1 LASER-ASSISTED PLASMA SPECTROMETRY IN THE ANALYSIS OF TECHNOLOGICAL, GEOLOGICAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES Viktor Kanický Laboratory of Atomic Spectrochemistry, Division of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 2 • Principles and instrumentation of laser assisted plasma spectrometry • Applications – Imaging of 2D-distribution of elements – Determination of average composition (bulk analysis) OUTLINE 1 3 1. What is laser assisted plasma spectrometry? 2. Applications: i. technological materials; ii. geology; iii. archaeology; iv. environmental. OUTLINE 2 4 What is laser assisted plasma spectrometry? • Interaction of pulsed (nanosecond, fs) laser focused beam with solids at high laser power density (~109 W/cm2) causes rapid release of material from the surface and near-surface layer – laser ablation • Laser ablation results from rapid heating of sub-surface volume ⇒ high pressure of vaporized sub–surface material brings about surface layer explosion. Besides, melting occurs. • Released matter consists of aerosol, vapour, atoms&ions. Laser ablation processes 5 • Besides, ambient gas is ionized and forms together with ionized sample microplasma • Laser radiation is partly absorbed in microplasma ⇒ energy transfer to atoms and ions occurs • Absorbing microplasma existing for μ-seconds shields sample surface – attenuation of laser beam power applied to a sample – efficiency decreases ⇒ contribution of thermal effects ⇒ undesired melting ⇒ fractionation of elements (boiling temperatures) • Microplasma existing for μ-seconds in contact with sample heats surface ⇒ undesired melting ⇒ fractionation of elements (boiling temperatures). Laser ablation processes 6 • Heating of gas induces shock wave (pressure, acoustic effect), microplasma expands and extinguishes • Cooling of microplasma causes condensation of vapours into fine aerosol droplets and solidification of liquid droplets into coarse particles ⇒ different composition ⇒ fractionation of elements • Some particles (coarse, liquid droplets) fall around crater „ejecta“ • Aerosol is possible to transport with carrier gas into ICP with detection either radiation (LA-ICP-OES) or ions (LA- ICP-MS) • Radiation of analytes in microplasma is measured (LIBS) Laser ablation processes 7 Laser ablation process: a) laser – sample interaction; b) plasma and sample creation; c) plasma cooling effect; d) rim deposition Laser ablation T. Čtvrtníčková: PhD Dissertation, Masaryk University, 2008 8 • Laser assisted plasma spectrometry – Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry: LA-ICP-MS – Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry: LA-ICP-OES – Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometry: LIBS 9 Laser beam Laser Ablation Deposited material Crater Solid sample Cracking of material Shock wave Heating, melting, vaporisation, explosion Absorption of radiation in plasma Vaporisation Atomisation Excitation Ionisation Atoms, ions, clusters, aerosol LM-OES, LIBS Aerosol ICP-OES ICP-MS Microplasma Emission hν 10 LA-ICP-MS/OES [R.E. Russo, X. Mao, H. Liu, J. Gonzalez, S.S. Mao, Review, Talanta 57 (2002) 425–451] 11 positioning x-y ICP discharge ~ ionization source for MS ~ emission source for OES Focusing 0-25 mm below the sample surface 0.7 l/min Ar (+ He), ICP-OES 0.8 l/min Ar + 1.5 l/min He, ICP-MS lens laser LA-ICP-MS/OES ablation cell sample Nd:YAG laser 1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm, 213 nm, 193 nm Pulse duration 4.4 ns Frequency 1-20 Hz ArF* laser 193 nm Pulse duration 20 ns Frequency 1-20 Hz 12 Ar laser camera mirror lens cell tubing displacement x-y-z sample zoom ICP Localized analysis: laser ablation system 13 LA-ICP-MS instrumentation LAS, Masaryk