LETTER doi: 10.1038/natu re 13873 The neural representation of taste quality at the periphery Robert P. J. Barretto1, Sarah Gillis-Smith1, Jayaram Chandrashekar2, David A. Yarmolinsky1, Mark J. Schnitzer3, Nicholas J. P. Ryba4 & Charles S. Zuker1'2 The mammalian taste system is responsible for sensing and responding to the five basic taste qualities: sweet, sour, bitter, salty and u mam i. Previously, we showed that each taste is detected by dedicated taste receptor cells (TRCs) on the tongue and palate epithelium1. To understand how TRCs transmit information to higher neural centres, we examined the tuning properties of large ensembles of neurons in the first neural station of the gustatory system. Here, we generated and characterized a collection of transgenic mice expressing a genetically encoded calcium indicator2 in central and peripheral neurons, and used a gradient refractive index microendoscope3 combined with high-resolution two-photon microscopy to image taste responses from ganglion neurons buried deep at the base of the brain. Our results reveal fine selectivity in the taste preference of ganglion neurons; demonstrate a strong match between TRCs in the tongue and the principal neural afferents relaying taste information to the brain; and expose the highly specific transfer of taste information between taste cells and the central nervous system. In mammals, taste receptor cells are assembled into taste buds that are distributed in different papillae in the tongue epithelium. Taste buds are innervated by afferent fibres that transmit information to the primary taste cortex through synapses in the brainstem and thalamus4. In the simplest model of taste coding at the periphery, each quality, encoded by a unique population of TRCs expressing specific receptors (for example, sweet cells, bitter cells, and so on), would connect to a matching set of ganglion neurons. Notably, although TRCs are tuned to preferred taste qualities5-8, the nature of their functional 'handshake' with the nervous system has been a matter of significant debate1-4-910. We reasoned that this fundamental question could now be resolved by directly examining the tuning properties of taste ganglion neurons. We focused on the geniculate ganglion, as its neurons innervate all taste buds in the front of the tongue and palate1, and opted to use two-photon calcium imaging to monitor tastant-evoked neural activity in vivo. This strategy, however, required the solution of two technical challenges: first, the ganglion is located in a bony capsule under the brain, some 4 mm from the surface, far beyond the reach of conventional microscopy; and second, geniculate ganglion neurons would have to be loaded with sensors of neuronal activity that can report function with good temporal, spatial and dynamic range. To solve the first challenge, we implemented the use of two-photon microendoscopy, where a gradient refractive index (GRIN) lens is used as an optical extension device3. The GCaMP family of genetically encoded calcium sensors are an attractive tool to solve the challenge of indicator loading2, yet there were no suitable mouse lines or drivers appropriate for targeting geniculate ganglion neurons. Therefore, we generated a collection of 40 mouse lines expressing GCaMP32 driven by Thyl (Fig. la), a neuronal promoter highly sensitive to position effects11, and screened for those that express the sensor in most geniculate ganglion neurons (Fig. lb). Line 1 had essentially complete labelling of geniculate ganglion neurons (Fig. lc), and stimulation of the ganglia ex vivo produced reliable calcium-dependent fluorescence changes (Fig. Id). To take advantage of the more recent versions of GCaMP12-13, we subsequently developed a viral infection approach that efficiently labels geniculate ganglion neurons via retrograde transfer of the virus from their terminal fields in the nucleus of the solitary tract (see Methods for details). To visualize geniculate ganglion neurons in live mice, we exposed a small ventral window into the ganglion (Fig. 2a), and carefully positioned a GRIN lens (1 mm diameter X 3.8 mm length) directly onto the tissue (Fig. 2b). This two-photon imaging configuration allowed unencumbered access to the entire ganglion, and enabled the investigation of the geniculate ganglion at sufficient numerical aperture (—0.45 NA) so as to detect GCaMP-dependent fluorescence changes (Fig. 2c, d). a Thy1.2 la lb -//- \_/ b 01 36 13 t|j 30 !