Theodor Förster, 15.5.1910 – 20.5.1974 • 1933: PhD thesis: „Zur Polarisation von Elektronen durch Reflexion“ University of Frankfurt (Prof. E. Madelung) • 1934: Assistant of Prof. K.-F. Bonhoeffer, Leipzig (Debye, Heisenberg, Kautzky) • 1942: o. Prof. in Posen (Poznań) • 1945: Department head MPI for Phys. Chem., Göttingen • 1951: University of Stuttgart • ~80 Publications • Förster Cycle • FRET (Dipole-Dipole) • Excimers (Pyrene) • Diabatic and adiabatic reactions, kf, knr Citation Index Theodor Förster  Albert Weller’s obituary (1974) Albert Weller, referring to Die Fluoreszenz organischer Verbindungen: “the Hausbibel – a very appropriate name because in the first place this book could open new pathways to knowledge and secondly its concise formulations, in which every word was important, required two or more readings or still better the interpretation of an enlightened mediator before one could comprehend its precious contents. For the non-German speaking people it must have remained a book with seven seals; and since it has not been translated into English it has secured, as many American colleagues more or less have asserted, the German lead in fluorescence spectroscopy for years.” George Porter at the 1st “TheodorFörster Gedächtnisvorlesung” 1975 „Photochemistry, which previously was concerned mainly with the final products or the dark reactions of intermediates such as free radicals, has become a new science of the excited state. No single person contributed more to this progress than Theodor Förster.“ Three classes of photoreactions (1970) 3rd IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry 1970 Pure and Applied Chemistry, 34, 1973, 225. Noncrossing rule for diatomic molecules (von Neumann, Wigner) If there is only one degree of freedom (rX–Y): Two conditions (E1 = E2 and V12 = 0) cannot be met at the same time What about polyatomic molecules? In a polyatomic molecule, two potential−energy surfaces are allowed to cross along a (3N −8)-dimensional subspace of the (3N − 6)dimensional nuclear coordinate space even if they have the same spatial/spin symmetry (N is the number of nuclei). NH2 – O3S SO3 –– O3S pH < 2 pKa*(NH) = 12.7! green fluo yellow fluo The Förster Cycle ~  hc∆ Gº = –RT ln(K) = 2.3RTpK pKa * = pKa + 21.0(∆/m–1) for T = 298 K ~ p-Hydroxyacetophenone: Ground state protonation equilibria Triplet state equilibria: A proton shuttle Titration of the enol-triplet JACS 2000, 122, 9346 O – O OH O pKa(T1) = 4.6 + H + 350 400 450 500 0.0 0.4 0.8 nm pH 7.05 pH 5.32 pH 5.05 pH 4.66 pH 4.38 pH 4.04 pH 2 ² A Förster cycle pKa = 7.9 pKE = 16.4 (calc) ET/2.3RT = 51.8 phospho ET/2.3RT = 47.5 phospho pKa = –8.5 pK*a = 2.5 pK*E = –2.1 pK*a = 4.6 h 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 300 350 400 500 600 / nm A  / m–1~ F = 0.04 ad ≈ 1 F = 16 ns An adiabatic electrocyclic reaction Helv. Chim. Acta 1984, 67, 305. h-allowed! Th. Förster, Chem. Phys. Lett. 1972, 17, 309. NH2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 f pKa* f(ArNH2) f(ArNH3 + ) NH2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 f pKa* f(ArNH2) f(ArNH3 + ) Förster’s paradox 0 5 10 0 10 20 30 pH dedeut'n/% OH D OH h H2O O– + H+ OH + H+ O H H The competing process: C-protonation S1 pH-Dependence of the triplet-lifetime of benzophenone 0 14  / s pH ? + OH O PorterWyatt Benzophenone in aqueous acid 300 400 500 600 0.0 5.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 2 4 6 8 /m–1 ~ /nm 12 M HClO4 H2O 220 Kinetic analysis J. Phys. Chem. A 2003, 107, 3305. Photohydration of benzophenone in aquous acid OO O 1 3 h kISC k'ISC * 6 ps OH OH OH OH k0 = 1.5 · 109 s–1 3 + H2O minor – H+ 50 ns major 3 • • –H2O OH OH k + k'H+[H+ ] 6 s OH k–H + kH +[H+ ] 3 kH+ = 6.8 · 108 M–1 s–1 pKa = –0.4 J. Phys. Chem. A 2003, 107, 3305 Photosubstitution of aromatic ketones in aqueous acid h H+ /H2 O F O OH O + HF F F 3-Fluoroacetophenon: 3,4-Difluoroacetophenon: 3,3‘-Difluorobenzophenon: Quantum yields 0.5 0.6 0.7 Intramolecular photoredox reactions P. Wan, Org. Lett., 7, 2005, 3387. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2008, 7, 588. Pyrene excimer Kasper, Förster, Z. physik. Chem. N. F., 1954, 275 Energy transfer processes are isoenergetic Dark area: Spectral overlap integral J Radiative energy transfer • Donor D* fluoresces, acceptor A absorbs • Like a radio transmission • The concentration of A does not affect the lifetime of the donor D*, τ(D*) • The probability p for absorption by A of a photon emitted from D* for low absorbance of the acceptor A is: cA is the concentration of acceptor A, is the average path-length of the emitted photons. • Note: This is the correct form of Eq. 2.33 in the book (which is wrong) Resonance energy transfer • In practice, the lifetime of the donor, τ(D*), and its quantum yield of emission usually decrease upon addition of an acceptor A (concentration quenching). • Some interaction between D* and A, not like a radio transmission. • The deactivation of D* is stimulated by the acceptor A. • Quantum description: an interaction term Vif = <Ψi|hop|Ψf> couples the initial wavefunction Ψi = ΨD*ΨA to the final wavefunction Ψf = ΨDΨA*. • Multipole expansion of the Coulombic interaction Vif and retain only the dipole–dipole term (for distances >> molecular sizes). Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) (1946, 1948) • FRET was first used as an acronym in biological sciences for “fluorescence resonance energy transfer”, a misnomer; hence “F” for Förster. • The rate constant kFRET is proportional to Vif 2, and the dipole–dipole interaction falls off with the third power of the distance R, hence kFRET ~1/R6. • The distance R at which kFRET = 1/τD 0 is called the critical distance R0. • At R = R0, the efficiency of energy transfer is 0.5: ηFRET = kFRET/(kFRET+1/τD 0) = R0 6/(R0 6 + R6) = 0.5 “Molecular ruler” Search for “FRET” gives 77’000 refs Can we predict R0 for a given pair D* … A? • Yes! The Förster equation gives R0 as a function of experimentally accessible quantities: • ΦD 0 is the fluorescence quantum yield of D in the absence of A • J is the spectral overlap integral • NA is the Avogadro constant • n is the refractive index of the medium • κ is the orientation factor depending on the relative orientation of the transition moments of D* and A, 0 [perp.] ≤ κ2 ≤ 4 [parallel]; <κ2> = 2/3 The orientation factor κ2 The spectral overlap integral It can be expressed in wavelengths or wavenumbers: • Quantity calculus, the manipulation of numerical values, physical quantities and units, obeys the ordinary rules of algebra! • Use scaled quantities Q/[Q]: Q = number * unit; [Q] = unit • With [ε] = mol–1 dm3 cm–1, [λ] = nm, [NA] = mol–1 one obtains the practical equation: Conversion to a practical equation: Quantity calculus The first number in the numerator is 9, not 9000! 10001/6 = 3.16; the correct factor for R0 is 0.02108 In most papers and textbooks the Förster equation is given as: This would give: A take-home lesson for calculations with physical quantities: Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 7, 2008, 1444 Yes: Ermolaev 1963, Kellogg, 1964 Is triplet to singlet FRET possible? Adam, JOC, 43, 1978, 4495 Protein folding The speed limit for protein folding measured by triplet–triplet energy transfer (requires contact) PNAS, 96, 1999, 9597 Wagner, Klan, JACS, 121, 1999, 9626 ket/s–1 M PNAS, 96, 1999, 9597 Single molecule FRET: A tool to study protein folding Single molecule detection avoids ensemble averaging W.E. Moerner, Stefan Hell, Eric Betzig, Nobel prize in Chemistry, 2014 Single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy at sub-diffraction resolution Mathematical analyses allow localization of single, luminescent molecules to within a few nm C. Seidel, Methods Enzymol., Vol. 475 (2010) pulses define the macrotime (D) photon arrival times microtime (C) D: Alexa 488 R0 = 52 Å for <κ2> = 2/3 A: Cy5 C. Seidel, Nature Methods, 9, 2012, 1218 2–19 base pairs A toolkit for high precision structural modeling Structure of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase Folding/unfolding kinetics of protein GB1, an immunoglobulin-binding protein in Streptococcus W. A. Eaton, PNAS, 106, 2009, 11837 Xanthenyl dyes for FRET 6M Urea FRET efficiency Transition path time < 200 μs; >10’000 times shorter than the folding/unfolding rate coefficient. Photosynthesis antenna systems • Think! A few high-impact papers vs. publish or perish. • FRET as a molecular ruler has a huge impact on biophysics. Be pedantic in quantity calculus. • Scrutinizing Förster’s paradoxes has revealed important chemical quenching processes. • Proton-Transfer to C-atoms of electronically excited states can be very fast. • The Förster-cycle provides surprising, yet reliable predictions. Conclusions