University, Brno Nd:YAG laser UP-213 (New Wave Resaerch) ICP-MS Agilent 7500ce 213 nm frequency: 1-20 Hz pulse: 4.2 ns spot size 4-300 µm generator 27.12 MHz collision cell quadrupole mass filter electron multiplier 14 T. Čtvrtníčková: PhD Dissertation, Masaryk University, 2008 LIBS 15 LIBS arrangement K. Novotný, Masaryk University 16 LIBS – optimum delay time Optimum delay time selection from signal and background intensity dependence on delay time, Al (I) 396.152 nm, background 397.5 nm; 266 nm laser (4th harmonics) T. Čtvrtníčková: PhD Dissertation, Masaryk University, 2008 17 T. Čtvrtníčková: PhD Dissertation, Masaryk University, 2008 orthogonal, re-heating mode Double-pulse LIBS K. Novotný: Masaryk University • monochromator Jobin - Yvon TRIAX, optical fiber, • CCD Jobin Yvon Horiba, • gated photomultiplier Hamamatsu 18 Double pulse LIBS The temporal history of LIBS Plasma – double pulse. The delay between the pulses (interpulse separation) is Δt, the delay to the opening of the window (delay time) td and window length (integration time) is tb 19 K. Novotný, Masaryk University Double–pulse orthogonal configuration in reheating mode 20 21 Double pulse LIBS 266 nm Optical bundle 1064 nm A. Hrdlička, L. Prokeš, V. Konečná, K. Novotný, V. Kanický, V. Otruba K. Novotný, J. Novotný, J. Kaizer, R. Malina, M. Galiová, V.Otruba, V.K. 22 Laser-assisted analysis of solids • Features of laser ablation based techniques  Elimination of decomposition for solution analysis  Elimination of water, O, N, S, Cl from acids; resulting species cause spectral interferences in ICP-MS  Universal: electric conductors, non(semi)conductors  Non-destructive: material removing from the area 10 µm2 to 1mm2 to the depth cca 0.01-0.1µm/laser pulse  2D-3D „speciation”: preserves information on spatial distribution of elements 23 Priorities of laser-assisted plasma spectroscopy 1) Analysis of surfaces and coatings: xy - local analysis, microanalysis, areal mapping (mineralogical sections, inhomogeneities in steel) 2) Depth profiling of multi-layer advanced materials or natural structured objects (xyz resolution) 3) Bulk analysis:  Compact samples (steel, alloys, glass, ceramics)  Powdered samples:  pressed pellets with or without a binder,  cast pellets with e.g. epoxy resin, polyurethane … ,  melted with fusing agents for XRF  cast pearls 24 • Laser wavelength. • Pulse energy. • Focus position relative to surface. • Laser repetition rate. • Crater diameter/depth (aspect ratio). Influencing parameters 25 Critical parameters of LA • Depth profiling, mapping, local analysis: – Laser beam profile, spot size, aspect ratio, • Bulk analysis: – Powders: pellet preparation, cohesion and homogeneity, easy calibration – Compacts: no preparation, homogeneity, lack of calibration samples • Wavelength (UVIR) vs fractionation • Pulse duration (fsns) vs fractionation Features important for particular tasks 26 Effect of laser wavelength  Infrared laser: Nd:YAG 1064 nm  Strongly absorbing microplasma, long interaction  thermal effects  selective volatilisation, fractionation  Ultraviolet laser: ArF* 193 nm, Nd:YAG 266 nm or 193 nm  Short interaction, minimum thermal effects, minimum fractionation 27 Applications 28 • Analysis of technological materials for nuclear power plants – Study of corrosion of structural materials for cooling circuits of nuclear reactors by cooling media molten fluoride salts – Study of reaction of CO2 with Na as nuclear reactor cooling media Technological samples 29 CORROSION OF COOLING CIRCUIT STRUCTURAL MATERIALS OF NUCLEAR REACTORS BY COOLING MEDIA - MOLTEN FLUORIDE SALTS Nuclear power station Temelín Czech Republic Nuclear power station Dukovany Czech Republic 30 Molten fluoride salts Development of