/«• v* I * A » • WAV* Nissl *t •-GCaMP3 Figure 1 Thyl-GCaMP3 transgenic mice express functional GCaMP3 in taste ganglion cells, a, Structure of the Thyl.2-GCaMP3 construct11, b, Whole-mount confocal images of geniculate ganglion from eight transgenic lines (top right) shows GCaMP3 expression in varying subsets of neurons, c, Line 1, used in our studies, expresses GCaMP3 in nearly all neurons (>90%, n = 6); compare Nissl staining (red) versus GCaMP3 fluorescence (green), d, Ex vivo calcium imaging of a geniculate from line 1 illustrating strong GCaMP3 responses to a test depolarizing solution (KC1, 500 mM); over 75% of imaged neurons responded with AF/F greater than 100% (n = 25 cells, mean ± quartiles). Scale bars, 100 urn. toward Hughes Medical Institute and Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics and of Neuroscience, Columbia Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York 10032, USA.2Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ash burn, Virginia 20147, USA. 3James H. Clark Center, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA. 4National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. 00 MONTH 2014 I VOL 0 0 0 I NATURE I 1 ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved RESEARCH Microscope objective Microendoscope ^^^^^^^^^ 1 -JV^V^rv^A. Figure 2 Jn vivo two-photon microendoscopy of the geniculate ganglion. a, Diagram illustrating optical access to the geniculate ganglion. A 1 -mm GRIN microendoscope3 was guided into the surgical opening, and imaged using two-photon microscopy, b, Bright-field image through the microendoscope (left), showing individual GCaMP-labelled neurons (right), c, Images of a ganglion with 25 GCaMP3 labelled neurons responding to sweet (acesulfame K, 30 mM), bitter (quinine, 5 mM), sour (citric acid, 50 mM) and salt (NaCl, 60 mM) tastants. Fluorescence amplitudes were pseudo-coloured according to AF/F (scale at right), d, Traces from six separate neurons (numbered in c) illustrating the time course of amplitude changes in GCaMP3 signals after sour stimulation. Horizontal bars mark the time and duration of the stimulus (inter-stimulus interval was 8 s). Scale bars: a, 4 mm; b, 200 urn and 50 urn (magnification). We assessed the responses of geniculate ganglion neurons to tastants using a range of stimulus paradigms that included the five basic taste qualities at concentrations that evoke strong behavioural and nerve responses8 (Extended Data Fig. 1). For most recordings the tongue was exposed to a 6.5-s pre-stimulus application of artificial saliva, a 2-s exposure to a test tastant, and a 6.5-s artificial saliva post-stimulus wash. Each session included a minimum of four trials per tastant, and a neuron was classified as a responder if it exhibited statistically significant responses in at least 50% of the trials (see Methods and Extended Data Table 1 for details). In the tongue, sweet and umami tastes are mediated by a small family of three G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that combine to form two heteromeric receptors: T1R1 and T1R3 for umami81415 and T1R2 and Tl R3 for sweet814. Bitters are detected by a family of approximately three-dozen GPCRs, the T2Rs16, and sour and sodium taste are sensed by ion channel receptors5-6. Given a palette of five different tastes, and all possible neuronal tuning combinations, there are a total of 31 potential neuronal classes: for example, five of these would be tuned to single taste qualities (one for each of the five basic tastes), ten doubly tuned, ten classes responding to three tastes, five to four tastes and a single class tuned to all five tastes. This raises the question of how taste is represented in the ganglion. We focused on a standard set of stimuli representing the five basic qualities: sweet-responding neurons were identified using sucrose, bitter with either quinine or cycloheximide, salt by stimulating with NaCl, sour with citric acid, and umami with monopotassium glutamate plus inosine monophosphate. Tastant stimulation of the tongue elicited strong calcium transients in subsets of ganglion neurons (Fig. 2c, d). The responses were robust, reliable (Extended Data Fig. 2) and specific (Fig. 3 and Extended Data Fig. 3). For example, salt responses showed the expected blockage by amiloride5 (Fig. 3c and Extended Data Fig. 3e), bitter responses were blocked by allyl isothiocyanate (AITC)17 (Fig. 3d and Extended Data Fig. 3f), sweet/umami responses were abolished in knockouts of the T1R3 receptor subunit8 (Fig. 3e), and acid responses displayed the appropriate sensitivity to PKD2Ll-cell silencing17 (Extended Data Fig. 4). We examined the reproducibility of the taste-evoked responses by measuring variability across trials and, on average, cells responded in at least 75% of the trials (Extended Data Fig. 2). We analysed nearly 1,000 neurons exhibiting tastant-evoked activity: 443 of these were derived from 15 Thyl-GCaMP3 mice and 432 from 14 AAV-GCaMP6 animals (see Extended Data Table 1); we also included approximately 50 cells each from AAV-GCaMP3 and AAV-GCaMP5 pilot experiments. Our data demonstrate that the vast majority of the responding neurons are strongly activated by only one taste quality, and thus exhibit highly A.-- *v* J** a*r JL.