Revealing ligand-receptor interaction NMR titration Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 1/17 Introduction of reacting partners cdoxepin ? CH3 Martin Novák, Jan Novotný Recommended procedure O Assignment of free receptor - /3-cyclodextrine (ID H, DQF-COSY) O Assignment of free ligand - doxepin (ID 1H, DQF-COSY, NOESY) • Identification of proton resonances of ring A and B • Determination of major and minor conformation of doxepin O ID NMR titration - rearrangement of /3-cyclodextrine resonaces upon interaction identification of inner protons O ID NMR titration - rearrangement of doxepin resonaces upon complexation estimation of binding mode q ROESY spectrum of complex: ROE intermolecular contacts O Fitting the titration isotherm Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 3 / 17 ID H of /3-cyclodextrine in D2O DQF-COSY of /3-cyclodextrine in D20 E Q_ Q. CO f 5.0 e c,d b,a 4.0 3.5 4.5 4.0 82 - -"-H (ppm) lartin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 5 / 17 ID H of /3-cyclodextrine in D2O ID *H of doxepin in D20 ID :H of doxepin in D20 Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 8 / 17 NOESY 700ms of doxepin in D20 Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 9 / 17 NOESY 700ms of doxepin in D20 M J IH F E E D" C02 - H (ppm) C2 C| A2 ^ ^1 Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 9 / 17 NOESY 700ms of doxepin in D20 Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 10 / 17 NOESY 700ms of doxepin in D20 7.5 6.6 DoxĚ 6.8 DOXEH3B- E 7.0 Cl Cl 7.2 DOXEH4A-H3Á \ DOXEH2A-H1A 7.4 DOXZH4B-H3 7.6 6.5 1B O 2B 3B H3CX V-/ \ 4B a 4A 3A Y Z-doxepin ■6.6 2A H,C ■6.8 ■7.0 E-doxepin Y \® ^-CH, NH DOXZH2B-HÍB DOXZH2B-H3B ■7.2 ■7.4 7<5 / A \ M L K J ■7.6 6.5 Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 10 / 17 1H NMR titration: /3-cyclodextrine 1H NMR titration: /3-cyclodextrine doxepin:3CD lartin Novák, Jan Novotný [ppm] May 4, 2016 11 / 17 1H NMR titration: /3-cyclodextrine ID *H NMR titration: ß-cyclodextrine Inner /3-CD protons H3' and H5' are dominantly exposed to shielding induced by ring current of aromatic ring. Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 12 / 17 *H NMR titration: doxepin ID *H NMR titration: doxepin 1.9605 1.6154 doxepin:(3CD 5:1 3,75:1 1,75:1 1:1 0,75:1 0,2:1 0:1 1.1021 1.0035 K,L J i ' 1394 0.7815 H6 H-A2 7.4 7.2 7.0 6.8 A 6.6 [ppm] Find the most perturbed resonances and estimate the time regime of interaction lartin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 14 / 17 ID ľH NMR titration: doxepin 1.9605 1.6154 doxepin:(3CD 1:0 5:1 3,75:1 1,75:1 1:1 0,75:1 0,2:1 0:1 K,L J I 1.1394 D.9346 7.4 7.2 7.0 6.8 6.6 [ppm] Find the most perturbed resonances and estimate the time regime of interaction lartin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 14 / 17 ID XH NMR titration: doxepin One set of broaden signals of doxepin ^> fast/intermediate rate of exchange. ROESY 300ms - doxepin:/3-cyclodextrine=5:l Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 15 / 17 ROESY 300ms - doxepin:/3-cyclodextrine=5:l Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 15 / 17 Proposed orientation of doxepin in /5-cyclodextrine Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 16 / 17 ID H NMR titration: determination of stoichiometry//^ R + L [rl] RL [rl] [r][l] (r0-[rl])(l0-[rl]) Upon titration we are gradually changing Z_o concentration: SR = [RL]SRbound + (Ro - [RL])SRfreĚ AÖr = Ör - örfn tree * HypNMR2008 • log ka = 4.49(7) E Q. CL C/3 "čo o E CD .C Ü 4.95 4.9 Fitting of H1 induced chemical shift H1expt • - — m * < /K X -X 12 3 4 Concentration Ratio [DOX]/[CD] 0.02 Ind CZ o n CD CL O ZT -0.02 CD 3 o" -0.04 P in zr -0.06 ^—^ "O -0.08 pm Martin Novák, Jan Novotný May 4, 2016 17 / 17