new types of reactors: • Transmutor – reactor exploiting a substantial part of the long-term nuclear wastes for transfer into useful power; cooling medium – molten fluoride mixture (LiF-NaF) attacks a surface of piping and heat exchanger parts => corrosion processes study of sample surface by means of LA-ICP-MS • 3 structural materials for piping and heat exchangers parts are examined:  pure Ni,  Ni-based alloy,  pure Fe with Ni-coating 31 Molten fluoride salts 2. Pressure and vacuum system 3. Oven for heating of ampoules 4. Measuring & control system 1 3 2 1. Ampoules with samples of structural material and salt 4 32 Molten fluoride salts Sample is placed into ampoule which is filled with molten fluoride salts for the duration of 112 and 351 hours, respectively 33 Molten fluoride salts LA-ICP-MS experiments: laser wavelength – 213 nm, laser spot size – 6 µm, repetition rate 20 Hz, laser power energy density 14 J cm-2, scan rate 6 µm s-1 Steep increase of Ni signal means the start of sample surface and drop of Na signal to background value means end of affected zone. Difference between these two values give a thickness of affected zone. Start of sample surface is marked as „0“. 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 -100 0 100 200 300 distance [m] ICP-MSsignal Na23 Al27 Mn55 Ni60 Cu65 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 1000000000 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 distance [m] ICP-MSsignal Na23 Al27 Cr53 Ni60 Mo95 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 -100 0 100 200 300 400 distance [m] ICP-MSsignal Na23 Al27 Mn55 Fe57 Ni60 Cu65 Sample Ni201 112 h Ni201 351 h A071EV 112 h A071EV 351 h Ni-coating 112 h Ni-coating 351 h Thickness [m] 54 63 144 162 63 81 pure Ni Ni-based alloy pure Fe with Ni-coating 34 2D maps of corrosion of surface – testingf ampoules 35 • Sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) – Generation IV of nuclear reactors; cooling medium – liquid sodium; heat is transferred from sodium circuit in heat exchanger to CO2 . Possible reaction of sodium with CO2 at elevated temperatures is experimentally studied => determination of carbon in sodium by means of LA-ICP-OES and ICP-OES REACTION OF CO2 WITH SODIUM NUCLEAR REACTOR COOLING MEDIA T. Vaculovič*, V. Kanický, O.Matal 36 Molten Na-CO2 interaction A new apparatus was designed for sodium melting under CO2 atmosphere at high temperature. Apparatus is placed into glove box with CO2 atmosphere. Furnace is heated up to 300, 350 and 450 °C, respectively. 180 minutes of melting + 120 min cooling down Two ways of carbon content determination 1. Laser ablation of solidified sodium with ICP-OES detection (calibration pellets with two types of matrix – NaCl and Na2B4O7*10 H2O) 2. Dissolution of solidified sodium with water vapor – nebulization into ICP-OES (calibration solution with NaCl, NaNO3 and NaOH matrices) 37 Molten Na-CO2 interaction y = 0.0087x + 9.2548 R2 = 0.9675 0 30 60 0 2000 4000 6000 carbon content [ppm] ICP-OESintensity NaCl Na2B4O7 matrix matrix effect (Imatrix/Iwater*100) C (I) 193 nm C (I) 247 nm NaCl 89 89 NaNO3 87 91 NaOH 74 77 C (I) 193.081 nm y = 11.847x + 694.34 R2 = 0.9833 y = 10.623x + 794.75 R2 = 0.9987 y = 10.286x + 722.56 R2 = 0.9899 y = 8.857x + 707.6 R2 = 0.9917 0 1250 2500 0 40 80 120 160 carbon content [ppm] ICP-OESintensity voda NaCl NaNO3 NaOH ICP-OES experiments LA-ICP-OES experiments carbon content [µg g-1] LA-ICP-OES ICP-OES Non-melted Na < LOD (ca 500) < LOD (ca 300) Na melted at 300°C 3700 4050 Na melted at 350°C 2000 3100 Na melted at 450°C < LOD -1 1 – not measured 38 Geology • 2D-mapping of granite by LIBS and LA- ICP-MS 39 K. Novotný, J. Kaiser, M. Galiová, et al.: Mapping of different structures on large area of granite sample using laser-ablation based analytical techniques, an exploratory study, Spectrochimica Acta Part B 63 (2008) 1139–1144. Exploratory study - granite 42Ca, 27Al, 56Fe, 55Mn 1 cm 200 µm LA-ICP-MS hole drilling mode, 110 µm laser spot diameter, 20 laser pulses per sample point, distance between individual laser spots was 200 µm LIBS 120 µm laser spot diameter, 2 laser pulses per sample point 1 cm 40 LIBS LA-ICP-MS Ca Fe 1 cm K. Novotný, J. Kaiser, M. Galiová, et al.: Mapping of different structures on large area of granite sample using laserablation based analytical techniques, an exploratory study, Spectrochimica Acta Part B 63 (2008) 1139–1144. maps 40 photo 41 Archaeology • Fossile bones • Animal tooth 42 BONES ELEMENTAL MAPPING BY LA-ICP-MS AND DOUBLE PULSE LIBS •Radial gradient in direction from the surface towards the inner part of compacta (dense bone) with circumferencial deviations •Resolution among a post-mortem contamination, natural metabolism and pathological or sanative processes •Local analysis – determination both major and trace elements LIBS? Luetic Tibia from ossuary in Lukavice (East Bohemia) • single pulse – a lot of material for sufficient emission, large craters => poor sensitivity and spatial resolution •double pulse – small amounts of material and craters similar to LA-ICP-MS – visible all the needed elements 43 LA-ICP-MS Spacing: 0.15 mm, 10 × 30 craters: 0.1 mm in diameter 4.5 mm 1.5 mm Na 23 K 39 Mn 55 Sr 88 Ba 137 Fe 56 Zn 66 Ca 44 Mg 25 Maximum normalized - realtive intensity Orthogonal double pulse LIBS Spacing: 0.25 mm, line scan 17 craters: 0.2 mm in diameter 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 0 1 2 3 4 Scan line length [mm] (X/Xmax)/(Ca/Camax) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Fe 404.58 SrII 407.77 Zn 330.29 Mg 279.55 bone surface 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 1 2 3 4 Scan line length [mm] (X/Xmax)/(Ca/Camax) Na 589.00 BaII 455.40 K 766.49 bone surface Ca – normalized intensities 44 Bone mapping results • Ca, Na and P are homogenously distributed in the sample. • Mg relative depletion in external part of the bone. • Zn is accumulated in external part of the compact bone, this observation is in accordance with results of other studies. This accumulation of Zn is due to bone resorption and osteogenesis, pathological evolutions or, due to postmortem alterations too. In this case, correspondence with pathological process is most probable. • Pb, Ba are accumulated in external part of the compact bone, similarly as zinc; Lead accumulation is due to diagenesis. • Sr is only slightly accumulated in periosteal region of bone or homogenously distributed. • Analogies in strontium, barium and lead distributions are due to their similar metabolism 45 Bear´s tooth The photographs of the studied sample. The investigated tooth was excavated at Dolní Věstonice II-Western Slope, South Moravia, Czech Republic (archaeological research in 1987) and was situated closely to the famous Upper Palaeolithic tripleburial of young people. This locality is dated to 26 640 ± 110 BP (uncalibrated 14C data) and belongs to Gravettian. On the left image the investigated cross section of the analysed tooth (canin-C1) that belongs to brown bear (Ursus arctos) is shown (red box). Increments of cementum of teeth´s root were studied in according to determine the seasonality. This bear died at the age of 14 years in between summer and autumn season (August to October). The bars have a length of 1 cm. 45 46 Comparison of the elemental distribution of b) Na and c) Fe obtained on the cross-sections of fossil brown bear (Ursus arctos) canine tooth dentine utilizing LIBS and LA-ICP-MS. The LIBS and LA-ICP-MS line scans