---v- •--S. »_ A__ 10s I 50% Jl nmt 2) for at least one fluorescence decay constant (for example, 650 ms for GCaMP3). In both manual and automated cases, we defined transients as tastant-evoked if their onsets occurred between the start of tastant delivery and the two seconds after the end of tastant delivery. Transient onsets varied across animals and are believed to be due to factors associated with tastant arrival: placement of the tube within the oral cavity, tastant flow rate, and location of TRCs relative to the flow. Cells were classified as tastant-responsive if they responded in at least 50% of presentations for a given tastant. Finally, these cells were grouped by their responses to the five basic qualities (any of 31 potential categories, see text). Any category in which the number of contained cells was less than 1% of the total population was excluded from analysis (Fig. 4). 24. Zaidi, F. N. & Whitehead, M. C. Discrete innervation of murine taste buds by peripheral taste neurons. J. Neurosci. 26,8243-8253 (2006). 25. Barretto, R. P. ef al. Time-lapse imaging of disease progression in deep brain areas using fluorescence microendoscopy. Nature Med. 17, 223-228 (2011). 26. Sollars, S. I. & Hill, D. L. In vivo recordings from rat geniculate ganglia: taste response properties of individual greater superficial petrosal and chorda tympani neurones. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 564,877-893 (2005). 27. Thevenaz, P., Ruttimann, U. E. & Unser, M. A pyramid approach to subpixel registration based on intensity. IEEE Trans. Image Process. 7, 27-41 (1998). 28. Mukamel, E. A., Nimmerjahn, A. &Schnitzer, M.J. Automated analysis of cellular signals from large-scale calcium imaging data. Neuron 63, 747-760 (2009). 29. Rousseeuw, P. J.&Croux, C. Alternatives to the median absolute deviation. J. Am. Stat Assoc. 88,1273-1283 (1993). 30. Hyman, A. M.& Frank, M. E. Effects of binary taste stimuli on the neural activity of the hamster chorda tympani. J. Gen. Physiol. 76, 125-142 (1980). ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved RESEARCH NaCI Bitter Sour Sweet Umami 200 Wildtype Thy1-GCaMP3 t 20s " 100 Wildtype Thy1-GCaMP3 Ii Extended Data Figure 1 Thyl-GCaMP3 mice show normal physiological responses to tastants. a, Representative nerve recording traces from control and Thyl-GCaMP3 mice in response to various tastants (see Methods for details), b, Quantification of neural responses (mean + s.e.m.) show that Thyl-GCaMP3 mice (n = 4) are indistinguishable from wild-type mice (n = 3; Student's f-test; NaCI, P = 0.85; bitter, P = 0.46; sour, P = 0.94; sweet, P = 0.69; umami, P = 0.77). Recordings were normalized to responses to KC1 (500 mM). Horizontal bars below the traces mark the time and duration of the stimulus. ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved IIIHHil RESEARCH Sweet Bitter 80 40 Sweet responses IL 4 3 2 1 Bitter responses ~l o CO CO mi Extended Data Figure 2 Reproducibility of tastant-evoked responses in geniculate ganglion neurons, a, Representative images of calcium-evoked GCaMP3 activity in response to sweet (left) and bitter (right) stimulation. Four relative fluorescence images are shown from separate trials. In each trial, the identical cell populations were activated, b, We tested 105 sweet responding cells and 168 bitter responding cells for their reproducibility in our automated scoring algorithm for four trials. The histograms show the number of times the cells respond all four times, three out of four, two out of four, and one out of four, c, Sample traces of four representative neurons challenged with 50 trials of the same tastant over a time window of 10 min. Note the high reliability in the activation of the neurons. This experiment also illustrates the desensitization of bitter neurons (bottom traces) over time. Horizontal bars below the traces mark the time and duration of the stimulus. ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved RESEARCH e 100 Extended Data Figure 3 Quantification of taste ganglion responses. a-d, Rank-ordered plot of calcium transient amplitudes for various singly tuned ganglion neurons (see text and Fig. 3). For each cell, the mean response amplitudes for preferred stimulus (red) and the mean amplitude of its next-strongest tastant response (grey) are shown; minor dots indicate individual trial amplitudes, e, Quantification of mean response amplitudes in singly tuned salt ganglion neurons before and after amiloride treatment (10 uM, n = 23 cells; paired f-test, P < 0.001). f, Quantification of mean response amplitudes in singly tuned bitter cells before and after AITC treatment17 (3 mM, n = 63 cells; paired f-test, P < 0.001). ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved IIIHHil RESEARCH Control PKD2L1-TeNT Extended Data Figure 4 Bitter-sour ganglion cells receive taste information from bitter T2R-expressing cells. Distribution of bitter, sour, and bitter-sour ganglion cells in a sample of control animals (n = 4) and in animals expressing tetanus toxin in PKD2Ll-expressing TRCs (PKD2L1-TeNT; n = 3). As expected, no cells responsive to citric acid (50 mM) are 20 CD O & 10 + AITC <9 J- detected in PKD2Ll-TeNT mice17. However, bitter-sour cells are unaffected responding cells. (see Fig. 4), suggesting that activation of T2R-expressing TRCs mediates these acidic responses. As predicted, subsequent application of the bitter TRC inactivator AITC17 abolishes bitter responses of the bitter ganglion neurons, as well as the bitter and sour responses in the bitter-sour cells. Note that the solid bars showing less than 1 cell are used to illustrate the lack of ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved RESEARCH AAV GCaMP6s Thy1 GCaMP3 I Extended Data Figure 5 Representation of taste quality does not cluster within the geniculate ganglion, a, Two-photon endoscopic image (left) of a geniculate ganglion expressing GCaMP3. Highlighted are the locations of the facial (VII) and greater superficial petrosal (GSP) cranial nerves. The right panel shows approximately 50 neurons colour-coded according to their taste preference in this field. Sour, yellow; sweet, magenta; NaCl, green; bitter, cyan. Scale bar, 200 urn. b, Representative fields of the geniculate ganglion from 6 different mice. The random distribution of neurons representing the various taste qualities is independent of sensor, or method of sensor delivery/expression (AAV-GCaMP6 or Thyl-GCaMP3); colour scheme same as for a. ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved IIIHHil RESEARCH 'Bitter + Sweet Sweet; NaCI + Sweet I CI + Sour „ 0.4 tu tu w 0.2 + 0.8 S 04 0.2 0.4 Bitter 0.4 Sweet 0.8 Extended Data Figure 6 | Representation of taste mixtures, a, Imaging fields of three representative geniculate ganglia illustrating the ensembles of neurons recruited by two different single taste stimuli presented separately (left panels) versus the ensemble of neurons activated by a mixture of the two compounds presented together (right panels). See text for details; as expected there are no mixture-specific responders, and very few cells responded to each tastant in the mix: only 3 out of 113 cells examined with bitter + sweet responded to both tastants, 5 out of 301 cells examined with sour + salty responded to both, and 0 of 39 examined with salty + sweet responded to both tastants. We note that sour stimuli are known to suppress sweet responses30, but such suppression is sweet-cell autonomous and not due to interactions between 0.5 w 0.25 + O -5 0.5 »*• 0.25 0.5 NaCI 0.5 Sour sweet and sour TRCs (data not shown), b, To quantitatively examine the impact of taste mixes on the responses of individual ganglion neurons, we analysed their response amplitudes in the presence of the single tastant versus the binary mix. Shown are plots of response amplitudes of a representative set of bitter, sweet, salty and sour geniculate neurons stimulated with their selective tastant (xaxis) versus their response amplitude when in the presence of an additional tastant (as indicated in the}'axis; shown are average AF/F over 4 trials). 95% confidence intervals were determined using a ratio f-test: bitter + sweet/bitter, 0.73-0.91; sweet + bitter/sweet, 1.15-1.34; NaCI + sour/NaCl 0.74-1.00; sour + NaCl/sour, 0.95-1.16. ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved RESEARCH Extended Data Table 1 | Shown are the numbers of responding neurons analysed in each of the 14 AAV-GCaMP6s and 15 Thyl-GCaMP3 mice AAV-GCaMP6s Animal Responding Cells Animal Responding Cells Animal Responding Cells 1 70 2 57 3 51 4 28 5 25 6 25 7 24 8 21 9 19 10 17 11 12 12 10 13 10 14 9 Thy1-GCaMP3 Animal Responding Cells Animal Responding Cells Animal Responding Cells 1 91 2 66 3 31 4 30 5 26 6 26 7 24 8 24 9 22 10 21 11 21 12 18 13 15 14 8 15 8 ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved IIIHHil RESEARCH Extended Data Table 2 | The distribution of 971 taste ganglion neurons according to their responses to each of the five basic taste qualities Response profile Number of Cells NaCI 204 Bitter 168 Sour 152 Sweet 105 Umami 32 Bitter - sour 125 Sweet - umami 32 Sweet - NaCI 32 Sweet - sour 17 Sweet - bitter 14 Bitter - NaCI 12 NaCI - sour 11 NaCI - umami 8 Sweet - bitter - sour 8 Bitter - NaCI - sour 7 Sweet - NaCI - umami 6 Bitter - sour - umami 6 Sweet - sour - umami 5 Sweet - bitter - sour - umami 5 Bitter - umami 4 Sweet - bitter - umami 3 Sweet - NaCI - sour 3 Bitter - NaCI - sour - umami 3 NaCI - sour - umami 2 Sweet - bitter - NaCI 2 Sweet - bitter - NaCI - sour 2 Sweet - NaCI - sour - umami 2 Bitter - NaCI - umami 1 All the data showing responses in at least 1% of the total population (above horizontal line) are included in Fig. 4 (those below 1% were found on average in less than 1 in 4 animals). Note that bitter-sour-tuned neurons reflect the activation of T2R-expressingTRCs (see text and Methods for details). ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved