haplotype frequency of each haplotype in the sample N – sample size 22/03/2016 10 WHAT INFLUENCES GENETIC DIVERSITY? • influenced by a multitude of factors • varies considerably between populations MOST IMPORTANT DETERMINANTS OF GENETIC DIVERSITY:  genetic drift population bottlenecks natural selection methods of reproduction GENETIC DRIFT population not infinitely large → population not in HWE → increase of influence of CHANCE → allele freqencies vary between generations in absence of selection, each allele goes to: 1. fixation 2. extinction more quickly in smaller populations genetic drift – process causing a population´s allele frequencies to change from one generation to the next as a result of CHANCE DECREASE of genetic diversity 22/03/2016 11 GENETIC DRIFT very profound effect of genetic drift in small populations – founder effect, bottleneck inextricable link between genetic drift and population size – the effective population size Founder effect 22/03/2016 12 Bottleneck Ne – effective population size 22/03/2016 13 Ne – effective population size vs. Nc – census population size (may be estimated from Ne – see Luikart et al. 2010 Conserv Genet) all else being equal, LARGE pops are MORE LIKELY to survive than small pops Ne – reflects the rate at which genetic diversity will be lost following genetic drift (this rate is inversely proportional to a population´s Ne) single-sample estimators of Ne – level of LD due to drift double sample estimators of Ne – temporal changes in allele frequencies due to genetic drift Freeland et al. 2011 OVERVIEW