were positioned to the places shown on the photograph a). M. Galiová, J. Kaiser, F. J. Fortes, K. Novotný, R. Malina, L. Prokeš, A. Hrdlička, T. Vaculovič, M. Nývltová Fišáková, J.Svoboda, J. J. Laserna: Multielemental analysis of prehistoric animal teeth by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, zasláno do JASSu, 2009 46 47 The results of LA-ICP-MS elemental mapping in two different areas (a), b)) of the sample. The bar has a length of 400 μm. M. Galiová, J. Kaiser, F. J. Fortes, K. Novotný, R. Malina, L. Prokeš, A. Hrdlička, T. Vaculovič, M. Nývltová Fišáková, J.Svoboda, J. J. Laserna: Multielemental analysis of prehistoric animal teeth by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, submitted JASS, 2009 48 The Sr/Ca and Sr/Ba ratios derived from LIBS line scan and LA-ICP-MS mapping. With dotted lines the different regions on the teeth cross section are shown. The bar has a length of 500 μm. M. Galiová, J. Kaiser, F. J. Fortes, K. Novotný, R. Malina, L. Prokeš, A. Hrdlička, T. Vaculovič, M. Nývltová Fišáková , J.Svoboda, J. J. Laserna: Multielemental analysis of prehistoric animal teeth by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, submitted toJASS, 2009 49 a) estimation of the sample hardness via magnesium ionic to atomic line intensity ratios. The estimated hardness characteristic was proved by microhardness measurements b). The ablation crater depths calculated from the cross sections measured by an optical profilometer are shown for comparison on c). M. Galiová, J. Kaiser, F. J. Fortes, K. Novotný, R. Malina, L. Prokeš, A. Hrdlička, T. Vaculovič, M. Nývltová Fišáková , J.Svoboda, J. J. Laserna: Multielemental analysis of prehistoric animal teeth by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, submitted to JASS, 2009 49 50 root crown Sr 50 2,5*1,5cm 51 Environmental • Uroliths – renal calculi • Fish scales 52 UROLITH LOCAL ANALYSIS Kidney stones, urinary stones (renal calculi, urolithiasis) = solid concretions (crystal aggregations) of dissolved minerals in urine calculi typically form inside kidneys, ureter, urethra, bladder, prostate To date over 200 components have been found in calculi; however, the most common constituents of kidney stones are: • Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate (Whewellite); CaC2O4 · H2O • Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate (Weddellite); CaC2O4 · 2H2O • Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Hexahydr. (Struvite); MgNH4PO4 · 2H2O • Ca Phosphate &Carbonate (Carbonate Apatite); Ca10(PO4 · CO3OH)6(OH)2 • Calcium Phosphate, Hydroxyl Form (Hydroxyl Apatite); Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 • Calcium Hydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate (Brushite); CaHPO4 · 2H2O • Uric Acid; C5H4N4O3 • Cystine; (SCH2CH(NH2) · COOH)2 • Sodium Acid Urate; C5H3N4O3Na · H2O • Tricalcium Phosphate (Whitlockite); Ca3(PO4)2 • Ammonium Acid Urate; NH4H · C5H2O3N4 · H2O • Magnesium Hydrogen Phosphate Trihydrate (Newberyite); MgHPO4 · 3H2O 53 Layered structure: growth of uroliths 54 Designed procedure 1. Average elemental contents in uroliths by PN-ICP-MS after acid mixture decomposition 2. LA-ICP-MS calibration with homogenized urolith pellets and assignment of content values found using PN-ICP-MS to the pellets. 3. LA-ICP-MS calibration with pressed pellet of powdered SRM NIST 1486 Bone Meal. 4. LA-ICP-MS elemental distribution recording = line of single-spot ablation events directed perpendicularly to layered structure of urolith section 5. LA-ICP-MS calibration using: • NIST 1486 Bone Meal • urolith pellets with contents by PN-ICP-MS • NIST 612 Glass 6. Calculation of concentration profile of uroliths Agilent 7500ce NIST 612 Glass Urolith sections NIST 1486 Bone Meal Urolith pellet 55 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) cps Mg24 P31 Ca43 Cu63 Zn66 Pb208 43 Ca 1.0E+00 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 20 30 40 50 60 Time (s) cps 43Ca 12.8% 43Ca 2.92% Pb208 1.47 µg/g LA started LA stopped 208 Pb • Lines of single spots • Laser spot size 55 /um • Crater distance 110 /um • Repetition rate 20 Hz • Fluence of 3 J cm-2 • No internal standard ICP-MS 56 Calibration Zn, Pb, Cu powdered urolith pressed pellets R 2 = 0.9844 R 2 = 0.9834 R 2 = 0.8604 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cu, Pb content [µg/g] Cu,PbIntensity[count] 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 10 20 30 40 50 Zn content [µg/g] ZnIntensity[count] Cu Pb Zn 57 Calibration Ca, P: powdered urolith pressed pellets P: R 2 = 0.9516 Ca: R 2 = 0.9728 0.0E+00 2.0E+05 4.0E+05 0.0E+00 1.0E+05 2.0E+05 3.0E+05 Ca content [µg/g] Casignal[count] 0.0E+00 3.0E+04 6.0E+04 9.0E+04 0 1000 2000 3000 P content [µg/g] Psignal[count] Ca P 58 Radial profile of urolith - signal 0.0E+00 1.0E+04 2.0E+04 3.0E+04 4.0E+04 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time [s] Intensity[cps] Pb208 0.0E+00 1.0E+04 2.0E+04 3.0E+04 4.0E+04 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time [s] Intensity[cps] Pb208 59 Urolith section, complementarity of apatite and oxalate vs urate, quatification – pressed pellets 0 500 1000 1500 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Crater No. ContentMg,P[µg/g] 0.E+00 2.E+05 4.E+05 6.E+05 8.E+05 ContentCa[µg/g],signalC Mg24 P31 C12 Ca43 V Konecna, M. Novackova, M. Hola, P. Martinec, J. Machat, V. Kanicky 60 2D graph of distribution of Ca concentration in sample 10806 Length (mm) Width (mm) concentration (g/kg) 43Ca 61 2D graph of distribution of P concentration in sample 10806 Length (mm) Width (mm) concentration (g/kg) 31P 62 2D graph of distribution of Mg concentration in sample 10806 Width (mm) Lenght (mm) concentration (g/kg) 24Mg 63 2D graph of distribution of C presence in sample 10806 Lenght (mm) Lenght (mm) intensity (cps) 12C 64 LA- ICP- MS LIBS Scanned areas of uroliths 65 LA-ICP-MS HEAVY METAL ANALYSIS OF FISH SCALES IN SEDIMENT • Samples - fish scales of recent fish and in the subrecent fish scales in boreholes in the oxbow lake sediments of the Morava River • Analysis of subrecent and recent fish scales • Study of fosilization process • Comparison with sediment Nd:YAG laser system UP 213 line of spots with a diameter of 55 μm, 30 μm s-1 scan speed, 10 Hz, Fl 5 J cm-2. ICP-MS spectrometer Agilent 7500ce Quantification on NIST 1486 (bone meal) and NIST 612 (glass) Internal standard: Ca (EPXMA) 66 Markéta Holá*, Jiří Kalvoda, Ondřej Bábek, Rostislav Brzobohatý, Ivan Holoubek, Viktor Kanický, Radek Škoda Variation in the content of the studied elements (grey lines) in fish scales of living fish and subfossil fish scales in the boreholes The substantial loss of collagen during fossilization is very rapid and is accompanied by extremely rapid (1 to 2 years) change in the colour from white in recent fish scales to brown in subrecent ones, which is connected with the iron diffusion. The subrecent fish scales exhibit heavy metal concentrations: • that are an order of magnitude higher than in the recent ones • but are similar to the concentrations found in the bulk sediment. 67 CONCLUSIONS • LA-ICP-MS analysis of compact samples without internal standardisation is difficult but feasible. • LIBS elemental mapping with double-pulse technique is comparable with LA-ICP-MS • LA-ICP-MS study of history of contamination of nature • Spatially resolved analysis of corroded surfaces by LA-ICP-MS can be complementary EPXMA • LA-ICP-OES applicable to carbon determination